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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Joined : 2013-11-04
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Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C] Empty Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C]

Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:19 pm



» NAME: Micaiah Atsumi Khshesh
» EPITHET: North God, Child of Sea and Sky, Wanderer of Worlds
» AGE: 18 (406) [updated 2021/02/20]
» BIRTHDATE: 02/02
» GENDER: Female




» CURIOUS: Give her a rubicks cube and Micaiah will spend hours on it--not for the reasons you think. Solving a problem is satisfying, the sense of achievement being a motivator but just a supplementary one; Micaiah is more interested in how the cube works. How do the squares slide across one another? What mechanisms enable it to shift but stay together, stay in the same shape, and return identifiable patterns? What was going through the creator's mind when they made the rubicks cube?

Does Micaiah have the mind of an engineer? Eh, maybe a little, but it's not the most apt description. She's fond of knowing how something works and why it works, but also who made it work. Does she have the mind of a psychologist? A mindset that prompted something is interesting, but the real subject of intrigue is the story behind the cube or any other thing that catches Micaiah's attention--and also its purpose.

» DESPONDENT: The drive behind her curiosity comes from a darker place than simple wonder and wanderlust. Micaiah's curiosity finds root in a desire to find purpose, and just as she's inquires the purpose of anything and everything in the world, the true motive is to know purpose in hopes of finding her own. That is to say, currently, she finds herself without one. Furthermore, it's at this point that, at least somewhere in the back of her head, she will never have purpose. Not as an individual necessarily, and especially not in the sense of serving some greater purpose, but that there's no proper "reason" for her existence. Nothing she could see as her "calling", or an existence that drives her forward. In fact, the only thing actively driving her forward and motivating her continued living is finding that driver.

It's come to a point of such desperation, and honestly Micaiah is at her wits end. It feels like she's been looking for this ephemeral concept for more than one life, and it's basically torturous. This sense of listlessness and often times inability to really feel like there's some hope out there easily arises. There are occasional spurts of genuine hope and light in her eyes, both those moments are far and few between, and the child isn't even banking on them anymore.

» LITERAL: Most find it an annoyance--not that she actually cares--but Micaiah has a tendency to take information in literally. As if sarcasm, idioms, and figurative philosophy escapes her, ask the girl why the chicken crossed the road and she'll respond "probably because there was something that caught it's attention? I dunno, maybe some chicken feed across the street, I don't think chickens have much of an attention span so it could've been something momentarily distracting?"

Part of this inclination is her legitimate interest in how the world works as it is, and the literal disposition of the things around her, so in reality Micaiah's first instinct is to take something seriously and literally. That said, she isn't inept or socially unaware; even in the moments of genuine literal interpretation of information, she won't always be stuck on perceiving something literally. Just a little bit of thought and she can come to the same conclusions as others.

That said, she often opts not to really let that come forward, reason being personal amusement. People's reactions to her and the lengths of literal intake she offers can be really disconcerting and strange, to the more consistently exposed, "frustrating", even. And when she takes notice to these reactions, it's kind of funny. Especially those who are trying to explain something to her when she seems to not get it? Their efforts seem wasted when she only responds in misunderstanding, and most find it hard to blame her, others just assume she's retarded, and to those who really know her, she's seen as mildly sadistic. It's all in good fun, though.

» PLAYFUL: It's the playful side of hers which usually encourages her to be overly literal, and in spite of how non-conducive it is to any given situation, a lot of times she can't help herself. And its not a trait limited to just these interactions. Banter can escalate quickly with Micaiah as she often eggs on involved parties, provoking them to take actions otherwise seen inappropriate, and seeing different sides to a person can be described as a hobby to her.

More than anything, it's these small moments of teasing others that keeps her smile look real, even if they're typically held up forcefully. Through all her cynicism, despite the girl's awareness of how childish it can be, the North God finds herself unable to hold back when the situation arises. Especially because there are few things she can indulge in with earnest enjoyment, so when she finds herself being obnoxious, Micaiah excuses herself for this guilty pleasure, thinking it's okay to occasionally be a little naughty.

Beyond that, the wanderer finds herself assuming a certain persona, and when interacting with people, attending to her niche as the "literal girl" gives her a sense of self, something satisfying and motivating to maintain. Though it's mostly at her convenience, holding up to that self-standard set up for herself maintains a sort of consistency and uniformity that just "fits", and seems right.

» FACETIOUS: As trends her train of thought and pattern of action, Micaiah is kind of meta with herself. This sort of meta perspective makes it difficult to take things seriously at times--most of the time, actually. The real root of her un-serious attitude towards things, to include her playfulness and intentionally literal persona, is an unhealthy dose of pessimism.

Micaiah sees her perspective and attitude, even when knowingly obnoxious and generally "not that great of a people person", as wholly reasonable. Not to say that it isn't "right", but it's certainly not wrong to act as she does, because it's not like any of what she does in the grand scheme of things really even matters. Her actions do nothing to inhibit the operations and mechanisms of the universe at large, so anything she does--especially anything she knowingly does as bad--that might offer a sense of guilt is combatted with this instinctive response of self-justification.

In her eyes, even beings of unlimited power have yet to really do anything of lasting impact and fundamental change to the universe. Sure, there have been Demon Gods who tap into the power of death incarnate--but all people still die, and his influence and interference hasn't done anything to really change that en masse. He just has a bit more individual power. And even the races created by his will and machinations--ultimately, they haven't really done anything as far as permanency goes, so what does any of it matter? Why take any of it seriously?

