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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] Empty Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv]

Sun Feb 07, 2021 3:35 pm


Enter Algos's Post

The eve was dark as the storm outside raged like a rampaging demon. The rain assaulted the windows like a monster just gnawing, clawing, and waiting to give in. And, in some sense, it was already too late. The devil itself sat with her legs crossed, crimson eyes locked and a soft smile across its face as scarlet energies glowed throughout the house.

"Ulv, care to tell me why my baby is in Africa?"

That was all Algos asked out in the silent abyss of her home. There was no hostility, no fuss. The mother had sensed that her child had left the nest, and all she was focused on was retrieving that child by any means necessary. Regardless of if these methods were peaceful -- or violent.

"Please tell me before I react and fetch to get my child back."

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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv]

Sun Feb 07, 2021 3:53 pm


Ulv, did not react so violently this time, though there was a phone by her side that she was periodically checking as she pottered about the house.
"May I first remark on the great showcase of emotional growth you have shown, coming to me to talk about it instead of laying waste to the city she is in?" Ulv asked, standing up and walking over to her.

"As for why she is there, Demons mature weirdly, so I guess she's grown up to the rebellious teen phase? She stole out of the house and mailed herself there. Which, I personally find hilarious. Any number of ways to get where she wants, and she choses mailing herself" Ulv would laugh softly, and then become a steely bastion of seriousness.

"Though don't take my amusement for inaction. I made some bad decisions a few months ago and got banned from Vastime, but the man I hired to protect her when she sleeps is a kind of man who doesn't really care about location or semantics. He was hired to protect her, so the fact she's moved continents matters not for his contract. She is safe, I get hourly updates on what is going on, it's good"


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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv]

Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:01 pm


Enter Algos's Post

"It is not okay."

That is the only thing that breathed out of the mouth of the devil's blood-drenched lips as she heard Ulv speak about this "precious" person watching over her daughter.

"I consulted with you as my heart feels an attachment to you for whatever that is worth. However, I will not allow my child to be raised by Vastimian hands until I speak to her to find the reasoning."

There was then a gentle exhale given by the woman. What were her emotions? What was her state of mind? Who knew. Nobody but herself needed to know that. For now, however, she wasn't concerned with it. Instead, she pulled Ulv into her arms, let her rest, and those eyes of hers become drenched in crimson light as she started to make contact with the mind of Baby Ulv.

Being that the essence of Algos ran through the child's veins, this meant she was connected to The Princess and telepathic communication was more than able to be breached. So, as Algos tethered her mind to seek the sight of her beloved child, the woman asked one thing out into the mental landscape of the youth:

"Why have you ran away from home, my precious child? Your mother is...concerned."

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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv]

Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:10 pm


"Well what am I meant to do?" Ulv exploded, reiatsu blasting the furniture to smouldering wood shavings and shattering the windows in an outburst of emotion. "Storm in there, get myself killed, her killed, everyone within a hundred miles killed? I'm doing the best I can with what I have. It's not ok, but it's the path where the least amount of people end up dead"

She'd then release an amber-tinted breath and let herself get pulled into Algos' embrace.
"An hour ago I got an update that she's in The Tundra. Nice little cafe, owned by Abalia. Though, Neliel and Alex live there with Vegas. Alex is a guy I know well, so if you really want I can call him about all this. You would be better served going more diplomatic channels if you want to go there yourself. Just appearing will make a scene, however delicately you do it. And we can't make a scene, she's just a baby. There can not be any crossfire for her to get caught in"


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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:15 am

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

If she was looking for landscapes of youth, Algos would find none here. The connected mindscape that lay between them was a dreary, dark, and desiccated thing. It was full of blood and bodies, of memories and steel. Of death and rebirth. At first when this link connected it would not be the sound of a budding child that first graced her, waiting blithely to bask in the glow of her dearest mother. No, instead, it was a memory. A memory of such hatred. A scene that should be familiar to the queen, from the perspective of the perpetrator himself.

