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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)

Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:15 pm

Pesquia was a curious thing. It was the Arrancar's ability to… sense. It was something that Sonny had managed to keep with him. In a lot of ways, it had been his 'third eye' back when he had… well, more than one. When he still had two, however, he had spent a significant amount of time developing that peculiar sensation that Arrancar had access to. It was… a sensitivity, of sorts. And once developed, it allowed for its user to… observe the world around them, witnessing the spirits of others.

In some ways, maybe it had developed from the need to feed. The Hollow's urge to consume those with high spiritual energy. So they had developed this sensitivity, this 'hunter's insight'. Just as a cat could feel danger from a larger creature approaching, it also could sense a rodent that it wished to devour… For Sonny, that was the kind of Pesquia he had developed.

And right now, the only thing keeping it from going into overdrive was that perpetual aura of calm he maintained. After all, the most dangerous man currently present, as far as he could tell, had just stopped moving. He seemed to have stopped reacting completely. Like an animal which was not sure yet how to react, which was waiting for the instincts in its mind to line up the correct complex instructions to perform its next task.


Things had quickly deteriorated from the best case scenario to the worst one within a matter of minutes. That crazy Doc's rubbing off on me… look what I tried pushing on a crybaby kid like her. Sonny's perpetual smile was dark as he watched Tatsuya's eyes do the same. ……..Not good. Sonny's mind was racing, trying to take everything into account as the man appeared to be breaking down on some level.

The skeleton watched as the wall of magma took on his bones, physically shoving the material up against the man's body. This is so much work… Can't I just leave him here to wallow? Sonny thought to himself, mostly unaffected by the emotional effect wrapping around them. This was not because Sonny was on the 'super hopeful giddy la la' side of life; more because he accepted the kind of person he was and did not desire for that to change.

His state of mind worked for him, and to him, that was good enough.

Sonny's pesquia was… potent. But his experience was not lacking. The man was observant enough to see how the stress had left the man, and in its place, something darker had taken hold. But… this was one of the few places that Sonny felt like he could say something. After all, this guy really looked like he could use some cheering up. And yaknow, if it keeps us all from blowin' up, that'd be great too.

So it was that the tiny skeleton man walked up to the broken one, his head tilted slightly forwards, as close as Sonny could express of being unassuming. "…Hey…" Sonny began to state, his hands moving back into his jacket pockets. "You. Guy with the hot stuff." Sonny explained, taking out a single finger and turning his hand around, jutting it back behind him. "You see that kid back there?"

Sonny was pointing directly backwards, at the child. The one breathing in, and out, resting in a backpack. The one who had been on Calypso's back, who Sonny had taken out of the portal.

"He's asleep. Cuz he shouldn't be lookin' at this. Do yaknow who his dad is?" Sonny asked the man, tucking his hand back into his jacket. "He's a crazy sociopathic scientist who doesn't seem to fathom the value of a human life." Sonny continued, standing just outside of where the flames surrounded Tatsuya's body. If the man were to look, he could see how the skeleton was actually sweating. Actually, at risk from that fire.

"But the kid's got no idea about that. He also has no idea about what you've done with your flames. Yaknow the difference between you and his dad, though?"

Sonny paused, raising both arms up in a shrug. "He still tries for the kid. That's what it means to be an adult, yaknow? He reads his bedtime stories when he's home. He puts presents under the Christmas Tree. Sometimes he's scary. Sometimes he makes a mistake. But even when he screws up, he does it for the kid."

Sonny liked to talk. He liked to talk way less about emotional stuff like this. It was… annoying. He would much rather be telling a joke or two. "Does his dad's sins matter to 'em? Nah. Does what you she's shoutin' at you matter to 'em? Nah. Maybe it does to you. But to that sleepin' kid, what'll matter is whether or not ya keep going, and melt his face. Melt my face. Melt the crybaby's face. I dunno really what your deal is… But if ya can't live with yourself… then try livin' for someone else. Anythin' else just makes things worse. For you, me, the kid.. And that crybaby over there."

Sonny's slow winded speech concluded. That was the way he saw the world, as well. At heart, he was a nihilist, who really did not believe much of anything mattered. But even so, that did not mean that he actively tried to make it a worse place. He just tried to stay out of the way as much as possible… and every once in a while, help out someone he cared about.

