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[Spirit Class 4---] Orihime Inoue Empty [Spirit Class 4---] Orihime Inoue

Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:21 am
[Spirit Class 4---] Orihime Inoue Header

Basic Information
» Name: Orihime Inoue.
» Alias':
▕ Shirohime.
▕ White Witch.
» Age: 100s; Young Adult.
» Birthday: September 3.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Human [Fullbringer].

» Affiliation:
▕ Herself. Ichigo Kurosaki.
Adviser of Cyrus ast-Auramazda.

» Alignment: Neutral Evil.
» Marital Status: Single.
» Nationality: Japanese.
» Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: Strawberries.
» Special Skill: Cooking.

» Height: 5'2".
» Build: Curvy
» Hair Colour: White.
» Eye Colour: Light Blue.

[Spirit Class 4---] Orihime Inoue Appearance-shiroi3

Psychological Analysis

» Failed Heroine
A woman that knew success in her youth but as everything got harder, everything reached new heights and her efforts were met with nothing. The blood she spilled and sweat she put in to try and prevent the world from falling into nothing was met with her laying in the ashes after everything burned down. Orihime is haunted by her failure to save the world as she had done so in the past with her friends, when it really mattered for the everyday person. It has lead her to become an avenger and a person that will do whatever they deem necessary to fix what she couldn't do to begin with even if it means becoming the kind of thing she sought to stop when she was younger and naive.

» Impatient Person
Over a hundred years Orihime has tried to fix the world, always cleaning up the issues that arose and at times failing. This weighs heavily on her mind, this has made her tired of seeing nothing change. Over all this time Orihime's patience has been worn down and replaced with a quick temper and someone that is easily irritated when things don't go as planned or delays come up.

» Unchained Individual
She has always been independent, from the beginning of her journey it was required of her to be able to take care of herself. This has only grown as she grew up, even after all of her friends left she was able to keep going. She is stubborn and difficult to control, only choosing how she wants to do despite what might try to tell her otherwise. In summary, she only follows who she wants to follow and will only do something she wants to do.

» Observant Eye
Always the perceptive person, Orihime has displayed the ability to understand people's emotions and how they feel with ease showing a high level of empathetic intelligence. Reading in-between the lines have always been a strong suit of her's. But over the many years she has developed a keen eye for details and seeing things that are out of place.

» Unbreakable Will
Beaten and battered but never broken. Willpower is one only force that has kept her alive to this day, against all the odds she has survived and persists to exist even though her very core tries to bring her to the breaking point. Orihime is persistent and unable to give up even if she wanted to, she will do a great many things and possesses warped grey morals in an effort to accomplish the one task that has fuelled this willpower.

» Against the Clock
Desperate she is, her days are numbered and she cannot go on forever even though she wants to. Time will take her and she is aware of it. As a result she is ever more willing to rush things and force them into completion or die trying in the process before her time is up.


---For Events Prior to PH refer to Bleach Canon---
"You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain."

With the defeat of Aizen, it was wonderful that peace was on the horizon. She and her friends could settle down, they could return to their normal lives content that their loved ones were safe and their battle was over. What naive thinking that was. No sooner did the Winter War conclude and her life return to normal before she and her friends were thrown into the fires of war once again. This time though Soul Society was not the one they were helping, it was them that needed help.

The world had already been changing. More people across Japan were becoming spiritually aware and even further beyond. The onset of World War 3 only made it worsen. It seemed like the apocalypse was upon them and that the worlds were ending. Spiritual beings becoming more known and wanting to rule over the powerless humans as makeshift deities.

She opposed it. They opposed it. Unlike before though there was no victory, even a small win was a tragic affair with many lost or towns destroyed. They could not be everywhere or save everyone.

"I'll be back."

Is her final memory of all of them together and from that moment they would never assemble as a group again. She couldn't wait around and stand idle to watch everything burn around her. She wanted to save everyone, needed to save everyone. That is where her hubris took her and with her power of event reversal she thought she had the best chance to fix everything. It was a failure though, she was not a god-like being herself that could shape and control the worlds as she saw fit. She was one soul that existed in a cycle.

