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Mon Oct 10, 2022 10:00 am
ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 HEADER_41301658_p13


Candice practically landed in her arms and Ehefra was promptly on her back, chuckling a little as Candice spilled into her arms and clung to her, turning her head a bit and smiling as the woman nestled in. She promptly embraced her in turn, and gently ran her fingers through the blonde's hair, helping Candice try and relax as her previous irritation melted practically immediately.

"Hey, hospital gown isn't exactly a flattering look. And uh, nah nothing like that. Some crazy fucker started butchering people out in Miami while was trying to chill on the beach. We don't really know if he was like...with Shadowfall or just working on his own or anything. Uh.... there wasn't really enough of a body left behind to go askin questions." She explained. It wasn't like it was a secret or anything, the incident had been concealed by that crazy forest thing, but the climax of the fight had been pretty noticable. She HAD more or less glassed a section of the beach.

"So uh, yea. Whoever that fucker is, his soul is toast anyway. I got off pretty alright all things considered. He fucked up my legs, but well, that's about Aside from a couple bad dreams. The guy was kinda off his rocker." She explained. Was she underselling her night terrors? Maybe. Would that come back to bite her? uh...possibly. But one thing at a time. Right?
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Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:46 am

ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 D4ZuBdB

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

It was hard to process all the different emotions and feelings that came from all these rolling revelations. So Ehefra was out there fighting lunatics on beaches too. And what was Candi doing whilst all this was going on? Sat in a boardroom discussing percentages and scales with a bunch of faces in suits? It all felt so meaningless really. Like, sure, she was doing things and helping out every now and then, but there was more she could be doing, right? Ugh, it was all so much simpler when nothing else mattered to her.

Candi wriggled and writhed in the embrace, unable to really vent her frustration because she was also just glad that Ehefra was alright. It was just like with Giselle. Okay maybe it wasn't that bad, but she felt just as useless. Whywhywhywhywhy?!

"Oh, right, in Miami? You didn't tell me that was a combat mission. I... I didn't know you went on combat missions. I thought you were in the support division or whatever."

She looked down at the rest of Ehefra, trying to get some gauge on her injuries and her overall state of being. Like, this wasn't just a little bit of rough and tumble. The girl like couldn't walk without surgery or whatever, but she'd pulled through. Was this clown just an average run-of-the-mill demon? Didn't seem like the type to just attack a city solo, so it must have been way more powerful. How come she kept getting involved with really cool, and really dangerous people? And like, they didn't talk about it until it was forced to come out.

But she was just as guilty of that as they were. It's not like she'd talked her through what the Thunderqueen was and that whole ordeal. She hadn't ever told anyone about that. At first, it was because who would have really believed her, but now it was like she wanted to hide it. Was all this leading to the revelation that she, Candice Catnipp, was a coward? That wasn't exactly the outro she wanted.

"Um. I'm glad you're okay, like, most of you anyway. I suppose you'll be pretty busy once you're out of here too, feels like the whole world's being turned on its head right now. Might as well make the most of the time off, yeah?"

Those emerald eyes finally looked down at Ehefra's own, leaning over her on the bed as Ehefra lay there. She blushed again, a flash of red now layering over the pink.

Blessing From The Skies | END POST
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Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:25 pm
ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 HEADER_E7394dXVIAIlaKk

Ehefra couldn't help but smirk just a little as she heard Candice talk. "Weeeell you know. I'm kinda special. Yea, my specialty is you and infrastructure. But I'm also a lot stronger than a good number of our Sternritter, so I get deployed on combat missions. But uh.... no. It actually wasn't supposed to be a combat mission this time. Full disclosure, I was just chilling at the beach after a meeting when that fucker started chopping people up. I was kkinda just.... the closest person on scene at the time. So uh, I kinda didn't expect to be kicking ass or anything." She admitted. Though Kicking the man's ass was probably a generous assessment of how things actually went down.

When Candice started looking over her legs Ehefra smiled. "Hey, wanna see something cool?" she asked, before she shifted in her hospital bed. "alright.... now...this is me...trying to move my foot normally.." She murmured, the leg barely twitched just a little, sure all the bleeding had been fixed and her skin was closed up, albeit scarred, but all the other damage was mostly interna. "And noooowww...with a bit of quincy magic." She raised her leg almost completely, a 90 degree angle up into the air, before lowering back down.

"Eh, pretty cool huh? No big deal. Just a super rare, super difficult spell called Spirit puppetry. I just uh, gotta be careful not to do it too much till my surgery." She noted, smiling boisterously. At least up until... Candice got real close. Then Ehefra gave an owlish little blink, staring up at Candice as the woman talked about the state of the world. And uh.... time off. "Y...y-yea?" Ehefra suddenly found herself stammering as Candice got in real close.

"I uh...eheh.. I guess that makes sense. But uhm, I'm really not supposed to be moving my legs till my surgery y-ya know.." She murmured sheepishly, but Candice was certainly succeeding in getting her flustered.
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ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:16 pm

ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 D4ZuBdB

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Yeah. I know you're special, Heff."

