Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Anger is Frame of Mind Empty Anger is Frame of Mind

Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:31 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko returned home promoted and newly vinted. His heroics during the battle of Bejing sung in praise. He didn't have any real feelings of success or heroism. He felt like he'd failed them. But walking into the stone garden within the Manor. He slowly walked towards the center focused on his goal. The design of it was set up akin to the Yin and Yang symbols. Fitting because today he would be doing something. He thought about this for a long time. More time then he was prepared to admit. His hollow imbodied his hatred and anger. The feeling of rage that burned inside of him. But it's power was impressive and something he'd hardly tapped into. But Akuma came to him now. He wanted things to change his hollow did. Well, the first step towards anything was this. For a long time, he imagined a combative method that involved swords. Clashing of blades and releasing of power within. Of he and his spirit and such fighting them. Imagining that event had him shaken for a while. But his mind went back towards his first time in Master Cho's office.

The time when he helped with his first patient. He didn't like combat after his uncle slashed him. It made him have a distaste for it. The anger and hatred inside of Akuma. That was a problem that made him think violently. He could hear koi within the pond splashing. As he sat upon the center listening. Soft sounds of the Shishi-odoshi filled the garden as he inhaled softly. Bringing both hands to his from now. His fingers interlaced as his thumbs upwardly connecting. Exhaling softly he began controlling his breathing. Learning what he could from Ulv's technique. Breathing had become a key practice for him. Relaxing and practicing the Kata on most occasions. But this wasn't the purpose of it this time. Slowly the world began to turn dark. Slowly the sand began turning into a crimson liquid. It was blood, stretching for miles. Takehiko's bottom remained stationary. His eyes opening within his inner world. Scanning the horizon of blood that went on for hundreds of kilometers.

Slowly emerging from the crimson liquid came Akuma, his skin bristling with red liquid trickling down him. Muscles forming as it tensed and he sat across from Takehiko. "Well, I'm here do you have a solution?" His eyes of the typical hollow color stared. Almost as though they were drilling holes into him. Takehiko inhaled for a moment before exhaling. His expression was calm and collected about it. This wasn't the time for emotional outbursts not yet. "I want us to be one, so I want you to connect..your emotions and self to me..Is that alright?" This came with a long pause from Akuma. His eyes studying Takehiko roughly. Sizing him up as though this question came with some drawbacks. Before finally the crimson lips opened and he spoke. " Will this prevent Bejing from happening again?" That was the simple question as Takehiko's eyes looked at him. The sheepish smile Takehiko often wore emerged. "It..could I mean-"

Suddenly the Hollow shot up in the air coming towards him. Sending blood flying from side to side. The waves rippling outwards for miles. Anger clear in his face as Takehiko's features became cold and collected. His expression made him appear like his uncle as a boy. "THAT IS NOT WHAT I ASKED. DON'T TIPTOE AROUND IT DAMN YOU!! Will it or will it not stop it?" Akuma's eyes seethed with rage. Anger flowing from what had happened to Takehiko. The injuries the boy had taken. Because of the hollow's reluctance to help in any way or form. Takehiko gently patted Akuma on the head. As he smiled a bit and looked into his hollow's eyes. Not sizing him up or frightened in the least. Takehiko had matured even if a little bit. He didn't blink or budge from his spot. Remaining cool and relaxed as he spoke now. "It should, this is the beginning. We are making a bridge between us. I won't say Bejing won't happen ever again Akuma. We will lose battles and come back broken. We will win them and come back broken, but it will be we..Not just I."

Akuma's eyes judged him slowly before resuming his seat. A sigh escaped his lungs. As he sat down silently not being defiant or anything. Merely letting out two simple words. "Very well." Akuma accepted it as he sat down mimicking the boy's position. "What now?" Inpatient that was a hallmark of anger and violence. Takehiko brought his hand upwards now holding his palm straight out. With all of his fingers up in the air. Not saying anything to Akuma just yet. The Hollow understood though only instinctively. Both palms met as they put hands together. Takehiko slowly closed his eyes focusing now as his voice softly spoke. "Clear your mind, imagine your power flowing into me. Us both forming a Yin and Yang symbol going forward into a flow. Let your emotions pour into me as though filling a basin. "

The hollow did as instructed and Takehiko took notice of it right away. The feeling struck him hard as it became hard. Harder to swallow to breath as anger made his muscles tighten. His body felt as though it was burning from within. Every ounce of him wanted to strike Akuma. His jaw tightened and teeth were gritted. As Takehiko's body felt it pouring through him. So much anger and hatred within this being. It was like he was being drowned inside of it. Falling into a black pit deep within himself. Falling deep inside a black liquid that drowned him. Darkness from every corner of his vision.