Attempting to turn back the pendulum only ended with her laying in the dirt. Her entire soul felt broken and shattered, ready to fall apart as though it was made of glass. Her body looked just as bad with her hair having turned white and her skin a sickly pale. Even though she should've died there she stared up at the evening sky that looked covered in blood from the sunset.

She wanted her old life. She wanted to say everything that weighed heavy on her chest that would disappear with her. She wanted everyone to live peacefully like they were before without fear of spirits and death. In blissful ignorance, unburdened by the reality of it all. That wasn't possible if she died here. With her soul broken and rotting as a result of her overexertion, she was going to die. At death's door she resolved to fulfill that goal of bringing back those halcyon days for everyone even if she couldn't enjoy them herself.

It was an obsession on her deathbed and that will to live was reflected in Shun Shun Rikka. Her fullbring rejecting her immediate death but only pushing it further away into the distant future. She disappeared as the memories of her life became hazy and that sole desire to fulfill a dream plagued her. Orihime Inoue disappeared and a year later, Shirohime emerged.

She fought and lead people, supporting them in their attempts to protect the living realm from the spirits of other worlds. For years this process of gurellia warfare persisted but it accomplished nothing. She became dejected and hopeless as she became more of a storytale told by people in the various conflicts of the living world until she disappeared entirely.

It was not until Cyrus ast-Auramazda appeared and was the first sliver of hope that she'd found in years. She decided to gamble on him with no other prospects in sight to infuse the power of the Soul King inside him with her Shun Shun Rikka, taking some of his quincy powers in exchange to conceal her status further. From that day on she served as his adviser and ally though even those plans were to fail when he lost control of his divine powers who split and returned to the Soul King to correct the world partway.

During the attack on the City of Lights by Ichigo Kurosaki she arrived to assist the Vandenreich forces which ended with her identity being revealed by discarding Cyrus' quincy powers to unseal her Shun Shun Rikka. While she saved lives in the immediacy, the conflict ended upon her being taken by Ichigo and him fleeing.


» Weak Constitution
Suffering from a condition that she has had since towards the end of the third world war, Orihime's soul and body has been irreversibly damaged when she tried to reject the events of the entire area after it was razed to the ground and nothing remained, something so grand only failed though and the strain on her body caused her skin to become sickly pale and her hair to lose all of its colour, the damage to her soul is akin to a decay. Her physical prowess is unable to improve and her stamina has been reduced significantly.

The effects of her soul slowly dying has taken its toll on her psyche, her single-minded obsession being one of the few things that have given her the willpower to continue so far through the aching pain that never leaves her body and the weariness at living so long. If it wasn't for her powers subconsciously always being focused inwards to some extent then she wouldn't last very long and would quickly cease to exist anymore as her soul literally dissipates from the soul cycle permanently.

» External Energy Reserves
Contrary to most Orihime defies the natural means of energy quantities, for a sensor it is difficult to fathom how she can do some of the feats she can do even with her amount of spiritual energy given its deterioration over the last few decades. The reason lies in her primary power; rejection. Through her ability to reject Orihime does not rely on her own powers because her own energy is just the spark that sets the engine into motion and then it draws energy from elsewhere.

Where this energy comes from though? She does not create it out of nowhere, instead she pulls it from everywhere. Her will defines the limits of her abilities and her exceptional willpower from her lifetime has left her able to command energy to materialise from elsewhere to make her objective complete even if it can be taxing on her body to set into motion sometimes.

» Discerning Eye
Her capacity to sense things is quite incredible, she has a capacity to gauge people's feeling and emotions specifically. The effect magnifying if they are connected to her or close. She can notice irregularities in energies or emotions, predicting what one might do depending on how the character acts on their emotions. This does not have a combat application however other than denoting her excellent sensory skills.

