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As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] Empty As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa]

Tue May 10, 2022 2:53 pm
As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] HEADER_2509817

It was interesting what sort of situations could evolve. Initially she had presumed that Liltotto would prove a more distant and antisocial woman, by merit of her ...peculiar qualities. And yet, it had turned out that the woman was entirely sociable. And in that vein, Ajora and even Santa found themselves hanging around the woman fairly often. Things had been a bit strange to say the least. Santa was still getting used to the other denizens of the city of lights, but in time had grown to become more familiar. Ajora as well found some....interesting distraction in learning more about the place. As well as about Liltotto herself.

She sat on a park bench, humming lightly to herself as she waited for the woman to arrive. Santa had had business she wished to attend to out in Italy, and so Ajora had decided to hang out with Liltotto.
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Tue May 10, 2022 9:27 pm
As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] OKTXUBU

Liltotto Lamperd

Ah, she finally had a free day.. She had gotten back to the city the night before, and honestly if she were any other person, she probably would've been too bushed to meet up with Ajora today. Good thing she was no ordinary person and her stamina was ridiculous for somebody like her.

Making her way through the park, she'd see the strange dark haired woman she had grown familiar with over various hang outs, but lately Liltotto seemed to be less unexpressive and dry and more... Slightly more expressive yet still dry. It was a difficult thing to describe - she was never the most expressive person, but most people who were familiar with her would notice a little more life to her than normal.

"Hey 'Jora," She'd call out, waving a raised hand slowly as she approached, eating some kind of granola bar as she'd come to sit, "So what's today's agenda? Chitchat n' chill per usual?"

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Tue May 10, 2022 10:25 pm
As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] HEAD_EDIT_FNk_gliaIAUsumI

Ajora smiled when she made note of Liltotto's approach, opening an eye in order to glance in the woman's direction as she did. "Well well well. I keep forgetting how much energy you have. I would have thought you'd be exhausted after coming back. You were gone longer than I thought you would." She murmured softly, glancing at the granola bar before promptly crouching down to open the cooler she'd brought with her. Then scooted to the side, seated on the bench as she gestured. "More or less. Help yourself." She offered, before turning her attention to the rest of the park. Couples. Families. Even some companies used the park for teambuilding trips. All around them, people seemed to be happily going about their lives.

"'Jora. I'm still not quite used to being called that. Was that Santa's idea?" She asked playfully, knowing full well that it hadn't been. Certainly, she had noticed Liltotto growing more and more relaxed around her. It was interesting to say the least.
It was a little late in the afternoon. It would be getting dark not long from now, already some of the other parkgoers were packing up, or setting up to camp. Ajora glanced up, knowing it would be too early for most stars to show up in the sky. "How have you been?"
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Tue May 10, 2022 11:18 pm
As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] OKTXUBU

Liltotto Lamperd

Lil would shrug, taking a seat next to her and throwing an arm over the back of the bench, "Yeah, that's work for ya. Keepin' watch, doin' service over in America and anywhere else," A clean crunch could be heard from her as another bite was taken from her bar, "It's been relatively peaceful, honestly. Real quiet, apart from the occasional weird ass disturbance. Thanks."

She barely broke from her talking as Ajora had gestured an offer to the cooler, barely considering how the woman could have even acquired it before indulging herself a bit, having the next few things ready to eat on her lap.

"Chick, you and I both know you know the answer to that question," She'd narrow her eyes at Ajora's remark towards the nickname, looking off at all the people just enjoying their time out, some starting to part from the public space.

"Mmm y'know. Existential crisis solving here, emotional resolution there, stuff 'n stuff. Better than i've been in a good while."

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Wed May 11, 2022 11:52 am
As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] HEAD_EDIT_FNk_gliaIAUsumI

Ajora nodded lightly and let her head cant to the side a bit as Liltotto glazed over her job in general. Understandable, she couldn't imagine it was all that insane these days aside from the occasional Shadow Fall nonsense. "You're very welcome."