This place was empty filled with anger and tension. Akuma's hand remained steady, while Takehiko's began pulsing wildly and cracking. His hand twitching violently as he struggled. Akuma pulled away as Takehiko's eyes opened now. Breathing heavily he coughed violently as he sensed it. That much anger was hard to take in. It was a drowning rage without an end in sight. It was in truth everything frightening about Akuma.

Anger is Frame of Mind Empty Re: Anger is Frame of Mind

Fri Dec 20, 2019 10:17 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko's breathing recovered as he gulped a few times. Laying on the stone ground back in the living world. It wouldn't be so easy he didn't think either. It was like something flowed into his body during it. The wall between them breaking hurt more. It was difficult to push down in this place. It took a shove or maybe, even more, to do it properly. He couldn't put a finger on where the problem laid. But Takehiko didn't know the meaning of surrender. So he returned to his seated position. Shaking his head left to right now. Akuma's voice ringing loudly in his ears now. It was like a screeching noise in the distance. "IDIOT!!!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT WHAT CRAP WAS THAT!!!??" Takehiko breathed in and out chuckling and laughing a bit. "Good, you're alright as well. " Takehiko said smiling happily hearing the scolding again. "Answer me, boy, what was that?" Takehiko coughed as he inhaled through his nose a bit. He didn't have all the answers on this subject. "At a guess, I'd say the wall between us didn't go down so easily. We both have..trepidations about connecting to the other." Akuma's voice was quiet. "I don't want to disappear Takehiko, I won't be some pawn.."

Takehiko nodded understanding what the hollow meant. "We are opening ourselves to one another, I'm scared that doing this..will cause you to consume me in anger. Takehiko and Akuma spoke back and forth finally on concerns. "So it's trust...I don't like it...but you've been true to yourself..I won't consume you even if I end up such." Akuma's words poured with a resolve now. Trust though he could hear the doubt in him. Who was he to judge the one born with him? Takehiko's eyes opened as he focused his mind now further. It was time for them to push past this nonsense. To blaze a trail and grow. Takehiko's concentration came back strongly. The land of blood where the two sat upon a stone.

Takehiko held his fist outwards now. Smiling a bit at Akuma as he spoke within his inner world. "What no hand-holding?" Akuma said through a grin before bumping fists with Takehiko. Takehiko offered a smile as they both opened those flood gates now. Accept the anger inside of Akuma and accept him. No one becomes one with him and finds peace with one another. But don't consume and trust in him. Flooding through his body he felt it coming from every square inch of him. Anger and hatred feeling them bubble across his body. This time he didn't move or twitch from Akuma. This time Takehiko trusted his partner within him. The two of them were not apart from but a two-man team. He may not have been able to use his zanpakuto. Takehiko would trust in Akuma and let him have the same freedom. No more chains or shackles to bind the figure inside him. He would find his place here and the two of them along with Chi no Miru. They would find their place in the world.

Neither of them would ever stand alone again. Multiple enemies would come and go before them. But in the end, one truth was a reality for this moment. Takehiko and Akuma both would survive and thrive off one another. He wouldn't rely on kido as much anymore. But he would rely on the power of his friend. Of his brother within him Akuma. The two of them would change their world for the better. Maybe not everyone else. But at the very least they could fight and scrape by their survival. As their fists bumped the reiatsu flowed around him as the wall between them cracked. Shattering into the blood pit Takehiko's eyes opened. Glowing with some hollow energy. He smiled a bit as he tried to find it further. He'd not mastered anything yet. But he had an idea of what power lingered inside of his hollow. The power could be used deep down as the two connected. They parted their fist bump. "Nice work, we knocked down that wall..Let's see what we can accomplish together."

Takehiko felt proud not of just himself but of his brother from within Akuma.
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