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God of Love
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A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

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Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:30 pm
A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 DNwfJnQ


His touch was not unwelcome, though Cyrus did not exactly return such a degree of affection as she typically might have. This was a matter of serious conversation, and even if she appreciated their intimacy, she did not wish to distract herself.

"Would those forms take shapes of their own? Become as uncontrollable as he? Or could they be made into something that we need not worry about?"

She had no intention of simply meting out power to those she trusted. If she did, was she any better than Mazda? Any better than she had once been? She did not think so. As far as Cyrus was concerned, this was a matter not only of pushing forward, but of her own growth.

"If these pieces can be sealed away as tools, and nothing more, then it is only a matter of separating him."

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Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:44 pm
A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Male-1

ARCADIA [Animus]

"You are becoming absorbed in the hypotheticals, staring at the horizon too long will make you lose sight of everything between you and it. What forms, control, shape. You should care not for all that at the moment when you do not even have the means to make it happen."

He chided her a bit more blunt and stern than the soft touch that was far more common for Arcadia. Planning was good and all but nothing could be according to plan, an ideal result could be achieved or maybe something small would go wrong and everything woudl fall apart. Ah, sounded familiar didn't it in hindsight.

"So how do you plan to put down a rabid dog that can gore anyone it gets its jaws into?"

Arcadia asked with a single red eye opening up to stare into her own, looking for the answer. He had an idea of his own but Cyrus would not appreciate it - Arcadia though was in a far greater pragmatic state of mind than he was otherwise. People became as pieces on a board or tools to be assessed for purpose and use. Ahura Mazda was just the problem, it was a matter of which tools did the job.


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God of Love
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Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:46 am
A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 DNwfJnQ


"Yes, yes... You are right."

Cyrus sighed as she conceded that point, leaning against him simply to relax, to find some measure of peace in the moment. It was not that she wished to avoid the conversation, but rather the opposite. She wished to be able to more easily focus on it.

"I do not know just yet. I have no means to do so. None in the Vandenreich do. What would you suggest, Arcadia dear?"

She knew from the way he spoke, from his gaze, that this was not something he was positing purely as a hypothetical. He had an answer in mind, had something running through his thoughts which would certainly serve as a solution. The question, however, was if it was a solution she would agree with.

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A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia]

Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:45 am
A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Male-1

ARCADIA [Animus]

"Wrong, when you have a rabid dog you get its master to put it down."

He declared, referencing the wretched woman that Cyrus seemed to hold so dear. What did that imply? No clue, he had never dealt with Shirohime personally but he could tell that she was ruthless and twisted. Were people born evil? Perhaps, he could only see Mazda as a product of Cyrus' negative traits given form and so it was afflicted from the moment it was created. Was she evil though or did she become this way?

"Do you think she is attached to Ahura Mazda's current form or is it an inconvenience to her, the creature has no tact or subtleness. He will - is - drawing attention to himself in a way that you avoided to the empire that you command. Is it Ahura Mazda or the means that he offers which dictates her consideration for it?"


A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:00 am
A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 DNwfJnQ


Arcadia was correct, and Cyrus knew that all too well. She did not even necessarily think it was something that she needed to think on. With a nod, she wrapped her arms more tightly around him. She simply desired his support, even knowing that she did not deserve it.

"I do not think Shirohime has the slightest emotional connection with Ahura Mazda. I doubt she has much of one even to myself, but I still hold the hope that such a thing is not the case. Regardless, you are right that his lack of tact will prove a hindrance in her aims. I think she would rather he be removed from the picture if he is only making his presence more known."

In that much, at least, she was profoundly confident. That Mazda was an obstacle, even if his power was a necessity. And Shirohime was not the sort to accept an obstacle's presence for long.

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Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:11 am
A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Male-1

ARCADIA [Animus]


He thought a bit more on the matter, that woman who shrouded herself in mystery. A person that had become numb to others, could he say that he hated her? She made no effort to reprimand the dog that she had when he acted on his own whims even when it hurt others. When it hurt his beloved person right here who cared about that woman so much. Arcadia couldn't say he did, he just pitied her. He would've put her out of her misery if it was within his power but it would only hurt the woman in his lap even more.

At the same time, he did not understand. She was pragmatic but made no effort to consider the impacts of Mazda on her other plans. He wanted to wonder if she viewed his power as more valuable than the collective power of the Vandenreich but he did come to a different conclusion. That she was too fragile and absorbed in delusion to keep her eye vigilant. When people stared too much at the panoramic view of their dreams it made the reality harder to see.

"Then you know who you must seek counsel from, even if it means turning her against her pet and becoming convinced that he should be put down for the issues that he presents."

Arcadia assured while his hands returned from holding her closer and firmly in his lap, sliding back up her sides to gently apply some pressure on her back and massage the worries from her mind. He would not have her plagued with things like this.


A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia]

Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:16 am
A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 DNwfJnQ


"Thank you for your wisdom, Arcadia dear."

There was a teasing sort of affection to Cyrus' voice as she spoke, though it was far from condescending. Rather, it was simply the sort of affection that could only be shared with one close to oneself, words spoken genuinely and yet still in a manner that was lighthearted.

"I will speak with her when next I am able, then. But for now, I must ask that you allow me to rest in your company for a while longer yet. I am tired, you know. Not of the Vandenreich, or the people, but merely the world around me. And, in a way, of myself. But that doubt is something I still yet cast aside. I know that I have no other recourse but to do so."

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame was one to always bare her heart to him, to the one she was closest to. It was, after all, the truest form of intimacy, of compassion. But even doing this caused her some small guilt.

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A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia]

Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:34 am
A Boundless Strength in My Soul [Cyrus, Arcadia] - Page 2 Male-1

ARCADIA [Animus]

"Ahahahahaha. Of course, my radiant jewel. My wisdom no matter the subject is always at your disposal."

He said as he finished his jovial laugh at her playful tone which was so refreshing to hear and a bit surprising that it caught him off guard to which he could only laugh. Ah, she could do this to him couldn't she? Surprise him in ways that he was not prepared for, to change from seeking counsel and being unsure of herself to this mood.

The words were a little disheartening to hear that she was weary, that this world could affect her and drain her of that vitality that she had. Ah, it would be so ideal if he could just wave his hand and her troubles disappeared. To rebuild the world to suit her ideal and make this one person happy over all the others. Something only this selfish side of her character could ever think where the life of Cyrus could outweigh all of those other needy individuals that were plauged by suffering and in need of succor.

A selfish desire to make her happy, a selfish desire to indulge in her this very moment and enjoy every blessing that Cyrus had to offer in any form or state. Could he go on a spiel right now which tried to relieve that weariness? Perhaps but that would be more appropriate for his tender and caring anima over him. He wanted action, to reach and take a situation with his hands and solve it.

So he kept climbing with his hands until they ran through her hair and rested on the back of Cyrus' head before pulling her towards him and finally pressing his lips into her's to provide that escape from the world that wore her down.


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