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Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:29 pm

Coding In Template By:


Spiritual Human Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Seiichi
» Titles: Roving Death
» Age: 132
» Gender: Male

» Affiliation/Rank: (Are they allied with any org or faction? Or are they just rouge?)

» Physical Appearance Description: Long black hair cascades down Seiichi's back and frames his face. His eyes are naturally black, and his features are sharp. Two scars run from directly underneath his eyes, diagonally, and end somewhere near his ears. He has a fairly slender build, although his wiry frame does possess a decent amount of hidden muscle. He stands 5'10" tall, and carries himself with grace and dignity. He generally wears a mask which he fastens to the side of his head. It covers a small portion of his face most of the time, unless he decides to remove it, but when he is engaged in nefarious activity he places the mask over his face fully. He carries a katana at his side, and has several kunai lining his belt at all times.

» Physical Appearance Image:
Seiichi [4-2] Y3Gr2DN

I. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Calculating- Seiichi has been extensively trained to consider every possible outcome that may stem from his actions. Because of this he never acts without first thoroughly thinking through what it is he's doing.

Dishonest- Seiichi has never been one to tell the truth. He lies even when it is unnecessary, simply to see if he can convince others of the nonsense he spews. He is also quite an adept liar, so more often than not he is successful. This comes in handy when he actually needs to lie to accomplish his goal, or perhaps save his life.

Driven- Because of his training, and a natural desire to succeed, Seiichi has always been very set on accomplishing his goals. He does everything within his power to see through what he has started. The only time he will abandon a mission or personal goal is when he evaluates the situation and determines that there is currently no way to progress. Most of the time this simply means he must gain more strength before he can embark on such a monumental task. This means that even when he does set something aside, he has every intention of returning to it.

Emotionless- Born with no emotions, Seiichi is an excellent assassin. He's never had any doubts or regrets for his actions unless they were on a purely logical level. He feels no remorse, anger, sorrow, fear, happiness, or love.

Machiavellian- This ties in heavily with his dishonesty. Seiichi is very inclined to deceive or manipulate others either for his own personal gain, or in order to accomplish his current goal. Nothing is off limits for him.

Misanthropic- Seiichi has a deeply seated hatred for the entirety of the human race. This stems from the fact that the majority of humans operate based on their emotions, and as a result make what are often the worst possible decisions. He sees no reason for them to do this, but the fact that they do it pathologically is one of the most frustrating things in the world to him.

Perfectionist- Seiichi is unable to accept anything less than perfection, especially when it comes to his own work. The slightest inconsistency or imperfection is unsettling to him, to say the least. This is another main reason for his hatred of humanity. So many humans throw things together with no thought for the final product, which he simply can't stomach.

Rigidity- It should be fairly obvious at this point that any emotional appeal has literally no effect on Seiichi. He is steadfast in his beliefs and will not be swayed. The sole exception is if he's presented an argument which he can't find fault with. He operates on a purely logical level, and any other approach he considers an affront to his person.

Self Control- Due to the fact that he's been trained from childhood to have complete control over his actions, there has never been a time in which Seiichi has not been certain of what he's doing. He may be incorrect, but if he is he's confident in his misstep.

» Likes: Murder

» Dislikes: People

I. Character History

» History

Seiichi was born one hundred and thirty two years ago to a clan of assassins in the mountains of Japan. Although they had been training children in their arts for centuries, they only did so when the child showed a particular enthusiasm for death, which, to be fair, a majority of them did. Seiichi showed this enthusiasm at a very early age, when he was only two years old. After this point in time he was sent through a much more rigorous training program than an ordinary child in the clan would receive.

