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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Wed May 18, 2022 10:58 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


Batter batter, SWING!

And a miss! Lukas' arm found air for purchase, the blade connecting not with the Sternritter, but rather her nasty pollutant. Arrows sparked into a smattering of reishi, spare heads nicking the edges of Lukas' dummies, and staining his arm. The weapon made for a poor fly swatter, let alone arrow swatter - Lukas' eyes widening as his smile faltered, the blade dispersing into reishi. The twitch of his wrist, pulling back and under the woman, elbow drawn towards the ground.

A fist, pointed towards the sky with screaming joints. Her spiral had already begun as reishi flickered, the hot red of a heartbeat as blut roared to life. Her attack would come towards him with a frightening speed, the reply of his uppercut lagging behind the impact. Knuckles would slam into her weapon's hilt unless otherwise prevented, tucking his head forward and under his chest. In the moment, the spark of life; Geisterklinge's edge forming at the immediate tip.

Well within her guard.

She'll be fast enough to dodge that. the man assumed, the weight of her attack pushing him downwards. A moment's hesitation, reishi poured into the bottom of his foot as a shaky hirenyaku formed, shifting in an attempt to propel himself backwards and towards her dummies with the accrued force. If he had figured his gambit correctly, she'd have to pull away from the suddenly forming blade, giving him the moment he needed.

The time for a twitch of a finger - pulling a trigger.

250 words | | oops I didn't mean for it to take this long mb

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Sun May 29, 2022 4:04 pm
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The dissolving of his blade was something that she noticed and she vaguely gave a little snort in response to what she felt like he was going to try. Was this going o be a try at a lightsaber sneak attack? She was pretty sure that's not how reishi worked. Well.... not in a TRAINING setting. But all the same, she smiled nice and wide as she dropped and clashed with him. Of course, her Katars didn't have a proper hilt in the traditional sense of the word, and so there wasn't too much strain on her wrist as he collided with it. Her eyes darting for an instant in order to eye where that hand of his was pointed.

And, of course, as he formed that portion of a blade, she completely ignored it. She slammed right into the tip, and that weapon sank a full three inches into her sternum before plowing through the rest of her chest to emerge from her back. Of course she had blut on, to keep herself from spraying blood. Even if it wouldn't be immediately dangerous, she still hardly intended to mentally scar the boy. "Hm, you know. If this were some other training partner with worse reflexes. You know you'd be going right back to jail right?" she asked casually, shaking her head. "You really should learn to dull your weapons." And then FWASH! A riptide of bright bloodred reishi aimed right across his shoulders, another splatterinf of fluid and a blunt impact of the edge, of course, with the very limited section of blade he'd formed, he wouldn't have to worry about trying to pry his blade from her body, but it would still be a bit startling to have to react to.

"Also, even a weak enemy can get the grop on you if you open yourself up with a move like that. If they don't care about losing their life, thats a vulnerable position to put yourself in." She chimed out of sheer force of habit, as she was used to training people a lot these days. All the same, seeing him as he promptly launched himself toward her dummies, she promptly raised her brows. Oh?

And just like that, she turned her back to him, ignoring his rush toward her own simulated "allies" and then executed a horiuzontal slash, aiming to splash red across the throats of the front row of his own dummies. Signifying more or less, in a true battle situation, that they would be decapitated. After all: he was limited in his close rangedness. And thus: closing in on HER allies, meant opening up his own. And so she used a normal speed attack, simply to see if he had some sort of plan or ability to protect his allies in the event of him moving forward. Did he have a plan? An ability to protect his team? The test would certainly find out.
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Sat Jun 11, 2022 5:59 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


The lack of reaction. A surprise, and not to be understated. "The fuck are you made of? Papier-mâché?" Lukas' first words during the spar, a sneer twisting from clenched teeth. A veneer of venom crossed the words as blood splattered from the woman, his own attempt at movement pouring it's majority on the floor beneath.

The hirenyaku popped underneath his step, Gieslle's blood trailing across his left side. Whatever the woman was considering, evaluating even, Lukas found himself oddly free. Detached, almost. A silver gaze that would switch away from her progress without a second thought, snapping onto the remaining dummies as he'd attempt to right himself, the shimmer of his gesiterklinge forming in the air. The flow of reishi in his leg wouldn't last particularly long, the hirenyaku dissolving as he pushed into a full sprint.

There was no grand plan, no idea to respond to. He had been given a target to eradicate, and that meant he'd run them through. Simple as could be.

The rush of air as his chest heaved, veins flaring red as his left arm shot forward. A mad dash from one dummy to the other - a single strike. Without any intervention, the dazzling flicker of his sword would come to a desolate darkness, hidden inside the three heads shish kebabbed across it. A slow breath, his blade fading into nothing. The heads fell unceremoniously, rolling every which way they chose.