Seeing the Hell Butterfly, Sonny paused for a moment, looking at it. One hand reached out, fingers pinching, causing the thing to stop moving. Sonny saw that she was about to speak, to say something… and all he did was hold up a hand. Hopefully she would get the idea. If it were the case that Tatsuya was not willing to come back to any degree, or if Sonny's hand moved besides, the butterfly would be sent free, easy as that.

After a few moments, Sonny turned back around, looking over his shoulder at Calypso, seeing that she had returned. "…Kid… just make sure the smaller one's still sleepin'." That was all Sonny said, forgiving her with that statement, and staying silent as he let her keep talking. To be honest, he was so quiet because it took rather a lot of concentration, rather a lot of willpower for him even to use this tiny fraction of his power in his sealed state.

"Then go babysit the ones that don't gotta lazy bag of bones and a Hungry Wolf standing near 'em. Not like I need a crybaby lookin' out for me anyway." Sonny said, concluding the entirety of her chewing out in a single, sarcastic sentence. "Set up more barriers, 'n more portals. Do whatcha gotta do. If ya gotta thing that makes ya faster, use it. Just don’t keep splittin' your attention tons of ways." That was all the instruction he would give her, before turning his attention back to Tatsuya once again.

"The world ain't black and white. Sorry. It ain't like that. All you can do is draw white lines, or black lines, and try'na make somethin' of it. If ya wanna kill yourself, that's on your dime. But if ya really think that crybaby wants you to do that… then you've got no idea why she screamed at you so loud."

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)

Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:19 pm



Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Murasaki had been told that her division was doing well. There had been a good bit of praise for her work, and she did take a great deal of pride in it. But the truth was that it was still quite lacking in stability or authority, and even as captain she was doing far too much of her own footwork. No vice captain, and very few proper members, and atop it all the other divisions had been doing as much work on Earth, if not even more. It seemed as though the Seventh Division was becoming irrelevant before it had even begun, and that...well, it stung deeply in Murasaki’s heart.

And now, of all times, she heard that something was going horribly wrong in Missouri with one of her only standout members. She wasn’t entirely sure what, but from what she understood there was a significant issue with civilian impact. She, for her part, was faintly confused as to that. Wasn’t this an invasion as part of open warfare? But it didn’t matter to her, all she knew was that a member of her division was in trouble, and she would go at that call in a heartbeat. Opening a senkaimon, she flew through it at her greatest speed, and came to find...well, a good deal of destruction.

More to the point, however, was her subordinate clearly in...well, a precarious state. Dashing downward with a flash of Kagayaku, she appeared directly in front of Tatsuya, not much more than a foot away, and stared directly into his now-hollow eyes with an inordinate intensity and tranquil fury.

“Tatsuya. Stop it.”

Her voice was level, but it was clear that this wasn’t an order as his superior. This was a request to someone that she considered, even if a touch distant, family. She would make this right, that much was her duty, and there was nothing that would stop her from that.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)

Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:39 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya's frame of mind began to recover more as he tried a bit harder. He could hear words and people feel spiritual pressure. There was a sense of what was going on as he listened from the mental and emotional shatter. Did it matter anymore as he was going to die for this? Did it really matter on rank or position as he could only feel around him? It was like walking through fog in his mind. What did it matter in the end as he knew what came? In his homeland, people were executed for this crime. The voices spoke again as he listened and stood there. He didn't move or budge an inch now as he remained still. Pulling or tugging on him could have a rather potent consequence. As his zanpakuto spirit was being protective until she knew he was safe. But that didn't really matter to him as he listened. He listened to the figure of Sonny in his state as those three voices began to chime in. Listening to each line about the child's father. Yes, he could stop here and never do it again. Tatsuya wasn't insane that wasn't the point of it. He did something and couldn't accept it and emotionally he simply shattered.

"We...are gonna die...They will kill us and Amateratsu....what about Kagami and Sachiko...who will protect them? The timider of the three said softly as he seemed to be visibly shaken within. This was the result of his actions as his sunken and empty eyes looked around. His eyes looked down at his hands as he felt it tugging. That more realistic voice came out again as it seemed to take it all in. "He is right, strategically the city is ours. No point in fighting here anymore. But...if we die we can't stop him from doing that can we?" They said commenting off about the other thing as Tatsuya's eyes began to blacken a bit. Something felt wrong or perhaps off within him. He'd been having issues lately from something else. He wasn't sure what it was as he could feel another voice in him. This darker voice he always believed it was nothing.

