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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:48 am
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_shycocoa__sample-1bdac63e9dfb3931b29ac6310d5d26fb

Not how she expected to spend her evening, she'd admit. The trip back to her place was nice and uneventful. She'd gotten herself washed. All dressed up, and she'd done her stream. A Nice four hour affair with her Guest Streamer, all done while little miss Kitten stayed off to the side. A couple hours to more or less snoop around her penthouse. Who knew what sort of nonsense they would get into, but Khaana wasn't worried. She didn't keep a lot of things that were worth stealing, at least not outside of her Room where the stream was happening. If Amaranta bothered to try and listen in on it, she'd find a VERY different Khaana was involved in the stream.

Playful, happy, excited. If nothing else, Khaana enjoyed her work. Playing games, speaking with her chat and their little jokes. And of course getting to meet and talk with one of her fellow streamers. Frankly one she was quite familiar with and had been looking forward to working with for some time. Quite the contrast to her own interaction with Amaranta.

At the end of the ordeal, she thanked her Guest and they took their leave. And now she had Amaranta to deal with. She made her way out into the penthouse and looked around until she found the arrancar. A brief moment taken to just observe and see what they had been up to, either by what they were currently doing, or just evidence by what in her place had been moved around, before finally putting on a calm, smug smile.

"Sorry to keep you so long. I didn't exactly expect to run into you. But now with that all out of the way. Let's have a chat."
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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty Re: A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:37 pm
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) CB6zaHa


What did earth-dwellers indulge in to pass the time? Throughout the hours Khaana spent engaged in her stream, this was the thought that held the leonine woman's mind. Of course, she was naturally agitated about losing, albeit, a mildly annoyed. Agitation at her defeat. The frame of mind a sore loser would have after they spoke so decidedly about their victory. Apart from that, Amaranta was also experiencing a culture shock at the sheer notion of spending time in an actual house.

A well-decorated home at that. For a woman who spent countless years traveling a wide expanse of sand or wandering the halls of Las Noches, this radical shift in environment left her curious. Foreign territory that filled her with intrigue. She humored the thought of stealing something here, but really, given her utter lack of familiarity, what would she benefit from it? It'd be the equivalent of a child trying to utilize an item they had no knowledge of.

Initially, she listened to a bit of Khaana's stream purely out curiosity. There wasn't any pomp in her voice like earlier when she lorded over her with that joyous expression of victory. It was radiant, playful, and overall fun. A streamer, huh? Well, it certainly made sense. Sure, she may have roughed her up a bit, but she wasn't bad on the eyes. Amaranta wasn't aware of the particulars outside of what Khaana told her. A place where multiple fans log in from different parts of the world and tune in for entertainment of one sort or another, courtesy of the streamer. Well, she seemed to be having fun. Growing restless, Amaranta would conclude her curious roam by settling into a position on the couch to curiously stare at this television. Her arena companions told her about the cool stuff one could find on this colorful box of moving images and flashy lights.

Hearing that smug voice, Amaranta's tall frame shifted to face the woman entirely, azure eyes rolling softly at that pompousness that had returned in her tone. She could practically feel that accursed name ready to fall from this woman's stupid mouth. Kitty... tch. She was a goddamn Lion. Anyway...

"Yeah... you sound like you had alotta fun up there, Princess. I ain't exactly expect to get this far, really, so I ain't complainin'. I passed most of the time by wanderin' about and watching this... Television. Guess, it's time to chat, though, so I'm all ears."


Last edited by Iori on Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty Re: A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:12 pm
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_shycocoa__sample-1bdac63e9dfb3931b29ac6310d5d26fb

Khaana waved a hand dismissively as Amaranta made a comment about her having fun as a streamer. "Not really. I enjoy myself more killing hollows." She noted simply enough. She enjoyed what she did for very specific reasons. Notoriety. Money. And of course, moe gap. A very important distinction between the Khaana that put on pretty smiles and fancy displays, and the Khaana that turned into a monster and ripped hollows to pieces. A complexity which, she hoped, would one day capture the heart and interest of her Main Character Love Interest.