She smiled just a little in response to Liltotto's jab about who had come up with the nickname, pleased that her Joke had been easy to sus out. All the same, she closed her eyes and leaned back on the bench, raising a brow slightly when she found Liltotto's arm behind her. But presumed nothing about it. Liltotto hardly struck her as the cheeky type, and she'd grown used to how overlax she was. Those few final comments, however, did make her open her eyes, glancing at the Ritter.

"Existential crisis? That sounds rather rough. I suppose sudden aging will do that. But I'm happy you were able to work your way through it." She chimed, offering Lil a fond smile before she sighed, and shook her head a little. "Of course, now that you brought it up, I can't help but be a little curious." She added, though her tone was slightly....apologetic. Not that this would be new to Liltotto. At first, Liltotto would have only had Ajora's word on the matter. But over the past few weeks, she would have become ABUNDANTLY aware of how devilishly curious Ajora could be. Liltotto would practically be unable to really bring up any subject of value without Ajora asking a few questions about it. It was simply in her nature to pry with her curiosity.
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As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] Empty Re: As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa]

Wed May 11, 2022 12:23 pm
As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] OKTXUBU

Liltotto Lamperd

Ah Ajora, as deathly curious as always, of course. Perhaps she should've accounted for that before running her mouth around her, but she couldn't just be wide open about the Soul King stuff, either... Blabbing casually about that absolutely would come back to bite her some way or another... How to answer...

"Oh yknow, i'm some unidentifiable creature with an insatiable hunger, sure did live with uncertainty towards that my entire life. But now, i'm okay with just calling myself and just letting myself be human - I practically am and have been for years, anyway."

Yeah, that felt like a good enough answer, "Even if i'm some other thing, I go about and everybody only ever sees me as human. So, yeah, why fight it?"

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Wed May 11, 2022 12:37 pm
As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] HEAD_EDIT_FNk_gliaIAUsumI

Ajora paused for a moment at that before she chuckled softly at that, looking back toward the sunset and closing her eyes as she took a sip of her own drink. "I can admit, with the exception of the unidentifiable part. I understand your meaning entirely. Perhaps you will turn out to simply be a new breed of hollow." She offered playfully, sighing just a little and glancing up to the sky.

"It's surprising how difficult fitting in can be. I myself struggled with that very thing for quite some time. And yet, Santa does it so very readily. The very notion of not trying simply doesn't occur to her. Yes, sure, she'll have her little grudges and stumbles. But she has never hesitated in her connecting to those she finds herself growing fond of.Almost makes me feel silly about how long I took with it." She noted lightly, glancing at Liltotto for a moment. She, of course, had noticed the slight hesitation. That moment needed to figure out just how to say things without saying things. But she hardly minded.

"Do you prefer to be seen as human?" She asked. and within that tone, even if she didn't say it. There still lie the rest of that sentence: 'Rather than what you really are?'.
"Santa struggled with that for quite some time. As.....slow as she can be. Old as she is, she understands that what she is is ...problematic for many others. When you are as .... simple as her. People think it is an act. Or simply feel as if one day she will turn around and kill them on the spot. She doesn't show it. But on the inside, it hurts her terribly. I've even had to talk her down from trying to join the vandenreich. She .....feels strongly about the public face. Cyrus's claim of wishing to change the world. To her, it sounds exactly like what she wants. She has dreamed for ages, about a time when Hollows would need not suffer. And that Arrancar would be able to live amongst humans." She closed her eyes and sighed.

"and I haven't the heart to tell her that the world she wants to make, and the world the vandenreich wishes for, are very different things."
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As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] Empty Re: As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa]

Sat May 14, 2022 3:35 pm
As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] OKTXUBU

Liltotto Lamperd

Lil would only give that theory of what she is a soft shake of the head, "..Nah, don't think that's quite right."

