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santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:31 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

An Arrancar.

One that wasn't hunting. It was fairly rare for Santa to sense one, they tended to be sparse to say the least. But something else was interesting about the one that she sensed. It seemed to be mingling with humans. Arrancar definitely COULD at times be sociable, but more often than not it was with members of their own kind. And so when Santa sensed the reiatsu of an arrancar among humans that wasn't heightened or agitated, she decided to investigate.

Making her way through the city, she furrowed her brows as she felt about. It didn't take her long to zero in on the spiritual pressure, and she kept herself fairly low key. Verdada had been kind enough to help her get some more.... casual clothing. A nice black sweater and some ...what did she call them...Mom Jeans? She didn't pay it much mind, all the same she blended in with the crowd almost seamlessly. The only hint that she was an arrancar was in the tiny horns that poked through her hair. Once proud antlers....reduced to little pale stubs...with all she'd been through. Shaving away two major parts of her soul. Ajora... and Verdada. Well, it was a price for sure. But one she gladly paid. To punish Ajora, and to set Verdada free.

But even so, she didn't doubt that the Arrancar would sense what she was. Pesquisa was rarely so easily tricked.
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santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty Re: A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:16 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] YzPaJLe


Persquisa allowed Amaranta to pinpoint the oncoming presence, eliciting an amused grin from the tall leonine woman as she walked among a group of civilians. Outside of one particularly agitating, albeit entertaining, run in with a hollow-hating kido specialist, the Burning Lioness had adapted to the living realm quite well. Khaana ran her through a few trials and told her the dos and don'ts after their little deal, and let her operate from there. All things told, Amaranta blended in without any particular issue. She held no interest in bullying humans unless they annoyed her, and if she got hungry, she could think of far better meals than measly little people like this.

Wandering eyes varied between intrigue, finding her tall and exotic appearance enthralling, while others simply looked on with curiosity, avoiding her out of principle. This particular group was cool. Sort of like what they called an entourage. Yet, her interest was cast towards that source, and she broke away from them slightly to look into this presence.

An empowered stride of sonido led her to the the source of interest within a few seconds. Amaranta tilted her head, noting the woman's appearance with a grin. Another Arrancar, eh? Those little horns gave her away rather quickly, but the leonine woman didn't get the idea that the woman was trying to hide that, so she paid little attention to it. Extending a hand upward, she waved towards Santa, standing a few meters away. She looked pretty nice on the eyes, but Amaranta wasn't going to make nice just yet. Arrancars came in varying forms and personalities. She could be here to introduce herself, or to start some shit. Neither option bothered her, honestly.

" Another Arrancar, huh? What's up, Lady? I sensed your presence, and decided I'd get the jump on ya and meet you first. Name's Amaranta. "


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santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty Re: A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:42 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] HEADER_sample-980e8c2fe1998cef5db5ddc2e0ad12fc

She was fast. As a matter of fact, if she'd only been tracking the woman through vision alone, she would have instantly lost sight of them as they sped toward her. But she was able to keep track of them. Her own shapr pesquisa locking in, and er own sharp focus locking in without issue. And just like that, the woman was right infront of her. A bit of surprise to find that this feline was taller even than Santa, certainly not a very familiar sensation. She watched them closely and seemed to.... consider their words. They were introducing themselves? They seemed rather friendly. And so, a warm smile broke out across Santa's own expression. Much less...... subtle than it had been in the past.

"My name's Santa Estallar. It's a pleasure to meet such a nice Arrancar. Hm...." She looked over the woman's shoulder toward the people that had been walking with her, before turning back to Amaranta and smiling from ear to ear. "I'm sorry, I don't really know what to say. I was so focused when I sensed another Arrancar that I sortof just locked on! Welcome to the world of the living!" She declared before promptly aiming to sweep Amaranta CLEAN off her feet, somewhat hugging them firmly to her frame! Santa was, after all, fairly strong. Though IF she did manage to pick the woman up, she'd set them back down with a bright smile.

"What brings you here? Do you live around here? Are there others with you?" She rattled off excitedly.
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santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty Re: A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:59 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] YzPaJLe


Such a nice Arrancar? Amaranta barely knew the woman, and she was assuming she was nice? In her defense, Amaranta had approached her pretty respectfully. She didn't come waltzing in with that aura of antagonism and the accompanying smug expression. She reveled in that sort of entrance, but she'd learned rather quickly that that type of attitude would lead her into a heaping pile of shit nine times out of ten. She wasn't in the particular mood to play the villain anyway, and the warm smile on Santa's face was amusing, endearing even. It was neat to cross paths with another Arrancar on earth.

Amaranta followed the woman's gaze as she looked over at the little entourage of people behind her before sweeping the woman in her arms. The sheer, unexpected nature of the act rendered her speechless for a moment as Santa pulled her into her embrace. On one hand, Amaranta was very unfamiliar with this display of friendliness. On another, she was actually impressed with how weightless the woman made her feel. She was packing some strength.