Even though his training was quite harsh, his family was very accepting of who he was, and his had a normal childhood when he was not training, or exhausted from having recently trained. It was soon found however, that he had too much of an affinity for death. On his first mission Seiichi was told to stealthily assassinate one target among a crowd of many. He was supposed to let none find out his true identity. Instead he found himself caught up in the blood lust, and slew all around him, leaving none to tell the tale. His family was not entirely pleased with how he'd conducted himself, and they quickly let him know. He was punished for having disobeyed his elders and mission protocol, and told that if he continued to act this way in the future he would be banished from the family. His family also sent him to much more specific classes meant to turn him in to the perfect assassin, despite some of his apparent shortcomings.

Seiichi attends these classes for many years, and by the time he returns home he is everything his family could have ever expected and more. He is assuredly the perfect assassin. He is given many more jobs over the course of the next few years, and completes them all in exemplary fashion, until eventually he begins to grow restless. The missions his family is sending him on are beginning to seem too small scale for the blossoming youth, and he years to leave his old home behind in search of work on a grander scale. He informs his family of this, and although they are sorry to see him go, they know that his talents will be best used elsewhere, and that they carry on doing what they have been just fine without him.

After this Seiichi acted as a mercenary for several years, not siding too heavily with any particular cause, and more so playing the field. He made a great deal of money in this time, but as he was not particularly concerned with holding on to it he tended to live from job to job, sometimes doing extraordinarily well, other times barely being able to feed himself. At this point he's grown tired of that, and is ready to find himself some steady work. He recently began doing a bit of research on the various forces that seem to govern this world, and is wondering which of them he should ally himself with. He has no particular power in mind at this moment.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

Katana- Although most assassin preferred ninjato to katana because of their practicality, the katana is Seiichi's weapon of choice. The main reason for this? He much prefers slashing to stabbing due to the more visceral nature of such an attack.

Kunai- He carries these around with him wherever he goes, and is quite proficient with them. More often than not he uses them as a distraction to start of combat, or as a tool to finish an opponent off.

Mask- Seiichi always wears this mask on the side of his head unless he is trying to lay low. When he attempts an assassination he turns the mask so that it covers his face before he gets to work. He has many different masks, but they are all somewhat similar.

I. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills: (In this section you can list anything they can do from their general/will racial sheets. In addition to that, you can list non-power related feats they can do as well. Such as if they have a strong immune system, spiritual awareness, good battle skills or anything like that.)

I. Other Supernatural Abilities

» POWERS: Seiichi has but two powers, but that is in no way an indication of his inability to develop more. He has consciously chosen to stick with these because they suit him, and because he intends to master what he has before taking on any more. That may never happen, but because of his perfectionism he will never accept that possibility.

Fire Manipulation

Seiichi [4-2] MBOFR3M

Seiichi has had a natural affinity for flames since he was a small child. Because it is his natural proclivity he needs very little reiatsu to produce quite a sizable flame. The more of his reiatsu he burns the larger the flame he creates will be. The temperature of these flames also varies based on the energy he pours into them, naturally. His baseline flames are around 500 degrees Fahrenheit, but that pales in comparison to what he can do when he uses more of his energy. His max heat output at this point in time is somewhere around 1200 degrees Fahrenheit, but to do this he would burn all of his energy and be left completely vulnerable. It should be obvious that he can also generate any degree of heat that lies between these two temperatures based on the energy used. He also has an extremely precise control over just how hot his flames are, and can raise them incrementally with an extreme degree of precision. He generates this heat inside of his body, and then expels it through his mouth. In essence he is a human flamethrower. This heat has no negative effect on his body, nor do the flames. In fact he's quite desensitized to heat or fire in general.


Seiichi [4-2] IVw5DpI

Crows have always been a part of Seiichi's life. They always seemed to be around whenever he would embark on a mission, and because of this he had an idea. If he could become a murder of crows it would be quite easy to make a hasty getaway, and at the same time draw no suspicion. He spent much of his time during his youth mastering this ability, which has proved quite useful. Because he is not as strongly connected with crows as he is to fire he has a bit more difficulty pulling this off, but it's nothing too drastic. For a start it consumes much more energy than his ability to generate fire, which is to be expected. Secondly, he's not able to use this ability whenever he pleases, and must wait a set amount of time between each use of it before he is able to utilize it once more (5 posts). When he does use it however, his body becomes a murder of crows for a short time (1 post), and although it can still take damage it is much more difficult to harm a swarm than it is to harm a singular body. The crows do not stay tightly grouped, so if a large attack hits one of them it would basically be the equivalent of hitting his arm or leg. This damage does stick, but again, he wouldn't normally take as much damage unless the opposition is so overwhelming that all of the crows are hit simultaneously. When in this form his already impressive speed is increased drastically.

