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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Wed Nov 23, 2022 4:50 pm
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  CLGHu2S


Seaside Fight Night - An organized competition between allies to measure oneself in a contest of skill against an opponent of their choice, the pursuit of fostering a mutual sense of unity - to witness a firsthand performance of each warrior's respective capabilities. To one of the participants stepping into the arena, there was little fault in the notion of fortifying trust between the Vandenreich and the Gotei, of comparing where they alltood as fighters. Given their difficult past, she found the notion commendable - applauding the idea of easing tension between their members in these trying times. The roar of applause, the kaleidoscopic array of shining light, the excitement of facing an unknown opponent...

Such a scene certainly should've elicited joy within the first participant's spirit, yet her distant expression seemed to tell another tale entirely. As she walked towards the center of the arena, the Vandenreich participant's visage would be revealed in full detail. Freyja Solheim. Coordinator of the division of the stars. An unexpected entry, to be certain, but far from unlikely to those who knew her firsthand.

To some degree, it was difficult to focus on the battle at hand with the influx of thoughts that clouded her mind. Yet, the time of battle was at hand, and Freyja was prepared to engage her opponent wholeheartedly. Diminishing it by allowing herself to be distracted would only invite an even greater sense of unease in her spirits. Bowing before Lerna, Sigurd's hilt would manifest within the palm of the coordinator's hand, the large blade forming into full view, set against the woman's slender fingers. A welcomed distraction from the disheartening thoughts...

"Freyja Solheim, Coordinator of the Vandenreich's Sternritter. An honor to meet you, Lerna. Let us enjoy this battle till our heart's content."


Last edited by Iori on Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:42 am; edited 2 times in total
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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:24 pm
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  HEADER_67533998_p0

Huh. Familiar.

Lerna couldn't help but pause as the sensation of Deja Vu enclosed her. Looking up to the numerous fans that were littering the stands. The crowds. The cheering. The smell of sweat and blood. Ok well not that last one, the proctors were keeping things pretty clean between matches. But all the same, Lerna smiled with a calm confidence as she stepped out onto that field and eyed the opponent across from her.

She had to admit... she nevr thought she'd see a day like today. She had the utmost respect, or at least what most resembled respect that Lerna was capable of, for Commander Murasaki. But even so.... a joint relations event between the Vandenreich and the gotei. The Commander really was something.

Lerna's attention shifted to her opponent as the two of them met at the center of the arena. A calm smile flashing across her face as she listened to the shorter woman's introduction. Coordinator? Eh?! Surprise registered on her face to hear that the woman she was fighting was a higher up. She gave a sheepish smile and held out her hand, offering a handshake. "Unseated Member of Squad Seven, Shino Academy Student, and Substitute Shinigami. Lerna. Thank you very much for participating in this event. I will do everything I can to make it worth your while." She noted firmly, before offering a sheepish smile.

"I hope that I can provide an adequate challenge to you, Coordinator." She added before turning and taking a few steps away from them to turn and get into a ready stance, she slowly crouched, planting one hand on the ground below. Injecting her mod roots into the pagoda and slowly leeching some of the material. A Crackling noise sounding as stonr crept up the length of her arms and slowly coated her all the way up to the shoulders. Building up her mod root by packing the stone with her spirit energy.

She had no plans on actually using her Shikai. If nothing else, hers was do they say. Underhanded? Fire. Acid. Booze. Nothing that was suitable for an event like this. She'd just have to rely on her own physicality. And ..... Kido. She was actually pretty good with the stuff, but with her fighting style she rarely used it. But well, no time like the present right? She raised those hardened fists into a defensive stance and gave a gentle upnod toward the quincy. Giving her the first move.
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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:03 am
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  CLGHu2S


"I sincerely look forward to it, Lerna. I certainly hope I can provide an ample source of entertainment in our bout as well."

