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Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] Empty Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel]

Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:30 pm


Enter Calypso


Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt

The sun hadn't even peeked from the horizon when the demon shot upright, a gentle gasp erupting from her throat as she felt her heart leap out of her chest, her gaze rapidly darting around as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, seeing that she was in a room, a bedroom, in a house she knew. Her eyes slowed down gradually as she processed all of this, before lying on the person sleeping next to her - Vanyel.

A sigh of relief left her lips as she rested a hand on her chest, covering her forehead with her knuckles as she lied back quietly, staring at the ceiling. It had been a day since they fully abandoned their previous residence, but even so the primordial cries of her subconscious fears rose during her sleep, a nightmare that felt all too real. One of her family being slaughtered and tortured to punish her, and she herself being taken and locked away, never to see freedom ever again.

It was just a bad dream, there's nothing to worry about. Go back to sleep... The sun isn't even up...

Closing her eyes, she tried to let her focus slip, her mind ease back into slumber, but as soon as she sank towards the veil of unconsciousness, she had several unpleasant flashes of memory before her, causing her eyes to squeeze and open as she rolled onto her side, frustrated.

"Yeah, no. Fuck that noise."

She kept her vulgar comment quiet as she carefully and quietly rose from the sheets, trying not to wake her husband as she crept tendril by tendril to the nearest window, nestling through the closed curtains as she would prop herself up to sit neatly on the windowsill, pulling it open and looking out to the sky. Various insects were still chirping, not even the first sliver of dawn in sight as the stars were starting to fade.

They weren't completely free, not yet. This thought led to the young woman to hug her knees, hunched over as only her sillhouette was visible in the window.

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Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] Empty Re: Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel]

Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:45 pm

Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Breath of the Wild - Song: Mipha's Touch

Dawn had hardly even broke by the time that Vanyel was stirred from his light slumber, quiet moaning as he blinked a few times, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes. It didn't take him long for them to get used to the darkness, and with a brief activation of Jin Jing Huo Yan, he could see the outline of his lover's essence huddled at the other end of the room.

His expression turned sorrowful as he silently got out of bed, taking his jacket from the bedpost and sliding it over his uncovered body as he walked across the room. Even if it had only been a day since they had made their choice to leave the Demon World, leave the manor that Algos had given then and burn it to the ground, Vanyel still felt an ache in his heart. After Calypso had been in-and-out so many times, with him hardly seeing her, even if she was away from him for moments, he missed every moment that they were together, even if it wasn't long.

And to see her like this, as well, it only brought more ache to him.

So, quietly approaching her from behind, he kissed her cheek, wrapping his arms around her waist and knees, resting his chin and lips on her shoulder, his voice coming as a hushed whisper.

"Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?"

His arms tightened ever so slightly around her, pressing his cheek against hers as he closed his eyes, holding her close.

"Whatever it was, whatever happened...I'm here. I can't do much, but, I can be here."

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Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] Empty Re: Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel]

Tue Mar 30, 2021 11:07 pm


Enter Calypso


Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt

Calypso sat on the open windowsill, the fresh breeze of the humid outdoors causing her hair to flow ever so slightly, her long locks poking out the window like she were about to toss her hair down like rope. Taking a lock in her hand, she'd stare at it; Maybe she should learn how to braid hair, so it's not such a mess. She liked it long, especially since it felt so natural again.

She sensed Vanyel coming up behind her, so she wasn't alarmed when she felt his love and concern wash over her like a gentle wave, feeling his body lean into her's, the woman closing her eyes and letting out a quiet sigh. Did she accidentally wake him? No, there was no point in worrying about that right now - Vanyel was a grown man and could make his own decisions, and he obviously chose to come out of bed and check on her.

Hearing his quiet whisper in her ear, asking of her wellbeing. Some stupid part of her mind cried to shrug off how she felt, that she was fine and there was nothing to worry about. That part was disregarded just as quickly as it came on - Dishonesty wasn't getting her anywhere, she wasn't okay.

