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God of Love
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Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:18 pm
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] O56jPf1


In the immediacy of her fight with Erika, when she had been caught up in the heat of it, focused on her pride being challenged, Shaoling had been perfectly fine with sacrificing her own well-being simply to prove her mettle. Now, however, recovering from the injuries and having to train back into shape with still-healing wounds, she was mostly just irritated with herself for being weak enough that it had come to this.

Carefully moving into a handstand, she held back a wince as she felt her weight move onto the arm that was still not entirely recovered from having been split neatly in two. But she had no intention of stopping, and as she began her pushups, she simply thought back to the fight itself. She certainly hadn't been mobile enough, clearly on account of being too caught up in her own pride. Unsurprising. The two of them had been fairly evenly matched in most aspects, and the fact that Erika was clearly a bit more resilient had proven a tremendous factor. She would need to consider that for next time.

Next time? The faintest, briefest of laughs crossed Shaoling's lips at her own eagerness. She supposed she would enjoy another go with Erika. But not yet. She had far more to do than think about that.


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Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:59 pm
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] HEADER_0085-017

"A smile. Never thought I'd see the day one of those graced your face again. But I suppose 'never' is a lot longer than most people think." Truth be told, Yoruichi hadn't seen Shaolin in ages. And well, also had no real idea as to what level of discipline the woman put into keeping her awareness up these days. Much less how that awareness wavered after what seemed to be quite the little bout. But whether Shaolin sensed Yoruichi's approach or not wouldn't keep Yoruichi from halting. She was hardly putting a concerted effort into sneaking up on the woman, and truth be told, it would only inform her just how beaten Shaolin WAS if she was caught off guard by the woman in feline form. Truth be told, she hadn't even been entirely sure she'd see Shaolin, the woman kept herself busy enough as it were these days.

All the same, those golden eyes would take a moment to survey the woman's frame. How long had it been. She knew about Shaolin's....transition. Abandoning her old name, what little snippets Urahara had provided. Well, it seemed at least the woman's recklessness was as intact as ever. But well...... even despite all of the work that Shaolin had put into making herself into the ideal Stealth Force commander....well. Yoruichi had always had certain reservations about whether Shaolin had ever truly been cut out for the position. Certainly, her Zanpaku'to betrayed what her heart truly craved.

"So then, 株リン. I don't suppose you'll be taking a vacation from your job while you recover?" She ventured, truth be told it was 50-50 whether or not Shaolin somehow decided to find a way to frame this as some better way to challenge herself in her deliveries. She hardly knew the woman as well as she once did.
God of Love
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Sat Aug 20, 2022 5:36 pm
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] O56jPf1


Oh, Shaoling certainly did feel Yoruichi's approach, and the faint smile she'd had for the briefest of moments quickly departed once more, her mouth returning to the typical thin line cutting its way across her features.

"Living for myself has made life enjoyable at times."

She continued with her efforts, not willing to stop her training simply on account of this woman. Shaoling wasn't so embittered that she would let Yoruichi's presence get to her. If anything, she was well past the point of even particularly caring about it. The only thing she felt about that situation was disappointment in herself for being fooled twice. The pain in her arm remained, but she still paid it no mind, speaking in her usual terse, sharp tone as if Yoruichi were any other person.

"No. A vacation would be a waste of my time. Recovery entails a return to full form, and growing lax would give a poor impression to my student."

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Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:08 pm
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] HEADER_0085-017

"That's good at least." She murmured hollowly, watching as the woman continued to exercise before her very eyes. And she couldn't help but feel a slow, cold grip in her chest at watching her like this. A slow sigh escaping her. She truly was unstoppable when she was like this. Well... in a matter of speaking. The mention of her student was something that gave her pause. She'd heard something about that, though she hadn't looked into it as much as she might have liked to. Still, she glanced to the arm that supported the entirety of Shaolin's weight on it.

"I'm not sure push-ups will give much in the way of returns for a woman of your strength, Shaolin." She noted with a sigh, moving a bit closer and pausing a short way away from the woman, where she was within the ex-captain's line of sight. "But well, as far as students go, I suppose I was never particularly talented in that department, so what do I know." She conceded, far be it from her to claim that she was a good role-model for Shaoling.

"You can be more direct if there's something you want to say to me." Her voice was calm, hardly accusing so much as it simply was....tired. She didn't have the energy to ...tip toe around these things. She'd always been careful around her, but she imagined that would do no good at this stage.
God of Love
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Sat Aug 20, 2022 8:27 pm
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] O56jPf1


"Not in strength, no. In balance, however, and in retraining a severely crippled limb, this is perfectly good exercise."