But truth be told. Keeping humans happy and entertained was....well. Annoying. There really was no winning. People wanted something cute but not annoying, sexy but not slutty, pretty but not full of herself. When she was smalltime, it was easy. She was just herself, and the people that liked her showed up, the people that didn't would filter out. But now as she'd garnered a wider audience, even though she was still ultimately herself, there were little concessions she'd made. Changes that came along the way. A sort of caricature of what she was. Fun times. But hey, she still made fucktons of money. She gestured for Amaranta to follow her and promptly took a seat at one end of a coffee table, leaving plenty of seats for Amaranta to sit either beside or across from her.

"So you wanna spend some time in the world of the living, yea? But humans are all about money. Food. Fuckin around. Having a place to sleep. It'll cost money. So my question to you is: What exactly is it you wanna do down here on earth? You looking to just poke your head in now and then? Looking to find a spot to live?" She ventured calmly enough.
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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty Re: A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:49 pm
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) CB6zaHa


Amaranta cocked a curious eyebrow at that comment. She had more fun killing hollows, eh? To say she was intrigued was an understatement. Khaana had initially struck her as the type who dislike engaging in combat but after their little challenge battle and this current revelation... she found her quite amusing now. For a moment, she wondered about the morality of it, an artificial soul composed of hollows... killing hollows. Then again, she was far from a saint. If she hadn't cooled down by now, she would've certainly returned to Hueco Mundo to take out her aggression on a collection of mindless beasts. There was more to her that met the eye, it seemed.

"Well shit, Princess. Color me surprised. I must admit I didn't initially view you as the throw-down type. Heh, I already thought you looked easy on the eyes before, but now? Heh, I'd say the sex appeal factor just went up a few pegs."

A tease to lighten the tension in the air. Of course, she wasn't exactly being dishonest, either. The woman heavily welcomed strong individuals, those who simply lived their life as they saw fit. Following the woman over to the coffee table, she simply chose the first seat that stood out to her, siting across from he woman. As expected, she ventured into the particulars of what Amara desired in this realm.

Leaning in her chair, Amaranta sat in quiet contemplation, thoughtfully stroking her chin. Hueco Mundo was fun for the fighting shit, but that was only if she got lucky. Mindless hollows could get boring, the place wasn't exactly always littered with Arrancar, and it was quite simply, an endless expanse of sand. She had tagalong companions who'd earned her favor in one aspect or another, but even they tended to default to wandering out here too, simply by merit of what this realm offered. An 80-20 split suited her quite well, honestly. Pepper a few visits into Hueco if some wicked shit went down, and come back to one of these houses, though that ultimately depended on whether or not she could afford one. Then again, that's why she was talking to Khaana.

"To tell the truth, I'm really interested in this realm. So much to do, way more one could explore in different continents n' shit rather than walking through a long expanse of sand. The only form' of entertainment I have in Hueco was made specifically for me and sentient hollow folk to fight one another and test each other's strength. Something like an arena. But, I'm getting off subject. Yeah... I'd like a place to find a place to live."


Last edited by Iori on Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty Re: A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:09 pm
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_shycocoa__sample-1bdac63e9dfb3931b29ac6310d5d26fb

Khaana's expression hardly wavered with the surprise response from Amaranta. She was aware it was surprising, that was the whole point~ However, when the woman went so far as to make note of how sexy Khaana was. That threw her for a bit of a loop. She called her sexy? After seeing what she-.... no. Amaranta was a hollow. So that hardly mattered. She frowned, narrowing her eyes for a moment.... before that smile returned and she chuckled a little to herself as she ...thought about it. So her main character trap worked on even this Antag? Well, she supposed this woman seemed a bit more like a rival than a proper antagonist. It was only natural. The Rival would be interested in the main character's love interest. She just was surprised to hear it from THIS woman. But she didn't offer any comment to that. She focused on the subject at hand.

