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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:13 pm

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: Town 10

A most serene sight. Honey and aqua skies, heavenly white sun, cool morning air and luscious plant life for as far as the eye could see. If one weren't aware of their place, they'd not even dare believe that this was the depth of Demon World in the Demon God's city. Yet, regardless of that fact, alone did it's Princess stand atop a cold pillar of concrete which lay hundreds of feet in the air.

Nothing but the sense of hostility bled around her as a mist of crimson fog started to smother the setting. Throughout her bod were numerous scarlet markings in tribal ink; as each of her eyes was as bloodshot as the blood which flowed through her veins. Clenching each of her hands until they drew this fresh crimson fluid, the woman created a circle of her vital extract to summon her sweet, sweet little sister to.

'Come to me. NOW.'

This was a telepathic demand as The Demon Princess created a vortex of neon white light from this blood circle to let her sister transport from whatever shithole she was in to the sanctifying touch of Khalaism's grace. Indeed, there were many impurities bleeding forth in the essence of Cali, and Algos sought to correct these ugly, putrid feelings one way or another.

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 4:35 pm

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Her previous dealings and feelings were packaged away to some random part of her mind as she heard her dear elder sibling call for her. Despite it feeling as if a planet were weighing her heart down, she answered the call without hesitance, a deep breath taking her as she only had one thought in her mind in her quiet state, being taken by the light of calling,

Don't forget to smile..

Calypso would then appear before her sister, noticing she had shed fresh blood to summon her here, the younger of the two's gaze neutral,

"..I could have just gotten here on my..."

Just one look at Algos immediately put warning flags in her mind to watch what she said. She could practically taste the venom of Algos' current emotional stream, hell she didn't even need to be an empath to see that the older sibling was royally furious.


No tears, no fears, no shaking, no cowering. Calypso just stood there with a blank expression and a gentle smile, her demeanor being read entirely as aloof, however, such distant emotions weren't directed towards her sister, merely herself,

"I see you're upset, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

Her gaze darkened a bit as she stared at the woman, an almost sad shade to her eyes, a genuine tone of worry as she spoken, "...Did I do something wrong?"

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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:13 pm

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

The instant that Algos saw the sight of Cali, the woman lunged at her like a rabid wolf seeking to consume its prey. It only took a half-second for her to chokehold the woman, grab her by the throat and slam her into a lake nearby as she sought to sink her head into the pure waters of the realm of Khalaism. It is there that those disgusting sins could be purged as her face cringed with outright disgust as nine tendrils drenched in blood extended themselves out of her back as her demonic energy roared with contempt.

"Sister, you sicken me."

That voice was uttered without a single drop of hesitation or remorse. Her blood gaze never left the sight of Cali as she started to chuckle.

"Are you a bit....draft into the head? Did you forget we share our feelings, emotions, and thoughts after I marked you? Don't tell me you forget, sister. You'll make me totally, mad."

Bitterness, jealousness, envy, rage, disgust and outright fear of abandonment bled in this woman's mindscape as she started to take these negative feelings out on her sister. And -- for the right reason! The actions she took invoked these feelings, so she deserved to be punished and purified for them. As, with her possessive love, she could correct these sickening wrongs.

"Do I look like a FUCKING joke to you? Is my love for you just a SICK joke? You do know I felt every disgusting thing that Ulv woman did, right? Or are you that ignorant about our love that you just don't give a single fuck?"

At that point, the many tendrils upon Algos's back started to strike every inch of Cali with their fiery hot touch. With them being as hot as lava at this point, they sought to pierce her chest, stomach, legs, wrist and all of these different precious, tender points so that she could rip her out of that water and hold her up in the air as she gazed with outright contempt for Cali.

"I love you, sister. So please tell me: why on earth did you think it was a good idea to let someone without our seal touch you in that way? I find you absolutely revolting right now and don't even want you to touch me."

