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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:43 am


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke began adjusting the odd circles, then the vest, and did not look up as she asked about the specifics of the position.

"The more comfortable the better, but don't make it something so inefficient you hurt yourself."

When Hana asked for his name, however, Hyosuke blinked and glanced up. He remembered his own days at the academy, the lessons and structure, and considering how shaken Hana was now he didn't wish to push her further when it came to her indecision between formality and casual mannerisms. Humming for a moment he would reply.

"It is Hyosuke, though in this instance "-sama" being attached might be appropriate."

Hyosuke would then approach Hana, stacking the circles on one arm, before moving behind her and once she had adopted a stance of her choice her gingerly clasped the vest around her torso, grasping it by the shoulders and bearing it's weight easily before he released it and it was..... HEAVY. Not enough to drag Hana to her butt or otherwise hurt her, but it added enough weight to the point Hana would have to be very conscious of her movements. With that on Hyosuke would set aside the circles, shaking his head.

"We will save those for another time as well. You're like a sheep with too much wool already....."

Hyosuke stepped around Hana and, inspecting her pose, chuckled at just how.... pudgy the vest made her and he decided to make a small show of snickering behind a raised hand.

"Not quite formal attire for a lady, your parents would be mortified."

That said Hyosuke had already devised what Hana's new training would be and how to progress it. Standing before Hana now with his arms laced behind his back he would nod.

"I do believe, my young student, you are correct in that you should learn proper strikes and footwork. Your posture and form in your kendo stance gave me the false impression you knew these already but, remember, here with me you do not need to pretend to be anything you are not. Which, sadly, is a complete novice. Thus, for starters we are going to go over three basic strikes."

Hyosuke drew his blade again and took whatever stance Hana had chosen, but would refine it such that it helped cover her vitals and presented a more practical version of it for combat.

"The first: A strike down, intent on cleaving where the shoulder meets the neck. It is meant to be done with speed and, more than likely, a feint. Hollows are the beings we are most likely to contend with and striking their masks is a poor idea. But with this technique you can, perhaps, deceive a Hollow into thinking you are willingly striking it's mask when in fact you divert your blade from it to strike a softer area instead. The second: A simply engaging swat into a follow-through lunge. It requires less wrist-work than the previous technique and is, instead, more reliant on blade control and footwork. You will want to keep your movements tight, your blade close to your opponent's so that you can re-engage should the follow up stab fail. Lastly, a deflection into a low stab. Many people forget their feet exist during combat while many famed swordsmen know just how valuable footwork is in combat. Cripple an opponent's foot, or ability to move, and you give yourself a distinct advantage."

Hyosuke would demonstrate all of these techniques, though with the last the deflections he demonstrated all varied in the direction they parried and how but, inevitably, like a magician performing flawlessly, Hyosuke would somehow turn the momentum of the deflecting movement down into a stab at an imaginary opponent's foot. After making sure Hana understood what she was doing Hyosuke would then step away, off of the mats they currently stood upon, then nodded down at the floor.

"For your footwork we will start simple. See the lines between the mats that make up your battlefield? An enemy ability. A Quincy spell or Hollow mutation meant to punish you if you step out of line but it is unfocused. Simply avoid the cracks between the mats while executing these strikes and moving yourself about the room."

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:57 pm
The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader5
Enter: Hana Aoyama

The more comfortable the better? Then this stance would suit things just fine, so she kept it. His momentary hesitation about the name was noticed, and made her a tad bit suspicious. This was a dojo not controlled by the Gotei. What if he was a defector? Or a enemy? What if he was making his own Gotei! Hana's imagination went nuts for that moment before he did say his name.

"Hyosuke-sama?" Hana said and nodded. If that's what he desired to be called, that was fine. It felt a little formal, but this was a dojo. He was a teacher. He deserved the respect until he did something to have that taken away. She watched him put these things on her. She wasn't sure she saw anything like them before. When he released them, she quickly braced herself under their weight.

Hana lifted one leg, then the other. She tried moving normally, but it was hard. She felt fat and completely off balance if she did anything out of her stance. He started chuckling and she looked up at him. She stared, her expression slightly dull. "Is he... laughing at me?" she thought. She wasn't entirely sure how to take that, though seeing him smile eased some of her worry, at least for a few moments.

The lessons began. With each demonstration came an explanation for how and why each technique is used. Hana tried mirroring him, but the expected lack of skill was evident in her attempts. Her wrist movements were off, the swing was to shallow, and the heaviness of the vest prevented any agility. She didnt' stop trying though, and repeated each technique three or four times before the next.

Hana nodded and started moving over the mats like he asked. It was difficult. She kept her eyes on the floor, which meant they weren't on her swing or on the potential opponent. When she realized that, she brought her head up and stepped on one of the lines. She had to start over six times, getting a little farther each time as she trained her mind to remember where the lines even were.