She didn't even have time to fully register everything before she was set down. Her friendly aura was a bit of a culture shock to a woman who reveled in playing heel. She supposed it was fair to show her the same courtesy, but man... this felt weird. Taking a deep breath as she stifled the small blush in her ebony cheeks, Amaranta listened to the woman rattle off three questions in rapid succession. She expected something, but Santa clearly threw her for a loop.

"Holy hell, I didn't expect to meet an friendly Arrancar. Those are a rarity where I'm from, but I suppose it would be different on earth. Ya got some strength on ya, too. Uh... to answer your first question, I like earth. I got bored with Hueco Mundo. Don't get me wrong, Hueco's cool but all that sand and so little action? Just wasn't doing it for me. I still visit to participate in some combat, though. I do live somewhere around here, yea. Neat little place, in fact. And as far as others following me..." Amaranta would glance toward the men and women who had been following her, pointing towards them as she chuckled.

"Yeah, I got a couple of fans. Neat people who like telling me how cool I am, complimenting me, among other things..."

Turning toward the woman she grinned, canting her head to the side, setting a hand against her hip as she observed the woman's appearance.

"What about you, Santa? You occupy a place here on earth? Or are ya just travellin' around?" She inquired.


Last edited by Iori on Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Left_bar_bleue0/0santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty Re: A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:17 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] HEADER_sample-980e8c2fe1998cef5db5ddc2e0ad12fc

Santa let her head cant to the side a bit before she gave a light little chuckle. Sure, she was a simple woman, but she was a fair judge of Well. No, maybe she wasn't a very good judge of character now that she thought about it. Perhaps she was more .....a judge of dangers to herself. But even that was probably not true. In any case, Amaranta, she instinctively took as someone she wouldn't need to fear in the immediate future. Though as she listened to Amaranta, that smile retained it's warmth. Ahhh, so she had been drawn to earth the same way Santa had been. She grinned just a little and gave a soft chuckle. "I see. Well I'm happy to hear that. There are a good few Arrancar I know who h ave mingled on earth. I just like to make sure that they don't cause issues." She sighed softly.

"I suppose I'm not exactly strong enough to consider myself any sort of Guardian. But I like to try and keep an eye on Earth. I don't have ....any particular influence. Merely some lucky friends. But I do my best to try and make sure that things stay as peaceful as possible on Earth. Which also means .... checking up on other Arrancar." She explained. Which was .... well...kindof a weak explanation. She'd have LIKED to think of herself as someone who could try to ... keep other Arrancar from misbehaving. But she had no such power. All she could really do was try and find other more amicable arrancar and maintain a good reputation among humans.
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santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty Re: A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:20 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] YzPaJLe


Intrigued, Amaranta observed the woman with quiet curiosity, listening to each word that fell from her lips. It was unlike anything she had ever heard before, but that didn't lessen her interest one bit. According to her, she valued peace on earth and one method she chose to ensure that peace involved observing and checking in on other Arrancar that occupied a place in the living realm. She didn't really have much to go by outside of that sweep, but she wondered about the woman's strength, wondered if she had to fight any of their kind to make sure they didn't step out of line. Fortunately, Amaranta had already had a slice of humble pie, even though old habits died hard.

She wasn't going to drum up any shit where there wasn't any shit to be started, and so on and so forth. Truth be told, Amaranta enjoyed it here, understood that she couldn't transfer habits from Hueco mundo to the living realm. At first, the humans here had annoyed her. Loud, weak, always running away, but people like that little entourage behind her? Cool guys and girls. They weren't intimidated, and found her appearance quite captivating. She liked her current spot in life, all things told. If she needed action, she'd simply start shit or challenge others to enter the little arena she'd built from scratch in Hueco. If she wanted to chill like today? She'd just chill.

"That sounds like a challenging goal, but I can respect it. Not every Arrancar who comes here is actually entering this realm with good intentions. To be honest, I'm not really what you'd call a nice gal... but I like it here. I've already had my slice of humble pie and a couple of beatings to understand the tools of the trade here, so I've no intents on causing chaos. It's a nice place. I could see why you'd want to maintain peace. I'm curious... what made you want to undertake that type of task... compared to everything else?" Amaranta posed a question as she motioned for the woman to walk with her. Contemplating if she wanted to grab a bite to eat and continue their conversation away from the streets. She'd wait for the answer first, though.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty Re: A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 2:15 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] HEADER_sample-980e8c2fe1998cef5db5ddc2e0ad12fc

Santa smiled fondly at that, certainly pleased to hear that Amaranta had been somewhat swayed from causing trouble. Though she was also quite aware that simply because the woman SAID as much did not mean that was exactly the Case. She'd still have to keep an eye on the woman. And she was aware that well... her ability to actually enforce such things was ... limited. But she didn't mind that. She'd paid ... a large price for her actions already. Things that kept her down, truth be told. But she still had every intention of still keeping true to her convictions. The world wouldn't just fix itself on it's own. She'd have to work to make sure that it went where she wanted it to.