» Full Manifestation Art
The ability to tug and sway the souls of matter inherent to those who possess Fullbring. For Orihime this ability is greatly diminished due to the physical strain it has on her. It requires her to compensate with her willpower even though to actually control the world around her like this feels like she's moving broken arms to achieve it. She can manipulate the state of matter, turning liquids and gasses into solids that allow her to walk and stand on them like they were solid ground. Unable to exert it on particularly large objects, for example a car would not easily be moved or influenced and so she is restricted to small things no bigger than her palm without risking overexertion.

» Bringer Light
The high-speed movement of a fullbringer, Orihime is able to use it to quickly move around the area. Due to her own physical condition however the actual results are more like a basic shinigami lumbering around with an unrefined shunpo and she gets tired after just a few uses of it before she needs a break.


» Six Flowers of the Hibiscus Shield
The power that is possessed by Orihime, created by her desire upon the Hogyoku and honed over centuries she has cured her own weakness and tossed it aside. As a result they have manifested inside her hair clips, all of her reiatsu appears to originate from these hair clips and they function similar to a zanpakuto of a shinigami. Given that they are a physical container of her spiritual powers and connected to her should they suffer damage her potency would drop but it is not outside of the realm of possibility for her to repair them as they were.

Orihime's true power resides due to a connection to the Soul King through the hogyoku, her powers breach the realms of the divine through denial of events and phenomena - allowing her to control causality and fate through her actions. Despite the grandeur of this power it has degraded due to her soul decaying over time and while her power would as absolute as her will the condition has made it so that it is not infallible.

She controls concepts and causality through her familiars, six extensions of herself that possess a domain. Tsubaki lies in the domain of severing, it is by his power that she can deny the natural order. For example she could use Tsubaki to reject gravity, cutting away its effect from a target or targeting the force that hold atoms together.

Ayame is regression and Shun'ō is progression. It is through their domains that Orihime is able to reject time, this is best seen by her typical ability to heal a target from wounds and death by returning time to a previous point before the damage even occurred. Another example for a more individual usage, wherein only using them could impose effects such as returning a cool-down to a target that they had just finish or she could reduce their cool-down time by speeding it up with Shun'ō.

Yuri takes on the realm of isolation; dealing with her ability to remove but not destroy certain events and instances. Such as banishing something but keeping it for later. Amalgamation falls under the field of Hinagiku - he is able to remove boundaries, being the one that was used to transform Cyrus by rejecting his limits as well as draw in energy from anywhere as though it were presently within the area for Orihime. Finally Baigon is her last familiar of this power, his domain is connection the opposite of Tsubaki. Where he can instead link together two phenomena and bind them, this lies in the realm of if instance A happens then instance B will also happen. A simple idea of this is that if she were to die (event A), she would self-destruct or her killer would suffer damage (event B).

Grand as it is she has become limited by her capacity to handle the stress on her body. She can be said to be restricted to 30% of her power at any given time because a great deal of it is being kept busy keeping her soul from dying. Before she transformed Cyrus she could be said to have been at 60% of her true power but she has given quite a lot of it up as well as a lot of potential lifespan.

The result is that even if her will won't give out her body can and will if she over exerts herself. She doesn't have high stamina and cannot fight for long before the toll is visible. Using too much or over-exerting herself risks death or great injury due to causing instabilities.


General Attributes
» Durability: E
» Speed: E.
» Strength: E
» Soul: SS.

Will Skills
» Willpower: Master.
» Deduction: Advanced.
» Focus: Advanced.

Fullbringer Skills
» Bringer Light: Beginner
» Fullbring Affinity: Grand Master
» Full Manifestation: Elite
» Hollow Factor: Untrained



Attribute Update.
Also changes Human skills to Fullbringer skills.

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:53 pm; edited 6 times in total

[Spirit Class 4---] Orihime Inoue Gamma_Signature
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[Spirit Class 4---] Orihime Inoue Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4---] Orihime Inoue

Sat Dec 10, 2022 12:44 am
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Resources: F

Comments/Notes: I do not reject.

Tier: 2-5---
Hazard Rating: A
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