However, she was getting frustrated with herself. She kept repeating the circuit, and then one wrong step caused Hana to mini-panic and over think. She didn't want to start over again, so that wrong step caused Hana to lean back too far and the heaviness of the vest brought her to the ground. She tried sitting up, and failed. She turtled for a moment and then looked at Hyosuke before smiling wide.

"I think I'm stuck." Hana said, and she began giggling. That giggle quickly turned into full blown laughter. "I cannot believe I am this weak. It's shameful."

End Post
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:42 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke would smile softly, but encouragingly, as Hana chose to use the honorific and as she set into the motions of her training he would observe her studiously. As he expected she could not divide her attention properly between the tasks given. Each time she adjusted to try and deal with one variable the other inevitably caused her to fail. However, this was a very important fundamental that all warriors needed to know. A battlefield, even a single duel, was controlled chaos. Enemy abilities not withstanding even an engagement of bladework of purely physical combat could have a variety of problems all facing you at once. Rocky, unfavorable terrain, poor weather, even attacks from other combatants should you be in a larger scale conflict.

As Hana made her final mistake, over-corrected and inevitably fell Hyosuke only had time to uncross his arms when Hana made quite the show of being a turtle. Though, to Hyosuke's relief, compared to her frustration and anger before her smile showed him that she was coming more to terms with the idea of training, and when she began to giggle and laugh he chuckled with her. Walking out onto the mats he would cross his arms and look down at his student, tsking at her, before deciding to inject some humor into the situation. Hyosuke had, at least, heard her father speak before and so putting on a rather poor impersonation of the man, would scowl falsely down at Hana.

"What is this? No daughter of mine should be laying on the ground like a turtle! Get up this instant!"

Hyosuke hardly finished the sentence before laughing himself and shaking his head, his singular eye amused greatly as he knelt down beside Hana.

"You are not weak, turtle-san, merely..... inexperienced."

Hyosuke would nod before picking Hana up under her arms, purposely in the same fashion one would a small child, before setting her back on her feet and lacing his arms behind his back.

"Take a moment, catch your breathe, and we'll break things down further. You are a rather rough marble Lady Aoyama, but we can sculpt you into a warrior yet."

Smirking softly down at her Hyosuke would wait until Hana seemed ready and then he could step up so that he blade nearly touched him and motioned to her with one hand.

"Instead of attempting to move and execute the techniques, drilling in the techniques before focusing on movement will let you at least do one half the challenge without thought. I also feel you lack the proper motivation or.... consequence."

Hyosuke's smirk became just a bit mischievous before he nodded his head.

"Do not worry if you accidentally over-swing and hit me. But know this, for every blow you do deliver to me is one I will repeat on you with that broom over there."

Hyosuke's hand now motioned to the broom he had swept the dojo with, quite a dirty thing really, and his smirk became a knowing grin. Now that they had had their fun it was time to be a bit more cutting, and push Hana a tiny bit to see what she could do when her proper, regal appearance was on the line.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:51 pm
The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader5
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana tried getting up once more before he attempted his impression. She struggled and then her eyes snapped open to look at him, her smile gone. However, it was only gone for a moment. She started laughing again and pointed up at him. "Your impression sucks!" Hana said as he knelt down. What he said made her feel a lot better. She stopped laughing and momentarily relaxed in her place on the floor. "Thank you. I r- Eep!" Hana let out an embarrassing startled squeak as she was suddenly lifted. Her legs kicked once or twice before she was placed back on the ground. She could not remember her parents picking her up ever, even when she was little, so the sensation was strange. She said nothing and did as she was told in catching her breath, nodding resolutely at the idea of becoming a warrior.

Hana relaxed, stretched to the best of her ability in her new vest, and then looked to Hyosuke-sama to see if he was ready. It was time for a second try, though they were focusing on the techniques over the moment this time. That should be okay. What was not okay was the threat of being struck with a broom, a dusty and dirty filthy thing that sat in the corner. She would have to be accurate and try harder than before. Hyosuke-sama's smirk and that broom were too much a threat here.

"O-Okay. Let's go!" Hana said, her eyes fierce with determination... not to get dirty.

End Post
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:26 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

'Honestly this girl is just a bundle mischief hidden under the guise of a proper lady.'

Hyosuke thought to himself as she pointed and laughed at her teacher, then was picked, only to kick her legs like a child and squeak like a mouse instead of making any dignified noise. He supposed it was only fitting then, that he had his own buried emotions within his guise as a proper lord but.... details aside Hyosuke did go and retrieve the broom from it's place and held it like a blade with the dirty and dust covered end as the tip behind his back. Smiling calmly at his student Hyosuke would clear his throat after Hana announced she was ready. Hyosuke admired the spirit and nodded to her.

