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[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Empty [Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris

Mon Jan 31, 2022 1:22 pm
[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Header-percival


Basic Information

» Actual Name: Alastair de Maris.
» Pseudonym: Alastor de Maris.
» Alias':
▕ Kajiya; don't call him it.
▕ Nojukubi; from Shōkyakutenri.
▕ Stupid Hothead; from Academy.
» Age: Appears Early-Twenties.
» Birthday: November 29.
» Gender: Male.
» Race: Substitute Shinigami.

» Affiliation:
Gotei United; Seventh Division. Himself.
Kagayaku no Murasaki. Midori Koizumi.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Marital Status: Taken.
» Special Skill: Making coffee and tea.
» Sexuality: Ladies [Half-swords too].

» Height: 5'10"
» Build: Muscular.
» Hair Colour: Red.
» Eye Colour: Red.

[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Appearance-percival

Psychological Analysis
» Brash: Much like how he joked about being a phoenix Alastor's got the hot head to match those flames. He's quite cocksure to say the least. He comes off as a trouble maker and quite rude to his peers. Obnoxiously getting in your face and probably at the worst of times he's not really liked that much amongst the Gotei United. Fortunately his overconfident nature makes him happy to operate within the dangerous confines of Europe although this is mainly due to growing up and living there in the first place and he wouldn't take anywhere else that was offered to him. He's got a pretty high opinion of himself to say the least. Not that he thinks he can take out a captain and live to tell about it but amongst his peers Alastor has a pretty good idea that he could take on most of them pretty easily.

» Selfless: Don't get the guy wrong. He's overconfident but he'd sacrifice himself in a heartbeat for something if he thought it was necessary. Alastor is willing to hand out some of his rations to someone else that needs it at the cost of his reputation as much as he'll just use it to fuel his blazing ego even more to those that want to bring it up. It's not something he likes to be discussed, especially since it comes off as just decency and what he'd expect from anyone, it gives him a surprisingly modest approach to his selfless attitude to where he actively avoids being acknowledged for his actions. He's not looking for a promotion after all. He's pretty content.

» Over-Protective: Family and friends, even colleagues. Alastor is a pretty protective guy and with his hotheaded attitude he'll throw hands with anyone that he views as close to him getting threatened. It's a pretty neutral quality since he'll interfere and interject if he's not satisfied whether that's interfering with her sister's relationship or threatening to beat up anyone that calls him "a blacksmith" in regards to his relationship with Murasaki - both being driven because he cares about the them moreso than how it impacts him.

» Insubordinate: He sees something that he feels he just has to do and you tell him no? Well that's just a straight up invitation for Alastor to dive head first into it. That's just the kind of character he is. He has very little respect for authority, this isn't a disrespect to the person but if he feels the person above him giving the orders is a total douche then he's just not going to listen to that order in particular. He lives by the rule that you can always beg for forgiveness and it's easier than asking for permission. Alastor's quite the handful to his superiors, it's probably a good thing that he enjoys spending so much time on Earth as opposed to Soul Society where he just makes people want to tear their hair out.

» Thrill Seeker: Adding to that list of probably negative traits to his name the guy loves his thrills. Whether it's training and clashing with others or riding a roller-coaster he is very extroverted and loves to try new things as risky as they may be. He's got a bucket list with things ranging from beating a captain in a fight to getting with a Suika. These challenges all are important to him because it gives him the thrill of being alive which as someone who has almost died before it is a good reminder to him that he is still here and breathing. Never one to disregard a challenge he's always down to jump headfirst in a dangerous situation.

» Simple Man: For all his negative traits, he's a simple man with a simple plan. Do his work, get it all done and relax at the end of the day as he becomes ever more mature. He says things simply and blunt when they need to be said rather than dancing around the topics, uses a very casual way of speaking which he has never made any attempt to change about himself and talk like a hoity toity dumbass. He's a guy that likes it when shit's kept simple.


Where does Alastor's story start? That's a pretty easy question to answer. Alastor's family is a group of humans that migrated from Scandinavia one hundred years ago to live in France. Over time their name shifted to better fit the country but their red hair is a trait that refuses to leave their genes being surprisingly dominant. This red hair stems from their familial trait: Boiling Blood. The family made their way by carving out their land, acknowledging that it was indeed still Shadow Falls but any wandering demon was indeed brought down to their knees and killed if they even thought about trying to slide into this land.

