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Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:56 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Stepping off of the train, a drained sigh escapes from her lips. Here again, so soon too? Hmph. There’s nothing one can really do about the current situation though. Life is how it is. Sometimes one succeeds with their goals, and sometimes, they have to adapt and change up things. But, no one can call this little expenditure a true waste of time. Even if her true goal wasn’t realized, she still learned a lot about herself and of the world. She’s met new people, saved some people, made mistakes, and gained new insight about herself. Yet, what brings her back here? With a frown, soft footsteps carry the young woman forward through the swarming crowd, her bag over her shoulders. The city feels the same at least, albeit, her own stubbornness reducing the effects it normally has on its citizens. Elyss has come back home.

Soon, she’s climbing up that familiar hill to that familiar mansion where she feels the need to knock once more on the large doors before her. Yeah, she could probably just walk in. No doubt Ulv knows she’s here, but Elyss feels like practicing her mannerisms. After being gone for so long, it’d be weird to just barge in like she only left yesterday. Fixing her red hair on top of her head, she wonders if anything new has occurred while she’s been gone. She’ll just ask Ulv about it as they catch up over the past months apart. Well, that’s if the Mayor even answers the door. Hopefully, it’s not some manifestation of Ulv or whatever every other person that exists because of Ulv is called.



Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:15 pm


'Ohh, that was the spleen. Going to need some more power to fix that' Hvit commented. Ulv was slouched in a chair drinking really expensive brandy because her money wasn't going to be any good soon.
'Don't I need that?' Ulv asked, giving Hvit even more of her power. Had they not such a great connection, she'd be seriously worried about how much more powerful Hvit had gotten in recent weeks.
'You need all of it!' Hvit exclaimed loudly.
'Except the Apendex' Ulv retorted, before feeling the woman at the door. Heh. She'd come back at the eleventh hour, huh?

Getting up off her chair, she'd walk over to the door and pull it over. Though she smiled, Ulv was a mess. Looking sickly and weak, she didn't stand with power or passion, just a gentle guttering of the once great flame.
"Welcome home, Elyss. It's nice to see you again"


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Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:44 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Huh? Something’s not right here. The door opened, and Elyss? Elyss did not expect to see what she’s currently seeing. Black eyes widen with surprise at the shocking realization that Ulv is far from what she normally is. The normally lively shining beacon of emotional superiority is lacking all of that. Instead, there’s a pale imitation before Elyss, and Elyss’ horrified expression is enough to tell Ulv just what the young redhead is thinking.

Well, without any hesitation, Elyss walks up to the door and tries to open it further and step inside where she’d shut it and go to grab Ulv's arm and drag her back to the chair. “What the Hell? What in the actual Hell Ulv?” There are little times where Elyss attempts to take control of a situation when pertaining to Ulv, but right now, there’s nothing but worry coursing through her brain that is telling her to get to the bottom of this insane situation. Ulv? Sick? Weak? When? How? Why? She was only gone for a few months. What happened?!

Quickly trying to usher Ulv to sit, Elyss would step away whether the brute sat down or not and begin pacing back and forth, her whole air full of confusion. It just… Ulv is supposed to be one of the strongest, coolest, strangest… Is this what it feels like to have one’s mind malfunction. Though, losing herself like this when Ulv is right there looking like she’d curl over and moment, she has to get a hold of herself. Grrr… Turning her body to Ulv and folding her arms, she gives her most angered sad look possible and starts tapping her foot in frustration. Obviously, Ulv should know what she wants.



Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:02 pm


"Nice to see you too" Ulv commented drily as she was pulled to the chair and sat down in it. Sure, she'd already said that but who was going to complain about it? Lingering in the chair for a moment, Elyss seemed to really overreact to her state, which meant Ulv had to rectify a misconception. Reaching out her hand wordlessly, she would hope Elyss would take it. Because if she did, Ulv would give a light tug. The physical feedback from the tug was barely anything worth notice, and yet Elyss would still lurch forward like she had been hit by a truck. Clearly, Ulv still had her physical tricks.

Should the angry little bear not contest Ulv's attempts to drag her into a hug, Ulv would do just that and embrace her darling soul-shard.
"You've just got back from a long journey. Just rest a bit before you start getting all worked up again, okay?"


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Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:20 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Elyss is a bit too absorbed into her own conspiracies about what’s wrong with Ulv to really give a proper greeting. Who would simply just say hi in a situation like this? No, it’s well within her character to show concern the way she is. However, Ulv reaching out towards Elyss causes the youngling to raise a brow. Really? Elyss wants to know what’s going on, not hold hands or something. But, it would be in bad taste to simply ignore Ulv’s strange action just because she wants to boss information out of the sick woman. With a sigh, she’d reach for that hand and take it, and, of course, in Ulv fashion, Elyss felt her whole body dragged forward despite how little effort Ulv put into pulling her.

“Oof…” Wide eyed somewhat, she couldn’t help but grumble lightly as she’s hugged. “You should know more than anyone Ulv. I’m an emotional woman… I can’t help it...” Her anger and confusion slowly dwindled as she sighed in defeat and lost some of the tightness in her muscles as she gave in to the comfort that Ulv’s hug gave her. Yeah, she’s still worried, but Ulv is right. Worrying like this isn’t going to help the situation. Ulv would probably rather have Elyss calm than losing her shit like this. But, why is Ulv so calm? It doesn’t make sense to the younger redhead. Hopefully, she’ll get some explanation on the situation.



Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:32 pm


"Indeed. I also know more than anyone that one should control their emotion and funnel it towards the future. Flaring needlessly helps nobody" Ulv would tell her, drifting over two crystal glasses over brandy. Four hundred year old, a grand and a half per shot, it wasn't exactly something to just neck from the bottle. One had to have proper glasses to drink such a thing.

"So tell me. Where have your journeys taken you? What have they enlightened you too?"


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Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:57 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Sometimes being a little emotional is warranted; especially in situations like this.”

What’s this? Alcohol? Now, as much as Elyss would like to tell Ulv off for drinking alcohol while sick, she knows that that’d be a waste of time. She also doesn’t know what kind this is either, and her curiosity is stroked somewhat about if it tasted good or not. She could use a scorching throat right about now, but that’s far from important. Yet, she still takes the glass and sighs.

“Well, I’ve learned a bit, met a few people, fought a lot of Hollows and Demons.” She responds to Ulv’s inquiry as she holds the glass closer to her lips and sniffs the contents. Oh, that burned her nostrils a little. If Ulv brought it over, then it must be nice. She’d throw back the glass and down the whole thing in one go which was not a good idea. She immediately starts coughing and beats at her chest as she backs away from Ulv. “Damn…” She groaned. “Wow. Never had something like that before.” Bleh. Though, she didn’t particularly hate it. She just wasn’t prepared. Oh god. Her chest is on fire, but she ignores it as she focuses back on Ulv.

“Anyway, I didn’t really find the wasteland camp, but I did run into Alex. Thought a bit about what I really wanted to do with life, and I kind of want to make amends for the wrongs I’ve done. First though, I decided to return to where it all started… You… And I come to see you… like this. Come on Ulv… What’s wrong? What’s happening with you? You look… bad…”

She frowns again as her worry becomes evident again. She just wants to know if Ulv is just experiencing a bad cold or something. Anything to at least ease her mind.

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Mirja Eeola
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Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:22 pm


"You probably won't again. That decanter costs as much as this house" Ulv commented, sipping her own gently before looking up at the woman as she spoke. Met Alex, righted wrongs, fought people. She was a fair bit stronger than before. Would soon be looking to get her Shikai if everything went well.

"Fine, if you must know. I am dying. Fate of all heroes, I'm afraid. You face against the tyranny of the world and then you meet something - or in my case a string of somethings - that you can't handle. With luck you go out in a blaze of glory bringing down that one last foe. Without luck, you end up like me. Just strong enough to bring them down, and slowly degrading till there is nothing left"

It was a morbid sentiment, but Ulv wasn't sugar coating much these days.


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Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:34 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Expensive alcohol? Eh? Makes sense, she guesses. Doesn’t really matter. What does matter is what’s going on with Ulv. Did she say, dying? Dying… Elyss’ face didn’t contort with anger or sadness. It devolved back to that emotionless stare she used to wear back in Rukongai, so long ago. Yeah. Long ago. It’s been a long time. For some reason, Elyss’ mind traveled back to then when they first met, the way they didn’t get along at first at all, how Elyss made one mistake after another, and how they got here with her promising to change for the better. It all felt too surreal. Why is she the one experiencing the past when Ulv is the one dying? So, so, so… surreal.

“You’re lying right?” Her words slipped out like a small whisper. “Say you’re just messing with me like you normally do.” Her fingers curled into fists as her nails began to dig into her palms. Dying… Ulv? Impossible. This has to be another of Ulv’s jokes. It just has to be. “Yeah, that’s it. You’re just messing around. No way… No way did someone push you that hard. No way you couldn’t handle it.” Is she going to pretend that the woman she knows is sitting before her, a pale comparison to what she normally is? She wants to, but that’s impossible, and she doesn’t want to see it anymore. Her eyes close as she bites at her lower lip drawing blood quickly that dribbles down her chin.

She explodes. Her eyes open again, her brows furrowed with anger; her usually black eyes a blazing red brimming with energy. “Say it’s all a joke, or I’ll never forgive you Ulv.”



Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:46 pm


"True. Nobody pushed me that hard. Three someone's consecutively, pushed my that hard" Ulv clarifying, leaning back and looking at Elyss. Everyone processed grief differently, and Elyss was no different. Did she need to fight Ulv to get it out? Did she need to beat her fists against the wall until there was nothing left? Ulv considered it. There was a flash of fang and bleeding walls as the unbridled beast curled back it's lips. But before Ulv could get into the really traumatising visual hallucinations, she pulled back and shook her head.

"No, I already did that with Hayden. I am not lying to anyone else. It is unfortunately, no joke. When I die you'll inherit my manor, through probably not the town. It needs a powerful guardian and you don't have the strength or the control to qualify for that" Ulv would sip the brandy some more and then grasp Elyss and stand up. Even dying slowly, Ulv was still a legendary warrior who could stand toe to toe with the greatest of the world.

"Now come on. Let's get that lip sorted out"


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