Parting with those words, Freyja would settle into a firm offensive stance. The blade was set upright against her shoulder, while her left foot slowly danced along the pagoda. Judging by her position, Lerna seemed content to allow the coordinator to strike first. An opportunity Freyja would not take lightly. Each attack would contain a purpose, every strike should maintain the thought of exerting maximum efficiency over wasteful movement.

The nature of the battle mattered little; this tenet had rarely failed her before, but perhaps this substitute Shinigami would defy her expectations. There was no need to delay the inevitable. Observing her stance, Freyja would propel her body forward by kicking off with her left foot, roaring toward Lerna in a direct line at a straight pace, swinging her spirit weapon toward the woman in a horizontal arc.

It seemed to be a relatively simple stroke by nature, one that wouldn't be immediately difficult to dodge, even for the slowest enemy. A mere shift of the foot in a backward trajectory would be all she needed, but Freyja always thought a step ahead of every attack. Thus, during the swing, a horizontal, crescent-shaped arc of reishi would be created during her swing, mirroring the direction of the strike. In other words, if the first strike failed to connect, the azure arc created in its wake would seek to hit her where the first strike could not.


Last edited by Iori on Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:25 am
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  HEADER_67533998_p0

It was the first word that came to mind as she watched the woman taking up her sword. Almost instantly, she could tell that by her instinct alone, that this woman would be an issue to deal with. Not just a gut reaction, but watching the way that the woman shifted. There was an eerie smoothness to the motions. Devoid of that wavering and slight shifting. The motion, simple, and slow as it was, seemed so eerily perfect in the way that this woman suddenly closed in with her. And for just an instant, she reacted on her own pure, practiced instinct. The soft lick of reishi collecting along it's blade noticed by that sharp attention of hers and in a split second, she closed the distance with a sonido and executed two swift punches at breakneck speed. One to spike that weapon downward, interrupting it's slow horizontal speed and slamming it forcefully into the ground with her own sheer strength, as the second punch shot out to sock Freyja clean in the center of the chest with enough force to send her back a few dozen feet.

But well, in the very same vein, Freyja would no doubt see as Lerna had, the sheer gulf between them. There was no real stance. She DID take UP a combtive stance. But she didn't really use it. Those punches were straight bullets rammed artlessly into the flat of the blade and then aimed at Freyja's sternum. There was no grace, no fluidity, just sharp, jarring strikes at a speed and strength that was solidly above even many shinigami. And just like that Lerna would dart back if she was able to, taking the time to watch Freyja's responses to the sharp blows. Not that she figured they would be enough to end the fight, but hopefully she'd get a lot more to work with once she saw more of what Freyja had to offer. Assuming this little simple play didn't cost her more than she was anticipating.
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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Thu Nov 24, 2022 3:51 am
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  CLGHu2S


Freyja was noticeably impressed by Lerna's reaction time, even if the serious expression she wore did little to display that. Though the woman appeared to lack art or grace behind her sharp jabs, they were still executed with a purpose. The first strike seemed to be implemented with the purpose of disrupting the flow of her horizontal strike, with the follow-through poised for her sternum. The moment fist and spirit weapon clashed, Freyja decided it would be ideal to let Sigurd be slammed onto the ground.

From her perspective, it would be as though her strategy had bore fruit. The horizonal strike would be thrown off course as Lerna intended, but Freyja would immediately release her grip around her spirit weapon, allowing it to slam haplessly into the ground while both of her arms quickly collected reishi the moment Lerna's second shot came roaring in, shaping them into distinct forms.

In her right arm - which is the arm she lunged forward with feinting an attempt at a block - a small sturdy chain composed of reishi soared in to wrap around her arm, attempting to temporarily trap her in place. Whether or not the act proved successful remained to be seen. Regardless of the result, Freyja would follow through with her entire route, a counterstrike with her left arm.

The second shape, revealed to be a crescent shaped disk of reishi, formed around the sternritter coordinator's left arm, was let loose with the intent of spinning into Lerna's midsection. If it landed, it would only cause enough blunt damage to disorient her. She was well aware of the rules, and held no intent of hurting this woman beyond the point of no return.

