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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] Empty What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:44 pm


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Strangely enough Cala was no less anxious during this meeting with Saiko than they had been during their last date camping. Though they were somewhat unpleasantly surprised to learn that where romance was concerned there seemed to be endless layers of, and endless varieties of, anxiousness. An appreciable amount of their worry was due to them trying a new outfit, of a simple black shirt laced behind their neck along with a pair of fitting red shorts. Their recent outing with Hana and Hiroe had impressed on them a bit how important a new outfit, and looking nice, could be even more than their previous date so they decided to try something new.


It was not the change of clothes, directly, that lead to Cala feeling so oddly anxious. Rather it was the rather large amount of attention this change in clothing seemed to garner them, even more-so than the supposedly nice dress Ari had helped them pick out for going out with Hana and Hiroe! This made Cala's cheeks burn a soft pink as their gaze on the passing people, and their Pesquisa, made them all too keenly aware that people were staring toward their hips and thighs. A feature normally hidden perfectly behind Cala's skirt now both exposed and accented by their short was the simply fact that despite their relatively thin frame otherwise Cala's hips and thighs were quite plush and curvy.

Naturally all the..... unwanted attention surrounding this made Cala regret their choice of clothing. With only the faint hope of Saiko's enjoying their new outfit keeping Cala from running to their nearest clothing store to change into something else entirely. A decision they were growing more and more and more convinced of, and almost more eager to do, as they shut their eyes and actively began to aim their Pesquisa AWAY from the passerby so they didn't have to be aware of their gazes. Expanding their senses out beyond themselves quite expertly Cala instead focused on the more mundane, joyful interactions they could pick out. The little moments of life Saiko seemed to enjoy so much. Focusing on those helped make Cala feel less.... self conscious.

Naturally Cala would sense Saiko well before she arrived and, as a result, an entirely new type of anxiety began to bubble up in their stomach. Though this one was much much more positive and quite..... hopeful. They had been excited, eager even, for the day they might learn what Saiko thought of their Valentine they had Hana deliver to her. It was to the point that even with a bit of surprise at themselves Cala's right hand gently rose up to gently touch over their Hollow hole, face squinting in confusion, their breathe strained a tiny bit in a tingling fashion.

For a brief moment the thought of Saiko's smile made them ache, physically, and made their lips tremble with a smile. As if they were exposed to their own personal, internal song, eliciting emotions in the Arrancar only they were aware of. Ones only they could feel. But ultimately ones that they treasured and Cala used to hold that small, confusing smile before, seeing Saiko through a small crowd of people, waved at her and approached her. That small, odd smile still on their face as they stopped in front of her, their arms laced behind her back as they swallowed softly and tilted their head.

"Saiko.... H-Hi..... Umm...."

Cala had only begun to speak when they paused, staring at Saiko intently for a moment, before their lavender eyes would blink in innocent confusion. From what they could tell being so close, looking directly at her, sensing her from so close, if Cala had changed clothing then Saiko had changed in a much more fundamental way. She felt.... more at ease, less tormented, like she had less Loss..... and it made Cala's entire body flutter with relief as their smile widened. Their next words meant in the best possible context.

"... Y-You.... You're different. A-A good different. It's wonderful.~"

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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:26 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

The endless rows of people that existed within all the cities throughout this world and the next made it easy to lose yourself in the crowd. And in this sense of division of people, peace could be found as no one cared who you were as they'd forget you quickly enough. Hence, Saiko found herself sitting against a light pole as she overlooked the sunny clouds above and admired the glow of the radiant sun down upon the harbor.

Taking a moment to enjoy nature, peace, and warmth was ideal for her. After all, the woman was given a new life as a pure shinigami now. Without the blood of the demonic tormenting her mind, a heavy weight was removed, and every day felt like a gift to her. Indeed, she could be her own person, and that was all the reason she needed to smile even amongst a crowd of countless faces.

So, when the sight of Cala came, the woman couldn't help but smile brighter as she waved, went over, and gave him a greeting hug.

"I should be. I removed that bastard demon blood from me. So what reason do I not have to smile and be free?"