He was raised by his mother Maria de Maris and his father Jean de Maris. From a young age he was raised outside. There was very little technology where he was from. Instead he worked those fields and trained from a young age. This wasn't because his family refused to partake in technology but the use of it conflicts with their genetic traits that made it unacceptable for his family and so they remained hard at work.

The woodlands and fields were his friends, fighting with his brother and playing with a makeshift sword was his pastime. You could almost forget that this was the Twenty-Fifth Century by living the de Maris lifestyle. From growing up this way his natural abilities awakened and grew, it wasn't a conscious thing. A lot of these traits didn't actually manifest as tangible effects like manipulating things and all these spiffy powers that others had. Something he didn't even know existed as a boy.

When he was eight he saw his first hollow. It had wandered in looking for food and in that same day he watched the first case of human death in his life. The hollow was quickly dispatched but somehow the acid it got on one of his father's friends killed him. It was a new experience there was so much to consider. He saw the use of his family's powers for the first time in a fight, he watched a man die and he got to see a hollow. Alastor felt this creature was evil or at the very least something you've got to put down. He didn't understand why a creature would just come and kill someone his family cared about.

It was this experience that lead to Alastor and his older brother to fight more and practice in their fighting as opposed to the light-hearted spats they'd normally indulge in. There was a grimness to these interactions which were more serious. He was never as good as his brother who had more time to develop their family trait. At the same time though it accelerated both of their developments. At the back of his mind he always knew another hollow would come but he wanted to be ready for it.

Nighttime a few months later would be the next strike by the foul creatures. He was ready this time though. He and his brother got up and joined the clash. Strangely something else made this situation different. A man in black robes slid into the scene and struck at the beast. Effectively killing it so efficiently it was majestic for him to witness. Despite this so called killing stroke the shinigami did there was an action almost like a reflex that had the hollow pierce through the body of the shinigami and Alastor who was standing not far behind him.

It was dark but what happened next was done off instinct, seeing the shinigami tense at the last minute as if to react to the hollow he let a brutal punch with all his power to the shinigami's chest out of belief he was turning onto them. It was a simple mistake, a rash one made by an inexperienced boy. His father pulled them both apart and tried to tend to Alastor. There seemed no way to save him. The shinigami acknowledging that both of them were going to die anyway leaned forward and stopped resting on his sword to impale the young Alastor's chest and transfer his reiryoku into him and try to save his life while dying after a few more seconds.

His family were distraught, none expected the shinigami to do the killing blow but after dying so quickly after it became apparent that Alastor was not dead. He was very much alive and well albeit in spiritual form and confused, his family thought so too. After a quick panic and believing he was dead he tried stuffing himself back into his body which worked to say the least. He was very much alive.

It was to be expected that men in black would show up when their comrade had not returned and in doing so they found the young Substitute Shinigami. Overpowering his family they took the red-head substitute and beat him unconscious before taking him to the Soul Society. He was the age of fourteen. Still very young and confused at the clinical surroundings he was presented with.

Alastor was given a run down of what happened, how he was beaten into submission by the shinigami and brought here. There was a question of what exactly was to happen to the young man. After much consideration he was offered the option to be trained as a shinigami in the Shin'o Academy. He agreed on the condition he be allowed to return to his family periodically.

Thus began the young man's education. He began learning traits such as kido, hoho and zanjutsu. Hakuda came more easily but all these fancy things were a struggle. The first time he actually got shunpo to work he kissed a wall and ended up with a broken nose. His first attempt at kido using Hadō #1 Sho sent him flying backwards into another wall. It was not the easiest of years for him but after spending four years of being in the academy he was finally deemed to be actually quite competent despite the rough beginning to his training.

He quickly was assigned into a division which allowed him to travel. Opting to take care of Europe and that general area. The request was not something they often received considering it was extremely dangerous but they decided to give the cocksure red-head his shot there. After the Gotei United took hold and grew he didn't really know what to do or where to go. He just stuck himself on Earth mostly until he got word of a new division lead by a new captain. It was just his thing and after getting there she was pretty cute too.


Life become a lot more eventful during the time that he spent in the division, he was pretty happy to be one of the earlier members of the Seventh Division upon its forming but it had some expectations on him. After all, he was just an unseated member and a fresh shinigami to boot but he felt the responsibility and maybe in his immaturity of being so new into the role that he felt he had to be the best at it. He couldn't just skip along through duties and lax off - that'd set a bad example, no?

