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Sun Jun 27, 2021 8:14 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 4 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa was wiping her face for a moment when she noticed the woman climbing ontop of her, the boop to her nose causing her head to tilt slightly as she watched the strange woman settle ontop of her. "Being able to keep up and being able to match ....whatever that is, are two different things." She pointed out, a bit stubbornly, before she sighed and laid on her back, not really making any mention of their compomising positioning. This girl was some sort of lonely loser after all so she expected this sort of behavior.

A boasting contest? She raised a brow slightly and hummed. "I assume that Hvit is very good and hasn't lost one yet?" She ventured. After all, imaginary ocs often WERE pretty overpowered. And that Hvit girl seemed pretty mary sue. Definitely the works of a poor lonely girl's power fantasy.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jun 27, 2021 8:22 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"...Not really. If you can keep up then you are roughly the same level of capabilities, otherwise you'd not be able to keep up and would be left behind. But, that is called Lightfoot. It channels energy to the feet and then you kick off with it, and it accelerates you forward. Greater control means greater speed. It is said that the mighty Cultivators can split a river in half with their Lightfoot, but the Great Cultivators barely cause a ripple"

"But, as for M'Lady Queen, I don't know. She came to see me at the hospital about a week ago, so we haven't had long to bond. Ulv Auber, her previous friend, would probably know more but she unfortunately died for reasons nobody seems to clear on. M'Lady Queen would, probably know but she unfortunately isn't talking about that. Raw wound and all"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Sun Jun 27, 2021 8:35 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 4 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa raised a brow slightly at that. Strange. She listened calmly enough, considering what it was that was told to her. She decided, for argument's sake, to believe for a moment that this Hvit woman was real. She DID see how she manifested after all. So putting that..... aside....

"Have you considered that your lady Queen is the reason why this other person died? When she left your body you became defenseless. If your lady Hvit had been with this Ulv woman, inside of her, then she would have been dead along with her. But instead she was manifested out in the world. If you are weakened when she leaves, then the same was probably true for this Ulv woman. Maybe she grew tired of her and left her to die." She noted, showing off a surprising ammount of mental math, alongside a rather atrocious sensitivity to the fact that Hvit could probably HEAR her. But then again Santa didn't think that hvit was actually real, so she didn't entertain any sensitivity.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jun 27, 2021 8:49 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"It crossed my mind, yea"

Calypso nodded, showing that the thought had occured to her, but she had discarded it as soon as it did occur, for her own reasons.

"Nobody knows why Ulv died, just that she did. And did so peacefully, or without making an impact. There was a video online of her totally obliterating this giant superfish with her spiritual powers and martial arts without breaking a sweat, so I can't imagine that Ulv can be killed in a fight without everything in the country feeling the effects of said fish....err, fight. But it wasn't a spontanious thing, Ulv is nowhere to be found on any plain. Wherever her body is, it can't be detected, tracked, or otherwise found. And there is only like, two places I know of that can do something like that so absolutely. And neither are easy to get to. A Hollow like Hvit wouldn't be able to carry the body to either place. So Ulv had to go while she was still alive, and then Hvit left her, and then Ulv died. Seems a lot of work for trying to kill someone when you can just throw them to some piranhas and be done with it.

Without Hvit, I'm basically dead. My Meridians were shredded with a Profane Technique, and so I will never recover without her. The fact that she might not be wholly altruistic has occurred, but at the same time, so what? If she kills me, I haven't lost anything she didn't give me in the first place. The way M'Lady Queen talks about Ulv is not one of anything other than love. And if she is so good a liar she is able to perfectly fool everyone, then I am not finding out anyway, so what's the point in worrying? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, I say"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Sun Jun 27, 2021 9:33 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 4 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa listened to the rather convenient story. A lot of things seemed to add up. However others were not ...quite ironclad. Her location couldn't be sensed, and there were only two places that could happen? That was just silly thinking. Even an idiot like Santa knew that some beings had powers to swallow one up and they never came back. Either they were sealed where nobody could find them or they were obliterated entirely. Truly Ulv WAS strong, but then if someone were SO powerful as to defeat them, why would they NOT have the ability to make it seem as if nothing happened?

Wether or not this Ulv person existed, it became abundantly clear that Calypso seemed fixated on this Hvit woman as a positive force. Which of course, made sense given she wasn't real. Of course one would think well of their imaginary friend, the entire purpose was that they are someone that she could feel safe around?