» Pure Abilities: (Feel free to put any abilities they might have from their powers. Such as if they had the power to generate, control and tame electricity? They would have abilities that could allow them endure harsh climates, boosted speed and things such as that.)

I. Sacred Release

» Sacred Release Appearance: His appearance does not change

» Sacred Release Powers:

Darkness Flame

Seiichi [4-2] HYMiGCp

In his Sacred Release Seiichi's control over flame is increased by a large margin. He can manipulate flames that don't originate from within his body to a decent level, but that is the least of his advancements. The fire that he creates within his body is now a pitch black, is much more devastating, is a higher temperature as a base, and depending on the amount of reiatsu he pours into it will scale to quite a high degree. It also has a distinct advantage when coming into contact with any other sort of flame, and usually wins out in a battle of fire vs fire. At the moment the black flames are 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, although in the future they could become more powerful if Seiichi simply devotes more energy to their heat. It's not clear at this point in time how hot they could become, as he hasn't the energy to test it.

I. Ascended Sacred State

» Ascended Sacred State Appearance: (Describe what your human looks like when they release their spiritual power. This is essentially equivalent to a Shinigami's Bankai.)

» Ascended Sacred State Powers: (Does your human get any additional powers from this transformation? For instance, if you had the power to control Fire in your base, could you control heat and magma in this state? Or would you gain something else?)

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not fill your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. The staff member checking your app will also give you Will Skills in which you can add to your app when approved. Click the spoiler below to see what tier gets what kind of skills.)

Additional Note: The skill sheets, as of Saturday, February 10, 2018, have had small additions. There are new skills, and Master has been renamed to "Elite". Furthermore, Master is now the bridge in-between Elite and Grand Master.


General Skills
  • Durability:Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Human Reiatsu Sheet
  • Power Control:Beginner
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration:Beginner
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance:Beginner
  • Physical Augmentation:Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Adept
  • Mental Deduction:Beginner
  • Focus: Adept


Last edited by Absentee on Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:47 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:50 pm
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Joined : 2016-01-20
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Seiichi [4-2] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Seiichi [4-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Seiichi [4-2] Empty Re: Seiichi [4-2]

Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:52 pm


« Application Checklist »
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [O]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [O]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: TBD
  • Mental Deduction: TBD
  • Focus: TBD

  • Comments/Notes:

    Fire Manipulation: These temperatures need heavily scaled down. Lower these to a couple hundred, at max around a thousand.

    Dark Fire Manipulation: Nothing can scale infinitely. There needs to be a hard limit for this.

  • Tier: TBD
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Joined : 2014-04-27
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Seiichi [4-2] Left_bar_bleue101000/99999999Seiichi [4-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (101000/99999999)

Seiichi [4-2] Empty Re: Seiichi [4-2]

Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:10 am
I lowered the temperature of fire manipulation, but the dark fire I think is fine if you view it as "the more energy he has, the hotter his fire is. It obviously can't really scale infinitely, as he could only ever have the energy of a 0-1. Tbh, I just didn't feel like working out what the scaling would be yet, because he isn't going to be that strong right now. I can do so rather quickly though, if you think it necessary.
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5043
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Seiichi [4-2] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Seiichi [4-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Seiichi [4-2] Empty Re: Seiichi [4-2]

Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:29 pm


« Application Checklist »
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

  • Comments/Notes: Changes have been made, and this is good to go.
  • Tier: 4-2
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Mirja Eeola
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Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:53 am
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