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Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:04 pm
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] HEADER_sample-d7b2b8b4c42bbfb77ab79530dc039f4d

The City of Lights.
They sure didn't skimp on the names for these things. It was just the sort of place he supposed would make sense for it to be. The very name itself was like a poster for hope and progress. Just looking at the tall buildings shining in the sunlight was something else to say the least. It almost made him wonder how she'd felt coming through to this place. Tch.

He let his gaze drift down to his immediate surroundings as he walked through the last of the checkpoints from customs, eyeing the scrap of paper that was telling him where to go. "Left......toward....Plaza...." He murmured softly, looking up from the paper to find he was STANDING in the plaza, a little hum escaping him as he looked around, lightly itching the back of his head with his free hand. She never was good with directions.

All the same, he reached into his pocket and peeled his phone out, opening up the camera application and raising it to get a view of the buildings themselves. After a moment of focusing, he snapped a picture. At least he'd have plenty of pictures for when he went back to Karakura. The plus side of being lost, he'd get to see more of the city.

With an amused little smirk, he pocketed his mobile device and started walking, humming a song to himself as he scanned the streets along the way.
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Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:55 pm
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] YRyx9qr


It was strange, walking around the city in the middle of the day on what was usually a workday. Still, he could not remain confined within his apartment all day every day whilst under doctor's orders. So he was out on patrol, a good man looking for a cause, and it did not take long to find one.

The tourists were not hard to spot, often looking at every building with that same look of confusion because each of the buildings was nigh indistinguishable from the others to the uninitiated. Spotting one gentleman looking particularly baffled, he approached with a wave of the hand.

"Are you alright, sir? Looking for somewhere in particular?"

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Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:09 am
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] HEADER_sample-d7b2b8b4c42bbfb77ab79530dc039f4d

It would be hard to see given the heavy bangs on one side, but both of Bauher's brows raised slightly when he heard a voice addressing him. He lowered the sheet of paper and then glanced in the direction of the sound, spotting almost immediately a character he would have guessed was very popular in a mobile game. He almost caught himself smirking a bit when he saw him, and if it weren't the fact that this young man looked SUSPICIOUSLY like one of those boyband members on a poster he knew had been on his little girl's room, he might have even liked this kid's style off the bat.

"Hm? Oh I'm just feeling my way around actually. You wouldn't happen to know where the Lighthouse Hotel is do you?" He asked with a tilt of his head, gently holding up the sheet of paper. Ehefra had sent some sort of ....strange...floaty thing to accompany him, but he had simply left that back at home to keep Belle company. The man certainly gave off a very calm, muted vibe. A solid 6'1", dark tan turtleneck and jacket along with matching slacks. Were it not for his white hair and asymmetrical bangs he might have blended fairly swimmingly.
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Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:31 am
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] YRyx9qr


"The Lighthouse Hotel? You are heading in the right direction, in a roundabout sense, but if you want a guide then I would be happy to escort you."

Alastair did not smile, though his expression remained as welcoming as he could manage despite that. Sure, one arm was not tucked into the arm of his jacket and instead clutched close to his chest with bandages poking out from under the shirt, but beyond that, he was just a well dressed local.

Offering out his good hand for a shake, the redhead waited for a response before beginning to lead his companion off down the street.

"I am Alastair Eisfluch, with the Vandenreich. Might I ask, are you here in the City of Lights on business?"

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Wed Feb 09, 2022 10:40 am
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] HEADER_sample-d7b2b8b4c42bbfb77ab79530dc039f4d

Bauher couldn't help but perk a brow when he made note of that ......interesting expression on the young man's face. Quite the Uchiha face right there. He smiled ever so slightly, following where he had made note as if to mentally chart out where the hotel was. "Riiiiight. I gotcha. Thank you!" He piped up, a big smile showing up across his face before he almost instantly reached out and accepted the handshake, his own grasp firm, but lacking any sort of surreal strength. "Alastair huh? That's a good name you have there. Mine's Bauher Kleinmund. And I suppose you could say I am. A bit of tourism mixed in there as well." He noted with a gentle smile. He really made no attempt to bring up his daughter. He was sure she'd be embarassed enough about him just being about.

He paused, looking in the direction of the Hotel and frowning for a moment. "Hm. Gotta admit though I was almost looking forward to wandering around a little. Something to be said about just finding what ya find." He mused, then glancing back to Alastair and offering a light smile. "That's not a Vandenreich uniform. If I might be so bold, I'd daresay you're off duty. I could use someone to wander around lost through the city with. You seem like a young man who could use a bit of R and R." He chuckled. There was no way that Alastair didn't get a lot of comments about that stiff nature of his.
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Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:05 am
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] YRyx9qr


An eyebrow rose at the mention of his name, his full name. Was he a relative of Ehefra then? It certainly was not the most uncommon family name, but then again what were the chances of running into two of them separately? There was a certain look about him if he looked hard enough, but that could just be his mind being coloured by the knowledge of their names.