"Just a little more pushing, come on Tatsuya dying isn't an option anymore. Just kill everything let me take it. Let me have it and I'll show you how to wield that weapon. I'll redeem you and let them see how glorious it is. Just give in..this wasn't going to end easily and so much work can't be passed up."That voice darker than most said again as slowly something began forming. Tatsuya's eyes began glowing a volcanic orange as the area around them became black. This wasn't going to be his body anymore as slowly trembling began. Tatsuya's hand gently began moving on its own towards his sword. Wincing the other grabbed it preventing movement. He sensed it something wasn't right about that voice as color began returning to his eyes. Physically he felt a thirst for violence and blood in that voice. Something inside him wasn't right and he began to realize it. Although it did feel a bit too late as he wasn't sure he could stop it. Emotionally he was still very much broken and shattered.

His eyes widened within as he understood what it meant finally. The orders he thought he saw were faked by this being. This creature that festered inside him was waiting for him to be lowered. For it to strike the Volcanic orders given were by it not by any figure. The orders given were vocal as he struggled to gain a bit of control for a moment. He couldn't get it as he gave expression to Sonny now. Get out of here as quickly as possible, get them to safety. Holding on wasn't an option for him much longer. Tatsuya's head began forming something along his scalp. His emotional shattering had left the door open for something. Most Shinigami didn't undergo this often. Conditions were never right for it but, being where he was from. This time bomb had been picked up and likely held on to. This was his innermost demon. Something he'd forgotten about when he raised through the ranks. Never knowing what Vizards were till a bit later on. Not realizing that voice in him wasn't normal.

That darker figure who soothed and offered comfort for slaughter. That was what lingered inside him. The mask began forming taking the form of a Japanese style Oni mask as it began forming. Along with his jawline, it seemed strapped on his head. With the top having two horns leaving an open section on the eyes. As the black began flooding his eyes again. What was going on here? His mind felt heavy as he fell into something of an abyss. Tatsuya's body remained stationary as it inhaled. Exhaling a breath hollow energies poured out. How long had he waited for his time on the surface? Biding his time and waiting for the moment that armor fell. In terms of power, it didn't really matter as its eyes locked with Ulv's now. Taking each person in before landing on Captain Murasaki's. The stop was it, those were the orders given, weren't they? Stop such a childish demand in this place in war? Why would it stop now that it was out in the open? The trouble was that one there Ulv would kill without hesitation. That was clear from one observation.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)

Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:48 am

Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Quaint speech by Sonny, but Ulv could feel the distance he had and knew that it would have no effect on the man. It was sad, but sometimes guys just snapped under the pressure. But the Seireitei wasn't going to come and take him back where he could be treated, because Sonny thought it was a good idea to just kill the Butterfly and leave the Seireitei ignorant of what was going on here. Were there not pressing matters, Ulv would dent Sonny's skull for him. Fortunately, it seemed someone as powerful as Ulv, blasting out her power across the city was picked up on the Seireitei sensors, and someone arrived.

Not, anyone she knew, and not the Tundra Brat they needed. Certainly his boss though, and certainly with the right frame of mind. Not quite the strongest mind, but with self-control to mute their fury into silence, and yet be powered by it. Ulv could respect a girl like that. But, everything went out of the window went Tatsuya started fucking Hollowfying!

"A Vizard? Ugh, what is it with Tsubasa and Visoreds?" Ulv groaned, donning her own 'mask' and letting the now Hollow-tinged reiatsu add to the crushing presence that Ulv had. When a person hollowfied, they moved on instinct, and instinct would tell a person to step wary around the muscular Ulv.

"I don't know you, Miss Shinigami, but a Hollowfying person doesn't care for orders, or pretty speeches, or anything much really. We have to stop him from causing a mess until he beats his Hollow or dies. Does add an additional layer to this though. This catastrophe is less due to his intent and more due to him having beguiling delusions that everyone suffers from when on the cusp of Hollowfication"

Ulv was not going to be the one to make the first move, more the nuclear deterrent to hopefully intimidate the instinctual hollow into passivity. But that didn't mean she'd not tear out his pancreas if she needed to.

