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Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Left_bar_bleue0/0Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F]

Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:30 pm
Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] BVcnnjH


Basic Information

○ Name: Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn
○ Alias':
○ Age: 25
○ Birthday:
○ Gender:Male
○ Race: Human

○ Affiliation:

○ Alignment: Neutral
○ Marital Status:
○ Nationality: Italian/Japanese
○ Religious Standing: N/A
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

○ Height: 188 cm (~6'2")
○ Weight: 231 lbs
○ Hair Colour: Blonde
○ Eye Colour: Pale Blue

Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] OdLfC8M


Soft, Average, Protective, Nervous, Fit, Accident Prone, Thoughtful, Vindictive

Damian is an average guy. He doesn’t attempt to catch the attention of anyone around him, but that doesn’t make insociable in any manner. If there doesn’t seem a reason for interaction, he’s quick to go about his way, but it’s not out of disrespect. He simply finds conversations that end up in silence nerve wracking. He is not quick when it comes to conversation and would rather the other person takes the lead. He is a listener, not a talker. Maybe that’s simply his social anxiety at work. Even though he is a friendly giant, it does not take away from his own self conscious habit of finding everything he is doing wrong and exemplifying it. It is hard for him to imagine that people are judging him for one thing or another: maybe his scars, his tall height, messy hair, or his sometimes scary eyes.

However, his self critical nature does not interfere when he is needed. Anyone who seems perplexed or in need of assistance, he is normally available to help, maybe too available. He lacks a bit of self worth, always putting aside his time for others. One might say his heart is too large. Even after he was backstabbed, he still gives himself charitably. If he cannot help, he becomes saddened, a feeling of uselessness washing over him. It either inspires or cripples him, a double edged sword that is impossible to prepare for.

Maybe that explains his worst trait. He wasn’t always violent, but after his incident, he had developed a tendency to lash out. It seems that this tendency is only triggered when he feels someone is being threatened or becomes too agitated with himself. If left unchecked, something usually ends up broken, be it a person or object.


Born into an average household, Damian was a normal child. His parents loved him and raised him how they thought fit. He had an Italian heritage due to his father, but lived his life in Karakuri due to his mother’s work as a nurse in one of the hospitals. With that said, it was difficult for him to make friends in school due to his yellow hair color and European looks. The other children weren’t racist per say, but Damian simply didn’t fit into any cliche. He spent a lot of his youth wondering what exactly he’d be good at as he grew older. The question of whether he’d be a loner his whole life became a burden as time went by. However, as he neared five, he would discover his first call to action.

Though, calling it anything besides youthful fascination would be pushing it. One day he was allowed to witness Sumo wrestling for the first time. And, from there, he discovered Asian and American wrestling. He did not become a fanatic per say, but he did find something he could relate to other students about. Apparently, children enjoyed watching wrestling. Maybe it was brought on by the thought of one day growing to be able to fight and do the things that are seen on the news. Superheroes are a very real thing these days. This random encounter had shaped Damian’s life growing up, not simply because he enjoyed the sport but because it opened up a gateway for him to actually escape from his loner status.

His sudden growth spurt before highschool helped him as well. Wrestling and sports were just something he enjoyed watching even though he didn’t feel adequate enough to participate. When he suddenly grew by six inches and gained over 50 pounds, the idea of participating became more of a reality. At the height of 6’2” and weighing 231 pounds, Dimitri became the center of attention for the coaches in his school. However, it was his grandfather that pushed him into actually joining the wrestling team. A man who had left Japan for America and had joined the army, Damian’s grandfather was a rambunctious man who thought it a great idea for Damian to join some extracurricular activity. This was the part of the young man’s life that he began trying new things. His grandfather trained with him to build up his muscle mass and turn him into an actual man. Then, Damian began to help his father at his job as a baker for a desserts shop, a way to cool down after working intensely with his grandfather. This, paired with Damian’s wrestling training, turned him into a monster of a highschooler that became the center of attention at his school for his looks and power.