It wasn't as if she thought this sort of thing would do her any good as far as her actual strength. If she wished to train that, she would be doing it far from Karakura, lest she draw the ire of Urahara or the local authorities. Not that she especially cared what either of those entities thought, per se, but needless conflict sounded more bothersome than anything else.

"That's true. I do go out of my way to be the teacher I never had."

But even such a biting comment wasn't spoken with any particular ire. Shaoling didn't have it in her to hold the same grudge twice over, after all, so she simply continued, her eyes moving to the current visitor without even a hint of hostility.

"Say to you? I guess I do. Do you think I'm angry? Upset? I'm not. I don't hold any particular ill will toward you, at least not compared to plenty of others."

Finishing her final pushup, she effortlessly returned to her feet, stretching and bringing her gaze once more to Yoruichi. It was almost strange to speak with her so casually, but she supposed that meant she hadn't simply been fooling herself about moving on. Her voice remained calm, free of any hate or malice. Her words were certainly cutting, but that was simply the sort of person Shaoling was. Direct, unflinching. Really, she typically wouldn't have even spoken this much on a personal topic, but this was one that the two of them already knew. Being guarded about it would have only been needlessly obtuse.

"You and I are fundamentally different people. I should have seen that much sooner, but my household didn't give me much chance to learn about more personal matters. I let a childish fancy cloud my judgement for far too long, and built a fantasy around an idea of you that never really existed. I could blame you for abandoning me, certainly. But I should blame myself for expecting that you'd stay."

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Sat Aug 20, 2022 8:58 pm
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] 0159-026_HEADER1_

She sighed softly, but she listened all the same as Shaoling gave her rebuttal to the little quip, and when the woman's eyes drifted to her mentor. She wouldn't find the cat. She'd find Yoruichi in her true form, seated down, her knees drawn slightly up, and resting her forearms over her knees, looking at her once=protege with calm, sad eyes. Some part of herself maybe hurt even more that Shaoling wasn't mad at her. That she couldn't even muster that.

Even as the woman stated that she didn't have it in her to hold any ill will, that she wasn't angry. Yoruichi's expression didn't change, even as she found herself torn between a number of emotions. Guilt. Regret. Even some anger of her own.

"Yes. I think you are. And if you're not, then you should be." She noted lightly.

She watched as Shaolin dropped down and stood. The Shihoin herself staying where she was as she went on to .....go on to speak about the abandonment that was on Yoruichi's mind. And THAT ...was what got her onto her feet. "Just because you say you don't have a reason to be angry doesn't mean that you're not, Shaoling." She ...hesitated. And then took a step toward the woman, pausing just outside the woman's personal space, but not crossing into it. Just beyond the reach of the other woman. She frowned, as her mind raced. Struggling with ....WHICH thing she wanted to say first. What she wanted to say at ALL even. And at the very same time....she didn't miss a beat. A convenient skill indeed she'd garnered from being a Noble. Being able to talk even if she didn't know where she was going with something. Well, that and interrogation.

"You finally left the soul society. You come to the world of the living, and find the one employer that more or less guaranteed we would cross paths. You may not think you're angry, but I think it wouldn't be hard to say that you have something you want to say to me. We're different. Or at least that's what you seem to think. But I don't think we're as different as you think, or would like to believe we are." She was getting close to more ...sensitive subjects, and her instincts didn't like it, but at the very same time. She couldn't just avoid Shaoling forever. Nor could she ignore her own feelings of discontent when it came to her ex-student.
God of Love
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Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:01 pm
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] O56jPf1


"You're right, he's the one employer that would ensure you and I would see each other again. But that isn't why I'm here. I came because I knew he would hire me, and would put me to use in a way that would suit me and my talents. I knew it would be a perfectly good way to let Yuujin see more of the world than just Soul Society."

Shaoling crossed her arms now, not out of any outright irritation, but simply because the conversation seemed to be going nowhere. She hated the idea of wasting time. Honestly, it just seemed like Yoruichi wanted this to bother her more than it did. In a way, Shaoling knew that most people in her position probably would still be angry. But that wasn't the sort of person she was.

"What would I be angry about? If you're so certain that I should be, then go on. Tell me why. If it's for being the sort of mentor that made me who I am, I think I should be angry at my family before you. If it's for leaving, any sensible person would have seen that coming, and I was far from sensible. Being angry at you has never done anything but hold me back."

That was all there was to it, really. It was a waste of her time to be angry.