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:41 pm

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

It wasn't quite that she couldn't process what was happening, or that everything happened too fast for her senses. It was more or less the lack of expectation for her sibling to make such an extreme move against her, grabbing her by the throat and dragging her into the water like some crazed predator. The mere words, the mere thought of her sibling being sickened by her led Calypso's already weighted heart to drop. She swore she inhaled some water on the way down, but she wasn't too concerned about that, the water easily trickling from her lips as her head met the surface once more.

"No. of course I didn't-"

She was cut off as she was trying to speak, hearing her sibling scream at her over... Oh. Ohhhh... The pieces were coming together, rather quickly, as to why Algos was so furious. Ulv's toying with her was why her sibling was angry. She didn't quite get why she was so angry, until she gave it a few more thoughts. Oh, shit, she would've felt that too, wouldn't she? Calypso didn't even think about that at the time, she just wanted to settle and have a bit of fun.

"It's not a-"

Her second attempt at talking was once more interrupted, not by words, but rather by sensation. A squeak erupted from her throat as Algos stabbed her in several vital, sensitive spots, hanging her in the air by said wounds. Calypso felt no urge to fight back or spit anger back or anything, with her already present mental fatigue, and above all, love for her sister, she just took the punishment the disgusted woman thought appropriate. Her sapphire-hued lifeblood dripped from these wounds, staining the pool beneath her with a bright shade of precious blue, golden eyes filled with pain and exhaustion. Her body didn't even bother healing these wounds, they were kept flayed and bleeding, for she was upset she unsettled her sibling so with her frivolous advents with sexuality.

"..I love you too, Sis. I just... Didn't really think, about things. It just came up and we did it and I thought it'd be okay, but.. It wasn't okay, and.. I'm sorry. It's all my fault, be mad at me."

Her expression was one of submissiveness to her sibling, despite her body crying out in pain, she didn't want to upset her any further,

"I'll do anything if it makes you feel better, okay? I promise.."

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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 1:12 pm

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -- fuck her. And not in a sexy way.

As Algos started to scratch her chin/throat until it started streaming cherry red blood; the woman's scowl deepened as those disgusting feelings of betrayal chilled down her spine like a cold avalanche of disgust. There was nothing but nauseous, bitterness and a high sense of adrenaline pumping in her cosmic veins from seeing her sister at this moment.

"Make me feel better? MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?"

The woman laughed. However, this one wasn't like their mother's infamous manic chortles. This was far deeper. Malice, contempt and burning hatred flared out of this sense of foreboding laughter. Algos, as far as she was concerned, was in her sane wits. So, she guided her discontent further as she ripped Cali from the ground by grabbing her straight by the throat. Of course, she'd allow the woman to speak, but the melting sensation of her skin burning could be felt as her hands felt as raging hot as lava.

"You know Calypso, I was hoping this part of me wouldn't come out, but I didn't think you were that stupid enough to let another person outside of our mark touch you like that."

What to do, what to do. Algos's voice was becoming further agitated as she clenched her sister's throat again, again and again; ripping a hole in it until she dropped her on the ground again and started snarling with irritation.

"Fuck me, are you really turning into mom and just spreading your legs for any tainted soul that gives you attention?"

Algos grabbed her face as her laughter started returning and her body started vibrating with wild energy. Streaks of crimson energy danced around her body until they became devoured by fire. And, in this release of her rage did this blaze seek to strike Cali. All throughout the younger Asthavon's body would her hate, disgust, possessiveness, and jealousy smother her. Of course, it wouldn't be enough to kill her, but The Princess was using this as time to punish her and figure out what the hell to do get her back for this betrayal.

"Tell me: do you think my love is a joke? Do you think it's some cheap thing that is given away? When I mark you as my lover, I expect loyalty."

Algos got a grip, let out a long exhale of breath and continued to gaze down at Cali; still contemplating what to do with her.