With a light laugh, she continued.

"But it seems I'm not the only one who is different. Taking a more risky approach to your clothing, huh? Good for you on the confidence boost, Cala."

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:35 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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It was such a strange thing for a single hug from someone to mean so much. A gentle, radiating warmth from the Shinigami made Cala return the hug without a single thought to the contrary. At Saiko's mention of removing the demon blood from her body Cala hummed softly, their head tilting, as Saiko seemed intent on holding the hug as she continued to speak. Cala was not going to complain though and nodded in agreement with her. They were, truly, happy for her and to see, hear and feel her spirit being so comparatively light and free made their own personal bloom of fuzzy warmth flower in their chest.

However, that warmth would quickly spiral into confusion as Saiko mentioned their clothing being more.... risky? This caused Cala's return hug to tighten a big with anxiousness, their pale arms gently squeezing Saiko before they blinked their lavender eyes, glanced down at their outfit, and their confusion only deepened as Saiko both said they were taking a bigger risk but also that Cala had a.... confidence boost? Did they? Was it risky to not wear their normal kimono? Hana and Hiroe had not said anything about it being a danger but even they had liked Cala's change of clothes and, now that they thought about it, they did feel a little more confident by wearing things Saiko liked. It made them happy, at the very least, to be supported by someone they cared about so much. Thus with a happy nod Cala would slowly end the very long hug, their hands softly taking Saiko's own, and they would smile a genuine smile with a nod.

"Thank you~! I umm... I have been trying to wear new things. I even wore some when my friends Hana and Hiroe helped me with your valentines. Ummm....."

Cala trailed off, squeezing Saiko's hands softly, before they were more than tempted to ask what Saiko thought of it directly but.... for some reason it did not feel right to do so. From what they had grown to understand about the holiday if it had been liked by Saiko she would say something herself but even that knowledge did little to alleviate their excitement at hearing it. Regardless Cala would release one of Saiko's hands and keep one of them in a soft grasp. Their body turning to stand side by side with the Shinigami as they looked around Minatumi.

"So u-umm..... I really dunno what to look for when it comes to a house S-Saiko...... I hope you have an idea...."

After all, for better or worse, Saiko enjoying the home was far more important to Cala than Cala themselves enjoying it.

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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:39 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko's heart had a slight flutter of joy as she recalled Cala's gift. With the softening of her smile coming over the woman's face, the memories of that tasty bento box meal warmed the shinigami's soul. However, what was more impressive in that recollection playing in her head was that he took the time to hand-draw their adventures through America. It showed that he cared and wanted to leave her a note summarizing his powerful feelings of affection toward Saiko.

When that sentiment passed in her consciousness, Saiko pat Cala's head before speaking.

"I loved the gift. I really did. The food was delicious, but it was the thought I cared about the most. To see you put in the effort to draw something from your mind is amazing."

Now nodding, she then followed up her words with something else from that note:

"And if you were curious about the music thing, perhaps I could take you to a concert, a pub with good music, or maybe even play you a small tune. I'm no professional artist, but it's fun to tinker with my guitar from time to time."

Giggling, she put her hands over Cala's eyes once he had time to process things and moved closer to why they were here: to find a home.

"We can talk more about that stuff later. I'm more interested in knowing what type of home may be best for you. So tell me: when you close your eyes, imagine you are waking up, it's morning, and you are in your new house. What do you see in that vision?"

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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] WVMWLOu
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Sat Mar 18, 2023 6:27 pm


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Cala's heart would give an answering flutter to Saiko's as she pat their head and, to Cala's surprise, liked a part of the gift that they had hoped but not expected. Saiko liked their drawing more than the food? That fact alone nearly took Cala's breathe away as, well, they had not done too much when it came to the cooking but the picture they had done by themselves. By their own hand. With no outside help or instruction from anyone else and.... it was what Saiko liked most~!

With their heart clenching happily Cala would squeeze Saiko's hand and beam a bright smile, truly happy, and at the mention of the music Cala would nod eagerly. Pausing only briefly in thought Cala would obviously prefer something personal from Saiko in return, something played on her own guitar, and they would shuffle from foot to foot as they gave their answer.