"I walked in your shadow for centuries. It's only natural that I would have picked up a few things, even after I've made my own way."

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Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:21 pm
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] 0159-026_HEADER1_

She couldn't help but frown ever so slightly at that. "Oh? Are you saying that Kisuke is the only one on Earth who could have hired you? Could have put your talents to proper use? I'll hand it to you that he's a convenient employer, but he's far from the only one who could have given you that." She shook her head, folding her arms across her chest and repressing the urge to sigh once more as Shaoling just ....refused. She SAID it. That she had detached herself from such things. But EVEN now she was stubbornly refusing to blame Yoruichi. and some small part of her wondered...dumbFOUNDED. Was she just playing stupid? That wasn't like her at all. And the more that she insisted on it the more it stung to hear it.

However, when Shaoling put her on the spot, she thinned her lips and for just a second. She glared at the woman in front of her. Because she caught herself. Even as the words almost came free, she took a moment to consider them and in that moment. It occurred to her that she might simply be projecting. There was SO much that Shaoling had to be angry at her for. Her failures as a mentor. As a role model. The nonsense that seemed to happen at every turn. Letting her family tear itself into a trash heap. And what was worse was that Shaoling was right. It wasn't reasonable for her to have been expected to somehow know exactly how to fix all that. She wasn't some superwoman who could fix anything and everything. That wasn't reality.

But it WAS how Shaoling had seen her for a long time. And as she glared at the other woman, having subconsciously stepped into her personal space, conflict ran like a shadow across her face.
"You know that's not all I've done. I know you know exactly what's happened....either because of what I've done or the lack thereof. Not just from the position you were in, but because I know you keep your eye on those things. I've been exactly the kind of person that you hate. The kind of person you can't stand. So why DON'T you hate me. How can you STAND the time you spent looking up to me? What, because it's pragmatic? Because it's Inefficient? You're not a Machine Shaoling, doesn't any of this Bother you?!" She barely kept from raising her voice as she spoke.
God of Love
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Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] Empty Re: Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi]

Sun Aug 21, 2022 12:31 am
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] O56jPf1


"I've already spent more than enough of my life hating you, and I won't let my future be defined by it. It is pragmatic, but not in some inhuman way that you seem to think it is. Holding onto a grudge like that will only anchor me in the past."

That was the reality of the situation. Shaoling simply didn't wish to be angry. She certainly had been once upon a time. She would probably never forget the agony of that betrayal, but she didn't need to carry it with her in everything she did, either.

"I'm perfectly aware of what's happened, yes. Do you think I look back fondly on those years I spent pining after you? Coming up with excuses to justify everything that's happened? Hardly. That's why I don't look back. I can't change it. I can only learn from it."

Shaoling's eyes met Yoruichi's resolutely, a force behind her gaze that made clear just how genuinely she meant what she had said. There was no fixing the past. No changing the life she'd lived, no going back in time and undoing everything that had happened. And hoping otherwise was simply a waste of effort.

"If you did anything to ruin my life again, I would kill you without hesitating. But carrying a grudge? That's just dead weight."

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Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] Empty Re: Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi]

Sun Aug 21, 2022 12:53 am
Wake Up [Shaoling, Yoruichi] 0159-026_HEADER1_

She didn't know how to feel about the response. There was simply....nothing. No. She knew what she was seeing, or she could surmise. It was just.....surreal to see it. For a moment she looked at Shaoling with doubt, confusion. And there was an eerie sensation of .....kneejerk viciousness that was roused within her. A sensation that was confusing until she had a firmer grasp on it. Shaoling had always had this resoluteness to her. But there was always a humanity to it. Not quite a facade, but there was the essence of uncertainty. That smallest sliver of doubt within that armor of resolve. That little nugget of personality that was something Yoruichi herself valued quite a lot. But Shaoling seemed completely and utterly serious in her words.

Soi truly had ....killed every sliver of doubt inside of her. Burned every bit of uncertainty from her. So much so that it felt ...uncanny, unnatural. Or rather, simply so well put together that Yoruichi didn't recognize it. And then... the terrible irony settled in.

"No, I think you've put in a very concerted effort not to learn anything. Nothing that wasn't already there from a very young age." She noted quietly, for a moment she seemed....uncertain. As if she didn't recognize who she was looking at. But after a few moments, her expression did start to change. But it wasn't guilt that was there, it was something Soi had probably never seen on the older woman's face.

"If nothing else. I suppose at the very least you can say that your family would be very proud of the woman' you've become, Soi Feng. Nothing but determination and strength." She murmured, watching Soi closely as she did.
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