So things got done, especially since the division was small originally after its formation. There was work to be done and more of it. A bit of that boistrous pride as well that made him competitive with fellow division members. Arkin was something to compete with, if that man could do it then he aspired to do it equal or better. If Arkin moved three boxes, he'd try and move six. If Arkin trained for a couple hours a day then he'd try and train for an hour more. He was playing catch up with all these spiritual gigachads after all.

So tackling it stoicly was his approach, some days being exhausted by the end of it while trying to maintain academy curriculum, squad duties and personal training while still making time for his antics of chasing girls and keeping up with his division ongoings, making sure the gang is okay you know? Stuff like that. If you asked him about it he'd probably tell you he was stupid back in the day.

The introduction of Elyss into the division and the awkward beginning of his relationship with Murasaki. It was a thing than took him a bit by surprise and there were reservations, primarily because of the power difference between them really and the working relationship that they had compared to more simple options.

Once the Fourth World War came around, Alastor was naturally obligated to participate in the war, her didn't perform any grand feats like what was displayed by the higher end of the Gotei. It was something he felt a little bitter about, maybe if he was stronger he could've done more than work in operations and engage with the footsoldiers of Shadow Fall in America. Things that he wished he could've done more and it only became heavier after how it affected those around him.

The defining point probably being seeing Murasaki's state after the multiple failures during World War 4 in various incidents which resolved him to never see her like that again which changed the dynamic of their relationship. He became a lot more commited to her than he expected though he couldn't say they were exactly intimate at this point.

It wasn't until after Alastor got with her seriously that it gave another reason to perform, maybe entirely motivated by the fact that he didn't want to appear to be getting special treatment by being with the captain. Keeping up the routine of his squad duties and training, he had a reason to go above and beyond now over stupid pride and competitiveness. He couldn't let that kind of reputation stick to him or her.

So after meeting two members of Murasaki's family in what could only be called quick succession, he felt a bit awkward. Both the estranged aunt and her mother, you know. That's a little rough for a guy, the mother was definitely the more difficult one since she was so confident and probing but getting the opportunity to train with Midori did do him wonders for letting him improve with her experience and knowledge about zanjutsu and other fields.

It facilitated him meeting his zanpakuto proper after years of training and having to negotiate a means to get her to cough up the shikai that he spent too long trying to get and the frustrating answer to the question of why she took so long to cough it up and her answer basically boiling down her thinking he wasn't hot enough to make her think he was worthwhile to deserve his power so with no small part of help from Midori to freshen up his look he was finally able to coerce the name out of the vain bitch he calls his zanpakuto spirit.


» Raw Energy: The energy of Alastor is quite strong. It's not necessarily as large as you'd expect for such power but it's incredibly dense and smothering for his calibre. An example of this is where it would potentially feel like moving through a thick veil when entering its range if he were to release it. It can make otherwise graceful movements slightly off from the resistance but it is also quite negligible for someone of his tier. It would only truly present itself with a considerable gap in power between him and those affected. His raw energy isn't easy to control or manipulate, which makes kido quite painful. If something is straightforward then it's pretty easy but when something requiring more precision is required then it really begins to show with his poor quality.

After training with Midori and being able to achieve his shikai, Alastor's able to bleed his Boiling Blood trait into his reiatsu with ease. It's called "Minobi" for the immolating effect that gathers around him, easily able to scorch his surroundings and get his opponents sweating or worse depending on how well they can handle it.

» Martial Expert: A skilled swordsman. It's probably considered to be Alastor's best quality about his skill. He's no Musashi Miyamoto or Kojiro Sasaki-level swordsman but he aspires to be and works towards it. He has graceful and precise strikes with his sword show his work into the art but at the same time he does not hold back with power. Being able to shift his graceful style to something using raw power in an instant if he requires such a thing. His hand-to-hand is also not something to dismiss, growing up with his brother he fought and clashed a lot which honed his form and technique. There is no particular style to his combat with his body, just something he developed when he sought to beat his brother.

» Unimpressive Magic: Pretty bad in the grand scheme of things. His magic isn't absolutely garbage but techniques that are very simplistic in application like Shakkaho, which is just make fireball and throw, is quite simply and works very well. The same for anything that really just involves blowing something up. Now getting into the technical spells or modified kido? He is quite awful at those kind of areas within Kido.

» Technology Dunce: Never grew up with it and knows how to use it superficially. He is not a tech guy and would sooner beat a computer for frustrating him than try to figure it out. Technology is for nerds in his book and he's not a nerd so he'll leave it to the smarter people. He wants to rely on his own power anyway. Not these cheap gimmicks that people make.