"Very well turtle-san, just try not to think of what will happen if you hit me, and you may begin."

Hyosuke calmly let Hana go through the motions of the maneuvers, calmly letting her blade come closer and closer until inevitably, she did strike him. It did not hurt, not at all in fact, but before Hana's strike even finished and with astonishing speed would Hyosuke lightly bop Hana on the head with the dirty end of the broom. His hands once more behind his back, calm as ever, as he moved with speed and skill immeasurably above his unfortunate student. He had only put enough power into the blow for her to feel it, not enough to hurt at all, but no doubt Hyosuke would continue his 'dangerous smirk' after retaliating.

As Hana continued her swings it was much less time this go around before she struck him again and, as before, with speed and precision enough to be all but impossible for Hana to track he would simply bop her on the head again and raise an eyebrow as her once pristine white hair was now anything but. Smudged, dirtied and disheveled by the broom Hyosuke tsked softly and met Hana's eyes with his own, testing his students control even further.

"How unfortunate dustpan-san, seems you'll need to wash your hair again.~"

Truthfully, he was goading her a little bit, wanting to see if she would allow her emotions state to be compromised again and as two more strikes coincidentally hit him he would give his little student a VERY doubtful look she had deteriorated that much. But, once again, two retaliating strikes would lash out. These two lightly bapping Hana in the arms, dirtying her clothes and hands without risking disarming her. He was, after all, not going to dirty his own weighted vest in punishing Hana, after all.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:07 pm
The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader5
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana watched him retrieve the broom and her eyes widened only slightly. She knew he was serious, but had hoped otherwise. Then he gave her a new nickname, one she prayed no other person ever heard him speak. She took his advice, kind of, and attempted to empty her mind of dusty and dirt and other broom filth. A deep breath and she felt ready. She stepped in and tried her first strikes. Each time, she stepped in further until finally she made contact. Her eyes brightened, as if she had accomplished something, only to realize that the broom had already struck her head, causing her to freeze momentarily. He moved so quickly that she saw a mere blur. The dust floating about her head and face, causing her to sneeze, was the only evidence he had taken the action. Hana looked to Hyosuke-sama and...

"Do you realize how filthy something like that is?" Hana asked, raising her voice and pointing her sword threateningly at him. "I will have my revenge!" Hana took her stance once more, a determined expression, and a little more stable than she had been before. The idea of actually hitting him pushed her to ignore a portion of the vest's weight and let her move a little quicker. "Hyah!" Hana made her next strike. She missed and tried again, swinging each time toward his upper arm or torso, whichever part of him she could focus on while she tried keeping up with her footwork. Finally, she struck again and a blink later, dust flakes fell by her face. Her hair was a mess and she felt like coughing. She said nothing and attacked again.

In truth, Hana was having some fun. The whole time she went to attack, she was smiling, her energy was up, and she never tripped or lost balance. She was focused, but actually enjoying the process, even if it was getting her hair, clothes, and hands dirty. They kept the same couple of strikes for a good amount of time, or Hana never stopped, unless she was told to. After she got too dirty, she seemed to gain a bit more control over her technique. Her decision not to get any dirtier, otherwise she'd want to run home for a bath, is what kept her from messing up.

End Post
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:38 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

Hyosuke only smiled as Hana raised her voice, upset as he thought she would be at the first bop to the head, though he had not quite expected for her to strike a post like an anime character and declare her quest for vengeance! This almost made Hyosuke snort in amusement.... almost.... but instead he simply decided to chide her softly. Though he could not hide the gentle chuckle underlying his words.

"Oh~? Has the mighty turtle-san decided to slay me then?"

Hyosuke continued delivering the punishment bops to Hana, at least so long as Hana seemed to be focused, her enjoyment of the training leading her to be more accurate, just a smidge faster, and Hyosuke made a mental note of this. Though even now he was worried that if Hana replied on enjoyment and laughter to fuel her focus in combat that she would never be ready for the fear, the paralysis and threat of the real thing. But, for now, she was young and this was her first lesson so he let her enjoy herself.

After a time Hyosuke stopped using the broom to bop her on the head and, instead, turned the broom around to hold it near the bristles. Now clashing the wooden handle of the broom with Hana's blade Hyosuke responded how he felt an opponent of her skill level would, letting Hana FEEL how the strikes were supposed feel when executed against an enemy. He allowed the broom to be knocked aside when she went for the lunge, he allowed her to weave the blade past a high block when aiming for the neck and he allowed her to strike his foot after slowly striking at her to help her learn to block. Giving instructive, firm direction at how to improve her parrying as she did so.