Even so, Lerna seemed to possess a wit about her, and so, Freyja didn't expect it to land entirely. In any case, whether it landed or not, she would let go of the chain, using a burst of Hirenkyaku to retrieve her true spirit weapon as she maintained an empty stance, observing the woman from wherever she may have decided to move.


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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Thu Nov 24, 2022 8:20 am
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  HEADER_67533998_p0

That first strike was successful! And Lerna couldn't help but be a little pleased to see that sudden surge of reishi discharge into the stage rather than at her, that second strike colliding with a raised arm DID cause Lerna to perk up. Oh! She was actually quite quick witted. The automatic responses of practice and poise. But it was her surprise when she felt that chain suddenly slither around her arm. Ahhhhhh, that was unfortunate. And an interesting mix. The woman, based on the force behind that sword swing, was weaker, physically, than Lerna was. Potentially slower as well. But her reflexes were pristine, if Lerna was going to win this, she'd have to just be smarter. Or... more experienced.

When that chain slithered around her arm, binding it, she instinctively PULLED as Freyja went for that strike. Pulling the woman toward her so that punch would hit FAR earlier than intended, the disk slamming into Lerna's chest before it could reach full velocity, neutering the force behind the strike as Lerna's hand snapped up to clamp onto Freyja's neck just as it made impact. Thanks to the chain, there would be little to no room for evasion as Lerna simply tanked the hit, that disk of reishi crackling into the stone wall of her own sturdy frame reinforced with rock and reiryoku.

And then Lerna executed a quick, brutal TWIST of her right arm that was chained to Freyja's, no need to even go for a grapple there since the quincy had tethered herself to Lerna of her own volition, intent on bending Freyja's arm almost the wrong way. Not intent on breaking anything, but simply forcing the woman's body to contort to accomodate the pressure on her joint as she twisted, putting her full, brutal strength into both arms. It was fine if the chain suddenly dissolved. If Lerna had managed to grab the other woman's neck, even if blut would keep her from clamping down, the Mod Soul would still be able to simply SLAM Freyja solidly head-first into the pagoda. Dialing her strength back at the last second. She wanted to stun the woman, not kill her, after all. Either way, Lerna would release her hold, if she ever had it in the first place, and similarly dart back to reset the engagement. Fighting the instinct to keep trying to pummel Frejya into the ground. But that wasn't what she was here for. She wasn't here to win, she wasn't here to survive.

She was here to bring out the most in this Quincy. So that both of them could show off. A big grin spreading across Lerna's face. "That was a pretty cool move with those chains. That your special power?" She hazarded a guess.
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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Thu Nov 24, 2022 12:34 pm
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  CLGHu2S


Displaying exceptional reaction time and adaptability, the substitute Shinigami took her attack in stride, utilizing the momentum of the chain that held her in place to pull Freyja in for an impressive counterattack. The sternritter coordinator admired the display of skill, presenting a calm smile even as the woman seized her neck. There was no opportunity for evasion here. She had already surrendered her body to the flow of one sequence; following through with her attack meant she would be unable to shift her body backward and evade the tall woman's well-timed counter. As such, she simply loosened her grip on the chain to avoid having her arm bent in an unsightly angle, casting her focus toward implementing the defensive function of her blut.

Her body was subsequently lifted during the exchange as Lerna slammed her head-first into the pagoda. Though she failed in her first exchange, Freyja maintained an approving gaze as the woman held back at the last moment, exerting only the minimum strength required. Even if momentarily, the thoughts that clouded her mind seemed to disperse, giving way to excitement. As Lerna darted back to her position prior, Freyja rose up from the ground. Freyja stood beside her spirit weapon as she returned to the position she occupied at the outset of their battle.