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Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)

Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:31 am

Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Calypso gently slipped the bag Rasuca was in onto her back as she listened to Sonny, having done a quick peek in the bag to see that his cute self was still slumbering peacefully. She was relieved none of this commotion was making him stir so far, and also surprised. Must have been pretty good medicine. She was about to head back to the camp before her gaze laid on Tatsuya. A deep swallow went down her throat as she stared at him, a look of sadness on her face.

What he did was terrible, absolutely awful, even if they were orders... Couldn't he just argue against them? Just rebel? Show them that they weren't right? Erupting a volcano over a city of innocents was just terrible, through and through. She was sure Ulv could help him calm down, or Mr. Sonny could reason with him with the speech, but the young Asthavon held back a yelp as a new person came into the picture; Some green haired lady had jumped in, and by the looks of her getup, screamed Shinigami. Calypso felt the coldest of rocks in her stomach once more, regardless of how hot the surroundings were, as for a moment she was afraid this lady would be joining Tatsuya in wrecking the city.

...But instead, she was telling him to stop? What? Caly was confused beyond confused; She thought he was ordered to wreck the place, so why is this woman telling him to stop? Is she just some figure with actual morality or...

She looked at Tatsuya once more, staring deeply, trying to get a read on his emotions and.. They were emotions of conflict, of fear, of guilt, of...


Her lungs felt like rocks as she sensed that violent set of emotions, slow boiling within him. What was even happening? What was wrong with him? Was he even... Ordered... To...
The shock immediately settled in as her legs moved backwards without her prompting, as she saw the formation of a mask slowly take place...


She'd never saw that before, she didn't quite even know what it was, but.. Was he a Vizard? Was he a Vizard this entire time, and she didn't pick up on it? Golden tears came from her eyes as her mind went into guesswork and guilt: Did he know about this? Was he trying to hide it when they first met? Had he been suffering the entire time, and she didn't pick up on it?

She was running to camp, eyes of all sorts frantically looking around were opened on her legs; some shred of her consciousness not focused on Tatsuya had propelled her body to take her and Rasuca righ the hell out of that situation. She had contemplated trying to say something to him, but she was too upset with him, and now he wasn't even there..

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)

Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:56 am

Aw, you gotta be kiddin' me. Sonny's body stepped back, releasing his grip on the butterfly. Someone had shown up after all, someone who knew Tatsuya. Probably another member of the Seireitei... this is just spinning more and more out of control. At the moment, though, all Sonny could do was hope that their words would reach through to the man.

It did not work. He did not come out of it. Something much worse happened. A flare of Hollow reiatsu from the man. The same kind that Sonny possessed, but worlds stronger than his. He had failed. The man had given into something much worse than melancholy or despair. He was undergoing Hollowfication.

"Damn. It. All." The curse left Sonny's mouth, the tone of his voice... changed. Even Murasaki, who had not been present up to now, would probably find the tonal shift in his voice off-putting. The skeleton man was as angry as he ever got. This was going to make keeping both his promises nigh impossible.

For everyone but her, there was the shock that the friendly skeleton had just uttered a curse, a complete 180 from his usual presence. Shinigami. Can't handle their Hollowing. How could I not feel it earlier? Whadda we got that can even deal with that? Do we have the firepower or sealing ability? I sure as hell don't.

Everyone else seemed relatively stunned. Ulv was moving towards an intimdation plan, so maybe Sonny could capitalize on that. Give the creature more reasons to leave the evacuation area. Sonny was not idle. In an instant, he evaluated everyone's positions. His mindset had changed completely, his years of experience billowing to the surface of his thoughts, needing to actually pay attention. Crybaby and the kid're way behind us. That muscly lady's behind me. His... comrade? Is real close.

He was annoyed with the idea of seperating himself from Rasuca and leaving her totally in the Crybaby's care, but he felt he had little choice. He needed to keep moving and get control of the situation. For now, she'd have to step up, and he would have to deal with the consequences later. Even if she went back to Demon World, that'd be better than keeping him here. Sonny did not see a way out of this where the kid could stay here and not wake up.

