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The Guide To In Character Currency Empty The Guide To In Character Currency

Sat Mar 09, 2019 3:20 pm



» Where do characters get currency from in an in character point of view? That depends on a few variables

- Rank/Position
- Connections
- Resources
- Jobs/Hustles/Business
- Staff Approval [Plot/Reason]

Below we will list them out so you get a better understanding of how characters make money.

Note: This is not referenced to any currency that is relevant to your account (I.E. such as our old Platinum Points or YEN.) This is purely related to in character money and wealth and how it's treated/earned on PH.

Rank/Position: Rank/Position is one way to attain a good deal of currency from an in character point of view. This is because most different types of nations, factions, orgs, royal families and other similar groups have the needed income in order to pay off people who are associated with them.

Connections: While this is similar to the method used to attain in character currency, it's different in the sense that some characters are connected to other NPC's or PC's that allow them a direct access to money. One example of this is that Mana (Demon Queen) has been known to invest heavily in other characters she believes has the potential to make good bodyguards for her empire. Another could be that your character is in a relationship with a character who has high status and could then use their ties to otherwise convince them to invest you.

Jobs/Hustles/Business: Some characters leverage their intelligence, powers or resources in order to create inventions, provide services (bodyguard, knight, inventor etc) and otherwise leverage their powersets to be of value to the world around them. Other examples can include healers getting compensated well in the PH verse, weapon makers, enhancers and other similar types of characters can make a killing in the world depending on how they sell their services in both the legal side of things and the underworld of PH's realms.

Resources: Some characters have the resources to otherwise attain a good deal of wealth. These usually come if they win terrority, have valuable equipment they can sell/rent, can make income from their nations or whatever else have you. Essentially, if your character has external factors working in their favor, they can be using them to make money.

Staff Approval: Other characters can be approved with a high amount of fortune in character if they get approvable from staff. Usually, if this happens, there has to be a good plot or reason as to why they are attaining this. So please make sure to check in with staff to see if it's alright if your character starts off with anything grand when it comes to in-character currency.

Alternative: We are open to ideas, so if there isn't something that isn't lsited here, you can still bring up your suggestions to staff as to why your character might have varying level of wealth in the PH verse. This is just to cover the basics of how most characters make money on PH from an IC point of view.

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