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Sun Mar 28, 2021 4:57 pm



Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

Fate favors the bold. Those are the words Thara had overwhelmingly repeated to herself ever since her encounter with the fiery halfbreed and the former Archduchess of Shadowfall. To say nothing of her meeting Mat, if nothing else than to sate her curiosity of who he was and his place within the demonic hierarchy.

She had grown in a sense ever since that day - how could she not? To be faced with the notion that you might die and completely crumble as a result - such an event had not only humbled her but illuminated her mind on where she could stand in both demon world and earth.

As a Danava of Avarice, she owed it to herself to walk her path with conviction and seize what her heart compelled. Of course, there was no need to seize any particular item today. Not long after the tumultuous night between Arianda and Kitarune, a letter had been sent at her castle's doorstep. An apology and a promise of a nice meal and to start over.

Thara knew that she somewhat had a hand in the cause for why the night went south and simply accepted her request by returning the letter through one of her familiars. Traveling through the city, Thara was awed by the peaceful serenity of the town, to say nothing of the welcoming civilians who clearly cared little for her existence as a demon.

Utilizing her superhuman speed, she had arrived at the desired location in no time. It was the mansion of Arianda Vael. Though far from the showboating masterpiece of her own abode, it was a sight to behold. Tapping at the sides of her legs, she gently knocked at the door three times.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:48 pm


Enter Calypso


Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

It was a do-nothing day for the dreamer.. At least that was what she intended for.

Since she began residing at her mother's home, Calypso made careful sure to spend time with her family and just relax for the time being. She was pretty overworked previously, feeling like she was jumping from one disaster to the next. She needed to slow down, breathe, and think. The world will not crumble if she simply took time to settle and think, and not drive herself mad trying to build Rome in a day. Too much haste led to mistakes, lack of knowledge with that haste also didn't help.

She needed to bide her time and slowly figure out what she was going to do, and how she was going to learn how to navigate this life, to truly achieve her goals. This entire time, she was so focused on the goal that she neglected the steps.

What was Calypso doing in this early day? Lying down on the couch of course, curled up in possibly the most adorable PJs she could conceive, a fluffy cream bear onesie she got her mother to get her, not that it was much of a contest. She had to admit - wearing clothes that weren't created by her body was miles upon miles better... Why hadn't she considered this before?

Oh right, her body used to freak out if she tried. Heh, what a long time ago that was, when she had so little control of even her own flesh..

She was nestled in the fluffiness, smelling the scents of the vanilla latte she was drinking at, until she heard a knock at the door. Her head shot up, brows raised - Mom never told her she expected anyone, and right now everyone was out or doing something else..

Who could it be?

A sick feeling rumbled in her gut as she trotted over to the door, her onesie bear feet quieting any slapping footsteps into soft thumps on the sleek floor.

Please don't be Ulv or something.. I don't want that shit today.

Reaching for the door knob, she stretched her senses out, to at least get a feel for who was on the other side of the door...

Oh thank the gods, that isn't completely-off-her-fucking-rocker Vizard energy... Who am I kidding, if it WERE Ulv i'd practically be TASTNG her energy several feet away!

She huffed, though that huff was replaced with a quizzical 'hmm'. It was a demon on the other side, a Danava to be exact - one of her breed. What was a Danava doing here? Definitely wasn't anyone she recognized, however Calypso's eyes would soon roll; as if she even knew many Danava...

That definitely is on her slowly lengthening list of things she needs to fix in the near future, yup.

Opening the door, she would be beholden to a rather pretty young lady, well dressed, maybe a bit too well dressed. She had this air about her, like she was ready to run off to a magical ball or something, straight out of a fairy tale. Just pure glam and esteem..

"..Uh, hey. Afternoon. You here to see my mom.. Or her girlfriend.. Or.. What?"

She softly blinked at the woman, giving her such a plain response despite being dressed like an adorable fuzzy pajama monster, black locks leaking out the sides of the hoodie with a teddybear-like face and ears, "They're out so, maybe try again later if that's what you're here for?"

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Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:51 pm



Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

When the three knocks had concluded, the door began to open. Thara had expected to see Arianda but the moment Calypso walked towards the door, she immediately knew that the spiritual signature she possessed was nothing like Arianda. When the door opened completely, Thara laid her eyes upon Calypso Astahvon. Tilting her head, it was clear she had no idea who this adorable demon was, only that she knew her to be someone of her own kind. A Danava. A humorous smirk found itself layered around her mouth as she chuckled at the irony of meeting a fellow entity similar to herself. What concept did she represent? Thara wondered about that question as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her head.

"Ah, sorry about that. Arianda Vael, the woman who lives here, sent an invite to my castle. She wished for me to come here and make amends for the falling out we had not too long ago. I don't think she'd mind if I came in and waited until she returned."

Thara casually walked past Calypso, entering Arianda's mansion as she gazed around the setting before turning back towards Calypso.