"Feeling her touch you like that breaks my heart as it seems I'm just not good enough, huh? Maybe I should make you watch me beat that woman to pieces. That might be fun."

With a grim chuckle, the woman's bloody tendril extended out of her back as she started to a low-series of laughs and started to feel that old Asthavon curse flowing down her spine.

"Well, what the hell do you have to say? Speak up. Live boldly. That's what mom told you to do, right? Keep listening to her bullshit and see where that gets you."

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:32 pm

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Algos' emotions alone pounded away at the girl's psyche, was it because those emotions were directed at her? Probably, but Calypso didn't really have the thought space to mull over that. She hit the ground, and remained on it, heaving and coughing as her body trembled. Blue blood oozed from the wounds that were formed from her piercing her body, tiny eye-like structures bubbling along the edges of them, however they did not close, confusion shining in their miniscule pupils as the girl shivered in pain. She didn't allow herself to heal her injuries, she wanted to show Algos that she felt true remorse for upsetting her.

The girl let out a pained groan as she was grabbed by the throat once more, being hoisted up by that sensitive area, whispers of pained squeaks coming from her throat as her flesh was singed by the hand of a wrathful sibling, breaths hardly able to come in and out as she hung there, her arms limp, her legs dangling helplessly like some puppet held up by strings. She wanted to answer, she really did, but the sensation of her throat being ripped open didn't help in the slightest.


She hit the ground like a limp corpse, blood beginning to pool around her body as her chest rose and fell, her dim eyes lying on her sibling as she forced herself to stay awake. Calypso looked almost like a gasping fish as she tried to reply to Algos' question, not like her answered mattered. Her sister was far too enraged to be reasoned with,


Not even her feelings could reach her, the girl's entire body twitching as Algos would only pound the girl with more of her torn, violent feelings, feeling the blaze gnaw at her flesh as Calypso was pushed into screaming. With the amount of pain she was in, her body slipped gears, forming additional mouths to scream, exhibiting the amount of pain she truly was in, spasms and tensings wracking her body as she couldnt help but keep listening to the enraged woman, hearing her laughs, sensing her retribution in her sibling's punishment. However, her comment towards wishing to harm Ulv and make the girl watch really got her panicked.

"Aaa..! AAAAHH!"

At first, the only things her mind could register into words were screaming, though as Algos taunted her to speak, using what she had learned of her mother as if it was trash, Calypso heaved a heavy breath, and screamed,


Calypso's voice was wracked with begging and pleading, though not a single tear left her eyes she was in visible agony, veins becoming varicose along her body from the torment, "Please, please, please, please, please, please, if it makes y-you happy, you can fix me. Fix me, fix me, fix me, fix me please.."

She felt she had bit her own tongue during her pained rant, blood running from the sides of her mouth as she deliriously repeated the phrase, begging Algos, begging for her to punish nobody but her naughty little sister for dipping her toes where she shouldn't have.

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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:09 pm

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

All the suffering that Calyspo endured was nothing but static. She didn't feel it, she didn't care. How could she? She was an Asthavon. No matter how much she squealed, she'd recover from it. So why not let her endure the physical torment of her anger for awhile? Indeed, what was more interesting to Algos was the sight of her becoming terrified of her going after that sinister bastard Ulv.

Yes. Ulv. That home-wrecking, disease-ridden wolf of a cunt. Many burning thoughts of contempt, malice, and hatred spewed forth in her mind when thinking of that woman. How dare she touch something so precious and force her to give such ungodly punishment to her loving sister. In fact, this was all her fault. If Ulv never touched, Algos wouldn't have to make her sister cry. So, she deserved to suffer. That was all there was to it.

"What? What's that? I'M SORRY, SPEAK LOUDER!?"

There was a mixture of anger, joy, and outright dementedness as Algos hollered at Cali beginning to plead for her life for Algos not to harm Ulv.