His grandfather left him with much, lessons on how to live his life and keep him moving when things look grim. One that stuck with Damian the most was the fact that he should always use his strength to help others. The second lesson that he kept was to keep his eyes focused on his goals. If he wants to win, then he can’t let himself get sidetracked by things that don’t matter. If he wasn’t helping a person with anything, one would find the blonde training or studying, maybe both at the same time. It wasn’t hard for him to become a top competitor in his school in the wrestling scene. With the idea that he could become a professional in his mind or even join the olympics, Damian became a steam locomotive that only moved forward.

When he graduated, scholarships came to him, some from overseas as well. Despite his parents' desire for him to stay, he left and went to North America. His decision was sort of inspired by his grandfather agreeing to take him in. Being able to go to college for free seemed too good to give up. Luckily, his English wasn’t that bad. However, his move there would lead to a horrible accident. Two years of schooling had gone by, and it seemed as if he would actually get to participate in the Olympics and reach a pinnacle that few have, but one day, he received a call from a business that wished to sponsor him. It seemed shady at first, but after looking up the business, he learned that it’s actually well known. A few days later, after meeting with one of their representatives, Damian had gone missing. A month afterwards, he was found thrown into a dumpster, left to die with his blood drained and his right eye gone. Somehow, by a miracle, he had survived, but he was hospitalized for a long time.

His scholarships gone, his grandfather stationed away, and his parents on the other side of the world, Dimitri became a horrible recluse. He refused to talk about what happened to him, fear in his eyes with just the thought of it, and eventually, he would be let go. He no longer felt safe anywhere. Luckily, he was hired by a small bakery due to his experience baking. He had to survive somehow, even if all his plans were ruined. The slow life he now lived did help calm him down, and he even began to work out again, even if to keep the thoughts of what had happened at bay. He felt as if he could smile again.

Then, his world had changed once more. He had made himself a home until news of the World War reached his home. His grandfather had been killed in action. He knew not the specifics of it, but he had spiraled. Even more depressed, he had even quit his job and decided that it would be for the best that he end it all. However, the words of his grandfather saved him. A goal: he needed a goal. What could he do with his life now? That's when the idea of joining the army himself came into his mind. He would be thrown into a dangerous war, but it was all he felt like he could do. Somehow, he had ended up in Washington DC, at his grandfather’s grave, ready to commit to whatever he was about to commit to, but that was when the Vandenreich had arrived. Caught in the sudden crossfire, he had become injured by a falling building as Demons and Quincy fought. The world went dark then, and the next time he opened his eyes, he found himself in a room full of other people, far away from home.

Natural Abilities And Skills

Physique Devout: One thing that Damian feels any form of pride for, next to his morals, is his build. Despite the tragedies that befell him, there has been one consistency during them all, and that is his muscular form. Despite how little it has helped him against the supernatural, it is all that has kept him from simply dying. It is the last memories he has of his grandfather. This is why Damian is religious with keeping his body in shape, both to preserve his mental and physical wellness. Of course, he is but a normal human, so a muscular body only helps against normal people and not those who strength is enhanced by their spiritual power.

Fighter's Club: Damian knows how to fight. That's ascertain. His favorite fighting style is Sumo, but he has been a wrestler that knows multiple different techniques. It's hard to say he's an expert at any particular style. He prefers to be labeled as a Jack of All Trades. However, this does make him better suited for combat than a normal citizen.

Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Martial Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Last edited by Siegharty on Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Left_bar_bleue0/0Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty Re: Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:12 pm
(200 credits for a 5-5 basic character.)

Last edited by Siegharty on Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Left_bar_bleue0/0Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty Re: Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:12 pm
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Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Left_bar_bleue0/0Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty Re: Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:12 pm
(Badump Badump)
God of Love
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Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty Re: Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:35 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
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Hazard Ranks
  • Power: F
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

Comments/Notes: Now that's a strapping young lad.
Tier: 5-5
Hazard Rating: F [/adm]
God of Love
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Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F] Empty Re: Damian 'Ferrari' Reginn [APPROVED, 5-5; Human] [Hazard Rating F]

Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:00 pm
[adm]Archiving for inactivity. Please speak to staff if you would like this unarchived.[/adm]
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