Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War]

Sun Jul 07, 2019 4:23 am

The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: NateWantsToBattle - Song: Katharsis

He had to admit, Kokuto was taken rather by surprise from the quiet and calm feel of the house. Blinking as he took a look around, before finally setting his eyes on Ichijou's adoptive mother, he tensed up when she approached him, looking him up and down and likely making mental notes about his...unique appearance. Swallowing nervously, Kokuto braced for a nasty look, or something equally unwelcoming.

...However, he was surprised to receive the exact opposite. As the woman's arms reached around him and pulled the demon into a tight embrace, Kokuto's eyes shot open, having to blink several times and pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. It had been a long while since someone had received him with open arms like that. For him, it had always been rejection out of the horror of his appearance, the fact that he was a demon, or -- more often than not -- both. So, needless to say, this was a change of pace that he was not at all against.

So, rubbing the back of his neck, Kokuto finally worked up the nerve to respond to Ayumi.

"Uh...somewhere in between. Not really young or old, 'least not compared to the other old fucks of the world."

Chuckling lightly as he managed a shy grin, he watched as Ichijou plopped herself into Ayumi's lap, hugging her in return and grinning before zipping up the stairs. Shaking his head as he slipped off his own shoes and set them by the door, Kokuto slid his jacket off and slung it over his shoulder as he silently made his way up the stairs and stepped inside Ichijou's room.

Taking a look around, it seemed like any regular room. Posters on the wall, computer on a desk in the corner, dresser, and closet filled with clothes. It was...nice. It didn't feel out of the ordinary, and that was part of the charm. So, with a warm smile, Kokuto sat down next to Ichijou on her bed.

"You've got a good mom. And a good room, just...a good life as a whole, really."

Laying back and staring at the ceiling, his gaze turned over to Ichijou, letting out a soft sigh.

"I said I left out a lot of stuff, mostly's the kind o' shit I don't want people to be lookin' at me weird for. I'm not the greatest person. I'm...a Sinner. I was in Hell for a long time, and my false appearance is a permanent reminder of that."

Closing his eyes and switching to his shifter form, Kokuto sat up.


Holding up his wrists, Kokuto showed the two shackles tightly clamped around his wrists, with a broken chain dangling mere inches from the cuffs themselves. Reaching up and tugging off the sash around his face, Kokuto revealed the hideous scarring on his face, before switching back to his true form.

"Can't say I didn't deserve it, though. People don't go to Hell for bein' goody-two-shoes."

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The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War]

Fri Jul 19, 2019 6:06 am



The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Ichijou smiled as she glanced at Kokuto surveying her room. For all her extravagant personality and narcissism, she still retained a childish simplicity most would not expect from the way she carried herself. He complimented her on the fortunate life she had. Life was indeed good. She had a kind mother who loved her unconditionally, a house that most would kill for, and a life where she was surrounded by people who seemingly loved her and desired to be around her. Even so, while it may have fed her narcissistic cravings, it did not assuage her longing for true recognition, to be viewed as someone more than the fang-toothed extraordinaire; a title imposed upon her by so many of her admirers. Did that make her selfish?

A spoiled brat? To feel that for all of the attention she never got, in truth, it's not what she truly wanted. She knew her mother genuinely loved her but could never tell with everyone else. She was no empath. She could only gauge their emotions through action and like the pompous women from earlier, most only desired to see what they could gain from being around her. They wanted clout.

It was sort of like no-strings-attached sex. You desired the person but you do not love them. You attain what you need - which is the release - and detach yourself immediately. All of the pleasure but none of the emotion. That's how Ichijou tended to view most of her so-called "friends." Still, it's all she knew. All she wanted to know... but this man standing before her was different. Sure, he probably had no idea who the hell she may have been but it also seemed like he didn't care. He was sweet during the entire day and told her how adorable she was. So much so, that it made her heart skip. She focused in on him as he explained why he did not wish to be in public for his next words.

"I said I left out a lot of stuff, mostly's the kind o' shit I don't want people to be lookin' at me weird for. I'm not the greatest person. I'm...a Sinner. I was in Hell for a long time, and my false appearance is a permanent reminder of that."

At the conclusion of that damning proclamation, his form transmogrified from the Freddy-Kruger-esque appearance she was so fond of... to a humanoid demon shackled by chains and a sash around his face. Ichijou remained silent, uncertain as to what she wished to say. Rather, she strongly disagreed with his statement of not being a great person, even as he moved the sash aside to reveal the hideous scarring on his face. Sinner or not, he still possessed a heart. In the end, isn't that all that truly mattered? Ichijou would wait for him to conclude his explanation. When he returned to his true state, Ichijou stood up and walked over. She did not judge him nor stare down at him with disgust. She knelt down and hugged him, encircling her arms around his tall body and holding him close to her chest. Of course, there was a significant size difference here, so she hoped he didn't mind if she leaned on his own body to prop herself up. It was his fault for being so tall! This hug was meant to be meaningful and symbolize how much she would accept him, even if no one else would.

