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Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] Empty Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:23 pm

Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The moon was still young. Its shimmering white light reflected across the cloudless skies as the glistening stars of the heavens reflected down on the infinitely vast compounds of The Asthavon manor. Truly, it was a wonderful, spring-like evening to be out. So it is why the likes of The Queen of Demons requested the presence of someone quite dear to her past -- Arianda Vael.

Yes. She was a woman that endured much abuse from the essence of Mana's heightened mania, chaos, and corruption of power before she could fight back its influence from her and begin to tame it to have the true reflection of herself come back from the depths of hell. Those reddened memories of torture, treating her as a play-thing and belittling the woman's life despite the love she did indeed have for a devil as foul as herself was made all the clear to The Queen in this moment of lucidity.

So, it is upon this reflection that a proper conversation was required between the two. On the balcony of her wing of the Asthavon Manor did Mana sit-in at a table. There were many types of meat, vegetables, drinks, and other food which could be brought summoned at the whim of either The Queen or Arianda. Still, besides having a strong glass of demonic liquor, the woman had not much desire to consume food.

As her blackened dress blew against the night breeze, her gem green eyes gazed at the sight of the moon as the horned demon spoke aloud:

"Arianda, before we speak of anything else, I owe you a sincere apology for all the hell I put you through. You adored me to the ends of hades and back, and in return I gave you suffering. As your lover and Queen, I failed you."

Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] WVMWLOu
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Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] Empty Re: Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:16 pm

The Fallen Angel


Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

To be called to Mana's Palace after such a long time of disliking the place was... odd. She wasn't quite sure how to feel about everything, really; but she knew Mana's remorse was honest and true. Which was why Arianda had accepted the gracious invitation; worried for exactly what the meeting may have meant. Arriving in her true form, and at the table Mana sat at, she observed the demon queen before her; admiring her in the moonlight and the room's own light. Despite everything that Mana had done to her, despite all the pain she had endured at her hands, despite how much she had been harmed and nearly killed; she still had a soft spot for the beautiful demon.

As Arianda walked up, and Mana noted her presence, the woman spoke; speaking in such a way that caused Ari's heart to skip a beat. To obtain another apology from Mana... it was something that surprised Arianda yet again. But, it was true. Arianda loved Mana without restraint, and some part of Mana had decided to take that love and make a child out of it; so perhaps Mana had given Ari something in the end after all. However, as Arianda stared in surprise at Mana, she couldn't help but let a soft smile pour onto her lips. She moved forward, and slowly wrapped her arms around Mana in a warm hug. It was impossible not to feel for her Queen; her first, honest, love. Even if that love was never truly returned.

"I won't say you failed entirely... we did get a daughter out of it, you know. Some part of you must have tried to make up for what you had done at the time. And... I've had a year to think about it all. I've never been truly mad at you..."

Arianda gently let her head rest on Mana's head; between the horns that Arianda had likely once been harmed by at some point. Anything was possible, really. However, the demon soon needed to relinquish her loving hold on the demon. Soft spot for Mana or not, she could not hug her forever. So, bending down to give Mana a kiss on the cheek, as a kind gesture, she slowly pulled away from Mana and moved to sit nearby her Queen; if not directly across from Mana if their table was small enough that Arianda could still remain close enough to the woman.

"I accept your apology, Mana. I loved you so much, I had tried to help you; and probably didn't succeed all too much. In a way, perhaps we both failed each other... Ah, but we still have enough time in both of our lives to make up for such failures... What else did you wish to talk about, Mana?"

Arianda's eyes searched for an answer to her question before Mana answered it. Indeed, what was this meeting about? It was hard to say. Aside from apologies, what did Mana wish to discuss? And, aside from that, was it at all related to Caly? Arianda honestly had no idea... But, she was ready to know, to find out, what Mana intended to convey through this meeting of theirs.

