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Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:01 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

With how normal everything's felt, she genuinely took a hot second to notice that things had changed around. Wasn't super drastic and she sure did have a schedule to keep up with that wasn't hindered by reality-altering events.

Damn, he actually went through with it, she'd think, I'm almost proud.

It did give some explanation as to why Giselle was acting so wonky - Maybe she still remembered stuff? And of course with that realization, she thought to check who probably should have been the first person to wonder if they had been affected - Either Ajora or Santa. She was aware that Santa was close to Mazda, but at the same time she had no clue how much that'd reflect to Ajora.

Well, if you aren't sure, doesn't hurt to ask the most convenient party, she supposed.

Arriving at their usual meetup spot, a small shore that was typically unoccupied - wasn't super great for a lot of people to be swimming at or having a beach day she guessed, calmly walking out into the sands. Ajora was a crafty one, even if she wasn't here she probably would have left some way for her to know Liltotto had swung by.

"Hey, 'jora? Y'hear me?" She'd call out, "Need to chat for a bit! Kinda important probably!"

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Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:23 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] Cchw2v2gv2_HEADER_

"Hm, well this is unexpected." That familiar voice would reach Liltotto's ears as the air yawned to her left, peeling away from Ajora's frame, the woman sitting on a boulder as she appeared beside the Sternritter. But that voice would sound.....different. Not quite as ...warm and composed as it normally was. And there was a fatigue in the woman's eyes.

"I'm sorry that I'm a little out of sorts. I've been burning the midnight oil so to speak. Even as we speak." She murmured softly, no doubt he rest of the Garden was busy doing.....something. Whatever that was. All the same, she stood up, stretching just a little before sighing and glancing at Liltotto, not even offering her usual smile. "Now then. What is it I can help you with?" She ventured, taking a moment to glance at Liltotto up and down, considering for a brief moment. Hm. She wondered if those Hoodies were as comfortable as humans made them seem.
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Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:40 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Right on cue, the Arrancar appeared, though seemed a lot less like her typical warm-fronting gal self. Yeah, she had a pretty good indication the shift hit her in some way just by looking at her, much more by her voice. Whatever she was experiencing, she certainly was having it rough.

She'd make her way in front of her, putting a hand on her hip, "Alright i'm not sugarcoating this shit - Mazda went through with his plan and now the world's changed. Had reason to believe it might have shaken you up so I had to come check, and by the looks of it you aren't doing super hot, chick."

Without a speck of hesitation, she'd hold Ajora by the shoulders and quickly guide her to a set of rocks for them to sit on, listening to the soft crashings of the waves on the sand next to them, "Siiit," Not like she was giving her much of a choice, gently making her sit down, moving to sit next to her.

"Alright, with that blow of info, how you holdin' up? How's Santa?"

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Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:56 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] Cchw2v2gv2_HEADER_

"So I've been made aware. I found out through Santa. Though she's taken his loss fairly hard." She noted calmly enough, not seeming to have been too surprised by the news. "But it's interesting that you're aware as well. Mazda verified that he joined with the Soul King. Santa was able to notice because of his gift to her. And I was informed through Santa." She noted calmly enough. Looking directly at Liltotto as she did so. This little episode, and the fact that Liltotto had noticed as well, meant that she had certainly gotten a LOT of closure on her theories of just what Liltotto was.

Still she ....seemed surprised when Liltotto closed in and promptly pushed her back down into a seat, smiling ruefully up at the blonde. "Oh? You know that this body can't get tired. I'm simply a bit mentally exhausted. Once I figured out what had happened. I've been working to analyze and determine the ....difference of what has changed. My...overprecaution toward Mazda is a bit injuring in this instanced. I have to rely on Santa's memories rather than my own, and her recollections are ...shaky and unspecific." She sighed, shaking her head. "Which makes the work a bit exhausting. Were it not for Santa, I wouldn't have even noticed." She shrugged.

"As for Santa. She has lost her Sun. She'll be fine. If nothing else.... she's grown more determined to change the world. To create a world in which her Sun might reborn and be welcome." She explained tiredly enough.
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Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:09 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

"Yeah, it's called having a conversation in the middle of the night with a dude who has the power to, quite literally, unfuck reality," She'd chuckle, though it'd be followed by a sigh, "Honestly even if he didn't approach me, I would've ended up noticing, with absolute certainty. Pretty sure that was why he bothered."

She'd cross her legs as Ajora spoke her piece of what was happening with her and Santa, cocking her head to the side, "Dude, 'rest' and 'sleep' are totally alien to me, and even I can have my off days. Mental exhaustion can be just as annoying to deal with as anything physical."

Though her explanation of Santa and her intent had her brows knit, "..That bad, huh?" She'd mumble, thinking for a moment, ".. I mean, I don't think she should try to bring that guy back, didn't seem super inclined on a second go. It's not like he up and vanished - he made his bed and is lying in it. Unfortunately said bed is merging with the Soul King, and from what little I understand of that situation, prospects of having freedom and individuality are not great."