"A pleasure, Mister Kleinmund."

That moment of shock was still written upon his face, but at the mention of some casual tourism that look fell away behind a mask of nonchalance. Perhaps he could do with some relaxation, but he was not the type to just admit to such. He was stubborn like that, and he had suffered through enough people worrying about him of late.

"Forgive my assumption, you are more than welcome to explore the city a little. I can accompany you if you would like the company, your assumption that I am off duty is correct."

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Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:50 am
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] HEADER_sample-d7b2b8b4c42bbfb77ab79530dc039f4d

He couldn't help but quirk a brow of his own. Ah, so he HAD met his daughter. His smile deepened just a little, keeping that bit of information in his pocket as the young man refocused. "Nothin to apologize for. Everyone's programmed to make first impressions. And as the company I'll accept. Though I hope you'll forgive me if I take an easy pace, I'm not really one to rush." He noted with a lopsided smile, his visible eye showing a good deal of mirth as he began tl walk, pacing himself to go slow until Alastair followed along.

"So, you work with the vandenreich do you? I have to admit I've heard quite a lot has been going on ever since you guys came back. The news certainly enjoy talking about you." he noted with gentle amusement, slipping his hands into his pockets as they went. For the time being he was just walking with the young man. Surely they would find some cafe or something soon enough. He was a little peckish after the flight after all.

He sure could go for some Red Herring.
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Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:06 pm
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] YRyx9qr


"I am not much in the business of pushing myself of late. Doctor's orders."

It was frustrating, certainly, but Alastair tried his best not to show that side of himself at the best of times. Especially when it had been Ehefra that sent him on that fateful mission. That was not a conversation he wanted to have with her potential father... Or uncle... Big brother? Much like how he did not look forward to his next encounter with Alastor. If there ever was to be one.

"The world has changed a lot since Grandmaster Cyrus came to bring the Vandenreich back into the light. We are just trying to keep some semblance of order back to those corners of the world that lost their way at the hand of Shadow Fall."

Talking about his work was perhaps the easiest way to draw the passion for Alastair, for his eyes certainly did sparkle as he spoke of Cyrus and his work. Even if the Grandmaster had been struggling of late, it was the duty of the wider staff to keep the helm steady for his eventual return to form.

"Our work is far from done, so it is only natural that global news pays attention to our actions."

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Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:16 pm
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] HEADER_sample-2117841bdaff1fe77bb0bfd61fbd4de2

Bauher raised a brow slightly at that, unable to help but smile just a bit as he listened to the young man. There was something interesting to say the least about him qualifying that this behavior was on doctor's orders. Which was to say that it was not his normal behavior. That was good, a young man with drive that is. It was just a matter of it being put to constructive uses. And it's surface the Vandenreich certainly seemed like a place for just such things.

"Hm, I certainly hope you take that advice to heart. It's an important thing you'll learn more about later on down the line, believe you me." He chuckled lightly, lightly itching the side of his neck as he looked ahead of himself. Eyeing the road infront of them as he lent an ear to the young man's preach. It was ...interesting to say the least. It wasn't so much 'our leader. The way that this man was spoken of was ......a bit jarringly passionate. Bringing the vandenreich back into the light. The world losing it's way. Just what kind of people was Ehefra surrounding herself with? He couldn't help but feel a tinge of concern inside. But that's just what it was: Inside. For now.

"Is that right...?" He murmured before he couldn't help but chuckle loudly, straightening up a bit and reaching out to lightly pat Alastair on the back. But well, a normal human? It would barely be felt. "You really do need to get out more. Loosen up a little. Not even on duty and I almost feel stiff talking to ya. Let me ask you something, if you'll indulge me: what sort of things do you do with your time outside of your work?" He asked lightly, folding an arma cross his chest and resting his other elbow in the palm. The other hand lightly closed in a loose fist over his mouth pensively, lightly touching his lips, all whilst watching the young man, in both what he had to say, and what his body did when he said it.
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Wed Feb 16, 2022 12:19 pm
Along about 10 [Alastair/Bauher] YRyx9qr


It was not the first time that Alastair had been accused of being overly serious, both by a stranger or by someone that knew him a little better. There was a point at which he had grown to just accept that part of him. He could go out and try to be more sociable, shave away those rougher edges for a little while, but that was a point of exertion. Right now, he did not need such a burden.

"Apologies. I quite enjoy my work, it is easy to get wrapped up in the minutia."

The bluster that had previously alighted his eyes was already gone, fading back into the regular rusty orange that had always lain beneath. He remained almost rigid as Bauher patted him on the back, acknowledging it ever so slightly with a tip of his head. Though he would not show it, that frustration lingered uneasily now.

"I am a simple man, really. I read, I walk, I train. Simple passions tend to be the easiest way to enjoy this world we find ourselves in."

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