Sonny's hands shifted quickly, both hands dropping small white beads onto the ground around him in his haste. From behind him, pillar after pillar of bone appeared, seperating the camp and themselves.

Three more bones shot into the ground before Tatsuya, before growing out simultaneously. Murasaki would habe to watch herself; it was possible they would knock into her a bit if she did not move at all. Thick bones, each about three feet thick, attempted to crush against the raging Vizard's body. They smashed in with an impessice amount of force, inredibly durable for the few moments before shattering once their task was complete.

"Kido, bakudo. Dammit. Do either of you know any?!" Sonny growled, mostly to try to get the beast's attention. It was hard to take charge with that little warning. Shot after shot of bone kept inserting themselves into the ground... but Sonny was no longer standing where he was before. As the bones expanded and shot into Tatsuya's body, he reappeared behind the man. His single eye stared directly at his target, each space between his non-thumb fingers holding another of the small chips.

Swiftly, he tossed them down, creating a piercing set of six bones, each as large as the ones that popped out of the ground, expanding into outwards facing circle of javelin-like spears. "C'mon, you weak minded thing."

Sonny's body vanished again, reappearing far behind Murasaki's body, well within the Hollow's sight. Come on, you big bastard... smash the annoying little skeleton man. He's right here... Sonny hoped that the others would get the idea; though the thought of having to team up with an actual Shinigami was... problematic, to say the least. Maybe she'd take the deal that this crumbling man was offered...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)

Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:32 am



Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Murasaki wasn't someone who had to be told this was bad. She could sense it as it started, and with another white flash from Kagayaku, she was well out of the way of any melee strikes Tatsuya might make, hovering a good distance away in the air with both of her zanpakuto now drawn. She'd just wanted to come down and help out, she didn't think the first thing she'd see was her guy Hollowfying... This was so bad! Wasn't she supposed to be helping out?? And wouldn't this make her look even worse as a Captain??? It made Murasaki just wanna...


...Scream. Well, she knew he wouldn't listen. Maybe she just said it for her own sake, to remind herself she had that authority in the first place. Maybe it was to reaffirm she'd really come down here to try and help. But it was fairly obvious that she wasn't a happy girl, and her once-calm features were now etched with obvious anger and disappointment. This wasn't what she'd worked for. Who did all this? Who sent him here? She'd find out, one way or another.

“You don't have to tell me twice, Miss Vizard. I get that pretty clear. I'm his Captain, so I'm not gonna kill him. I want him in alive if I can. But I can't tell you what to do, either. If he tries to kill you...well, wouldn't look very good if I wrote a report trying to get action taken over self-defense.”

It wasn't quite right to describe the young Captain as “out of it.” She was not someone so easily frazzled. It was more that she didn't quite have the time to think about the fullest possible circumstances, and she wasn't what you'd call bright in the first place, even at the best of times. So if Ulv just killed Tatsuya in self-defense...well, she'd handle that if it came up. There was too much to focus on right now to worry about that. Her life was, realistically, on the line here.

“Kido's not my specialty, mister! Not gonna get much out of me in that field!”

As Skeleman fired off his bones and caught Tatsuya's attention, however, he caught her attention as well. She had a few ideas, but she could see both Boneman and Punchlady would be good to keep Tatsuya's focus for now. She'd step in once his animal instincts were trained on those two, and she readied herself for another leap with Kagayaku, something quite visually obvious and intended to make one thing very clear; she was ready.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)

Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:52 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Hollow Portion: It let out a roar sending out a blast of reiatsu in every direction as it let out a strange sound. As the bones began to slam into its body against its spiritual pressure. There was no thought or process left to its mind at this point. It began to inch towards the enemies around it considering nothing friendly. To compare this to an animal would be accurate. But perhaps even further down as it gripped the sword tightly. Giving a swing it sent a blast towards those around him. The concussive force generated was impressive. Enough to knock back those around him further if they weren't careful. Raw physical power was what it held in the palm of its hand at the moment. This was about nothing more than killing those around it trying to feed on them. Dominating anything it could as it's gaze and instincts flared at Ulv. This wasn't going to be an easy one to topple in any situations. It breathed making strange noises before yelling. Sending out another blast of spiritual pressure.