"M-Maybe something personal too? Since you liked my drawing so much I-I'm sure I'd love any song you played for me."

As Saiko let go of their hand Cala brought their hands up to their chest, clasping them happily, and they would blink briefly in surprise as Saiko's hands fell over their eyes. The lavender orbs blinking in darkness and they quickly thought if this is what the world looked like to their other self? Regardless Cala blushed at feeling Saiko's hands on their face, their cheeks warming softly, and they would chew their lip anxiously. Giving a slow nod at Saiko's instruction Cala closed their eyes despite Saiko's hands already covering them, thinking deeply, even as the antics of the two drew a bit of attention from passersby. In their mind's eye Cala saw from their perspective a bed, sideways, felt their head upon a pillow, with Saiko laying beside them quite happily. The room beyond one of warm colors, with sunlight streaming in through windows, the gentle sounds of wave and the sounds of nature just beyond.

In their vision they spoke, saying something that Saiko giggled at, and in a mimic of their current reality laid a hand on their cheek. Beaming one of her usual smiles Cala, in reality and their vision, extend a hand to lay on Saiko's cheek in return. The soft, dexterous hands of the Arrancar brushing over her cheek before pulling back and, slowly, Cala would pull Saiko's hands from their eyes. Slowly, Cala would blink their own eyes open and smile sincerely, though bashfully, and hold Saiko's hands gently to their chest as they nodded. Giving a soft, almost nervous giggle as they explained.

"R-Really.... beyond you being there Saiko I couldn't think of many ways to make it better.~ B-But I think I do have something in mind~!"

Voice filled with an uncharacteristic excitement Cala would gently tug on Saiko's hands as they began to walk down the street with her, smiling brightly, squeezing her hands, guided by seemingly nothing but a simple vision of happiness and the adventurous path of their feet. With their head looking around, this way and that, Cala's Pesquisa radiated out from them potently, sweeping over the surrounding streets in a joint effort with their eyes to narrow down onto something that, at least, somewhat matched their vision. Something high-up, close to what nature existed around Minatumi like a park or the edges of the city, with room for natural light and a bit of distance from the more claustrophobic bits of the city.

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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:41 pm


Enter Saiko's Post


Cala was undoubtedly in a good mood. Saiko let him take the lead momentarily as she looked through the city streets, observed the people, and turned her glances back to the upbeat nature brimming from him today. Seeing that he wasn't drenched in uncertainty like their previous encounter was nice. Sure, he was nervous about his attire and whatnot, but he seemed more at ease around her, and Saiko enjoyed that.

Regardless, as they maneuvered through the metallic landscape of the city, it began to give way until lush green trees, and a quiet opening came to pass. When they found the perfect spot which overlooked the city limits, Saiko stopped them and nodded.

"I think this is something you wanted, right?"

Now patting his head and chuckling softly, she admired the view and enjoyed the spring breeze, the sun's warmth, and the endless blue skies over the city and trees. It seemed picture-perfect in a way.

"Yeah, I think we could actually build a nice house here. What do you think?"

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Sun May 14, 2023 6:15 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Unbeknownst to Cala Saiko saw right through them. That burgeoning, smoldering confidence and leadership they displayed in taking her hands was flooded with an undeniable undercurrent of doubt and hesitation. A sense of unfamiliarity and discomfort a few weeks of determination and happiness would not destroy single-handedly. Cala was, at their core, a timid entity and the very fact Saiko drew this much out of them was what Cala thought was a good first step. Someone who made them feel things like only their other half would know, like a helium balloon lightening their heart and swelling in their chest, tightening their breathing and bringing a small, but genuine, smile to their gentle features.

As the two raven-haired individuals came upon the perfect place for a house to exist Cala had only just begun to purse their lips and look around when Saiko questioned if it was what they wanted. Cala, almost startled from their contemplation by her speaking despite holding her hands, blushed gently as lavender met aqua eyes, and they nodded in a way that caused their hair to bob up and down in time with their head. Their voice was soft, with a tinged mixture of hopeful, happy and a tiny bit sheepish about briefly being entranced by their surroundings.