"It was a rudimentary use of reishi formation. One that proved unsuccessful, but no battle is ever won without testing the waters and throwing caution to the wind. I find your ability to adapt and counter quite impressive so far. If you desire to know about my specialty, allow me to honor my part in entertaining the crowd."

Absorbing the ambient reishi within the rich atmosphere, two swords and two shields begin forming into existence. No, forming wasn't particularly an apt descriptor of the phenomena taking place. If one deemed it a formation of any kind, it was the crystallization of reishi. Each shield, each blade orbited around the woman in a graceful sway. The Solheim's vaunted spellcraft. Of course, Freyja possessed no intent of overwhelming Lerna. No, if anything she directed her gaze around the arena.

"Ewigkeit. Reishi Crystallization. Anything that I form can be solidified into crystallized shapes that won't easily break, though it means little in the face of those who wield raw strength. Cliché as it sounds, a lot of their strength is found in numbers. Here, take a look."

With a renewed sense of poise in her step, the sternritter coordinator allowed a blade and shield to dance before Lerna. If she so desired, she was free to wield the weapons as if they were her own. The remaining sword and shield danced continued to occupy the space around the woman. Strengthening her grip around her large spirit weapon, Freyja shifted into an offensive stance. Darting forward, her body propelled by Hirenkyaku, the sternritter coordinator soared in for a one-handed overhead swing with her spirit weapon, but rather than allow an opening in her defense this time, the shield at her back quickly orbited at her side in preparation for a possible counterstrike.

Her free hand grabbed the crystallized blade in quick succession, swinging the weapon towards Lerna's side. A vertical overhead from above - executed in tandem with a repeat performance of the horizonal strike from the side. Recognizing her as an admirable opponent, Freyja found herself excited at the prospect of entertaining Lerna and those present in the arena. Furthermore, Lerna was allowed to grab those weapons and temporarily indulge herself in a form of unfamiliar combat. However, if she chose not to, the sword and shield that remained simply remained idle, for Freyja did not seek to overwhelm her opponent. She sincerely desired to inspire awe in the hearts of others with her performance.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:34 pm; edited 3 times in total
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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:01 pm
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  HEADER_67533998_p0

Hm. Made note of the shift in her opponent as they suddenly seemed to allow themselves to go for the ride. They took the chokeslam pretty well at that. Maybe she didn't need to hold back as much as she thought she did. All the same, it all felt so ....unnatural. She didn't usually fight like this. She usually just ran in and started breaking things. Vicious wildness that was just a rough tumble blur of action. But this was different, she had to be entertaining. Not only that, but this was about cooperation. She flashed a smile as Freyja offered her explanation. Crystalized reishi? She pondered that, wondering just how durable they were, watching as the woman produced the weapons and even floated a set to her?

She blinked, brows raising up as she reached out and lightly grasped the edge of the shield and grabbed the sword by it's guard, not really seeming intent on using them as she eyed the structure. Interesting. It reminded her a bit of some kido constructs. At least some defensive types. "Huh, I appreciate the look. It definitely looks interesting." She grinned, and then perked up when she saw the woman getting into a ready stance before charging toward her! The clear adjustment was very obvious. The woman was taking into account Lerna's reactive style she'd taken on. She'd even given her weapons. Huh. Well, she wasn't going to be rude and not use them. As Freyja closed in with that vertical cleave, Lerna blitzed toward the woman, closing the distance with a shunpo to once again try to interrupt the momentum of the attack, but this time her eyes widened as that shield shifted into place Oh? She raised a hand up and slammed that crystalized sword up and into the blade that was swinging downward. Using every bit of her strength to SMASH the weapons into eachother and send a powerful reverberation up the length of Freyja's arm. Of course, if the weapon that Freyja had offered was weaker, thered be nothing stopping that blade from cleaving through and then slamming into the hard surface of her armored shoulder, potentially even biting clean into her thickened skin and drawing blood!

