Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated] Left_bar_bleue0/0Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated] Empty Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated]

Sun Jan 12, 2020 10:37 pm

An Odd Heart of Platinum

Milora Salvator

One with a bizzare adventure & destiny ahead

I. Basic Information

» Name: Milora Salvator
» Alias: N/A
» Age: 18
» Gender: Female
» Sexuality: Hetrosexual

» Association: None

» Purpose: At the moment, her purpose is entirely development, both in a battle sense and in an actual character sense. For herself, she has no real grasp of her purpose in life and is on the brink of giving up on everything, seeing as she has nothing left to lose. Her purpose would be to find her purpose, which is inevitably to protect what she cares about and follow what she believes in, which would end in a need for strength. As for others, it could give perspective on others and realize what could be under the surface as New London under the surface is not exactly great, and most would think only crooks live under the surface.

» Appearance Written:
- 5’6
- 174lbs
- Her hair is tyrian purple, evolving into a crimson as it drops to the bottom.
- Body development in ‘appearances’ are slow.
- Endomorph.
- Clear face. No freckles, no scars, and no acne.
- Eyes are two different colours, left being blue with a golden X as the iris, and right is silver.
- Standard white T-Shirt with open black jacket, black shorts going down slightly
below the knee, and standard black sneakers in the beginning. In the future, it will change to a black, thin robe with a neckcloth and rolled up sleeves as well as black boots with a white trim.
- Thin eyebrows.

»Appearance Image »

II. Personality

» Personality:

Shyness & Timidness: Milora is extraordinarially shy and timid, frightened at the sight of most things & people. It becomes severe as time progresses around people, usually causing her to panic, resulting in strange looks from everyone around her. It’s retained even around friends and family; however, it can be dropped on rare occasions. A good example is in her past when she once travelled alongside her mother to her job. She eventually built up too much fear from this and had to be brought back home. No amount of medication can help her as it’s something she has to work through on her own.

Courage: On rare instances, Milora can build an immense burst of courage when needed. What makes this rare is that this burst only comes out when someone is in danger or troubled in some way, including herself. A good example is when she was living with her father and one of her father’s ‘friends’ attempted to ‘touch’ her. She stood up to him and broke his finger using both hands and ran away afterwards to grab something nearby as a weapon. It’s difficult for Milora to sustain this courage, and once the situation is resolved, she becomes much more self-aware and breaks down everything that happened. Regardless, when dealing with someone like Milora, her courage is unparalleled . . at least when active.

Kindness: Whenever she drops her timidness, Milora becomes extraordinarily kind. Help in all forms ( finances ( if she CAN help that way ), chores, people, homework etc. ) is something she strives to do with everyone, not just those close to her. It’s usually seen as heart-warming and an extraordinary symbol of trust between someone and herself. An example is when she fed stray animals when nobody else would approach them, regardless of illnesses and such that she could obtain. In fact, most examples are of animals as she has a soft spot for them. This is usually seen as her true side, however it’s not usually shown due to fear of manipulation, so it only shows up on rare occasions. Regardless, this is her ‘true’ and ‘main’ self, which usually draws people towards her, even when she doesn’t show kindness at the moment.

III. History

» History:
Milora is a half-european half-japanese human born within the year 2405. Her mother was a Shinigami and her father a standard human. During her pregnancy, everything seemed to be going well. The mother was feeling fine, the father working at a steady pace, and a steady flow of income to support everyone. Then, the rapid finances came alongside Milora on March 30th. The father got greedy and left, taking all the money for himself while her mother had to pay to support her. With no way to bring Milora along at the time, she was stuck. Milora’s mother worked tirelessly with multiple jobs as taxes and prices got higher. She’d have to bring Milora along with her frequently to dangerous areas of town for many of them as there was nobody to watch Milora. She worked with dangerous and frightening people, and Milora was around them most of the time, starting her Trauma and fear. Then, when Milora turned 12, her mother was diagnosed with an unknown illness. She died not long after, and Milora was brought into an orphanage. The orphanage attempted to reach out to the father, and they did. The father didn’t care enough to give a damn, leaving Milora all alone. She was often bullied for having nobody left, even if the children were no better. To make matters worse, this was an area in New London where crime rates were high and laws were usually evaded, having many criminals work in the orphanage, treating Milora no better than a rock. This gave her motivation to study a little harder to not end up the criminals, but mostly added to the Trauma. Eventually as time progressed, she made friends and skipped a grade. She reached a point in which her friends turned their backs on her, showing that they were only friends due to academic benefits. This caused Milora to just stop and break down, because to her it felt like everything she worked to build just got demolished. She failed the year and had to repeat it. Afterwards, she built herself up again, a little more sensitive and fearful than before but a little stronger. That same year she graduated and moved on to high school. That’s where her story begins . .

IV. Equipment

» Equipment:She frequently carries a small pen and notebook she uses to doodle on her spare time. Aside from that, there’s no real equipment she can use to fight.

V. Human Traits

» Powers: » Besides seeing spirits, she can bring forth some unnatural power when pressured enough or in-danger. Perhaps this foreshadows future powers and development? Aside from that, she has nothing that’s exactly special ( at the moment! ).

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills:
Durability: Untrained/Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Elite
General Speed: Untrained/Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Elite
Strength: Untrained/Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Elite
Weapon Skill: Untrained/Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Elite

Will Skills
Mental Deduction: Untrained/Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Elite
Focus: Untrained/Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Elite

VII. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:
As Milora was walking by the sidewalk, she found a local neighborhood dog nearby.

" Aw~. You’re just an adorable little cutie, aren’t you?!" she said to herself, oblivious of her surroundings.

She’d grab a small stick, throwing it away next to a nearby tree as the dog chased after it. Suddenly, an old man walked up to her.

" I believe you found Patches, my dear. " the old man would say unexpectedly.

Milora would jump upwards out of shock & fear.

" I-I apologize for playing with i- I mean P-Patches sir- "

" Now now, no need for any of that. "`he'd blurt out, cutting her off.

" Oh, I-I see . . " she’d respond.

" That there is a lost spirit, still wandering for its owner. I’m surprised you can see it. Why is that? " he’d ask.

" In all honestly, I-I don’t know. It-It’s just been something since I-I can remember. ".

" I see. " he’d respond.

Suddenly, a 6'0 built girl in school clothing was closing in on Milora, calling for her.

" I see your friend is coming by. I’ll let you be free of this old fool before she comes by. " the old man would tell her.

" Thank you very much sir. " she’d say suddenly.

" For what exactly? " he asked.

" For allowing me to p-play with your dog, sir! " she’d studder, bowing to him.

He’d chuckle, saying: " Not a problem, young lady. ".

The dog would return as he and the old man walked away, fading.

A minute would pass afterwards.

" What were you doing bowing to the air? " Nilah would ask, running next to her.

" Um~ n-nothing in particular. " Milora would respond nervously.

" Well, it’s time to get going! Class is about to start! ".

" But today i-is Saturday Nilah. ".

" O~h. That explains why nobody’s here. " Nilah would awkwardly mutter.

Nilah laughed and Milora chuckled as they walked back to the orphanage.

Code By:

Last edited by Gazingas on Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:24 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Template and updated face claim)
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Posts : 5975
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Platinum Points:
Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated] Empty Re: Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated]

Mon Jan 13, 2020 9:25 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in[X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Hazard Rankings
  • [b]Power: F
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5975
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated] Empty Re: Character: Milora Savatar [ Updated]

Wed Jan 15, 2020 12:40 pm
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