Hvit was, conveniently, the 'only' person that could keep Calypso alive and help her heal. She was conveniently a part of this Ulv woman who Calypso CLEARLY admired in some respect. Hvit also conveniently seemed to LOVE this Ulv person, thus eliminating any possibility in Calypso's mind that she might have had a part in it. There was an awful lot of happenstance involved. And all the more, it only solidified Santa's belief that this Hvit woman was not an actual person, but someone MADE real by this strange girl's power. Who conveniently solved all of her problems AND connected her to this legendary individual who just vanished off the face of the earth. And why WAS Hvit somehow able to heal her in a way that nobody else could? Hvit was a hollow, and yet this whole meridian point thing seemed connected with the humans abilities, not a hollows. The only logical explanation was that the somehow learned it from Ulv. But then wouldn't anyone who was significantly close to Ulv learn this then if a HOLLOW could gain such power? Again, Santa was convinced that this was not the truth.

This was merely how Calypso perceived it.

She smiled. She reached up and gently patted the girl on the cheek. She didn't show any sign of her doubts. She kept them locked away. Not even that nosy imaginary friend would be able to sense her thoughts behind that iron will that kept it locked away. Unless they conveniently also had some sort of high level mind reading capability.
"That's fair enough. Besides she seems fond of you after all." Not entirely. Not moments before, the woman had suggested they just sit Calypso on a couch so that they could fornicate with Santa. What a strange imaginary friend. "Also I don't suppose I could stand up?" She asked with a chuckle, as presumably Calypso was still straddling the arrancar. Again, seeming to be showing the interest that Hvit had had moments before. Clearly a projection of Calypso's infatuation with her.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 4 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Sun Jun 27, 2021 9:56 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

As Santa went through her internal monologue, Calypso politely waited for her to finish and then grinned as the Hollow patted her cheek.

"Fond is relative, but she doesn't seem to hate me and did come when I needed her, so I'll take whatever emotion she has of me" Calypso replied, before hearing that Santa wanted to stand up. Grinning and pressing her hands on Santa's chest to lean in a bit more, she'd give a coy laugh.

"I don't know, can you stand up?" she'd ask, the terrifying retort of teachers in schools all across the globe, far back as schools existed. Though Calypso only let that one dangle for a few moments before getting off her and taking off her wet shoes. Strangely pointed things with a blunt top, like some kind of ballet shoe but, actually shoe at the same time.

"So, you going to lay there and just wallow in the waves, or you gonna come on a run with me? A, proper speed, no explosive rocket jet, run?"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:11 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 4 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

She paused for a moment when that strange quyestion was asked of her, the nuance of the saying going right over her head as she was gently pinned down, those hands pressing down on her chest and probably her breasts. All the same, eventually Calypso got up and started to take her shoes off. When Calypso asked her if she was going to wallow, Santa was already on her feet, wringing her outfit out and pausing to glance at the woman at the notion of going on a run.

She didn't imagine it was going to be much different, but she smiled regardless. Well, no harm in a bit of endurance training. "Sure, I suppose I could go for a run. Hopefully not over the water this time." She added with a chuckle.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 4 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:37 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Rocketing into the sky, Calypso would pull off a great feat of aerial acrobatics, the water flinging off her in a delightful if short lived show of hydroartwork. And then she landed and nodded to Santa, pointing into the distance.

"I am glad you decided to join me. We shall run into the setting sun together!" Calypso exclaimed, gripping the sand with her toes and then setting off at a run. She made messy footprints for the first few strides, but then seemed to make smaller and smaller imprints, until it seemed from the prints like she was casually walking rather than flat out running.

"Here's hoping the concept of keeping up doesn't elude you this time~!"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:52 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 4 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa didn't look up as Calypso suddenly rocketed into the air, far too busy sorting through her thoughts on the matter. But of course when she saw Calypso land she couldn't help but smirk a bit, twitching slightly at the very notion that she would be left behind. "Hah, I don't think you realize who you're speaking to." She noted confidently, her determination focusing as she watched Calypso suddenly BURST off!

She smirked ... and then jogged after the woman, no intention to try and keep up with her in the slightest, but she'd be more than happy to just let the woman bolt on ahead. After all hadn't she already figured out that Santa was slower than her? Why was she turning this into a race? It occurred to her that perhaps the woman simply enjoyed her superiority, and who wouldn't given she was supposedly crippled before. So she allowed the woman to bolt ahead.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 4 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:30 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Seeing Santa fall behind quickly, she'd stop and run back up to the woman and keep pace with her, while giving her a stare.

"I know pride is important and all, but if you just said you couldn't, I would have run at your pace. You made it sound like you could keep up if I didn't use my Lightfoot. I am not going to mock you for having inability, nobody is born with unlimited cosmic power, after all" Calypso would tell her, keeping up with Santa rather than having Santa keeping up with her. At least that way around, she could measure her pace so as not to leave her friend behind.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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