"..Though I guess it's a matter of how long Santa'll be hitting that dead end til she realizes what it is."

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Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:37 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] Cchw2v2gv2_HEADER_

Ajora's eyes drifted to a close. And for a moment....she considered what she should share with this woman. Should she inform her..... of just how ....cognizant the remnant of Mazda was? No, that was an easy answer. For the time being, she would keep that to herself. That was not her information to divulge, connected as she was to Santa.

"Santa knew her place. But even so, their relationship was not as simple as many may have surmised. Mazda meant a very great deal to Santa." She noted softly, making note of those furrowed brows. Hm, so it was concern was it. "It's more of a metaphor than a literal intent. She wants a world in which individuals such as Algos and Mazda could have lived peacefully. She's a dreamer that one." She noted softly, closing her eyes and settling into her seat shaking her head.

"I have to say, I didn't imagine you the type to check in on Santa. I went out of my way to seek you out, but so far as I'm aware, you've only had very brief contact with her. I can understand sympathy, but as she is right now, it may be best that you allow her some time and space. Even I've been ...trying to give her a bit of distance." She murmured lightly, reaching up and lightly rubbing at the mottled patch over her left eye. Santa's....control over the garden was growing. And it was having unexpected effects on herself. She'd had a small run in with some hollows and found she didn't have quite the ...regenerative resources she usually had. So she was stuck with the injury and limited reiryoku until Santa calmed down.

"But as for a dead end. Is that your opinion on the matter?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head. Smiling just a little. "It seems almost every individual that Santa had grown close to was an individual with a considerable ammount of power and influence. MOST of them I imagine might have been quite capable of such expansive influence. Santa may not be much on her own. But ....interestingly enough. That woman's heart has a way of swaying those of much grander stature. I wouldn't doubt the potential for her to see her dream through. She is much older than she seems, and very determined."
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Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:05 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

A look of uncertainty crossed her face with that statement of Santa's heart's desire, her lips pressed firmly together as her eyes stared hard at the ground for a moment, collecting her thoughts before finally letting her mouth run,

"I don't think that's happening," Her hands were at her side, digging into the grooves of the stone as she never let her gaze rise, "Least, not in any way she may want. People fear the unknown for a reason, and when that unknown is a host of power with unknowable intent, it's mortally terrifying. Might as well have placed a lion in front of someone telling them, 'It's alright, he won't bite.' People like u-.. Like Mazda, just... Aren't stomachable for most things with basic survival instincts."

Softly running her feet through the sand beneath her, she'd close her eyes feeling it's warm shape, "It's conform or be feared, really. You'd have to make yourself out to be something not so terrifying if y'want any hope in others not fearing you, for them to tolerate you. I don't think it's worth interfering, but I don't think her dream's all that realistic, unfortunately. So yeah, all I see are dead ends."

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Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:22 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] Cchw2v2gv2_HEADER_

Ajora smiled softly.
"People such as yourself and Mazda." She redirected calmly, shaking her head for a moment and ....considering such a thing. "A hundred years ago, that very same thing may have been said for Arrancar. But as humans grew more comfortable around the spiritual realm, they grew acclimated to us. That isn't to say that someone as ....grandiose as MAzda would be able to have such treatment. But. I think you're more familiar with such things." She hummed, closing her eyes and sighing gently.

All the same, she allowed her smile to ...widen ever so slightly at Liltotto's assessment.

"Is that so terrible? Humans have dreams just as lofty. World peace. Fame. Power. A loved one who left them behind into the next world. Simply because it isn't reasonable to attain, makes it no issue in terms of dreaming. I myself have an unreachable dream as well." She rested her arm on her bent knee, and offered a shrug. "I must say. You seem more.....pessimistic than usual. Is everything alright?"
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Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:37 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

That was still strange to grasp - One-hundred years. It had been a much shorter time, but to her things felt much further apart. She wasn't bothered, it would be fine, at some point it'll be like the time never vanished to her older mind.

"Ain't saying she can't hope or dream, just that I think those things are pretty fruitless to act on. Just how the world is," Her long golden locks would fall over her shoulder as she'd look to Ajora quizzically, narrowing her eyes at that smile, "Hell do you mean? It Isn't pessimism to face facts. Sometimes you gotta see things, bigger picture, and think, 'Yeah, with how things are, this isn't gonna work out as well as I want'."

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Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:44 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] Cchw2v2gv2_HEADER_

Ajora smiled softly at that. "That simply isn't possible. Santa would never abandon her dream. Not even when it kills her." She noted lightly, pausing as she took a moment to survey Liltotto. Tilting her head. "I'm a little curious. What does it matter to you that Santa abandons her ideals? You're part of the Vandenreich aren't you? And Santa no longer has Mazda to connect her to the place." She looked off into the distance.... at the City of Lights.

"She has nothing that binds her here anymore. I imagine that you won't be likely to see her here again. She isn't your friend. She isn't your enemy. So I'm a little curious why you're so worried about how realistic or not her dream is." She pointed out.
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