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Wed May 25, 2022 3:36 pm
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] - Page 2 HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

Ehefra couldn't help but snort just a little at that, entertained and ...comforted by the simple answer that Ira just decided to throw out there, and it only made her relax further to hear him say it. IT was..... she didn't know if she fully beleved that. Some small part of her DID wonder if really she was a good influence on him. But at the very least she was able to push those worries away, even if only for a short time. "I guess you make a good point. Still." She trailed off, then sitting upright with sudden alertness when Ira spoke up about .... her own experience? At first she was a bit confused, and then slowly realization dawned on her and her eyes lit up.

"IRA! You little sneak~ You were gonna just hold out on me? Come on I wanna hear all the details now!" She practically insisted, her voice gushing with clear enthusiasm, as if she had never felt that glumness before at all! The transformation was quite a thing to see as Ehefra swerved straight into gossip mode. "Come on, who was it? Anyone I know? Anyone you already knew. OOH what did you guys do? Hang out? Somethin else?" She asked rapidfire, her brows bobbing briefly at that last question as she CLEARLY was desperate to know more. If nothing else, even though Ehefra had her own share of problems, insecurities and the like. Deep down to her core, she was still just a regular girl, eager to eat up gossip and vicariously indulge in whatever had gone on with Ira.
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Fri Jun 03, 2022 11:40 pm
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] - Page 2 SgHGbAG


Ira had, really, always known that the conversation was going to have to go this way, and there was at least some part of him that would rather have simply said "nah it's a little complicated" and left it at that. However, he knew perfectly well that Ehefra would never actually accept that answer, and she'd probably have gotten upset about it. And, frankly, it would've been at least fairly justified.

"Nah, nobody you know, or even someone I knew before I went up there. We met at a lunch stall, I a massage. Nothin' weird about it, just an actual massage. Acupuncture too, it was nice."

He was still dodging the main crux of the issue at hand, here, and frankly he was willing to do that as long as it was physically possible to do so. Mostly because, no matter how much he'd come to terms with about himself, and been honest about this in his own head, it was still mighty uncomfortable admitting it to other people. He didn't even talk about it with Yugiri unless it came up naturally, and she already knew about it.

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Sat Jun 04, 2022 9:05 am
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] - Page 2 HEADER_E7394dXVIAIlaKk

Ehefra couldn't resist the somewhat sly, knowing smile that snuck it's way across her features as she listened to Ira. Who had so foolishly let slip that He had "Hit it off" with someone. And THEN went to such a point as to dial it back. Just a massage and some acupuncture eh? But she didn't press further. No why would she do that? That wasn't her kinda style.

"Really? Huh that sounds kinda awesome. I always wondered if I'd be any good at giving massages. I've considered trying to download some lessons about it online. Oof, man I can only imagine... maybe I'll see if I can teach Beeps how to do it. Acupuncture though." She shuddered and hunched her shoulders a bit. "That's always made me kinda nervous. But well, I mean... LOTS of cultures do that stuff. I know myself well enough to know I'm probably just being skeeved over nothing. I just get kinda skivvy about yaknow, something going inside me. It's kinda worrying ya know? But honestly I think if I just kinda ...DID it, I'd probably enjoy it, ya know? Like Broccoli. It LOOKS weird and kinda like a mini tree. But it's not that bad. Probably the same thing with Accupuncture. It's a bit scary to look at. But once it's inside me, I think it'll be fine. Might hurt at first but I'd probaly get used to it." She chuckled with a calm smile.

Despite the abundantly deliberate manner in which she was speaking. Being vague, and of course, cognizant of the fact that this was unusual behavior. Ehefra was a smart girl after all. Ira had specifically denoted that he'd hit it off with someone, but then backed up and just talked about a massage and some accupuncture? He had been a bit shy about things before, but he'd never really backstepped. Which did give her a few theories. After all, he'd been pretty cagey about this WHOLE Soul Society visit. So an experiment was in order. Despite her calm, relaxed outward expression, she was paying attention to how Ira reacted, as she so casually spoke. About acupuncture, of course.

"Hm, maybe I should try and get something like that done now that I think about it. I could even learn it! You said you guys hit it off, it must not be as painful as it sounds." She murmured, breifly distracted by her little game by ACTUALLY considering it. Hm, she wondered if there was an acupuncturist in the city of Lights...
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Sun Jun 05, 2022 1:35 am
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] - Page 2 SgHGbAG


Ira was more than old enough to pick up on subtleties, and frankly, he couldn't call what Ehefra was doing here anything even resembling "subtle." Letting out a bit of an exasperated sigh, he leaned back and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he thought about the situation.