"Huh, that simple? You just wanna go around and check stuff out? Honestly you probably could get by just on good will. Take care of hollows for people. That could net you a bit of profit, though probably not much. But from the sounds of it... you want a proper base of operations." She mused with a playful little smirk. She herself had had such a ...situation. True, she travelled a lot for her job. Going to Cons. Hunting. Things like that. But having a place or two helped. She had a place here in Tokyo, and a place back in her hometown. Well... "hometown" the place where she'd been dug up. Russia. But she honestly frequented Tokyo more. Well.... tokyo sortof. Her place itself wasn't actually IN Tokyo. She didn't come here often enough to waste money on a place IN Tokyo itself. She didn't need some kinda high value property to bleed her funds for no reason. Still.

"So. Say I were to provide a place for you to swing by. That's a bit of an investment on my end. Usually, people who buy up a place but don't end it are called tennants and they pay 'rent' so to speak. They contribute in some way so that they earn their keep." She leaned back and folded her legs. "What exactly do you have to offer for your Rent?"
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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty Re: A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Wed Nov 23, 2022 6:30 pm
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) CB6zaHa


Rent... huh? Amaranta supposed a rule like that made sense in a place like this. The only issue that pressed at her mind at the current moment was what she could feasibly offer this woman as rent. Adapting to these living realm rules would prove to be quite troublesome, but the beauty of a challenge certainly lay in overcoming the insurmountable. Much like in combat, this, too, the leonine woman concluded, would be overcome with her fiery will, and... maybe some diligence, of course.

Patience is a virtue, or however that lofty phrase went. Still, the hell could she offer this lady'? There wasn't anything significant to her name. Nothing in the form of income, to say nothing of valuables. She didn't really enjoy the idea of leaving the decision up to her, but she was the one who offered and the best negotiating tool seemed, at least from her perspective, to venture into what this woman found valuable, something tangible she could offer at the current moment.

"You want my brutally honest answer, Princess? Pure brute strength, muscle, speed, and the ability to manipulate fire, but that's not money nor is it really tangible when it comes to this income you speak of. As you can tell, I haven't adapted here much at all so money is nonexistent. There ain't nothin in Hueco Mundo I think you'd even want. Hell, I don't think I'd want anything there, either. Nothing of value, at least. What would count as good rent to you? I could get a job and pay my keep, of course, but that could take some time... Gotta figure out somethin' that won't make me lose my cool' or get me fired because I like bein' a little antagonistic."


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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty Re: A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:55 am
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_shycocoa__sample-1bdac63e9dfb3931b29ac6310d5d26fb

Khaana smirked, not in the same mean spirited superiority as before, but simply amused to see the Arrancar trying to sus out what she actually had to offer. And she got the answer that she more or less had expected to say the least. A simple woman indeed. But that was fine for Khaana's standards. It would have been a much bigger issue if the woman had tried seduction, or some other convoluted scheme and started making little IOU promises. She didn't need that in her life. No, simple kitty was a good kitty.

"Actually, that would indeed be something rather useful. I told you before. This job that I do? With ....all of this?" She gestured around them. "It's just a secondary object. It's something to help myself along. But I don't really care about any of it. My Money. My Image. You could say it's..... a tool. Something to occupy myself with. But what I really do is the stuff outside of that. Killing hollows, demons, though those are pretty rare these days. And of course, humans that cause trouble. I'll be getting you a phone. It's a communication tool for humans. And your 'rent' will be that when I call you, you answer it. If I need you, you show up if you can. I'm not gonna enforce some hard rules or anything. But I'll expect you to help me fight. Help me train. I might even ask you to check up on something for me. In exchange? I'll give you places to stay. Money for whatever your arrancar brain wants to do. And I can even help you acclimate to the humans. In exchange? You work for me." She noted with a calm smile.
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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty Re: A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:34 pm
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) CB6zaHa


An amused grin lined the leonine woman's lips, following each word with a focused air. Everything about her was an image, huh? The true representation of the woman lay in the battle they held hours ago. There was more to this dainty little lady, after all. Dancing between the life of a streamer and fierce killer. To Amaranta, that was an honest way of life. There was no falsity in her demeanor in her admission, no form of trying to maintain some air of superiority, no regret for her actions. None of that moral ethic bullshit. Genuine. Then, there were the terms.