The body had only covered a portion of his face had been covered by fragments of the hollow mask and its eyes completely blackened. Using the strength the being had within it, leaping towards them or trying too. Using pure spiritual pressure and reishi as a defensive measure. Though it likely didn't understand even that principal. Slamming its sword downward with one hand it shattered the ground beneath it sending tremors of concussive force at them. On his chest, a hole had appeared surrounded by White color. The typical color of a hollow as it brought it's sword up letting another blast of its reishi at them. This conflict would be one fought on two fronts however and this front was only beginning. Thankfully this hollowfication hadn't jumped or escalated in any way. The body trembled as it stood up right now glancing around. Looking for prey as though hunting a victim to fight. Though perhaps that came from its sheer basic instincts in this regard as the creature raised the sword in the most unskilled manner. This wasn't a skilled warrior or user of anything.

It was an animal it didn't have the skills of a trained warrior in any discipline. This thing could be called a savage at its core. Nothing strange or special truly resounded from it outside of strength and physical prowess. Though it held some impressive spiritual pressure. It wasn't able to do anything leaps or bounds outside of its box. How long would it hold on to the sword was the question, before it became even more primal. Would it drop it in favor of using something more hand to hand? Maybe they would end up disarming the creature of it's a weapon before that happened. These three were the fighters that would be facing down the best in whatever form it was discussed. Though it wasn't interested in pain or acknowledging that only in fighting. This creature's bloodlust was perhaps the most impressive thing about it. It held an uncanny amount of it that could be felt through the air itself.

Not that this was special or power, merely just something those experienced enough could feel. The darkness that lingered inside its depths and soul. This was the creature that lingered in Tatsuya. Darkness perhaps was a word that could describe it. Nameless for this moment and something akin to a mere beast. It would prove something of a challenge for those out here. While something else was happening someplace they couldn't reach. Or so some would believe, as it was possible perhaps for some of them. Though it was unknown to the creature within and without.

Tatsuya Portion Inside: The world was different from that living world place. Opening his eyes he recognized it rather quickly with little effort. This was the inner world of which he was familiar. The burning plains and she that filled this place. For miles, the landscape was on fire engulfed in flames and turmoil. Tatsuya's eyes shifted around searching. Looking for the presence of Amteratsu. Though in her place a man carrying a sword similar to his walked forward. It's skin black and burned from head to toe.

Though the veins could be seen as a burning portion through its body. This appearance hadn't been the first time Tatsuya had encountered it. Though he always assumed it was his bloodlust given a form. His eyes shifted around as he was curious where Amateratsu was. "Stop looking for her, she's gone this is my world now. " Bringing its sword up the creature pointed at Tatsuya now. Gesturing with its blade as a grin of those burning teeth showed. Those eyes were like infernos within blackened hues. Tatsuya tried to think about what was going on. His eyes shifted around him one more time before remembering. He'd activated a volcano on earth causing devestation and putting people at risk. His expression became shocked as the realization dawned on him more. He'd betrayed Calypso's trust and faith in him by doing that. Though without missing a beat his bloodlust or what he called it. Spoke and brought something upon itself now.

[darkred]"Going to whimper like a dog over some spilled blood, you really have lost your place as the ruler of this.I'll be taking your body now.."[/color] Within seconds a punch sent Tatsuya flying into the ground as stood up slowly from the blow. As expected the impact hurt and he was in this place. Slowly drawing his sword now Tatsuya's eyes hardened on the figure. Though his mannerisms were very different as he'd not recovered. Not from that punch but the shock of what he'd done. "It was so easy to just trick you into it. Nothing at all was required to fool those rusty senses of yours." Tatsuya's eyes widened a bit as another punch landed. Though something was different about it this time as Tatsuya didn't move. His expression began to change as though a master wheel began turning. This being, it caused this entire thing and fooled him into it? So this was the cause of the suffering that was brought.

Tatsuya's emotions went from numb to anger in moments. A backhand across the beings face sent it into the ground. This battle was just getting started as Tatsuya almost wanted to erase its existence. This wasn't going to be gentle he would make this being suffer. It had caused these people pain, that was something he couldn't abide. It had used him as a tool of destruction and if the last thing he did was destroy it. That would be fine with him, he could take that fact with him. "So angry, are you going to claim justice for this that just because I tricked you are innocent in this?" The creature said rising from the ground as Tatsuya began to walk towards it.

