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Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] Empty Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:53 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Sitting nearby the exit, Liltotto was patient yet sickened; there was a lot of... Unpleasantness floating around, anad she couldn't help but feel pretty crummy. Regardless of how she felt, she knew a good match when she saw one, having recognized the young man in the ring. She was sure he was a fellow doing volunteer work, a very... Interestingly dressed one at that. At the very least she wanted to know his deal before she took off.

She'd watch the crowd walk past her, scanning faces and scents, before she finally caught sight of him, standing up slowly and waving an arm, approaching him,

"Hey, you." She'd call out in a rather passive manner, "Ed? Err, Edward? Sorry i'm not great with names. You did pretty great out there."

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Sun Nov 13, 2022 5:03 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__a30f0a7e4df1f8d3afdcd7d198e96c65

What a match. He was still reeling from it just a little, frankly. Having been taken care of in the med bay of the arena, he still we rather sore as he made his way out of the facility itself and into the open air. Honestly it got HOT down there! The med bay itself was nice and cooled, for sterile purposes. But he'd taken a little nap in the locker room and wound up sweating his ass off. Thank goodness he had a sports drink in his locket. Now outside, he took a nice slow drink and sighed, stopping off to the side and tilting his head back. Most of his little...outfit was back inside. Yea, the crowd definitely had seemed a little intrigued as to his fancy cape. But well...once he'd gotten to the climax of the matches, the reason had become quite apparent.

He couldn't help but smile just a little to himself. Thinking back to the looks on his opponents faces when that cape had been hardened into a blade edge by his fullbring. Nothing quite like a moment like that. The crowd had loved it as well. He was so caught up in thinking back, wondering how he'd even managed to do as well as he did, that he didn't even notice the blonde woman until she spoke up. Spooking him just a little. He blinked a few times before his gaze fell to her. Thankfully, he was too wiped out to go accidentally using his powers. Thank god for that. Still, he was surprised at the compliment.

He swallowed the mouthful of sports drink he had and cleared his throat, offering a sheepish smile. "Oh, thank you. It's Edelo. And I'm glad you enjoyed my performance." He offered, his voice not quite as well practiced. He was still a little shaky. That practical OCEAN of people had been a lot to take in.
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Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] Empty Re: Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:09 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

"Ah, sorry, Edelo. Name's Liltotto; Sternritter." The woman seemed a bit out of sorts, unusually tense and perhaps a bit bleary in the eyes, a visibly exhausted look was apparent but she didn't appear to be acting on it, "You were assisting with disaster relief efforts, yeah? Didn't take you to be a fighter."

Her gaze slowly went to those around her, seeming visibly bothered before shaking her head, "Let's walk somewhere quieter, too much fucking noise here.."
It was a lie, the noise definitely wasn't what was bothering her, but to the unobservant it would just seem that she was simply overwhelmed by the unusual amount of activity going on. She just wanted to be somewhere that didn't have as many of them walking around.

"So I gather you're a fullbringer? We got a few doin' well in the Vandenreich, but I definitely haven't seen one with an ability like yours."

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Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] Empty Re: Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:47 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__a30f0a7e4df1f8d3afdcd7d198e96c65

Edelo blinked, surprise clearly written across his face as the rather casually dressed woman revealed herself to be a sternritter. That was a little odd, a good number of the Vandenreich were out in uniform today. Hm, maybe she was just here to watch. Well, no matter. He still smiled. "A pleasure to meet you. And uh, yes actually..." He paused, and then his eyes lit up. "Ah, right! I remember working with you once or twice! Sorry I didn't recognize you, a little worn out from the fights." He noted with a sheepish chuckle, admonishing himself internally. He was awful with recognizing people, he was usually just minding his own business when he was volunteering. But thankfully she only kinda sorta seemed to have remembered him.

Still, he paused, looking around, before glancing up at the stadium. Sheesh, you really could still hear it from out here. "Ah, sure thing." He murmured, readily following her as she put a bit of distance between them and the stadium itself. She definitely seemed a little Not at all the soft, warm gal he'd seen when they were doing relief work. Guess you really couldn't tell with people. .,....Psh...HE was one to talk. People rarely suspected him of being so reclusive. Honestly it was kinda nice being out of the locker room. Much fewer people trying to talk to him.

"I guess we are on the rarer side of things. And ah...ahah..." For half a second, he almost fucking froze. His ability? Did she KNOW about his eyes? But wait... no. She was probably just talking about his kicks. He couldn't help but chuckle softly. "ahah, oh! Uhm... yea, I guess that move can kinda surprise people sometimes, not really something a lot of fullbringers go for. They seem to kinda go for...wizard stuff over adding things to what they can do with their hands." He admitted, staring straight ahead. Honestly it wasn't THAT big a deal was it? But then again, if they really had so few fullbringers, he supposed even a simple mixed fullbring/martial art move like that would seem pretty unique.He was careful to just call it a move. On one hand, he wasn't gonna just drop what his actual ability was outta nowhere. But well. His Mother hadn't raised a liar.

He paused, glancing over his shoulder at her and tilting his head. "Still. I guess I should consider that a compliment huh? As a sternritter you must see all sorts of moves."
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Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] Empty Re: Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:15 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

She only waved off the lack of immediate recognition with a hand, "No worries, dude. I'm not somebody who's too memorable anyhow. I'm boring as can be."

Lil would give a bit of an off laugh as she'd shrug, clearly playing it off as a joke despite her tired exterior as they walked further away from... All of those. It was barely relieving to be in the "quieter" spot, focusing on talking up with the young man instead of anything else going on in her mind or senses,

"Yeah. I'm usually the one they pit against the funky newbies for training. Not in a bad way; the hollow reiatsu doesn't bother me. Pretty easy for me to tell you guys apart from others." She didn't quite make it obvious how specifically she picked such a thing up; the reality was that even if he wasn't fighting, she'd be able to tell by smell - Fullbringers had that slight scent of hollow to them, but clearly smelled predominantly quite human.