Hyosuke didn't keep Hana going until she was exhausted, however, and instead stopped when only the first signs of sweat and effort began to weigh on her. But he did so in his own way, a way in which showed Hana one last technique, and set the stage for their next training session. It took effort, even from him, to do it but he would force Hana to lock her blade against the broom handle, twist and push, arcing their respective weapons in a way that guided Hana's hands and, with a firm flick of his wrist, guided Hana into a single motion off to the side.... and forced her to disarm him. The broom clattering to the floor with a few thunks and Hyosuke tsked, feigning defeat, and bowed to her. A knowing, subtle smirk on his face as he murmured.

"Well done, mighty turtle-sama, you have bested me it seems.~"

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:50 pm
The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader5
Enter: Hana Aoyama

After some time, things switched up. She stopped being bopped on the head with a filthy broom and was instead locked in combat with something that felt more like a real weapon and threat. Still, Hana enjoyed each moment. She found a small since of pride when she realized how long she was going. She made sure to attempt the chances he asked for when giving her advice too. Finally, beads of sweat began appearing on her forehead and she started breathing heavier. A quick and fancy technique shifted and she tried to react appropriately. Apparently, she did, because Hyosuke-sama's weapon ended up on the ground. As it clattered to the floor and he complimented her, Hana stared at it, trying to catch her breath and still in stance.

"Did I really just do that?" Hana asked herself. She looked up to Hyosuke with a big smile and some pride, already planning a second training session in her mental calendar. "How long were we training?" Hana said, looking around for a clock as she used her sleeve to wipe the sweat away. "I rarely sweat this much, though shamefully, I rarely try this hard." Still out of breath, Hana dropped to the mat. Unfortunately, the weight of the vest made her fall forward. "Oh, whatever..." Hana said, chuckling at herself again, and choosing to lay there, exhausted.

End Post
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 4:07 pm


Enter Hyosuke's Post

As Hana beamed a sweet smile up at Hyosuke his earlier thoughts about perhaps inspiring her this way being a bad idea.... seemed less severe now. He had to get her invested somehow and well.... he would certainly call this first day a success. As Hana asked how long they were training, however, Hyosuke answered with startling quickness.

"Just over two hours."

Sure enough he would be all but correct, though vague on the minutes involved, it was a habit he had ingrained into himself over a lifetime of training, born from the time in which he was forced to butcher other children under the watch of monsters. Counting the seconds, minutes and hours in hopes that at some time, some way, someone would help him. It was then, naturally, something he carried onwards into his time as a Captain and Lord. Though he was quick to carry the conversation forward to get his mind as far away from anything that reminded him of his past.

"As for not trying turtle-san, I daresay your days of being lazy are over when you are with me."

Though Hyosuke's voice was warm as he said it, there was an unmistakable undercurrent of a teasing threat there. A tone almost universal from trainer to teacher to coach to master that the student in question's potential was recognize and that it was going to be drug out of them one way or another. In Hana's case Hyosuke would be extremely level with his voice as nodded his head a tiny bit, moving to look down at her as she lay on the ground and he emphasized every word.

"Because next session will be even more exhausting.~"

His voice was purposely sickly sweet in it's promise this time, before a chuckle left him, and he smirked at her before inclining in a small bow.

"But, for now, I would say this has been a very productive first session turtle-san."

Kneeling down Hyosuke would gently remove the vest from Hana, drape it over an arm, and begin to walk it to the closet before pausing and looking back over his shoulder.

"Oh and do not mind the mess on the floor, you'll be cleaning it next time you arrive.~"

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 7:57 pm
The New Generation [Hyosuke/Hana. CLOSED] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader5
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Two hours! Wow. That was impressive for her. Her smile continued. Then his threat came, and the smile she expected to drop just increased until teeth shined through. "You know, it's not really laziness, right?" Hana said. "It's something much deeper than that. I'm just not going to tell you, yet." Hana went to sit up, but the vest gave her a hard time. She finally got into a sitting position when he took the vest off her. The weight lifted and she felt so free and the air cooled her quickly. Wait... She looked down at herself and saw that her clothing was soaked through with sweat.


Hana looked up to him, her hair, face, and hands dirtied with hid broom's dust. She then looked on the floor and stood up, dusting her hands off. There was a moment of stumbling, but she caught herself, quickly reminded of the freedom of no-vest.

"I pray you're joking." Hana said, pointing at the filthy ground. "I have a vacation, a meeting with my parents, and another patrol coming along, and I doubt I will be able to return until after all are completed. Please do not let that stay there for the sake of your other students and the reputation of your dojo. That is just unsanitary."

Hana cleared her throat, straightened her back, and bowed respectfully. "I do thank you for your help. I wanted to learn something new before my next patrol and you've helped me. I would like to return for another lesson, but to do so requires one thing: My name is Hana, not turtle. Alright, Hyosuke-sama?" Hana smiled widely and turned on her heel before running out of the dojo, ignoring the weakness in her legs. "I must go now. I am in immediate need of a hot shower!"

End Post
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