"Oh, I don't want to punish you physically anymore. You'll just regenerate from that. Now, hurting that witch? Oh my, oh how~! That excites me and feels ESTATSICALLY good for me to show you the consequences of your shitty actions, sister."

She couldn't help it at that moment. Her anger was boiling. So, the woman grabbed her own face and started laughing as her fury ignited like a sun in the way that the demoness scarlet energy ignited like a shining star. It swelled, pulsated and brewed with intent to cause harm, injury, and death to whatever it touched. So, in this state of jovial anger, she carried on:

"Oh, sister. I have a good idea. Why don't I strap you down, drag you to earth and make you watch as I beat the ever-living shit out of that Ulv person? Wouldn't be so wonderful? You'll feel the same way my heart did when I felt her touching you. You hurt me so much I wanted to cry, so why not return the favor?"

At this point, the woman had a brilliant smile smeared across her face. No, it wasn't the bat shit insane one that her mother wield. Instead, it a warm smile that breathed new life, joy, and content in her life despite the burning well of anger beneath such a fake display of happiness. So, rolling with that giddy feeling, the woman forged a slew of black chains to constrict themselves around Cali's neck, arms, ankles, waist, and chest so that she would be restricted in her movements and weighed down by her older sisters loving energy.

"This hurts me far, far, far more than it does you. Do you think I love to hurt my sister? Do you think I am like mother and get off on your pain? I love you, sister. But I have to correct your behavior no matter how much it hurts."

There was a firm nod of the head before the woman ripped open a vortex that would bleed into the earth realm. Specifically, it was targetted toward Minatumi Harbour. Yes, the sunny, warm and tranquil sights of the earth's bright sun and aqua skies served as the perfect backdrop to burn that peaceful visage to the ground with her contempt.

"I'll make you love me again, again and again when this over. I want to hold you, feel you and savor your love for my own. I want to make you feel good, touch you and I'll make you forget about that disgusting excuse for a being called Ulv when I'm done molding her into a bloody pulp into the ground."

Now humming to herself, Algos yanked the chains attached to Cali's body as she started marching toward the portal with a pleasant smile smeared across her face:

"You made my heart and love feel so disgusting and useless, sister. All I wanted was for you to love only the people marked by me and our family. So, you'll pay dearly for that. But do know, no matter what happens: I still love you. I just want that love mother, Iriko and Belle could never give me. A burning love to make me feel....whole."

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:08 am

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Calypso laid on her back, gasping gently as her pain filled eyes stared at Algos. Despite all the pain she was in, how every flicker of energy that made up her present flesh cried suffering, she couldn't hate her sister. She knew all of this came from a place of hurt, a place of loneliness, and she wasnt even close to done to making similar types of excuses for her big sis. Blood trickled from her lips, instead the wound on her throat slowly closing up as she discovered she could no longer make any noise with the level of damage she created from yelling plus the hole in her throat.

Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment as her mind swam and dizzied from the amount of energy she was losing from her vital essence being spilled about, but she forced herself to stay awake, wishing her sibling would just punish and torment her instead of hurting anyone else. However, her sibling's words did not indicate that she wished to switch gears off of that at all, if anything she merely dug deeper into her malicious conviction. Calypso couldn't speak for the moment, she was too weak, her body cried for rest, but she wouldn't give it to herself.

Was this what feeling sick felt like? She had dwelled within some dreams of the ill, but she never thought she would feel the sensation of illness herself. A fog of malaise hung in her mind as she could only helplessly flinch as Algos wrapped her with chains. Did she lose the will to protect others? No. She just felt ill, her body trembling under the weight of the blackened chains crafted by her loving sister's obsessive emotions. She felt it, she felt all of it, she felt too much of it, she wanted to puke those emotions right back up from how much she felt, but it only led to gentle dry heaves. It was like she ate a bad treat, and was greatly facing the consequences.

