Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Empty Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event]

Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:23 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The Kenpachi Foundation. Well, more like the outskirts of it. It seemed odd to the Suika girl that her elder sister, Ibiki, would have her wait here for her big sister instead of meeting her inside the foundation or in the training area she had beneath her barracks. But, the horned woman simply awaited her big sister; drinking sake from the dish that she always drank from. Shuten Suika may not be the most amazing girl, but, she at least was excellent in her own right; at least when it came to her ability and her sake. Well, maybe it wasn't as good as the sake her big sis made, but, Shuten still liked to think that it was at least comparable to hers. If it wasn't, then, the self proclaimed Sake Oni is gonna need to step up her game.

However, that was not the concern at the immediate time and place; she was here to meet Ibiki and possibly train with her. There wasn't many details that Ibiki elaborated on besides from meeting here specifically. Shuten could not help but wonder why here; why this place instead of a training bunker. There had to be some reason, but, Shuten really could not think of it. Maybe her big sis wanted to have a drink before training; but, if she did Ibiki probably would've been here first. All the Suika girl could do was wait for her elder sister. But, that didn't mean Shuten couldn't mix up a few sake brews before then. So, without even blinking, she yanked the gourd off her side and started funneling her spiritual energy into it; using her energy to slowly change the sake.

She didn't make her sake stronger. No, there was no need for it to get stronger. After all, this was Shuten's casual drinking sake; her getting drunk Sake was in the tiny, long necked, bottle attached to her gourd. That was for... special occasions. After all, Shuten didn't get drunk often; and for good reason. It made her go a bit overboard with how she pretends to act; sometimes even trying to kiss her nonidentical twin. Which had earned her many a bruise from getting punched. But, the point was that Shuten was making her sake a bit more tasty for the time being; less of the plain flavor, more of something more colorful. With just a few sips, the Suika let out a soft sigh as she let herself relax slightly. Was she wholly relaxed? No, she basically never was; but she could at least enjoy a nice drink of sake while waiting for her elder sister. After all, this may be the only chance to relax a little bit. One Ibiki arrives on the scene, Shuten's not gonna have much of a chance to relax. Likely.

Last edited by darkfunnel on Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Empty Re: Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event]

Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:25 pm

Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: Banisher Of Evil - Word Count: N/A

The desire for new found strength was always a top concern for those who called the Gotei their faction. However, Ibiki had no desire to simply invest in sheer numbers. Instead, to deal with the coming threats of war from all sides, The Captain Commander wanted to invest in what she already had and spark the flame of resolve within their who follow her lead. It is only by giving new life into old fire that these embers of power can have the true strength needed to defend their home, unify their people and leave the pristine name of the Gotei United in tact.

Hence, The Devil Suika emerged from the dense forest on this grand summer day to come forth and meet with her fellow oni sister. While the shimmering heat of the sun bore down on the woodland around her, the mindscape of The Horned Shinigami understood that Shuten would seek her out in this quest to further the development of the shinigami race.

Since, on a more personal level, the woman yearned to spend more time with her kin for it was only natural to want to increase the bonds between family. Which really did not bother Ibiki, but she was here to bring something out of her sister and to that end she set her ember lit eyes on the sight of Shuten.

"This should be interesting. Training my own sister to find her resolve? Fun stuff~"

A coy voice was used as Ibiki made jest in good nature. It was going to most certainly be an interesting turn of events to see how this training session among devil shinigami would turn out. So, to get the ball rolling, the ginger-haired Suika folded her arms and cracked a smirk before asking Shuten this one thing.

"And tell me, sister, what is it that is your resolve? I know you enjoy my presence, but there is something more inside of you swelling up, right? Tell me it so we can begin."

Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] WVMWLOu
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Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Empty Re: Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event]

Sun Jul 29, 2018 7:04 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The Oni's ornament between her horns gently tap the right horn as the Suika turned her head to the other oni that emerged from the forest; her elder sister Ibiki Suika. Of course, on a hot summer day it was only natural for two oni siblings to come together and wish to train; more specifically, train Shuten. To be even more precise, to train the Captain Commander's own kin and find her resolve. But, that may be quite the interesting situation in the long run. Shuten soon smiled at her big sister; the sake toting Oni bowing slightly to Ibiki for formality's sake. But, soon after she walked closer; listening to her elder sister closely.

"I hope it will be interesting~ I don't think we have trained together since I was a child; but we still have certainly shared our sake and got drunk off our asses together when the time allows~"

Shuten could not help but chuckle, the normally rather void of smiles face, or at least fake grins, now alight with a playful smile in response to her elder sister's coy tone. Walking closer as she took a nice big swig of her sake before she reached her sister; extending her the dish to take a quick drink from before the drinking was put aside and the true business at hand.

Of course, whether or not Ibiki reached for the dish and took a drink or not did not change that Shuten would down the remaining contents and stash the dish as she listened to what her sister said once more; this time more on target with what Ibiki wished for the Sake Oni to do before they started. What Shuten's Resolve is, what kept her going and was her strength in hard moments. Shuten had to ponder this as she slipped her sake dish into a compartment at her side; the dish secure as the Suika gently tapped her lips as she thought, purple eyes turned towards the ground.

Slowly, that purple gaze came up to meet Ibiki's amber gaze, smiling softly at her elder sister.

"May seem a little cheesy, Sis, but, honestly; my family is what can keep me going. The desire to protect my family members from harm; that is my resolve, Ibiki."

Last edited by darkfunnel on Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] Empty Re: Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event]

Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:06 pm

Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: Desire For Existence - Word Count: N/A

The passage of time was one which felt like a dream of The Elder Devil Sibling. The Captain Commander was approaching her 500's, so it was hard to even keep track of the years to a degree because time flew by like grains of sand in an hourglass. Yet, even still, Ibiki recalls the times they trained when they were younger and could give a nod of the head to the reflection of memories that are gone like ash in the wind to the halls of history.

"That's simply because our time together is more precious than a few training sessions. While it may not be rich in combat together, it's still wealthy in memories of pleasant times with one another."

And, to that sentiment of favorable memory, Ibiki could drink another dish of sake to indulge in the warm glow of years gone past before shifting her ember gaze toward the plum sight of Shuten's eyes. In hindsight of everything, it was rather odd that this Suika sought her specifically out for training given the context of The Elder Shinigami's many memories of the doll. So, she needed to sit down, pay attention and hear out why this younger Suika sought her guidance. And, if nothing else, the woman divulged her primary motive: family.

This reasoning for seeking out her training caused Ibiki to take a pause for a moment. While it is true that family could give one a strong internal drive to want to seek out strength, The Elder Suika wasn't sure just how passionately this woman was about it. So, a test was needed in order to figure out just how potent this hunger to serve one's family had became in Shuten. In a matter of moments, The Suika Devil forged a circle of white light around the two. In this instance of time, a strong flow of energy swirled within this sphere as The Suika Devil advised Shuten where the next phase of training was going to be headed toward now that she had stated why she was here and wanted to train.

"If that is the case, you won't mind if I test that, right? My Resolve Force has the ability to put you in a slumber. When put in this state, you'll be faced against a nightmare which seems almost real: a dream in which your family are in danger by the likes of of our foes. You may not be able to tell the difference between the reality and dream while in this state, but it's designed to see how far you are willing to go for your family."

After taking a pause, The Suika Devil took a long while to observe Shuten before concluding thing by giving Shuten a choice:

"It's going to be up to you if you are willing to take that test. If you fail it, it's doubtful Resolve Force will want to work with you. So I'll allow you time to come up with an answer, sister."

Resolve Could be a Hereditary Thing [Shuten/Ibiki; Private] - Operation: Resolve Generation [Gotei Mini-Event] WVMWLOu
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