» Boiling Blood: His familial trait that labelled him a supernatural human before he became a shinigami. His family's ability stems from their energy having a certain heat to it. It can feel incredibly hot and be difficult to be within if the target is significantly weaker than Alastor's own power. The important thing to note is though that this is not directly an effect caused from his energy, the phenomenon can be transferred to his energy as a medium. This heat is closer to something based off their mentality and will, this is why a lot of the de Maris tend to be hot-headed, these psychological traits are very important to make the heat effect become stronger, otherwise it doesn't develop as fast and only relies on getting stronger by the user's body being worked and strengthened through exertion and effort.

» Ignition: Alastor possesses an ability called ignition. He generates the heat effect of his boiling blood within his hand before being able to ignite it into a flame. This fire is independent from oxygen meaning it can exist within water and on top of water, while being unable to be stopped by being smothered as traditional fire can. He can use this to toss out fireballs, coat his blade in fire or create basic effects with its shape but like Kido he is very inept at this. It's easier to just lob a huge bunch of fire at his target and incinerate it. As this is a product of his Boiling Blood, this fire effect is reliant on his willpower rather than his spiritual power - the effect can be converted into his reiatsu to give it a fire attribute where it can burn and scorch the area around him at which point it would be considered based on his available power [tier].

» Afterburner: The second ability that Alastor currently possesses using his family's ability. By gathering and storing the heat within his body he is able to make his body exceptionally hot to come into contact with and enhance his physical combat to the point of very hot. The true function of the ability is not actually to make his body super hot. The true nature of afterburner is to be able to regenerate wounds by serving as a catalyst to promote rapid cell growth in his body at the cost of the energy stored. Once he has something more than a few scratches healed such as a deep wound or something serious then this ability will be sealed off for three posts. This cannot regenerate entire limbs but can assist in organ damage with the exception of the brain.

[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Sh-kyakutenri-header

» Name: Shōkyakutenri [焼却天理, Incinerated Heaven's Law]

» Spirit Summary: An attractive woman that invokes an air of superiority, she is a vain individual that refers to herself as the "most powerful fire-type zanpakuto" and believes that none besides the Ryujin Jakka could compete with her. At the same time, she is easily irritated by that embellished perception is not acknowledged by others or she views her wielder as unfit and undesirable to the point she will not help anyone who does not look "visually appealing" to her.

She is teasing and playful though, a way to express her own over-confidence and will give people titles that she will only refer to them as based on their character - as she understands them. Shōkyakutenri refers to Alastor as her worst wielder yet and likes to imply to people that she is quite old with a great deal of history.

» Inner World: At first glance the inner world of Alastor can be thought to be a desert before it becomes apparent that the 'sand' is just ashes. Before achieving shikai, it looked different he can recall but after attaining the power of his zanpakuto she insists that she reduced it all the ash by just existing. The sky is scorched and despite there being inclines to suggest hills and valles there is nothing alive and nothing remains.

» Sealed Appearance: A large nodachi which is kept on his back, the blade is quite heavy and awkward to use. Demanding that he dedicate a bit of strength and extra work into using it. He keeps it on his back for this reason of being easier than carrying on his hip. It is less practical to draw the blade but since he does not immediately jump to pulling it out, if he is intending to utilise the sword more readily he will just carry the whole sword.

It's an overall red scheme with its wrapping and sheathe, a maroon colour and a small tassel hanging from the handle. Its tsuba is an ornamental oval-shaped, the weapon is far more extravagent than he is at heart.

» Sealed Abilities: He is able to perform basic fire manipulation through his sealed zanpakuto, an attribute which is actually through the sheathe rather than the blade. Upon drawing his sword the blade is heated and able to utilise its hot edge to increase the cutting power and inflict burns with the byproduct of cauterising the wounds it makes. The reason why it is the sheathe as the source of the ability is because its hot blade is a product of being stored in the sheathe, using the sheathe itself he is able to launch blasts of heat and fire from where the blade would normally be stored and allow for him to either wield it as a weapon or use it for a surprise attack which he learned from the zanpakuto spirit itself.


» Name: Shōkyakutenri [焼却天理, Incinerated Heaven's Law]

» Release Phrase: World to Cinders, Shōkyakutenri.

» Shikai Appearance: Upon release the nodachi shifts to the shape to look much more extragant and showy. Because I can't be bothered writing out a description I found something suitable as a reference. Here.