Her lips curled into a wry smile, and she could have just kissed her right there and then, but there was a little more she wanted to add as she watched that whole display with Ehefra doing something to her leg and then moving it. There'd been a moment when this little meeting might have gone a very different way, but Candi's brain simply flicked from one thing to another.

"But you're a little bit crazier than I thought, and I guess that's saying something. Threw yourself into this fight and didn't back down even when he messed up your legs like that. It is kinda hot."

Candi realised she was genuinely interested in how Quincy magic worked. There was an entire world that she hadn't explored and yet lingering at her fingertips, and she had a bunch of people already on the inside. Though Giselle's powers were all weird and blood-based as far as she could tell, and that was a little beyond her mortal comprehension, what Ehefra did was more like actual real-life magic. And that was coming from the girl who could summon lightning to her fingertips.

It wasn't like she really understood her own power either. It was something that had been forced upon her, forced into her, and now she could use it. There was no complexity, no nuance, just a child playing with her toys. How would she accomplish what Ehefra just had? Could she? If she willed the Thunderbolt into those busted-up legs could she get it to fix her? Definitely a little too dangerous to try right now, maybe ever, but the idea was now there to explore just a little.

"How do you like... Do all that? Is it something you were born with or did you work really hard to make it work like that? I've seen a lot of Quincy. You're all doing different things. Just trying to understand a little of how that works, I guess?"

Blessing From The Skies | END POST
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ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:39 pm
ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 HEADER_E7394dXVIAIlaKk

Ehefra blinked owlishly, and felt her whole face starting to pinken up. Watching as Candice got nice and up close to her, and started talking about how awesome she was. How ...HOT she was?

"I-I am?" She stammered out, a little embarrassed as she watched Candice lean in, and it sure FELT like she was about to be kissed. But to her surprise she.....wasn't? Instead, Candice actually asked a very interesting question. And she kinda realized...Candice probably didn't know how any of this worked! And suddenly, Ehefra was smling slyly at that. Her chest puffing a bit with pride.

"AH well I mean. It's a little complicated. Especially the stuff I do. Normally Quincy do what they do by manipulating kinda.....wandering spirit dust that kinda floats around in the air. It's like...spirit....oxygen? It doesn't really do much on it's own, and it kinda just floats around. Quincy can absorb and manipulate that spirit dust to do things. Like...turn it into a weapon, or use it to do cool stuff. And it ...varies from quincy to quincy. My dad taught me to code when I was real young, so when I interact with reishi, or the spirit dust, I kinda...treat it like a computer code. I give it specific instructions and all that whoohah.

Though uh. If you mean the leg thing SPECIFICALLY. It's basically like....suturing little threads of spirit energy through my legs and using them to move them. It's an old tech that was used so that even really old or crippled quincy could still fight."
She explained, waving a hand as Beeps promptly poked it's head out of her bag and floated into view, amidst her explanation. Projecting a little holographic display that sortof...outlined and visualized Ehefra's explanation. AFTER zooming over to Candice and nuzzling into her shoulder of course. It had been a while after all.
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Mon Oct 10, 2022 7:41 pm

ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 D4ZuBdB

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Uh huh~. I do keep telling ya."

Candi pressed her face a little closer still, wanting to just savour the moment where Ehefra didn't quite know what was going on. But, as promised, she relented. Just a few teasing breaths against her lips before she sought to retreat. Not that she would be opposed were Ehefra to strike from below, the option was certainly there for a little bit of something.

"So you just interface with it by like... pretending to code? Or do you like actually code? Still, I think that's kinda like what I do but also different. Well, that sounds a little silly but like, I can manipulate stuff in the air too. But nothing fancy like all your programming though, I just kinda make electricity?"

She sat back a little watching the demonstration from Beeps with a little chuckle, a little relieved to see that the little robot was still around, and then danced a little mote of electricity across her fingertips to demonstrate her own point. Bouncing from one finger to the next before leaping off the index finger and dispersing into nothing again. It was all interesting in its own way, and right now Candi was genuinely engaged.

Blessing From The Skies | END POST
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ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:28 pm
ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 HEADER_E7394dXVIAIlaKk

Ehefra smiled and ....DID consider kissing Candice, but she saved that for now. But rather she was.... a little intrigued to see Candice following along fairly well. And then perking when she noticed the woman adding in her own two cents.

And it was....adorable~ She had never really SEEN Candice this curious about a subject before. Not just curious, but engaging with her OWN little powers as well. She chuckled just a bit and watched that little spark travelling around. "Yea, its pretty.....niche? Sortof. Different Quincy have different proficiency for their abilities. A kinda....natural knack for doing things a certain way. That's why you can see quincy do some off the wll shit, but usually not always eachother's off the wall shit. But there's definitely categorizations. Individuals with a tendency toward an element, or some archetypes of power which ultimately wind up working in similar ways to eachother."