"O-Oh! Yes.... it is very nice. It has everything we want, I think?"

Cala pursed their lips more, their shift in reference to themselves on purpose, as they had not really discussed what their other self preferred for their home. Not out of disregard for them but because their other self simply seemed..... ambivalent to the notion. Saiko's pat their head made Cala smile a little more, before their smile vanished, and they rocked gently on their feet to and fro, their hands moving to lace behind their back as they averted their eyes and swallowed heavily. Their lips feeling suddenly parched as they shrugged their thin shoulders and murmured.

"I-I think.... everything I'd want for a home is here, m-minus the house itself.... ermm... a-also... build?"

Cala blinked, their thoughts interrupted, as they grimaced a bit oddly.

"I-I didn't know you were a carpenter Saiko.... I dunno how to build a house a-at all..... we've never had one."

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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Mon May 15, 2023 1:18 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Good. Cala seemed to enjoy the location she picked out deeply. So at least then, Saiko knew this was an excellent place to start constructing a home.

After turning her back down to Cala, she noticed the hollow was shifting a bit in his aura and seemed to have more on his mind. So, she just waited, relaxed, and enjoyed the breeze as the woman closed her eyes and let the warm winds blow her hair around before the hollow spoke up.

Huh, apparently, he thought Saiko was going to build the house. Hell no. That wasn't in the cards at all. So, Saiko opened her eyes and just laughed.

"What? You thought I was going to make the house? Goodness no. I was going to pay some people off to build it. I'm pretty loaded, Cala. Shadow Fall DID one thing right, and it was their pay."

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Wed May 17, 2023 6:01 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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For a few moments after doing so Cala very much so regretted even speaking in the first place. Seeing Saiko smiling, apparently rather happy, with her eyes close in the sunlight, the wind tousling her hair all around her like a fluttering curtain of midnight black.... it was beautiful. Beautiful enough to make Cala blush profusely and simply stare at her, words dying on his lips if there were others they had prepared to say, though as Saiko opened her eyes and laughed Cala almost jumped out of their skin. For a single, hyper-embarrassed moment Cala thought Saiko had noticed their staring and was laughing at them.

Though the moment Saiko spoke that worry was washed away easily and Cala visibly relaxed, letting out a quiet sigh of relief as they tilted their head. In one way they were almost sad that they and Saiko would not be building the house together, wouldn't that be romantic? But after a moment of thought Cala nodded in agreement, deciding not entirely on their own that it was best to hired trained professionals for such a task, and they sheepishly turned their attention back to the spot they had picked.

"O-Oh.... right....."

Cala trailed off gently and shuffled their feet, suddenly feeling very..... not bored... but lost. They had rather easily come to the point where they wanted to build the house so now.... what? Pursing their lips softly Cala would rack their brain in an effort to think of something, looking out over the sea around Minatumi as they could, before they audibly gasped with an idea... and smiled. Almost giggling as what felt like a bolt of inspiration struck them Cala would take one of Saiko's hand and their body would tense with barely-contained eagerness and that ever-present hesitation at being forward toward Saiko of all people.

"A-Ahh umm... Saiko? I ahh... I just... I wanted to maybe have a way to say thank you f-for the house and.... going on dates with me...."

Cala would shyly avert their eyes at that last part, squeezing her hand subconsciously, before they swallowed softly and asked.

"But, would you maybe trust me with a surprise idea?"

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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Thu May 18, 2023 4:30 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Today was going well. These moments of peace were to be savored as you never really knew when something or someone might ruin it. To be in good health with all your senses intact is truly a blessing.

Though, her thoughts were taken away by that when Cala took her hand.

Giggling? Cala? Well, that was a new development. Saiko raised an eyebrow at it, but it wasn't made out of mistrust. More so, her expression seemed to indicate she was amused.

"You've got a surprise for me? Well, I trust you, so go ahead and lay it on me."

Nodding her head, Saiko used her other hand to pat the top of Cala's hand that grabbed her own. It was apparent that the guy felt strongly enough about whatever was on his mind that he wanted to make her happy, so who was she to deny it?

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