Her eyes, beginning to possess dark sclera as her overflowing state presented itself, slowly looked to the portal she had created, then back to her sister, cold chills running across her body as she tried to move out of the chains, shape her body into something to break them, something, anything, but her body didn't listen to her. Or was it simply the chains holding her down? Regardless, she wasn't going anywhere but where Algos wished to drag her, and that was to watch her hurt Ulv for the mistake Calypso committed.

Her heart was in her ears, her mind was spinning, all she could sense was her sibling's emotions for her, against her, in spite of her, all about her, pounding upon her mind as the young Asthavon wanted to cry, but her eyes didn't wish to, instead trickles of void ran down her cheeks, in some false facade of sadness.

"...Please... Don't.."

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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:33 am

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Stop? Stop what? What was there to stop? The time to stop was when Ulv's disease-ridden fingers slid all throughout the most tender and sacred places of Cali. So all of these tears, sobs and pleads for her to stop fell on death ears. The damage was done and all that was left to do was to extract her vengeance for the hole in her heart which was left by such disregard for her elder sisters' love.

...but, she was glad her sister ceased her progression to the portal.

Why? Oh, it was simple. The Resolve Flame. That disgusting mark of Ulv was still burning within the depths of Cali. Fuck, how could she forget an oversight? Maybe she was a bit too drunk on her feelings, but it didn't matter. Her mind brought her back to reality and knew there was an objective to execute before she could carry forth with her fiery plans of revenge.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww, you want my attention THAT badly, sister? Don't HAVE IT!"

At that moment, her right hand became devoured in a crimson flame. Then, when such beautiful demonic energy was summoned, she threw herself atop of Cali. And, within the instant they touched, Algos face became flushed with a hot pink glow as their bodies crushed against each other. Seeing her fear, terror, and tears of the radiant love that her body radiated brought forth a sense of arousal within The Demon Princess.

"Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss~ Remember this, my beloved sister. Only my love is good enough for you. Don't you dare give your body to those without my approval or the mark of the seal."

There was a playful giggle given as her left hand melted the clothing away from her upper chest. Mmmmmmmmm. Feeling that tender flesh made Algos lick her lips from desire. She could devour her sister her and there. But, such lustful desires weren't on her agenda. After all: she wasn't a sex-crazed demon-like their mother. Instead, she ripped her claws straight into the chest of Cali so that she may grasp her raw, beating heart.

"You broke my heart. You made me feel ugly. I loved you and it wasn't enough. SO, before I torment that bitch, I'm going to break something of yours in exchange."

And, indeed, Algos let out a laugh intermixed with bloody streams of hunger and heavenly gasps of sheer delight. As in this moment of love for her sister did she manage to inject a hellish volume of her demonic energy into the vessel that was Cali's body. Upon this cluster of hellish power flowing into her veins would the grand mastery of Algos's own demonic magic come to life. It sought to mend together with the Resolve Flame stored in the depths of her body.

"I'm. Taking. Her. Poison. From. Your. Veins."

As her voice became more determined, Algos grunted as she started to inject streams of her Death Energy into this magic to otherwise materialize a de-sealing spell to otherwise dissolve the attachments that this ability did. However, it took a great amount of focused effort on her. Despite how much the Princess loathed the woman, it wasn't as if Ulv was a weakling. So the potency behind her seal was great and it took an even greater amount of passion, love, and determination to shatter it.

So, when confronted with that obstacle, Algos started screaming bloody murder as her face streamed down with utter tears of rejection, betrayal, hurt and isolation. Taking those feelings of abandonment, a hunger for love and craving of possession over the souls of those she loved; The Demoness will became one with her magic to otherwise give this attachment a run for its money in terms of the sheer output of power, will and magic that was being emitted.

In fact, this whole god damn palace could feel the screams of pain, effort and power roaring from Algos. The skies became as red as blood, the air hotter than sun and the gravity of it all could kill any unpowered users in an instant.