"No, I am far from innocence in your schemes or this war..First...I"ll destroy you and everything you hope to accomplish. Your dreams and reality will die...Then I will accept my punishment for failing to see through your deception." Tatsuya said finally speaking clearly though anger was present in his voice. He wasn't playing with the hollow any longer or accepting anything less as he brought his sword up and clashed blades with the being. This inner struggle within this world had just begun.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:21 pm

Volcanic Consequences (WW4 Start Event)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

"Kido is unfortunately not something I ever learned. Mirja couldn't and they kicked me out of the Seireitei pretty quickly. Never got the opportunity" Ulv told Sonny, her eyes focused on the Hollow. And then the Captain was addressed next. "I won't kill him, Captain. I'll certainly make even a rabid beast like this wish I had done, but he'll still be alive for you by the end of this. After a fashion, at least" Ulv spoke, and then the hollow swung his sword, and she wondered why she ever bothered with her Presence Manifestation. It never did anything, and was entirely useless. Without the Resolve Flame, she'd have really wasted her time with that one. Still, her Reiatsu was closed tight around Sonny and the Captain to protect them from any attempts to way-lay them with crushing pressure, and act as a buffer for any attacks that would get through. Sure, it was not the easiest on Ulv's energy stores, but she had plenty.

"Also, hold on, we are moving. Gotta get him out of the city so I can actually kick his ass without worrying"

The concussive force of the swing was blown apart by Ulv stepping in and throwing one of her own punches, and letting physics sort out the mess of colliding force. And the second slam was met with a second punch to cancel that out, before circling her hands and throwing out a Palms Of The Wind. A sudden and tremendous gale would erupt from her palms and blast Tatsuya with enough force that the very air around him was stripped away, creating a Void Zone in which the atmosphere resembled that of a vaccum.

There was more to the gale than just a void zone being made, as the cracked ground could not take the power of the wind, and would be uprooted. Where the Hollow-Tatsuya manage to leverage it's new found strength to remain standing in this sudden weather condition, the ground in which he stabilised himself on would be blown away. The wind was incredibly strong, and sowith any luck, she would blast him out of the city, in which case she would follow and bring it to a less populated, less developed area so the fight could continue with the skeleton man and the beautiful Shinigami woman.

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Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:04 pm

He's not... very aware, huh? Sonny felt the incoming tremor, his eye shifting and moving. He was used to planting his seeds; but trying to keep track of them through a tremor likr that... Oh well.

Without hesitation, Sonny reached both hands around his body, gritting his teeth as he felt the incoming spiritual force. But the blow... never came. Huh. 'Bout time someone else did something. Sonny's eye went back over to Ulv, lifting up a hand with a thumb, seeing her beating and smashing against the man.

Presumably, that would lead to the beast into retreating towards Sonny further and further. Now. Sonny lowered the thumb... tons of bones shooting out. The hardest part of this attack was keeping track of the green haired woman and Ulv. He was finding the whole scenario rather difficThe result of these bones was that the hollow would find it much harder to dodge Ulv's last attack. The wind blade would be much harder to avoid, on top of dealing with the restrictive bones and the ones that actually attempted to crash into the hollow's body.

Unfortunately, Ulv's massive strength would also catch the skeletal man. With those Palms of Air, he was not able to draw the strength to resist it, both hands pushing into his pockets as he was bodily dragged off of the ground. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Scattered rubble from Sonny and Ulv's attacks peppered and smacked against his body, apparently helpless in this massive stream, bits of his bones cracking and bruising.

At last, he stopped moving around, realigning his sight. It would be shortly after that he realized he could not breathe. Also, his body was now rotating rapidly, but the difference was enough. Without warning, his body simply... disappeared. He then reappeared next to Ulv's body. If she were observant enough, she would see something like a blue whirl spawn into existence next to her for just an instant, before the skeleton reappeared next to her.

"Careful. That really hurt." He scolded her, though his tone was much calmer than before. Then he pushed off onto the ground and into the air, trying to keep up with Tatsuya's body as it was blown into, trying to get a height advantage over the hollow's head where he could see the result.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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