But Lerna was prepared for that, and instead RAMMED her leg into the shield at Freyja's side. Certainly, it was there to stop an attack, but how strong was it? IT seemed sturdy enough, but what about the forces causing it to float? Curious to see if her own brutal strength could ram that shield right into Freyja's body. But there probably wouldn't be much time to celebrate if she managed that. That follow-up horizontal slash cleaved in and sliced cleanly into Lerna's side, her brows raising for just a moment as the blade bit into her hardened skin. Blood splattering onto the ground aas most of that density had been centered on her arms and chest. Her side tore open as the blade bit into her, but still only managed to cut in a little. Partially from just how dense Lerna's body was in general, and part because Freyja likely wasn't going for killing blows. All the same, Lerna hooked in a left cross to her right side, dropping that crystalized shield in favor of executing a sharp hardened jab into Freyja's wrist, hoping to knock the floating blade out of her hand and then follow up with a forward BUCK, aiming to ram her forehead into Freyja's face in a brutal headbutt. Using a bit more force in anticipation to Freyja's defenses, seemingly entirely undeterred by the sword biting into her side. Potentially another also biting into her shoulder.

She didn't usually like to show off this particular aspect of being a mod soul. But they had a crowd to please. And taking these hits meant assuring her own. Nothing got a crowd going like a bit of suspense and confusion. And no doubt, she hoped to give the Coordinator a bit of a spook with how she was taking these hits. She was strong and durable. Frankly, trying to outpace the woman seemed.......suspect at best. The woman was skilled, probbaly skilled enough to just outplay her. And ....well...she uh.... sucked with that kinda finesse. Her trying to win at a game she sucked at wouldn't get the crowd going. So instead, she would fight like this. Hoping to push Freyja to showing some more of those flashy quincy spells. Goodness knew Lerna's Kido was ass.
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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:18 pm
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  CLGHu2S


Lerna was proving to be a phenomenal opponent so far. To be sure, this wasn't a conclusion that came from anything regarding her attacks. They weren't all that flashy, but they didn't need to be so long as they accomplished their intended task. Even with the vertical cleave cutting through the woman's flesh, she remained upright, kicking that shield against her frame in a fierce display of strength and tenacity. Employing Blut Vene, Freyja mitigated a portion of the damage against her ribcage, remaining firmly in her position as she bit down on her lip. Proving to be a more endurable enemy than she intended, the Sternritter coordinator was beginning to wonder about the feasibility of approaching this woman directly.

Freyja wasn't aiming to cut away at Lerna with the type of force that would wound her gravely, but she certainly appeared to be one who required more than her current level of force to cut down. The clash of her spirit weapon against the blade she created had sent a reverberation up through her arm, but she pushed through it by sheer force of will, maintaining her blut to hold her position. However, even that was proving to be a difficult task as the secondary cleave against the tall woman's side was met with a similar force of resistance to the spirit weapon that had cut into her shoulder. Freyja momentarily wondered about this woman's physical makeup. She reached two conclusions within a moment's worth of time. This woman was either a considerably durable foe or she possessed a willpower that allowed her to ignore the pain as if it was second nature. Either way, she was a formidable opponent that required something more than just half-hearted force... but how could she do that without going beyond the rules? A true test presented itself before her. She was losing the advantage here with each passing moment.

Currently, she didn't have much time to contemplate a detailed countermeasure. She had to keep on moving For every attack Freyja executed against her frame, she roared in with a counterstrike. This time, in response to the horizontal blow, Lerna launched a sharp jab towards her wrist. The direct hit certainly brought its own share of discomfort as she allowed the weapon to fall from her fingers, but what warrior would she be if she couldn't take a hit? A brutal headbutt served as a bit of an answer in response to that thought, forcing the woman to stumble ever so slightly. Without the use of blut, that one was pretty painful.