"Mmm... I'll be honest. But I disagree with that little proclamation of yers'. Sure, I may not know your history or what you did to end up in hell but... I just feel like it must have been noble'. I don't know you nor am I gonna act like I do but still... you were kind to me today, spent time with me more than anyone else and even paid attention to me, in spite of my disgustingly narcissistic ways. It's gonna' sound really corny but I'm a sinner too. Lil' greed in me. Lil envy'. I'm not perfect but then again, none of us are. If nothing else, you have a heart. And that's what I see. My mom told me that people who say they're one thing don't need to say it, they just act that way... and this might sound dumb because I hardly know ya... but I don't see a sinner, just a guy who needs a hug. "

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Fri Aug 09, 2019 5:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War]

Wed Jul 31, 2019 4:39 am

The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: David Erick Ramos - Song: Don't Think Twice

Met with silence. Not really surprising. Not everybody had a lot to say about something like that suddenly being dropped on them. So, sighing softly, Kokuto returned with silence -- giving her time in order to process everything and wait for her reaction. He wouldn't be surprised if she was afraid or anything like that -- it was natural, wasn't it? A somber smile passed over the demon's face as he waited.

But, just like before, he was pleasantly surprised. Rather than saying anything, the little vampire girl slid off the bed, kneeling down next to him and wrapped herself around him, letting his head rest against her chest and her arms gingerly placed around his neck, all while using his own body to help prop herself up. A smile spread across his face as he reached up, placing his hand on the girl's head as he ruffled her hair.

She was just too adorable, god damn it.

So, gently prying the girl's hands from him and lifting her off him, Kokuto set Ichijou in his lap, returning his hand to her head and ruffling her hair.

"Damn it, kiddo. You're just too damn cute."

Letting out a sigh and leaning back, he pulled Ichijou with him, letting her rest on his chest this time as he kept a hand on her head.

"...I really needed that. I dunno about it being noble. It was just me trying to get even for what they did. But, regardless, I really needed that hug. Thanks...Ichijou."

Tilting his head down and looking at the adorable little vampire's face as he called her by name, for the first time in their little encounter, he smiled as he held her close to him. For the first time in a long while, Kokuto He felt accepted and genuinely liked. Gently grasping her chin with his index finger and thumb, he tilted her head up toward him. As if instinctually, he leaned forward, gently planting a kiss on the girl's lips, a small tinge of demonic energy sparkling from him as the two connected for the briefest of moments.

Blinking as he realized what he'd just done, Kokuto retracted as he turned his head to the side and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uhh...sorry 'bout that. Kinda just...went on impulse, I guess."

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The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War]

Fri Aug 09, 2019 7:05 am



The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Though her words were not the most graceful or eloquent in terms of delivery, it seems as though they made an apparent effect on the sinner as he motioned her towards his lap, ruffling her hair as if she were a child, which only served to make the small vampire giggle with joy. Even though she would have never admitted it out of her pride as a woman, she held a modicum of interest in Kokuto from the moment she laid eyes on him, largely from his appearance and now, from his genuine emotion.

He was making no attempts at kissing up to her or telling her things she had already heard, nor did he pull any punches in terms of his attitude towards her, considering the way she cheated her way to victory in their retro-game clash of Street Fighter. Her head rested softly in his chest as she inhaled the warm scent that he was exuding. Intimate contact was something the petite vampire very much welcomed.

"...I really needed that. I dunno about it being noble. It was just me trying to get even for what they did. But, regardless, I really needed that hug. Thanks...Ichijou."

Ichijou, bearing her fang-tooth grin, happily nodded as she gazed into Kokuto's eyes. In her mind, she felt he was a man who could be trusted, a demon with a good heart. There was no sinner here. Just a demon boy who needed a hug... or so she thought. As if his mind was guiding his body, Kokuto had cupped her chin and pressed his lips against her own.

In that momentary instant, a jolt of energy trailed throughout her bones and she felt shivers down her spine. An odd emotion she had never openly felt before but had always felt traces of was now rising forth to the surface.

As he retracted and realized what he had done... Kokuto had already left his mark, awakening the true nature of Ichijou's lifeblood as a Sueki. Heat swirled around inside her, burning with want and desire as a shade of red slowly encompassed her cheeks. As she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around her demonic companion's neck, she silenced him with a returning kiss.

There was no turning back, but Ichijou didn't think she ever wanted to go back. Something about this felt so right, so...natural, as this desire continued to warm her body. Only one word could describe what ran through her body right now: lust.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Devil Went Down to Karakura [PRIVATE/Kendall] [Pre-War]

Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:49 pm
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