» Shikai Abilities: Shōkyakutenri is a fire-type zanpakuto though its abilities are a little esoteric, at a glance it can be boiled down to being purely that. The blade permeates an aura of intense heat around it, igniting the environment around its immediate vicinity though as a zanpakuto's potency can be determined both by their understanding, it is also reliant on the amount of reiatsu that the user has. Alastor's shikai's potency and range for maximum effect can be determined based off his tier.

Like all fire-type zanpakuto, he demonstrates basic abilitiees which fall under fire manipulation practical uses, to do nothing but mould and shape the flames into infernos and for various purposes to burn everything it needs to. There is not much beyond this which he prefers to use due to the more esoteric usages getting too close to kido-esque effects which is not his strong suit.

It's true nature is its flame aura that serves the purpose of spreading the influence of the zanpakuto, scorching the environment to establish a boundary which indicates the range of the zanpakuto. Once the surrounding enviromment is burning, burnt or reduced to ashes it serves as leaving his energy permeating in the environment which serves as a conduit for him to apply various effects as developed or learned but Alastor hates trying to learn all the kido-like attributes so he doesn't retain many besides the small array from the spirit.

Chōchinbi [提灯火, Lantern Fire]: A technique which allows for Shōkyakutenri to establish a position for various uses, it generates small balls of fire in a uniform border within its area of effect which does two things; keep people out and trap people inside. This makes it excellent at establishing a defensive position where allies can gather themselves, offensively as a means to trap enemies in a specific area or as a duelling field where he can trap himself and another it. When anyone tries to cross the established border the small balls of fire rage into a powerful wall that dissaudes people from passing.

Kosenjōbi [古戦場火, Ancient Battlefield Fire]: A technique which causes all dead bodies within its established area to immolate and explode into flames which deal damage to the surrounding people and environment.

Onibi [鬼火, Demon Fire]: A technique which is initiated by touching a target with the released shikai's blade, leaving a mark which will steadily cause liquid inside the target's body to evaporate and burn them from the inside. Consecutive hits will make the effect more potent and increased rate of evaporation until the body is a dried, shrunken husk. These marks will reset upon leaving the range of his zanpakuto's effect.

[More added later as upgrades if required by development.]


General Attributes
  • Durability: B.
  • Speed: D.
  • Strength: B.
  • Soul: B.

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced.
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner.
  • Focus: Adept.

Racial Skills
  • Kido Beginner.
  • Zanjutsu: Adept.
  • Hakuda: Adept.
  • Hoho: Adept.


Winter Burst 2022 Claim

Tier: 3-5 -> 2-5 [15, 15, 15, 15, 30 = 90].

Attribute Update.

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:50 pm; edited 8 times in total

[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Gamma_Signature
[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris CHARACTER_LIST[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris GRAPHICS_THREAD[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris TIMELINE_THREAD
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Left_bar_bleue74095/100000[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris

Wed Feb 02, 2022 2:20 am
Application Checklist

Ignition: what are the rough parametres of this? is the fire just mostly like normal fire except for the oxider not being oxygen but just Alastor's own spiritual energy or something? Does the fire just last as long as Alastor will's it/fuels it with spiritual energy?

Afterbunner: to clarify, when Alastor sustains damage at the level of a deep wound, he can heal it and after it being healed his energy is sealed off for three posts? Is his energy in this case just the energy to heal, and so he can't regen for three posts, or do you actually mean his energy wholesale? Big difference. Also, would the deep wound in this case just be healed in a single go, or over a duration?

Sealed Abilities: ignition kinda makes fire basic manipulation obsolete huh :^)

Kosenjobi: nothing wrong it's just pretty metal and cool

Skill Sheets: I don't know all of Alastor's threads, I know he's had developments in prowess and training, but if I'm judging off of this app alone then I would not approve all these skill levels.

If you want to edit the app to add more justifications to these fields, or if you just wanna link threads that provide context to the skill levels, then please do so:
  • Martial Skill
  • Strength (Shinigami)

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]

Hazard Rankings
    Overall: D
  • Power: D
  • Influence: B
  • Resources: E

Tier: [/mod]

[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Left_bar_bleue74095/100000[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris

Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:59 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]

Hazard Rankings
    Overall: D
  • Power: C
  • Influence: B
  • Resources: E

Tier: 3-5
Comments: Ah ah Ah ah Ahhhhhhh [/mod]

[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris 8Bvy1N8


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[Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Alastor de Maris

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