Lukas turned, facing the woman and the demise of his own "side" of teammates. An arm raised, sweeping towards the headless dolls;

"Three targets, downed." his face rested into a half grin as he spoke, the arm dropping with him into a faux bow.

282 words | | days since last evisceration: 0

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Aug 21, 2022 9:23 pm
Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-ab1caf39621845353206b26f9f2ea22d

She couldn't help but smile nice and wide, the textbook shit eating smile as he had that visceral reaction. And for just an instant, her spiritual pressure welled up from her body and smothered the area around her, that blood almost seeming to turn black as she ....flirted with the idea of going into her Volstandig. But ultimately decided not to. "You should not be so surprised. Death was never meant to be feared." She stated calmly enough, that voice ringing eerily as her blood connected with his frame. The endeavor was....interesting as she slashed through the three 'allies' on Lucas' own side, and turned just in time to see him attacking the three. And for just an instant, he'd feel a SHARP sting across his body where her blood had touched him.

She didn't zombify him, naturally, but she just had the blood test the skin a little, the sensation of pinpricks threatening to seep into him, but never actually doing so. A sort of shock to jolt him out of that smug expression of his as she let her own blade dissolve back into reishi and return to her body, a little shake of her head as she watched him take his proud little bow. Sure as hell wasn't the kinda fellow to put on guard duty, but well she kinda figured the upper brass would already be aware of that. "So it would seem.But then again. You did stab me. I was pretty ok with that. Think those three are out of the fight?" She asked casually enough. "A very long time ago. Sternritters would all be given a special gift from the Emperor. A Schrift. A letter which indicated the gift bestowed on them by the Emperor. MY letter, was Z, the Zombie." She explained, sticking her tongue out. "Focusing on your targets is a pretty solid plan. Sometimes a very necessary one. However, it was a little weird that I was just splashing you instead of cutting you. but you didn't seem too worried about avoiding it. One of the most important details when fighting a target with spiritual abilities is to be way of anything unusual. My Schrift lets me turn anyone I get my blood on into a zombie. Including myself. OF course, that wasn't really a part of this test. But it's still something you should be mindful of. Were this a real fight, your squad, including you, would have been wiped out. And Eight enemies, instead of the original Four, would be on the enemy side." She informed him, naturally letting him know that, of course he couldn't have been expected to counter her abilities or anything. That was just unreasonable. IT was more....advice for when and if he ran into opponents like herself.

She clapped her hands firmly together. "Even so! That should just about wrap up the Evaluation. I'll be writing up a report and sending it to your Superior for consideration." She walked over to him and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "And don't worry. It may have seemed like you didn't do too well. But trust me, most people don't do nearly as well as you did. Had one fellow burn his own teammates with his power." She assured him.
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Sat Sep 03, 2022 7:46 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


A wince crossed Lukas' face, hiding it in his bow. To his best ability, anyways.

"That's fun stuff." raising back to height, he'd rotate his left shoulder with a hand gripping it tight. The sanrei felt like a vice. Silently, he'd listen as the woman spoke, gears audibly turning in his head after her... Lesson? Lecture, whatever.

A stare at nothing in particular, he'd return to non-statuesque life as she finished, nodding along. "Thanks for the encouragement." half sincerely spoken;

A pause, uncertainty.

Emperor, huh?" his words were curious, although easily misconstrued as judgmental. "That means you're.... What?" Lukas questioned with a raised brow. Fingers began to count as he held a hand up in gesture of silence, counting under hushed breath with closed eyes.

He'd continue for a few seconds, before stopping with a frown. Both hands would drop with somewhat slumped shoulders as his eyes opened, a shrug met with resounding words - "Fuckin' ancient, huh?" Lukas' eyes would lock to Giselle's, expecting some kind of response - but it would only be a heartbeat. If she responded, he would stay a moment longer, but otherwise he'd shake his head, moving to the door in silence.

The outside world poured in noise for a moment as it opened, and then he would be gone.

214 words | | oldie

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Sat Sep 03, 2022 7:53 pm
Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] - Page 2 HEADER_2_sample-7d66d14fdcb1848fa4021feddabe2977

Giselle grinned at his casual response. Oh he bet his ass she was lecturing him. "World's full of fun stuff. Better get used to it cowboy." She noted before giving him a thumbs up, well aware that it was an outdated gesture. She was all fine and ready to head out. He certainly didn't seem the type to socialize after training after all. However she did perk her brows and tilt her head just a bit when he went on to ask about her age. Rude little bastard wan't he? At least by human standards. She herself couldn't care less and put on a sly grin.

"I prefer the term: experienced. But yea. I'm a good thousand years and some change old. All thanks to my Schrift. Lived through the last era of the Vandenreich. I'll PROBABLY also live through this one as well." She pointed out casually enough.
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