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Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] Empty Re: Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:00 pm

Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Devils were creatures of immense passion, were they not? The physical bonding of their bodies in the form of a hug did indeed produce feelings of electricity throughout the body of the Asthavon. So, in turn, she repaid her affection by holding Arianda close to her. Unlike in times before in the past, this hold held no sense of lust behind it. It was a deep, warm hug felt to the depth of an otherwordly love as the essence of her Queenly aura imprinted as a cosmos of remorse and adoration as such a grand-power couldn't help but bring its might upon the world.

So, in that way, when Arianda managed to kiss her on the cheek; Mana's own impulses of a demon reacted in her state of power and the reaction she'd receive was one out of left-field. In a quick motion, The Demoness pulled the fellow devil into a kiss. At that moment, they'd both feel the heated sensation of their lips meshing against one another once more after so many moons have passed. The reaction given by the other demon mattered not, but it was enough to show her own care for time being.

Still, that look of solemn nature stayed on her face before the woman spoke in that eerie, ginger voice.

"That is true. I never loathed any of you. That is the consequences of my actions and as a Queen, leader, and ruler of my people, I accept whatever comes my way. As one could easily excuse those actions as being under the influence of my power, but I understand at the root of it I chose and allowed for that to happen and never bothered to restrain myself."

With a gaze back toward the moon, the likes of The Queen lingered in this moment of intimacy. Her thoughts were fluid, guided, and focused before coming to her next words.

"Should something ever happen to me, or if I ever revert to something you don't recognize, take care of my daughters."

Those words brought a new dimension of pressure in the air. As Mana pulled Arianda into her chest, the dense chaos of a burning sun glared around them as echoes of children laughing, people screaming and the stench of death itself flared in the air around him. Yet, at the center of it, The Demoness did not allow any of its taint to harm a hair on Arianda head. Despite how the projection of an entire world slammed down on them, the will and power of The Queen was greater at this moment as she exhaled.

"I've lived a long life. I've seen highs that not even the gods themselves can indulge. I can honestly say: I'm happy. I hold sorrow in my heart for the people I've hurt, but I regret none of my actions that brought me to this point."

As she stroked Arianda's hair ever so longingly, The Queen continued:

"But there is always a price for power. The gods themselves are moving, death itself is awakening and my own tiring battle against my internal nature of chaos will at some point bring my body down if the world doesn't."

There was a dry chuckle as Mana's body briefly flashed the many scars, lesions, wounds, and reflections of a creature who had seen many tormenting sights in her life. From all the wars, all the battles, all the hell; this body has taken a beating and it was growing exhausted mentally and physically. So, to this maddening fact, The Demoness cackled out in her usual southern twang:

"Cause s'ugah, I've played the game of life, won it n' soon it will be time to see what those who come after me do with my kingdom. 'Fer betta' or worse, ya all will one day have to figure out how to live without my rule n' protection as this realm's Queen."

Then a sincere laugh escaped her lips as a light of life finally came across her jovial face.

"I'm sorry, did I ruin the mood with that? Perhaps I'm getting too depressing in my old age, dearie."

Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] WVMWLOu
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Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] Empty Re: Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:00 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

To be kissed by Mana... Such a simple action, the joining of their lips, sent bolts of lightning coursing down Arianda's body. The feeling caused turbulent emotions to tear through Ari's seemingly fragile being. It was like revisiting an old memory, revisiting an old pleasure that still made you feel good; and part of Ari didn't want to let go. However... she knew she had to. This could be the last kiss she could ever share with her first love... her dear Queen. So, in a burst of conviction, the demon made the kiss as memorable as possible; making sure that Mana Asthavon would remember that kiss, and Arianda Vael herself, until the demon Queen's dying days. However, after that, Arianda placed her hands on her Queen's face. Oh how she loved her... but both of them would need to let go; Ari needed to let go.

With no ease, Arianda slipped away, her love for the woman evident; as was her own restraint to not indulge in her love. She could not. Arianda had a girlfriend she did not wish to cheat on. Besides, even if Mana could love her back; Arianda knew she would not do so. Even for Demons, sometimes you could indulge in others; but there was only ever one person who would earn your true love. So, Ari would listen to Mana; looking quite surprised at what she had said. To look after her daughters if something ever happened to Mana; if she had become something Ari could not recognize. Perhaps it was true... Ari was among the few who had tried to understand Mana's heart; who loved her so...