"...Yes Vanyel. I had a nightmare."

Her voice was quiet, as soft as silk as she replied to him, leaning her head against his own as she leaned against him, trusting him to not let her fall over. Her eyes were shut, but her mind was open,

"..Don't be silly, you're doing a fuckton more than most people have in my life right now. I appreciate you."

She hummed for a moment, before relaxing, "..I, had a dream that everything was on fire. Everyone I love was dying, in different ways, but they all were slow, full of screaming.. And torturous."

Her eyes peeked open for a moment as her hand instinctively went to clutch her chest, a pained breath leaving her lips, "..Then.. Algos.. Came out, laughed at my suffering, and took me away, put me somewhere that I couldn't leave, and I was just alone in, forever her prisoner."

Despite this, not a single tear ran down her face.

"Yknow. Shitty, nonsense dream."

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Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] Empty Re: Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel]

Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:39 am

Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Breath of the Wild - Song: Mipha's Touch

Even if he weren't a demon with heightened emotional prowess, even if he were still just a regular human, Vanyel would have been able to tell that something was wrong. Thus, he let out a quiet sigh as she spoke, his arms holding her firmly, making sure that she would stay upright. Even with such a small statement, for some reason, her saying that she appreciated him...filled him with a warmth that he couldn't describe.

But, the warmth died down as she began recounting her dream -- everything and everyone she loved, dying horribly in a roaring blaze, only for her to come out, laugh, and take her away, holding her prisoner forever. His arms trembled slightly at the thought of it, and his arms tightened around her instinctively. A lump formed in his throat as he remained silent. He didn't know what to say -- what could he say? Part of him was scared to say something and it ends up being something really stupid, only serving to make the situation worse.

So, he turned his head, yet again pressing his lips to her cheek before he spoke, his voice still a quiet whisper.

"Even if it was a dream...I won't let anything like that happen. I won't let her hurt you again."

His arms still trembled as he spoke, but he slowly stood up straight, tucking his arms under Calypso's legs and lifting her up, facing her with a tired, yet warm smile.

"Come on, let's go back to bed. Even if we don't fall asleep, I'd like to hold my wife for a bit longer, if that's alright."

A light tinge of pink flushed over his cheeks, fading quickly, before he gently carried Calypso back to their bed, laying her down, before laying down next to her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close once again.

"I just...really missed this. You were always off on your own adventures, and, I missed you. It didn't feel good, being lonely all the time again."

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Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] Empty Re: Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel]

Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:16 pm


Enter Calypso


Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt

A solemn look was on her tired face as there was nothing but silence between the two of them after that ugly confession of what her mind conjured as she slept. The worst of all worst cases, funny how the mind is so quick to hurt itself when worry and anxiety engulfs one's thoughts...

But this was something Calypso had grown accustomed to, something she knew she had to deal with ever so often, and something that likely was to stay for the duration of her current life. Fighting it was a worthless endeavor, learning how to cope with it certainly wasn't. Calypso couldn't help but wonder - did her previous lives have these issues? These mountains to climb? They probably weren't much of anyone in the grander scheme... Maybe they were just typical creatures, roaming and living uneventful lives until they eventually perished. If she even had previous lives to begin with..

Her eyes drew to her husband as he pecked her on the cheek, a warm smile forming on her face as he gave his little declaration to never let her hurt her ever again. She felt the weakness in his voice, his arms too as they trembled with her in his grasp. Was he sure he could even do that?

She felt his arm underneath her legs as she felt herself be picked up, the man would find that despite her appearance, Calypso was ridiculously light - like picking up a large feather than a woman. She met his gaze, rubbing one of her eyes as she would let out a gentle yawn,

"Yeah I.. Don't think my head wants me to sleep right now. Would rather be held by you than deal with the millionth people-dying-and-suffering-being-all-my-fault imagery."