"So, a fellow Danava, huh? What's your name, cutie?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:17 pm


Enter Calypso


Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

She could taste the full palette of emotion from the woman before her; calm, awkwardness, nervousness... She had a quiet lament of how a younger her would react to such emotions, she'd probably be shaking so hard one would think she were made of gelatin. Okay, while she didn't have bones, she at the very least had proper structure mimicking what you would expect from a vertebrate, so there was that; she wasn't exactly cuddly jello, and any time she would turn to such a state it'd feel pretty gross, so she definitely would rather not.

Her brows would raise when the woman before her clarified who she was here for, and why. Calypso didn't hesitate on driving the clarity home:

"Arianda Vael is my mom."

She would turn, following the strange woman walk casually into her mother's abode - She knew her mother wouldn't mind someone who was supposed to be here walking in and waiting for her, after all Caly could just abruptly drop her off in a safe place a good thousand miles away if she really was an unwelcome guest, a good yoink and they're gone.

She chuckled softly, a little flattered by the passing complement as she looked the woman sideways, closing the door behind her. No reason to make anyone think a cream-colored bear was suddenly living in Arianda's home.

"Wow, you're right on the money - Yep, I am a Danava."

Caly smirked lazily as she would waddle away from the door, getting a good look at the dark-haired woman before her,

"Calypso Vael," She reached towards her with an outstretched hand, "Dreams and Nightmares. How about you?"

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Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:39 pm



Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

Thara would grasp the hand of her fellow Danava, displaying a graceful smile as she bowed before her. Of course, this was after she was left in a state of silence at the revelation of Arianda having a daughter. She was somewhat left in shock at that piece of information but quickly gathered herself. Calypso Vael. Danava of Dreams and Nightmares.

There was something about a familiarity related to the name Calypso but she simply shrugged it off, concluding that for the billions of demons who roamed both the world of demons and the realm of earth, an interesting name like Calypso could be shared by so many people. Thara removed her fingers from Calypso's palm as she sat down and gazed at the Danava, introducing herself in the process.

"I am the Danava of Avarice - Thara. No surname, as the memory of my family is somewhat difficult to remember entirely."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:33 am; edited 2 times in total
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Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:13 pm


Enter Calypso


Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

Well at least she had the manners to match such a pretty face, though she didn't expect a full on bow for a handshake. She mentally shrugged, same sentiment, nothing weird about it. The woman's hand felt a little chilly, compared to Calypso's strangely warm hand. It didn't feel like normal body heat, more like touching pulsations of energy rather than normal skin.

Danava of Avarice? What an interesting guest..

Calypso had no idea how on earth her mother managed to run into these people, but she manages it. Given her track record, maybe attracting certain types was just in her nature... Wonder who else she'd find at her mother's door in the future?

She felt the woman's hand slip from her own soon after. Thara.. Not a name she heard before. Though, she felt a sense of unease in her spirit for a second; Avarice was greed... Was she...

She gently shook her head, looking in thought, No, no way. Mom wouldn't invite someone negatively consumed by their urges. Calm down, it's okay - you're not in danger, you're not in danger.

That worry was snipped at the first inkling of seeding, far before it had a chance to even root. This woman couldn't and likely wouldn't hurt her. She was fine.

"Ah, I'm so sorry," The demon frowned at the notion of being unable to remember her family, "I.. I know what it's like, to not have a family, at least, not a normal, present one. But now it's all fine, I'm with mom and things are turning out for the better."

She gave the woman a kind smile, as her worries were dashed, and she would try to put her best foot forward for their guest.

"So.. What brings you to Earth?"

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Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:03 pm



Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

"And what a pleasant mother she is," Thara quipped as she maintained her gentle expression, gazing at the adorable Danava while surveying the household of the benevolent demon. Thara had fragments of her family and she remembered some good.

From what her memories told her, they spoiled her rotten. And yet other memories made her feel as though they had abandoned her and were nothing more than brutes when they were present in her life. Indeed, her memories were uncertain. In any case, Thara wished only to indulge in positive emotion and quickly shifted the subject of parenthood before it could begin.

"Ah, what brings me to earth? Well, Calypso, I've been to earth more frequently than you think. Anywhere from America to Japan, and even more than that. I love Tokyo, North America was enjoyable for a time - especially Las Vegas. The City of Lights. Being a demon of greed, I naturally gravitated towards Vegas because it was such a fun, debaucherous place back then. It really lived up to the quote; "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Having said that, I've never been to Minatumi before. How is it?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:32 pm


Enter Calypso


Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

She sensed those little feelings towards the previous subject Thara had, but she knew better than to pry. If it was something that bugged her, it'll come up eventually. Besides, she hardly knew the woman, better to learn about her first before she got too ahead of herself.