"I will... If that eventuality comes to pass."

Then, Arianda felt a shiver steal down her spine as Mana's words brought new pressure into the air. However, Arianda soon found herself in Mana's embrace; partially atop the woman's lap thanks to the shift in position. She blinked at this sudden embrace, unsure what had caused it; at least until she realized that pressure was no longer coming down upon her. Even now... Even now, Ari's Queen sought to protect her. An inaudible chuckle broke from the demon's mouth as she decided to enjoy the embrace while it lasted. Like their kiss, it could be the last one they ever shared.

Arianda listened, listened to her Queen speak of her life; how she had lived. Arianda knew why. Even a demon, who could live for eons, would eventually wish to fade; even if a demon may seem immortal, immortality is a cruel fate that only death can prevent. In the end, everyone had their time; everything had to end. Even if Mana herself did not perish, it only made sense that her rule must end. But who would, who could rule? Demons enjoyed such freedom, such savagery, under Mana. Who could quell it? Who exactly could bring demons under control so they wouldn't tear apart other worlds just because of boredom. They had to exist...

Soon, Arianda's thoughts broke free from their path of contemplation as she felt Mana's fingers comb through that white hair of Ari's; sending more memories soaring past Arianda's eyes, more sensations she knew may never be felt again. Part of her refused for these to be the last. She loved her Queen, she so dearly loved Mana even after everything she had done to her; but... Sometimes, you have to let go of the things you love. But, Arianda decided to enjoy it while it lasted; leaning her full weight into her Queen as she too felt that longing course through her veins. However, soon Mana's voice broke from it's calm to an earthen southern twang; one that caused Ari to chuckle along with Mana. Now that twang was quite familiar to Ari... Oh, how she'd miss it.

However, Mana was quite right. Mana could not remain the ruler of Demon World forever; demons would have to figure something out for themselves. It was certain to say that if Mana didn't hand someone the throne, there would be a war over it; she was certain there would be a fight. However... That was not for Ari's worry. She cared for the safety of those she loved... she did not wish to rule; she just wished to live her own life.

"No, it's fine... you didn't ruin the moment, Mana. And no, you are not getting depressing with age; I'd say you're getting better with age. Like a fine wine~"

Arianda let out a tiny giggle as she leaned against her Queen, joining the woman in staring at the moon; at the distant stars. What would a future without Mana Asthavon, Queen of demons, hold for them? Truly speaking, Arianda had no idea what it could hold. However, all Arianda knew was that... she didn't wish for Mana to die, leave, or however she was to remove herself from leading demon kind. Not yet. She wanted to enjoy what time she could with the woman; with her lover of old... With her dear Queen.

"Tell me something, Mana... You talk of leaving us to figure out what to do without you. Do you intend to step down and hand the throne over to another? Or... Is there something else that you can't tell me?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] Empty Re: Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari]

Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:12 pm

Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Aging like fine wine, eh? Yeah, that was right. With as potent as her essence was, even in these burning twilight years, the nectar of the demoness's inner core would be as vibrant as a thousand-year-old wine. So, to that end, Mana gave her former love a pat on the head as it amused her to reflect upon these types of thoughts.

"Ya have a way with words, Ari. You've gotten wiser after leaving me. Such a pity."

Nevertheless, her focus soon shifted toward the question which was posed out and was unavoidable: who was going to handle things when she died or stepped down? Perhaps playtime was over and it was time to conclude the games. So, to that end, the demoness held the likes of Ari closer to her chest so that she could hear soft, thumping heart.

"Mmmmmm, to put it simply: I may die."

Mana let that simple sentence linger out in the air as her own tendrils started to slither about. How would Arianda take that? The Queen sure as hell didn't know. Nevertheless, she was tired of dancing around the issue and dealt with these complicated problems the way she lived: diving headfirst into them with that shit-eating grin of hers.