"It does seem to be more common for the kids to rely hard on their powers and less on themselves. I try to remind em that they should keep in mind that their bod needs work too. Can't last long in a fight if all it takes is your opponent getting their hands on you to mess everything up. Clearly you don't need that lesson, you're all nice and uh... Muscly."

She'd shrug at his comment, "Yeah, I've seen lots of things on the field. Shitty and Terrif...ic."

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Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] Empty Re: Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:31 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__a30f0a7e4df1f8d3afdcd7d198e96c65

Edelo nodded along as she played it off. Thankful that she wasn't bothered by his not remembering her. Though he DID raise a brow a bit at her calling herself not too memorably. He certainly knew that feeling.

"Oh. Well yea I guess the energy feels a little different. If you're sharp to that sort of thing." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. IT was so weird that that was a thing though. He didn't have any like..hollow in him. But his energy was just.... similar to theirs. It was strange. He took another small sip of his sports drink, but managed to swallow before she went and called him muscly. No spittakes this time, but he DID cough just a little and give a sheepish smile. "Ahah, I guess around here that is the look I have, yes? Honestly I'm just... how do you say.. uh. Country? Farm? A lot of physical labor." He admitted. Which, you know, killing hollows was a part of that.

Even so, he raised a brow. "I haven't really seen a lot of powers. Hollows... mostly. This ....... is the first time using my abilities against...something...someone....without fear for my life." He admitted, shaking his head a little. "It's different."
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Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] Empty Re: Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:14 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

She let the young man run on with his chatter, trying to piece together everything she can make of him, feeling unusually more analytical than normal. She wasn't sure if it was just the stress, being around those people, or both, but she felt more fixated on older information gathering habits than more sociable ones, spending more words in her head than with her mouth. She hardly reacted to his choke that she'd otherwise give a more active and amused reaction, feeling more like her chest was tight than the desire to laugh.

"Oh.. Yeah. You're lucky then." She'd spit out as she realized she left too much silence between his words and her own, "As in, to not have to deal with too many different things. Hollows... Yeah, they're the most a lotta people deal with. But you're lucky you haven't had to fight anything that'd really fuck you up before you're ready."

She'd sigh, facepalming softly, "Sorry I think the excitement just wore me out. Yeah, fighting on friendly terms is... Weird."

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Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] Empty Re: Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:23 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__a30f0a7e4df1f8d3afdcd7d198e96c65

Edelo at least seemed to get a smile out of her, and that was at least a victory in his book. Smiling lightly before nodding along as she went into ....other ...enemies? HE wasn't actually sure what to make of all that, but he supposed there were certainly other things that cxould fuck you up. Though... frankly, sometimes Hollows could be pretty nasty. But ....well. He was pretty aware that had been his only experience. "Ahah, I think I understand. Fighting hollows, it is simple, usually." He murmured, pausing to look over his shoulder as she seemed to further stress about the situation.

It brought a smile to his face, not out of any ill will but a bit of ...solidarity that the girl seemed to have so much trouble around crowds, as much as him even. "Oh absolutely! If I hadn't been in a fight, I probably would be worn out from being up in the crowds too! It's nothing like I'm used to. So many ...PEOPLE. The noise, the faces." He shook his head. it was even worse for him when his power was acting up. It was hard to even know what he was looking at when it kicked in. "It's nice to know I'm not the only one." He admitted, offering her a friendly smile and then some of his sports drink. Briefly forgetting that was a big deal for city folk. Sigh..... so many weird rules.
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Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] Empty Re: Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:37 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

"Yeah I guess that's to be expected if you've been in the country your whole life. People, and hollows... Not a lot of people, and the hostile hollows are just dangerous animals to put down, really."

She'd raise a hand in a slight 'no thanks' gesture to the drink. Lil swore she'd just eat the whole goddamn bottle on reflex if it was near her mouth with how off she felt - not actually, actually a pretty unreasonable concern, she wasn't sure what she was thinking with her thoughts going in that direction. Was she having an attack or something? She tried focusing on her breath while maintaining the conversation; Ocean, Edelo, Shi.. She felt a little stunned, quickly redirecting her method to sight instead, trying to ignore whatever her other sense was picking up.

"Y'ever thought of joining the Vandenreich?" She blurted her thought out in complete disregard of any worry of it sounding odd or rude. It was a real question she wanted answered; the Vandenreich needed more capable fighters and the Vandenreich needed to improve it's current forces, that was the logical pathing her thoughts took as she looked at this guy who held some promise.

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Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] Empty Re: Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:44 pm
Good Job Out There, Chap [Lil, Edelo] HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__a30f0a7e4df1f8d3afdcd7d198e96c65

He nodded, smiling just a little. "Most of the time. It depends I guess." He murmured. The hollows he remembered were simple, beasts. ...... Mostly. The others were the ones he preferred not to remember. As she declined a drink, he took another himself. Noticing that she definitely seemed a little jittery. Though, when she suddenly blurted that question out... he ...kinda looked off into the distance. "Ah.... well. I have I admit. I honestly didn't even expect to be picked for matches. But well. I guess I'm cut out for it. I came here with my mother, because we did not feel safe in our homes. We're grateful to have found someplace so secure. And I suppose it would be nice to help keep it that way. I guess I've just been trying to put a little....thought into it before I go making sudden decisions. I'm not used to ...the pace of things around here. I guess."

He glanced over his shoulder at the Arena, then looking at the road ahead of them. They were a fair distance away by now. The noise was almost gone, hopefully she'd be feeling better soon.
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