"Well, I'm not the sorta guy to beat around the bush forever. Yeah, I hit it off with a guy. Real pretty. Thought he was a girl, only reason this even happened to begin with. You wouldn't believe that face."

Honestly, it wasn't so much that Ira was gushing about Kasha's appearance or anything, and his voice was more just a resigned explanation of the situation than anything else. He was willing to accept the situation, and even talking about it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was just awkward.

"Definitely haven't done anything other than the acupuncture and the massage, though. Not even sure what his stance on all that is. Feel me?"

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Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] - Page 2 Empty Re: Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra]

Sun Jun 05, 2022 1:59 am
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] - Page 2 HEADER_a8401d60657b96cd3a12ffcea95607da

Oh? His little sigh certainly had her interested to say the least. "Oh nice...Oh?....OH!" She lit up a bit, hearing that he had mistaken this young man for a woman. And IMMEDIATELY something.... warm and bubbly welled up inside of her emerged. Having gone through her own .....sexuality extravaganza, there was some sort of inside of her. She knew exactly what that feeling was. That sort of ...conflicted... little.... mixup. The crossing of the feelings that went against the norm. and it was like seeing a baby animal taking it's first steps, it was ADORABLE! Not JUST because it was a guy, but well. HONESTLY it was ....strange. She adored Ira, and quite frankly she ...well. Some part of her might even love him. But she was also his friend, and there was also just the simple joy of a friend having met a potential suitor.
Hm yes, a LOT of different similar sensations combined and amplified as she beamed from ear to ear while listening to him. Nodding slowly along as she consumed the information he offered with GREAT delight and consideration.

Not even REPLYING right away because she took a moment to close her eyes and mmm yes, digest what it was he'd said. And yes, perhaps basking in the catharsis of getting to girl talk with him. Well...sortof. Bro talk? Friend talk.

"Hmmm, now that's interesting! And also, bee tee dubs, VERY cute." She chuckled, using the acronym a bit ironically as she shook her head. "Wow though. So you met this pretty fellow. Had a good time. AND it sounds like you're interested in... exploration as well!" She mused, rubbing her chin. After all, he hadn't SAID the word 'yet'. However, he'd asserted that he did not know what this fellow's stance on extra activities would be. Even if he wasn't interested in ASKING, at the very least it seemed like it had been on his mind. She shook her head and promptly pulled him into another hug.

"Oh Ira~ ....this is gonna be so fucking crazy to have rattling around your head." She giggled, shaking her head and sighing. "I'm sorry it's just.... Pshhahahahaha, I ... JUST had my know... fiasco with something like this. And now you have yours! Oh jeez. The world really is out to get us." She joked, chuckling and shaking her head. Finding it fascinating. She paused..... pulling back and tapping her chin. "Oh shit, sorry I don't mnean to make fun of you or anything. When you mentioned.... ah, you confided me and all this. I really ...well..YOU know I also had my own fiasco, you know I know at least a little, oof...yea... you probably have it even worse than me. But, I AM here to support you! I mean... I'm glad you felt... know....comfortable talking to me and all that." She paused, faltering a little as she ...realized midway that she ...WAS more or less sortof laughing at him while he had confided in her. Yes yes yes, backpedal a little.

She tented her finders and ... nodded lightly. "Right. Hm. Well dang, seems we both had quite a time." She murmured, now thinking about things mor eseriously as she reached up and ran her fingers through her hair... just.....thinking as she smothed it back, took a moment and collected reishi, making a hairty just offhandedly by instinct as she focused on the issue. Hmm.

"Well, I can understand the surprise of it probably. Well, you know, getting a bit surprised, and naturally, probably finding yourself less than dissuaded upon your discovery was probably pretty friggin surprising. Huh. I would offer advice but ....psh...well... I don't know if I'd ahve very GOOD advice. I sortof decided to just....TEST and see if ..I was..what I thought I was. You know...scientific method. But I dunno how well that would mesh with your own temperment." She noted with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of her head.

Good lord, how did Ira make it seem so easy to give helpful advice? She was floundering a bit here. "Anything....ELSE happen since the incident? Any.....odd dreams or anything?" Once again, defaulting to her scientific mindset. It was plausible that it could be harrying him subconsciously. Or perhaps if he WAS having erotic dreams about the situation or whatever, that could give some clues on his subconscious workings or....something. right? She wasn't really a
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