Yes, she’d see the memory that started with a man's booming voice, and the vestiges of shadow fall coming to fight him. Of an individual that would rather burn their life's very essence than submit to a tyrannical injustice, only once she saw the flash of the blade that severed that life, would the images and memories fade away, to leave a woman's voice echoing in the abyss. There was no picture, no image of the child that was birthed, but rather a single lonely voice, echoing tiredly in the void.

”I can honestly say In my darkest nightmares that this would be my reality.”

The dry chuckle that resonated in the void was no longer female, but distinctly masculine. It was a dry and aged voice that she would remember well, as it had once belonged to one of the most prominent members of the vanguard. The cruelty of this reality had almost broken her, it had almost been too much to comprehend. So she had ran away from it, and stopped trying to comprehend it.

” Mommy! It’s i, Blackheart!” The dry voice was gone and in its place the naive idealistic voice of a child remained, squeaky and pure it bubbled with glowing youth and infinite innocence. Maybe she could picture the swaddling infant with it’s outstretched arms that wished so much for a mothers love. Truly it was a tear jerking image, until a tittering giggle of revulsion broke through and shattered those words.

”Is that what you hoped for? “ The voice was amused, the ancient slow cadence that lay behind that woman's voice while not reviled by algos’s very presence, was certainly unhappy with the intrusion. The mindscape shifted before more images came, iceland, the moon, europe. They just kept coming, the screams vivid, the innocent people dying.

Then it all stopped, and only darkness remained in the link between them, in that drab, drab world that lacked light and hope, where only the infinite expanse of a jaded, wary soul remained. A strained, feeble link that lay between them, in a space that had none of the makings of a child.

” I guess we both didn’t get what we wanted did we?” The desolation was only contradicted by the wistful bemusement in that statement, and only silence remained before finally more neutral words were uttered.

”What do you want Algos” the voice asked, in this little cozy mental link that lay solely between the two of them, and no one else.

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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] LzZCuy7
Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] BtXe12b
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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:30 pm


Enter Algos's Post

Despite Ulv becoming consumed by her own emotion, Algos's own demonic energy remained still in comparison. She could only give a soft gaze at the woman before smiling at her display of passion.

"Lower your energy. There is no need to become so emotional. Isn't that my job, Ulv?"

There was a dull chuckle given as a foul smirk came across the woman's face. Of course, she listened in to the additional details, but it did little to console her until The Princess herself could speak with her child. And while that gift did come, but not quite as expected.

As the woman took a gentle exhale of breath, there was a sudden familiarity heard in this world of telepathic bond. This presence was a force she believed to have killed long ago, so how absurd could it be for this creature to be HER daughter? It was comical. Utterly comical. So much so that she couldn't help but begin laughing her behind off at Baby Blackheart being HER kin.

"Well, no. This isn't what I expected, but it is a riot."

After wiping away the tears from her face, Algos continued.

"All I want to know is why has my daughter run away from home? Even if you are drenched in the essence of my enemy, I still love and accept you as my own."

At this point, The Demoness's own astral projection went in to hover and hug the space around Blackheart as a foul smile crept across the mother's face.

"You should know how deep a demon's connection goes to that which they are bounded to, right? Even in your blackened heart, you will find some attachment to this flesh and blood you are now. It is only inevitable, my child."

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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Devil Baby [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:12 pm


"Haaaaa. Sorry. It's all so much more when related to our child. A motherly love and a desire to protect her would fire anyone's blood when she was in such a situation" Ulv replied, exhailing and lowering her energy. If anything, she was good at regaining calm, albiet after losing it...

"I want to protect her, but I want to also hold to what I have promised. And I can't go to Vastime to protect her, so I have to watch from the side lines and do my level best not to break every principle I've ever made. Motherhood is hard..."

She'd be unaware of the telepathic communication between Algos and her child, too in her own mind to sense Algos' fluxoating emotions.


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