Enough to draw blood even, but her expression remained determined as her body remained upright. She could've utilized blut vene again, but she was already spreading her reishi through multiple channels as it was. No need to overcomplicate the process. No, her next plan of action was to keep going, keep applying pressure. Pulling her blade away from the woman's shoulder, Freyja shift her body backwards, utilizing her natural agility to shift back in with a powerful overhead strike. However, as simple as this attack may have appeared, Freyja had already prepared herself for the likelihood of another counterattack.

The moment before she shifted back into to swing her sword, a layer of reishi cloaked itself around the woman's body. It wasn't entirely discernible to the naked eye, but neither was it impossible to see with a proper measure of focus. It was fashioned around her body in such a way that the lines resembled blut, but there was a secondary function that would come in the next moment, only if she followed through with her next course of action. A deceptive technique that would only work if she bided her time and charged in to meet her again. To be sure, Freyja had no idea how Lerna would counter this time. Would she let that sword cut into her flesh again or come in with a series of her own blows. Such was the joy and excitement of facing an unpredictable opponent.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Nov 30, 2022 11:01 pm; edited 2 times in total
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lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna

Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:15 pm
lerna - Seaside Fight Night: Freyja vs Lerna  HEADER_67533998_p0

What a gal~
Lerna's smile widened ever so slightly as the attacks followed through and she managed to counter with a good amount of success. Knocking that weapon away, and landing that strong headbutt even against that thick blut. A slight cut forming over Lerna's forehead. Hm, that girl could really summon up a solid defense. She hadn't thought to harden the skin on her forehead. She licked her thumb and wiped away the blood, the flesh closing back up and stopping the bleeding as she shifted around the material in her gigai a bit. Seemingly healing the wound immediately. Though that cut in her side, shallow as it was, would continue to bleed. She wasn't gonna waste attention on fixing that, THAT blood wasn't gonna get in her eyes after all.

"MH!" Lerna's cheeks puffed cutely as she was caught by the sudden reengagement from Freyja! That sudden leap back into the fray and that sword ripping in going for another hard strike! Lerna staggered back and raised a hand, catching the blade in her forearm. The sheer finesse and viciousness of that slash continuing to keep her from outright catching the blade in her palm. But it still stopped along that hardened skin and she PRESSED forward, bulling into the woman's swing and angling her arm so that the edge slid up her wrist, scraping along the stony mod shell until it snagged against her palm, at which point she promptly clamped down, hoping to hold the woman in place , long enough for her other hand to snap in and grasp Freyja by the throat.

She did notice that little pattern, but she simply presumed it to be another use of that blut stuff. No hesitation as she aimed to grab the woman by the throat and SLAM them into the ground. But that wasn't her ultimate goal. Whether she managed to lock the woman in place or not, she'd promptly open her mouth and let out a sudden harsh SPRAY of fluid in Freyja's face! Her Zanpaku'to's sealed ability. Of course she'd considered that her zanpaku'to was a little underhanded. She used the only REAL applicable iteration that she could muster in a situation like this. If Freyja was close when Lerna spit, she'd suddenly be overwhelmed by the scent of alcohol and she would be drenched in the stuff. Not only that, but she'd feel a sudden wave of dizziness and confusion wash over her.

Lerna had considered using her flammable sake, but this seemed the far more...appropriate for a friendly match. Yowaseruhime, one of the types of liquor that her body could produce through her zanpaku'to's ability. A special alcohol whose vapors alone were designed to get her opponents buttfuck drunk. It was a bit of a gamble though. Some people got real woozy and frankly just helpless when they were smashed out of their minds. Buuuut some people could get real angry and violent. Just the kinda gamble Lerna was MORE than happy to take~ After all, she wasn't here to win. She was here to see what this Quincy was capable of.

" I don't know if you've noticed, but you're not gonna win with just a few slashes. Why don't you show me what you can REALLY do?" She taunted the woman. After all, Yowaseruhime DID have a habit of lowering inhibitions and some people got REAL easy to coerce. And she was gonna use that to try and goad this woman into showing off her trump card.
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