So, in this way, Algos sought to obliterate this seal with all of her might. And, when she was ready, a final push of her was all that was needed to cut this ugly piece of Ulv festering inside the body of Cali. This cancer, this disease, this sickness was eradicated. Hence, in doing so, Clai may scream holy hell herself and begin to feel a great loss of power as her body may become injured emotionally, spiritually and physically from the sudden erasure of such ability and power.

But -- Algos didn't care. Even with her hand resting softly inside of Cali's heart, the woman rested her big bosom against the mouth of Cali and embraced her as she started to carcass her hair with her right hand in such a loving manner.

"I won't let you die, sister. I may not be on the level of mother, but I will keep you from the brink of death myself. Hold on to me, drink my blood and you will live. If not, you will just fucking die."

And that was it. Algos had no idea how this sudden change might affect her body. So, Cali's best bet was to drink the blood of her elder and see what the hell happened. As in this way she'd feel the embrace of her sister, force her to become addicted to her blood and get that loyalty back by her becoming so drunk on the essence of Algos that she'd know better than to make her displeased ever again!




Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali]

Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:25 am

Venomous Contempt [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Calypso felt the sensation of being dragged suddenly cease as she saw her sibling hovering over her. What else could there be to do? She was already hard-pressed to hurt Ulv in order to hurt her, why would she stop? What else kind of punishment could she possibly put upon her?

She felt as Algos' warm flesh suddenly came upon her, flinching at the weight being put on her trembling body, and honestly she couldn't quite read what the hell Algos wanted to do. Calypso was already so swamped with her emotions that she wanted to puke from the overexposure, what could.. She...

Her eyes slowly ticked down to look at where her sibling had placed that furious hand, swearing she saw her chest open...

Oh. It was open.

At this point, Calypso's thoughts were almost too tired to exist.

Did Sis say something? She couldn't really hear anymore, she just saw her lips flapping, flapping, flap flap flap, it was kind of funny to look at. She would have chuckled if every inch of her wasn't screaming already. She didn't really understand what was happening at first, she just felt her body and mind grow numb all of a sudden, after Algos had stuck her hand in her chest. What was even goi...

Even if it took a bit, reality caught up with Calypso's mind, or was it the other way around?

Shit. A gentle voice was the only thing that hissed in her mind as she was enveloped with noise.

Noise? What was noise again?

Oh yeah, it was the loud, piercing screaming that came out of her as Algos forcibly burned away at that power Ulv gifted to her. Initially, it was when she was young and alone, unable to control her sheerly overpowering empathic abilities, given the help to control it better. It was something she was thankful of.

Too bad it was being forced out of her.

Her screaming only increased in volume as the fight to dispell the seal from her being commenced into higher intensity, her body violently twitching and thrashing underneath Algos' hold, her eyes rolling up into her head as she screamed, and yelled, shredding her throat only for it to be repaired and shredded all over again. Her screams were enough to cause minor shaking upon the ground around them, only continuing and continuing, it felt like she was going to be living in this state forever.

Screaming, screaming, so much screaming... Whatever rational part of her mind that was still awake wondered if this experience would get shelved away.

Usually when things finish, it comes down calmly, nice and easy. But not this, not in the slightest would the young one be given that mercy. The presence of Resolve Flame suddenly vanishing was like a high tension rope suddenly snapping to the young one. She suddenly went from screaming literal bloodied murder, to just pure, blissful silence, her body was still, her eyes were completely black, tar-like fluid running from her eyes, nostrils, and mouth, an absolute mess was she made.

Only basic sensation were operational for the young one at the moment, and with the casual presentation of Algos' warm, large chest. She just did the first thing that was told to her, her jaws abruptly latching onto and biting into the soft, sweet tissue of her sibling's chest, swallowing whatever flesh she tore for an entry wound, and in turn began sucking on the wound, drinking the blood without a second thought. She needed it, everything hurt, everything ached, and for right now this was the only thing bringing her any comfort.

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