Listening to Ajora's commentary of Santa's connection of others, she'd watch the people of the park gradually disperse. Parents calling their kids to them, groups wrapping up activities, slowly the area around them was growing quieter as her fond eyes looked upon them, "..Sometimes you just have to stop worrying about what you are and take the leap, I suppose," She would bring a hand up to prop her head up on the arm of the bench, soon her eyes returning to Ajora,

" 'Course. It's nice to be able to call myself something, instead of nothing," Golden eyes would look off at her quieting surroundings, "Have somewhere to be, and belong."

Though, her gaze would return to Ajora with the woman's explanation of Santa and her dreams, her expression slightly changing as the woman spoke, before finally resting on that note. She dropped her relaxed position and sat up straight, pulling both arms into her lap as she'd give Ajora a hard look,

"That is not how any civil being should be treated here," Her voice was calm yet firm, "The Vandenreich, and by extension this city, are not an exclusivity. You and Santa may be an Arrancar, but you don't have a Hollow's hunger - they shouldn't have a single thing to worry about. Though I can't imagine a world where Hollows can live without suffering, Arrancar living amongst humans is a far more achievable state. You've regained your humanity, it would be cruel to put you down like a rabid animal if you are not suffering like one."

Closing her eyes, she'd sigh, "..Why would you talk her down from joining? The Vandenreich doesn't have the desire to eradicate all hollows and arrancar, it wouldn't be counterintuitive to her desires. We aren't in a position where that would even be favorable."

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As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] Empty Re: As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa]

Tue May 17, 2022 2:52 pm
As Much Insight as you can Stomach [Liltotto/Santa] HEADER_2509817

Ajora chuckled softly at the idle reply. Ajora herself finding it rather amusing to say the least. And was..... pleased to hear from the woman that she held such value inbeing able to call herself something. A notion which was...... interesting. In a world were so many identified themselves by their race at times, it was strange that such a label would be something that Liltotto would so crave. She smiled. "I'm certainly happy you've found a solid fit." She noted in soft honesty.

But .... alas. Glancing at Liltotto, the shift in subject certainly seemed to ruffle the woman's feathers. And she could not help but smile softly, in fond enjoyment of such .... liberal notions. "If only more had such a thought of how things should be." She noted softly. However, when Liltotto admonished her from her .....dissuading Santa. She .... paused, sitting upright and looking at Liltotto fully. "The Vandenreich is not the limiting factor. I'm afraid. I have no doubt that on some significant level, the Vandenreich could come to tolerate Arrancar. But I was careful with my words dear. I did not say that the Vandenreich's goals are incompatible with Santa being able to join. I said that what they want, and what SHE wants, are incompatable." She noted very softly, looking towards that horizon.

"It isn't .... JUST.... hollows for Santa. It is her wish, that ALL would be able to coexist. It is not simply that Santa wishes for tolerance...." She turned, and looked Liltotto in the eyes. "We are very old, Liltotto. Santa has had so many taken from her. And as of late.... some who she was even very deeply attached to. Santa has not been able to ...handle loss well. She has moved on, but she has not forgotten it. She can't abide being separated from others. The existence of Hueco Mundo has even those who tolerate Arrancar believeing they belong THERE. She befriended a demon, and saw before her very eyes that the Vandenreich drove them off of earth, that Mazda himself descended in order to order she never step on earth again. It was quite the event, no doubt the Vandenreich probably still retains records of the incident, if you cared to look." She sighed, closing her eyes.

"The future that Santa wishes for. Is not SIMPLY that people be able to coexist. But that EVERYONE coexist. That life....death... and hollow not be separated. That everyone should be able to, and that they SHOULD, live together. Shinigami. Demons. Humans. Hollows." She turned, and locked eyes with Liltotto. "THAT, is why I say that the world she wishes for, is not compatible with what the vandenreich wants. It is, perhaps, simple and idealistic, to say to Santa that she can abide her wishes and get along with the Vandenreich. But the core of mine and her existence is desperation. The pain of loss has driven this wish VERY deep within herself. I frankly don't know if it is a wish she will ever let go of." She noted before closing her eyes.
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