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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:34 am

Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) U5BtpSP


There was something almost eerie about the City of Lights when Cyrus looked at it now. It was every bit the same place that it had always been, and did not look the same at all anymore. Nothing did, and it took perhaps more constant effort than he might have liked to keep himself entirely grounded. The world had always been so very mundane. It had been just...the world. But Shirohime had made him into something far removed from the world, and in little things like this, he felt the price of that removal the most gravely of all.

Still, he could not allow himself too much change. He had a daily routine, duties to attend to as the Sternritter Grandmaster- no, as the leader of the Vandenreich. He supposed that was one more thing he would need to take the time and adjust to, wasn't it? Well, regardless. He had taken a brief moment of his day to enjoy a cup of tea. The table was set for two, of course, and he had sent an invitation to Shirohime. He wished to speak with her, given he had not in quite some time. So many things kept him busy these days.

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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Re: Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:55 am
Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Banner-shiroi2


Since that encounter she had left the confines of her cavern. Her shoulders a little higher and her posture not defeated. Her gamble if you will, the distant future would decide the outcome of everything and she would do all that she could to ensure that dream was allowed to flourish.

It just needed water and sun, and both of those came from the man she saw as she turned the corner to sit down with him. There wasn't any time wasted in asking if the tea was meant for her, she already knew it was.

Formalities were human things anyway and Cyrus was no doubt still adjusting. She wouldn't waste his breath on confirming this fact for her. So she poured herself some tea and took a sip.

"You requested me Cyrus? You're adjusting nicely from what I have seen."


Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7384
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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Re: Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Tue Dec 31, 2019 1:48 am

Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) U5BtpSP


"Nicely enough, I suppose. There are still times now and again where I forget myself, I think. Where I have trouble recognizing even the most familiar of things."

Sipping his tea, Cyrus allowed himself a deep breath as he looked out over the sea, this balcony quickly becoming his favorite place simply for how quiet it was, how few stimuli he was required to process. It was easy to take things at his own pace, something he was rarely afforded.

"Truth be told, I wished to ask as to your own well-being. I have had Ninsianna create a suitable amount of paprwork that there would be no reason to question your presence here. But I would be remiss if I did not see to your health in whatever small way that I can."

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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Re: Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:19 am
Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Banner-shiroi2


"That is unfortunately a side-effect that I warned you about. Be glad it is not worse."

It was said matter of factly, almost devoid of emotion except for the hint of concern that slipped through. Underneath her cold and stony visage Shirohime did in fact still care about people. To see them in pain like this? Wasn't what all this was for in the first place.

"My wellbeing is fine, you shouldn't worry about me."

It was true to some extent, for now she was fine but ultimately she had signed a death warrant by giving Cyrus his current status. Her spiritual composition could only hold itself together for so long before she broke and scattered in the wind like ash. It really translated to, there was nothing anyone could do to help her.


Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Re: Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:26 am

Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) U5BtpSP


"Yes, you did tell me as much. I did expect it, I suppose I simply could not have quite imagined the actual experience."

Cyrus glanced over to Shirohime, the slight touch of concern certainly not lost on him. It frankly brought a certain degree of humanity to him, though such a thing did not feel particularly pleasant anymore. What an existence he now lived, yet he did not regret it.

"My goals are much the same as yours, Shirohime. You should know that I worry about all who ail."

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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Re: Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:43 am
Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Banner-shiroi2


"Worry for the ailed that can still be saved."

She steeled herself with that said, not for him but for her. There were stakes now that she found herself with such an opportunity and her resolve to push forward naturally stayed the same but the knowledge that her end was near gave her a tiny bit of fear.

Since then she had just treated it as more motivation for her.

"Surely there must be more than my wellbeing you summoned me here for. I'm currently trying to explore means in which we can reach the desired result to our work."


Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Gamma_Signature
Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) CHARACTER_LISTTea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) GRAPHICS_THREADTea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7384
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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Re: Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:39 am

Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) U5BtpSP


"I would think that those who cannot be saved merit far more worry."

It definitely bothered Cyrus to hear her speak like that, at least a tiny bit. Not because he disagreed with her, but rather the exact opposite. He was under no illusions that she would live forever, or that he could somehow save her from her fate. But it was simply in his nature to care for others, and such a bleak outlook on one's own life brought him a faint amount of grief.

"There was, yes. I wished to give you a small update of sorts on how things have progressed. I am currently vetting potential liasons to the Gotei to negotiate with them on a joint operation in America. I imagine it would do well not to make enemies of them any more than necessary. They do, at least, have some place in the world."

Another sip of his tea, the faint pain of its heat honestly one of the few things that still made him a little bit happy. Small pain like that was very grounding.

"To my knowledge, the war in Europe has been bubbling beneath the surface once more. I think it would merit keeping an eye on that, lest it get out of hand and become an even greater trouble than it already is."

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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Re: Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:56 am
Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Banner-shiroi2


"The Gotei are by no means bad for the world, we cannot fault them for their failure against a foe too strong for them to handle serving them a defeat. I am sure by all means in some manner of ways our goals ultimately align with their's, just the route is a little different."

She mused but spoke like she knew of them quite a bit despite most of her reputation being entirely anchored to the living realm.

"Ever since Europe being lost it will no doubt be difficult to bring it back into line. Have you come to any conclusions or avenues to handle it? Does the King of Vastime play a part in any of this?"

Taking a sip herself she announced the fact out of the blue, it wasn't like he had necessarily told her or meant some cryptic meaning. It just meant she kept her eyes on him very closely as their fates were tied together so much now. It was her business to know his business.


Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Gamma_Signature
Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) CHARACTER_LISTTea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) GRAPHICS_THREADTea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Re: Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:08 am

Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) U5BtpSP


"I would agree. I sometimes worry that they may overstep their boundaries on the Earth, but for now, at least, there are far more pressing matters to worry about. The Gotei being a bit overconfident is inconsequential as things currently are."

Cyrus asked no questions as to her knowledge of the Gotei. He did have a rather deepseated interest in her as a person, but he would not press her on anything. It would all come in time.

"Not as of yet. I do not wish to interact with King Hayden unless I must. It is a substantial risk to myself and to him, and considering the power vacuum that would occur if either of us were lost, that is more than I am willing to bet."

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Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Empty Re: Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime)

Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:53 am
Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Banner-shiroi2


She nodded as she was handed all of this information. Taking another sip of tea to wash it down and mull over she thought about what she could do or offer, quite a lot on a smaller scale but she was so detached from the larger picture nowadays that she offered so little in the way of influence.

"So you are the opposite of allies. I see. So long as you don't make an unnecessary enemy out of him I suppose."

Tapping the table idly she looked outside to admire the view, it had been quite a while since she actually looked at the scenery again. The world was very different when you hid yourself away from it.


Tea for Two (Cyrus, Shirohime) Gamma_Signature
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