"I won't play games with ya: This body of mine is worn out, so I surmise it's only a matter of time before I decay, lose myself in my own power, or perhaps someone outright kills me. Not certain of the outcome, but I've fought so many grandiose battles that it was inevitable."

Now resting her chin atop the head of Arianda, there was then a gruff groan heard from the mouth of the Asthavon.

"But eh, save the waterworks. I ain't dead yet, I ain't sure of my fate; n' even if I died right now my life has been nothing but pure thrill, excitement, and a demonic fever dream of utter highs and lows that I wouldn't trade for the world. I sure as shit don't want people turning into a bunch of sad sacks of shit if it should ever come to that."

Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] WVMWLOu
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Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] Empty Re: Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari]

Wed Jun 30, 2021 12:45 am

The Angel of Conflict


Moonlit Remorse [Mana/Ari] 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

To be told by Mana that Ari had grown wiser after leaving Mana left the demon a tiny bit speechless. Perhaps it was true, to not be tainted by the endless ocean of chaos could lead someone's mind to blossom more without the distraction that was chaos. However, it could likely also be because Arianda had been forced to grow up thanks to recent events; leaving behind things more childish. Could they be recovered...? Perhaps. However, she was not terribly concerned of it. After all, with the world they lived in, sometimes it can be better to have the ability to become wiser. However, it was unwise to lose that spark; the gleam of mischief. However, Mana's words, along with the feeling of being drawn further into Mana's embrace, brought Arianda back to the present, to Mana; to the heartbeat she could hear, Mana's own heart. And then came the answer to Ari's question, an answer that caused Ari to fear what may happen if that heartbeat she heard ceased.

Mana, to put it bluntly, would die; or may die. Frankly speaking, from the other alternatives, it seemed more likely that Mana would like to die. To pass on while she was still herself, so she would not lose herself to her powers; to die as she was and not as a beast. Arianda's gaze was frozen on Mana's arms that rest upon her waist; her hands gently holding onto them as if it was the last time she would see them. Could it? How soon would Mana pass? She was worried, desperately so. Even if Arianda had left Mana, it was impossible to simply tear out the love she felt for the woman; the care and admiration that would not leave her soul until the day her soul departed from this form. However, some of her worries were put at slight ease when Mana spoke again.

She was not to die yet, nor was she to die anytime soon; and she clearly had no remorse from her wish to die. Honestly speaking, it made complete sense. Mana had lived for many years, as both Eris and Mana Asthavon; her life spreading on for eons. It was completely understandable that she would want to pass on eventually; living forever was not a favorable fate in the end. Eventually, the demon smiled a tiny bit and leaned into her Queen, into Mana, quite heavily.

"Well... despite everything, Mana, I'm glad to know you won't depart from life immediately. I know Amphy would miss you; I would miss you..."

Arianda continued to lean back into her Queen, letting empty silence fall over them before she turned her head a bit so she could look into Mana's face; peering into those green eyes with her blue ones, being quite careful with her horns so she wouldn't unseat Mana's head from her perch atop Ari's own head. Arianda's eyes asked a million questions, a million things, but her mouth only allowed her to speak a single one.

"Mana... When your time comes, I want you to tell me; please. I wouldn't feel right if I wasn't able to comfort my Queen in her last moments. And... Amphy wants to be able to be with her mother before the end. And, if you ever fear you may lose yourself and be unable to die as you are; don't be afraid to call upon me one last time. I refuse to let you lose your chance to have a peaceful death after a life such as yours."

After speaking, possibly too long, the demon temporarily unseated Mana's head to kiss her Queen upon the cheek; turning herself in Mana's lap so she could wrap her arms around Mana and nuzzle deep into her embrace, desiring to bury her pale face into Mana's neck. They couldn't have this moment of tranquility forever, just for now; while they were both able to enjoy such peace. Oh how Ari would miss this, miss the good times mingled amongst the bad; how much she would miss her dear Queen.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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