Though, as Santa began walking with Amaranta, she couldn't help but ... pause and stare off to the side as she took a moment to consider the woman's question. Just what it was that had put her on this path. Her mind shifted back to the world that Hueco Mundo was. But more than that, she thought about the beings she had met. And .... slowly come to understand. Tier. Algos. Mazda. Calypso. Nel. Liltotto. And ...the memories she'd garnered from Ajora before cutting the woman off. Glimpses of a past that was ...dark and dreary for not just her kind, but so many others as well. The sacrifices that had gone into things. And realizing the .....twisted things that had driven such changes.

There was a lot to consider. Mazda's sacrifice. The loss of Calypso. Tier's struggle with purpose and loneliness. And even Algos. Whose death she mourned. And ....yet..... she felt guilty. Wondering if ....perhaps the world was better without her. If it was better with Aina? She didn't know. The smarter she became, the more stupid she felt.

"A lot of things. And I ....know that I'm not really much of a fighter. and you've said that you've had your...corrections. But still. If you do make trouble. I promise you, that I still intend to beat you up." She pointed out with a calm glance.
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santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty Re: A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:17 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] YzPaJLe


Amaranta chuckled softly following the woman's warning. It was kind of adorable, truth be told. Before the adaption, she certainly would have humored the idea of antagonizing this blonde bombshell, testing the validity of her statement and how well she could actually keep up in spite of her self-perceived inability as a fighter. The leonine woman had lost her fair share of fights so far, and was genuinely looking for a win. One wasn't so much a battle, but a challenge... and she slipped up.

Crafty little orange-haired brat beat her at her own game and took advantage of her pride. Then, there was the fucking demon bimbo. Amaranta was in need of some victories, to be sure, but that wasn't important at the moment. If she wasn't much of a fighter to begin with, there wasn't really a need to press the matter at the moment.

"Oho, is that so~? Well, don't you worry your pretty little head, Santa. As much as I'd welcome the thought of throwing down and testing you out as a fighter, there really isn't any benefit in me disturbing the peace. I already have the soul reapers to worry about if I cause too much discord," she humored, waving a hand around before motioning towards a Cafe with several pairs of tables and chairs littered outside.

"Anyway, it's gettin' pretty crowded out here. Want to sit down and grab a bite to eat? You approached me, so you might as well spend some gettin' to know me, yea? Just in case I become someone ya' need to beat up and keep in check," she humored, opening a chair for the woman while she directed her little entourage to get a waiter.


Last edited by Iori on Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:34 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] HEADER_sample_63b1bffe267c407a048ff648f4773fd6

Santa blinked, her head canting a bit to the side. She didn't even really parse the 'pretty little head' thing. She'd been spoken to far worse in the past. But as the woman offered to sit with her she offered a light smile and sat down in the offered street. A little....intrigued as she scooted her seat in and turned her attention to Amaranta. She seemed awafully calm for a hollow. And she didn't FEEL as strong as the ones who were usually calm about this kind of thing. "I'm certainly glad you feel that way. Our kind do tend to be a bit stronger than like....people people. guess I just worry that sometimes they ...forget that their actions can cause problems for a lot of people." She sighed, her shoulders slumping a bit before looking off to the side. And looking...thoughtfully at their surroundings. Truth be told she hadn't actually paid it much mind in that moment. And she found herself eyeing Amaranta. A little intrigued at how ... familiar the woman seemed with human customs.

"How ... long have you been living with humans? You certainly seem to be pretty familiar with things.." She noted, gesturing to the waiter that had noticed Ama's hand and had gestured to indicate they would be over there soon. Certainly a lot more care and effort was being done on Amaranta's part than probably most she was familiar with.
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santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] Empty Re: A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta]

Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:25 pm
santa - A Present in January [Santa, Amaranta] YzPaJLe


"Nah, that makes sense. I'm not going to bullshit you and act like the lot of us don't come here looking to sate our appetites or disturb the status quo, but I just... let's just say I like my current position in life. It's interesting here. If I gotta keep myself in line to enjoy the perks of bein' here, then fuck it. I've got my ways of entertaining myself."

Amaranta would offer a curt nod in the waiter's direction after the confirmation, her gaze returning towards the blonde woman as she parsed her next question. Huh... she supposed that was a fair question. She didn't mind answering it one bit.

"Honestly? I'd say probably a few months at most. I've adapted pretty well only because of this dainty gal I met when I came here looking to stir shit up. She's the reason' i've got a job, a lil' bit of cash flow, and a neat little home to retire when I'm bored. "

Amaranta would casually lean back in her chair, a soft chortle spilling from her lips. Khaana was pretty nice on the eyes and that extra layer she hid beneath that exterior was kind of enticing, but that haughty attitude annoyed her to no end, especially that' fuckin title she'd gotten way too comfortable with. Kitten? Tch...


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