She shifted the display, and there stood Cresimir. And she ....shuddered just a little, enough that Candice might have noticed it. It was a still picture of the grinning man, his body partially melted into that jungle of his.

"This is the guy that I fought. I wasn't really able to get a good scan of his abilities, but I still managed to get footage. His powers were ...well...definitely unique. But there's data about individuals similar to him even just going through online stories." Another swish, and the display faded. "A lot of my work has been...well... a side project. But I research abilities a lot. Particularly my own. How they work, what the rules are for how they perform. Things like that. And how to make them better." She shifted the display, showing herself. But in her vollstandig, bright brilliant code wings floating behind her. But split into two images. With different readings.

"And THANKS to that Research, I've even been able to modify my Vollstandig. A sortof High End mode that burns through energy faster. And alternatively, a Low-End Mode, without the power boost, but while still giving me access to abilities that I can usually only use when it's active." She explained, puffing her chest a bit proudly. Her own modular release being something she'd actually been VERY proud of.
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ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:52 pm

ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 D4ZuBdB

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Having been following along quite contentedly, Candi bristled a little at the sight of Cresimir. He looked pretty fucking creepy even on the tiny hologram display, she had to admit. But then it changed to a winged version of Ehefra looking all jazzy and stuff. She liked that a bit more, but it was also a little creepy in the abstract.

"You research abilities? So like anything or just specifically Quincy stuff?"

It was certainly abundantly clear who Candice was interested in researching, as subtle as she was, but it might be interesting for Ehefra too. She was quite the specimen after all. But she was also volunteering to be tested and judged and all that icky stuff. That was weird too. A year ago, she definitely wouldn't have given the remotest consideration to putting herself out there like that. She really was going above and beyond to try to take Ehefra's mind off whatever had her a little spooked.

"I do kinda like it when you talk technical though. Side projects and special modifications and all that stuff. You're hot when you're getting all passionate."

A hand danced across that puffed-out chest, slowly crawling upwards to begin pulling at a rogue strand of Ehefra's hair. Candi leaned in again, this time she wasn't messing around.

Blessing From The Skies | END POST
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ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice]

Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:01 am
ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 HEADER_E7394dXVIAIlaKk

Ehefra was.... actually kinda pleased that Candice seemed so into this. She was following along, SEEMING interested, and ...continued to be interested instead of just nodding off. It was kinda exciting!

"Well, yea in general. That's why I spent so much time refining my Scanning scripts. To be able to break down abilities to their base components and functions and figure out how they work. And then working from there. Of course yaknow.... its kinda hard to get volunteers. PRetty much I only have my own powers and one of my coworkers who volunteered to spar with the scanners present." She noted with a sheepish chuckle.

She paused, raising a brow. "Are uh...YOU interested in being a test subject?" She asked, as Candice certainly seemed to be hinting as much as she leaned in. Entirely unaware of ...uh... this perception of Candice's that scientific research was some sort of judgemental process. All the same, her eyes widened and her face lit up as Candice leaned in and seemed to .....appreciate Ehefra's enthusiasm. Wait, really? Was this for real?

"Well uh, eheh...I guess I've just always been curious about how this stuff" Her voice briefly faltered as that hand traced along her skin, and then found it's way to her hair. She wound up trailing off, and then finally just leaning in. Closing the gap and kissing the blonde.

And....just as they made contact, Beeps let out a little trill.... causing Ehefra to glance their way, about to reach up and mute them when..... ah fuck..

"....I have my surgery in an hour or two... they ... are probably gonna come snag me for prepping pretty soon..." She ...regrettably brought up. The Hospital sadly was not a great place to go ....canoodling. The last thing she wanted was to have ...ahem... this reunion cut short in the middle of things. Especially not by one of the nurses barging in during and then Candice getting thrown out. Yea...

She cleared her throat, and pulled Candice close, knowing she would be a little ruffled. "I shouldbe outta surgery later this afternoon. And uh... if all goes well. I might even be discharged first thing in the morning." She noted with a soft sheepish smile. Knowing that this ...kinda sucked. But hey, the sooner this got over with, the sooner she'd be back on her feet.
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Wed Oct 12, 2022 12:36 am

ehefra - Bad Dreams Can't Hurt Me [Ehefra, Candice] - Page 2 D4ZuBdB

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Do you have to call it 'test subject', that makes it weird for me. But alright, sure, I'll bite. Just for you, Heff."

It took a little bit of internal coercion, and she certainly hadn't made any commitments that she couldn't go back on, but Candice was actually down to see what came out of some proper studying. Maybe it was nothing, maybe she just fried some sensors and called it a day or something actually fun came out of it. Speaking of fun, she had just about settled into that kiss when Beeps started going off and they were awkwardly forced apart.

"Yeah, you're right, sorry. I shouldn't be giving you a heart attack before you go into surgery. Though, if ever you were going to have one..."

Smirking again, she leaned in to plant one more kiss upon Ehefra's lips. A little something for her to remember when she was going under, or something like that.

"I'll see you when you're back, alright?"

Blessing From The Skies | END POST
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