She enjoyed his gentle carrying, the sensation of her being able to be vulnerable in another's grasp without anything awful happening was almost relieving. She felt at ease in the warmth of his arms, smiling softly as her body remained loose and relaxed until he lied her down in bed and came to lie down next to her. She felt his arm around her, causing her to shuffle closer to him, her body resting close against his as she bunched her arms to her chest, her head pressed against his chest as she heard him speak of how lonely he was, how much he missed her touch and presence as she ran off to do fuck knows what.

Guilt twisted her heart like a sharpened knife as she was reminded of one of her biggest failures, biting her bottom lip.

Gods, what is wrong with me? I was running off doing stupid bullshit and leaving him to deal with these feelings alone...

"..Vanyel. I'm so, goddamn sorry."

Her voice was a low whisper as she spoke, pain wavering her previously relaxed tone, "They weren't adventures, they were selfish decisions. Selfish decisions to put me towards a goal I never deserved. I'm so very sorry I left you behind like that, especially without even telling you where I'm going or what I'm doing. I can't sugarcoat this shit anymore."

Her hands squeezed so tightly she swore they were about to start bleeding, "I'm an idiot Vanyel, but I promise you, I promise anyone, I'm going to turn it around for the better. I've failed enough people."

"One of those things to turn around is to put you with someone better to teach you how to be a demon. Alg- She, is no good for you, and I'm still figuring myself out. So far the best person I can think of is probably my mother, Arianda. She knows how to do shit and has herself figured out, she'd do great to teach you. I'm.. Not a teacher. I'm nowhere near qualified enough to call myself that."

She would cautiously reach a hand up to touch his hair, gently petting his head before continuing, "..You can't be wholly dependent on me, Vanyel. There are good people out there aside from me, better people to learn from and grow with. I love you, you're my husband, but you can't be clung so fast to me, for your own good. I don't want you to be lonely, either..."

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Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] Empty Re: Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 8:51 am

Early Morning Matters [Calypso/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Breath of the Wild - Song: Mipha's Touch

As he lay with his wife, Vanyel cradled and held her close to his chest with a gentle firmness. Part of him didn't ever want this moment to end -- to just lay here, being with her until time stood still. It hurt him to be away from her for so long -- with him often being on his own, in a manor that didn't even feel like home. Part of him was scared that she could be ripped away from him again, at any moment, powerless to do anything about it again.

His arms trembled briefly at the thought, only to be brought out of it as Calypso fell quiet, a whispered apology passing her lips. He could feel the guilt twisting at her heart, and his arms tightened around her. As she spoke, one of his hands left her side, only to slide between them, taking one of her hands in his own. No smile crossed his lips -- his gaze remained wholly the same as it had been before. He remained silent as she promised that she would turn it around for the better.

Only then did a smile cross his lips, and his other hand moved from her back, gently patting her head and ruffling her hair. He only spoke briefly, his own voice a soft whisper:

"I wouldn't expect anythin' less from you."

As she continued, his smile was quick to fade at the mention of finding someone better to teach him how to be a demon, but a spike of fear and anger rose in him at even the half-mention of her name, a set of spectral-like claws forming around his hands, seemingly extending his fingers as he let out a low growl, though he quickly calmed down, his arms trembling for a moment as she continued. However, the next name she brought up did little to ease the growing, gnawing anxiety in him.

Arianda, her other mother, was who Caly had in mind to teach him. He was a bit upset and scared. He wanted Calypso to be the one to help and teach him -- she was someone who understood him, and he felt she was the only one who would be able to handle him. He knew who he was...or, at least he thought he did. He didn't trust Arianda, even if she was Calypso's mother. But, if Calypso trusted her...he'd do his best to try, even if it made him uneasy.

As he felt her hand touch his hair, he flinched, a sharp breath passing his lips as he came back to reality, and as she continued, his grip softened around her.

"I didn't mean for it to be like I'm dependant on you, I...wanted to make up for the lost time. I missed this, and I missed you being around. I guess, I just...was happy that you'd be around ."

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