Hearing Thara so casually list off so many places caught Caly's attention. She did spend the first leg of her life on Earth but... She stayed away from people more often than not. She didn't really get around much, Vegas being the only city she really spent any time in before the war settled in. Her interested look turned into a weary one, one who wondered if things would be different had things gone another way,

"...That's, great." She tried to feign a happy tone, making a smile crease her lips, "I mean- well- Minatumi.. It's... Well."

She searched her mind for the right words to speak - she didn't want to spill the entirety of her feelings to this total stranger, but she hadn't the interest in lying either,

"..It's, complicated. The city, is nice. Those above... Are a lot more complicated, in a not good way."

She rubbed the back of her head, "..Truth is, I was planning to convince my family to pack up and leave, due to... Well, issues."

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Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:01 am



Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

Thara tilted her head in confusion as Calypso struggled to provide an adequate answer about Minatumi. From her observation, the civilians and the graceful scenery that captivated her eyes hardly left anything to be desired in terms of a living arrangement. Did something happen within this city? Something so harrowing that Calypso thought it was enough to move away? Thara tilted her head as curiosity swelled within her mind. Leaning forward, Thara gazed at Calypso as she posed a question.

"If You don't mind my asking, what were the issues? It's hard to imagine Arianda would leave such a peaceful city such as this for something minor. Was there an attack? Were you targeted by someone?"

Thara tapped at her chin as she continued.

"I know, as the current landscape stands, humans and certain others have become venomous towards demons. Our presence in certain locations are not as welcomed as we like them to be. There is this predetermined notion I feel has been attached to us, no doubt a result caused by years of being under the heel of Mana Asthavon. I would like to change those notions but I'm just now managing to step out of my own shell. Handling human perception can come later, I suppose."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:47 am


Enter Calypso


Birds of a feather(Thara/Calypso)(partially private)  6EdIfMt

Gods, this girl really knew how to hit those metaphorical bullseyes. Knowing how to ask the right questions was definitely a good trait, though in this instance it just made skirting by with scant detail all the harder. She couldn't dismiss Thara, she'd just want to know even MORE. But at the same time she couldn't spill her guts either, it may drive her away or scare her if she knew the full detail behind it all...

However, the woman would go on to speak a pretty accurate observation of how others viewed their race, and even a desire to fix it. However she was taking some time to develop herself.. Just like Calypso herself did.

..Could she read her mind? Doubtful, mind-reading would be a lot closer to her concept's department and even she couldn't really do that. Absolute closest would be dreamwalking and the other person would have to be asleep for it to be possible. It was a just in case, just to make sure this is what the woman actually believed in, and wasn't a trick or something. Thara's emotions towards the subject were pretty genuine, so she felt a little more comfortable easing into it.

"..Yes, there was an attack. Over a year ago. I'm surprised you didn't hear about it, I would think the princess of the demon kingdom attacking the city be pretty newsworthy, even if she was put down by her family rather quickly."

Careful. Careful. She didn't want to make any previous association with Algos obvious. She never wanted to be paired up with her in anyone's mind, ever again. She was a Vael, she was never to see that woman again... And she'd make sure to protect her family and oncoming children.

"..I've sensed her presence around here recently, you see.. It's unmistakable. She's lingering, and the fact the mayor hasn't done anything about it despite knowing what's going on in her own city.. Is extremely disheartening. It's not a good look, and if I noticed that, other people are going to notice it. People with far more sway than the common citizen."

She looked to the side, rubbing her shoulder, "I just feel, Minatumi may run into a lot of trouble in the future because of this. And.. I don't want my family being dragged into it, especially considering I have kids on the way. It's not safe here anymore."

She sighed softly; she hoped it was enough information to stop Thara from asking any further questions on why she wished to leave, but wasn't so much that it would scare her away. Especially since she had a similar goal on her mind, she was interested - she wanted to hear more about her, maybe even become friends?

"I'm surprised you're so learned on the current state of our race in the world.. Usually demons tend to blame each other, or the Queen, or just generally things that completely miss the point. Probably doesn't help that a lot of them haven't even stepped foot on Earth, or were so out of the loop they're just hearing angry rumors and infighting."

She chuckled softly, motioning Thara to come with her to the couch, seamlessly hopping over the back and lying on the soft cushions as she patted the next available seat,

"As far as changing things, you and me both. I don't like how things are, but I understand why it is - Humans and other races have only been exposed to the worst of us, and they made us out to be horrible creatures who were bent on slaughtering, conquering, and madness. Didn't exactly have a good first impression."

She played about with her hair as she continued, "As far as I, I'm.. Only about three years old. At least, in terms of when I came into being. It's been a long three years, and I've learned how much of a fool I've been. So.."

She kicked up a leg to rest on the other, arms behind her head, "..Taking a momentary rest and thinking about what I'm doing next. Hard to think when you're already puffing smoke trying to do shit. So in that regard, we're pretty similar."

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