In exchange for resources, Amaranta's job was relatively - surprisingly so - simple. Her pride would've certainly disagreed, but at her core, she was far from foolish about this. This was one hell of an offer. A mutual benefit. She'd be a fool not to take her up on this. After all, as adventurous as she was, there was no guarantee a continuous trek across this wide expanse of a realm would net her an opportunity like this; Her brash nature wasn't particularly human friendly.

Training her, fighting alongside her, working for her... and getting equal value out of it? Yeah. She had herself a deal. Offering her hand towards the woman, she'd chuckle softly.

"Deal, Princess. Tried thinking of any flaws with this, but ya' pretty much gave me an offer I can't refuse. Oh yeah... I don't think I ever actually got your name. I've been calling you "Princess" this whole time, but never gave you the chance to introduce yourself, officially..."


Last edited by Iori on Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty Re: A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:33 pm
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_shycocoa__sample-1bdac63e9dfb3931b29ac6310d5d26fb

She couldn't help but smirk a little. FRANKLY she'd been thinking of something like this ever since that Curry Fellow had offered to give her a few odd jobs for his own little Thing? Something like that. On some level, she was under his employ, just kinda part time. And she had been thinking about doing the same. After all, Amaranta had shown that she wasn't invincible or all powerful. Hollows reminded her of that all the time. She was lucky that her powers were something that she'd honed to the absolute limits. Embracing her own monstrousness. After all, in an anime, that was the surest way to victory. Sure, there were cool characters that treated that part of themselves like a trump card. But first you had to build that trump card up. And NOW that her powers were developed. she could now start coming up with a secondary set of skills. Training her body. Her martial prowess. And just more basic energy manipulation. It was a lot of work. Work that now, she would have a very capable hand helping her in.

She paused, eyeing the offered hand before she reached out and grasped it, giving a firm shake before snorting just a little. "Took you long enough. I would have only introduced myself earlier if I thought I was going to lose.But now that you're under my employ, I guess it only makes sense to tell you my name. Khaana. Khaana Sar." She noted, she could have added something like 'But you can call me 'Ma'am' or something like that. But she didn't wanna lay that on too thick. Plus this feline was....looking at her a little strangely. Eyeing her and such. So she sprinkled in a bit more of that haughty bitch juice to make sure that they didn't get any ideas. Amaranta was no main character.
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khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) Empty Re: A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana)

Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:01 pm
khaana - A Source of Attention (Amaranta, Khaana) CB6zaHa


Tch... there it was. The air of a pompous bitch, as if she won resoundingly, as if the duel couldn't have gone either way. If she didn't have half a wit about her, Amaranta would've certainly demanded a rematch, but there was no need for that. She could have plenty of time to prove herself in the future, and she'd be damned if she let this woman feel as if she were getting under her skin.

Rolling her eyes with a small "hpmh" escaping her lips, Amaranta would purposely tighten her grip a bit before removing her hand entirely. Khaana Sar, eh? Interesting name. She'd probably call her Princess, still. It felt natural at this point, and she didn't expect Khaana to stop calling her kitty. For the moment, Amaranta simply chuckled and nodded her head, rising from the table to stretch her arms.

"Neat name. Not sure if I introduced myself earlier, I was having too much fun at your expense. Name's Amaranta. Amaranta Valeria. Kinda' pointless since I expect you to keep referring to me as Kitty'. Anyway, should be interesting to doin business' with ya, boss," she quipped, an air of sarcasm tinting her tone. Of all the names she'd call her, that wouldn't be the one. But there was a hint of genuine intent in that tone as well. She certainly did welcome the thought of future endeavors. It'd fill her time up with all sorts of interesting shit to hop into. Hopefully, this lady liked fighting strong enemies. That'd make it even better. If she could get on top of good pay and resources? She was winning even in a loss.


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