This sort of pessimism extends further, so much that the philosophy operates as a catch-all fallback to justify all her actions, and furthermore affect how she sees things and others observance of its importance. For example, formalities and mannered conduct. Micaiah views it as a subjective value, and if she doesn't think it's important, then as far as she's concerned, it isn't, and the only thing upholding it as something actualised existence is others' value for it--therefore, it has no objective value.

» INFALLIBLE: Her thought patterns and tendency for self-justification has further transformed into some inane stubbornness. She stands by her words, stands by what she thinks, and furthermore pushes the ideology unto other people, whether or not she's even aware of it. Holding a strong belief in her own philosophy, and earnestly believing what she's seen in it as a fundamental, universal truth, it takes a lot for her to turn her head in any other direction.

Some people see this as unlimited willpower and determination--that she is unwavering and true to herself. Sure, in some lights this is absolutely true. Micaiah is determined, so much that it could quite possibly be her downfall, but getting to the core of the matter, it's more accurate to say that Micaiah has a strong distrust for other people.

The girl doesn't trust in other peoples words, and the only way of actually admitting to anyone else's perspectives or values is to see it for herself--that way, to her eyes, it is clear and irrefutable. After all, if she perceives something to be true, then as far as she's concerned and up until she then sees otherwise, it is as true as can be. That's where the real stubborn part of Micaiah comes in.

In other words, the World-Wanderer is painted as the type to outright not listen to others. And yes, absolutely, Micaiah is in no way inclined to listen to what others have to say. In fact, attempts to challenge her own words and perspective is fiercely met with denial, argument, and refutation. Her truth is the truth, because what makes sense to her "makes sense", and anything otherwise is literally just retarded. Worst thing is, often times the girl is entirely unaware of this hostile, infallible self, and whenever she does? Micaiah then feels pretty embarrassed, and somewhat hypocritical.

» ASHAMED: That embarrassment is drawn from recognising her wrongs. If Micaiah is wrong, whatever. If she's ignorant of it and moves forward without knowing that it's no trouble on her mind. In fact, even if she is wrong, it won't be that big of a deal; the real issue comes into place when Micaiah is proven wrong, and once that happens, a tangible sense of shame is felt.

Being proven wrong in essence means she was supporting some fallacy. And when Micaiah supports something? Whoo, she does it with volatility. As said, Micaiah feels very strongly about being right and refuses to acknowledge anything in direct contrast and contradiction to what she believes in, so when it becomes irrefutable that what she supports doesn't hold? First of all, it has to be so steadfast and irrefutable that Micaiah's stubborn attitude is overcome, and whenever something gets to that point, and furthermore something Micaiah must admit to? Being confronted with that feeling of idiocy gets her beet red.

The root of her feelings on the matter is a sense of invalidation and insult when confronted on her beliefs to which she has a strong stance. Being wrong is, well, wrong, so she makes it a point to be right--so much that she oversteps boundaries to make it adamantly known that she's right--even when she inherently knows she's wrong but doesn't want to have to admit it.

Interesting thing is, this often works against her goals of figuring out something's purpose, why things work, and the literal background of all things around her. Doing any of that, at least most of the time, requires a fairly open mind to capable of really taking in all the information and comprehending things as they are instead of how she wants them to be, and its a personal philosophy of her that whatever she imposes on the world ultimately doesn't matter since it doesn't actually change anything, and by that manner of speaking, there's no point in imposition. This cognitive dissonance and irony of self-concept thereon further contributes to this sense of shame Micaiah intermittently feels even without the whole dynamic of being proven wrong, as just as passive thought she occasionally faces, thereon propagating into some degree of self-hate.

» WORTHLESS: This self-hate, and furthermore inability to really value herself, grows in time, as once the thought is reintroduced to her, often times Micaiah will ruminate over it and strengthen the idea, especially the whole "small-feeling" perspective. Micaiah is vastly interested in "the grand scheme of things", and finds personal enjoyment in viewing the bigger picture. Part of it draws from the feeling of worldly wisdom she'll think she has, another part from feeling like she can understand how the cogs of life function on a larger scale.

Conversely, this inclination to see things from a bigger picture is more than humbling to Micaiah. With how big the universe, with how large the cogs turn, where is her place in all of this? What can she do to contribute to the cog turning, or contribute to ceasing the turning? In fact, no matter what action she takes, in the bigger picture, what impact will any of it have? The answer she's come to is: nothing much. As a speck in the universe, there's limits to what she can perform and influence on a global scale, and having come to terms that there seems to be virtually nothing to change that, Micaiah is in the process of convincing herself that she's alright with that.

But she's not. She wants to make that speck of existence she could call herself, something more than just a speck. Micaiah needs to do things, look for something, and basically find anything that could serve as a reasonable validation for her. Because as she is, Micaiah is nothing. There's nothing she can offer to the world that would make people remember her, nothing to really justify any portion of validation anyone gives her. As she is, Micaiah can't consider herself worth the time of day of anyone, and that's not okay: the girl wants to be validated, to matter, to be loved. And as a doer, she's not content with just sitting around praying that the opportunity comes to her. Micaiah intends to get out into the world and wrest the object of her desires.

That said, this also feeds back into her despondency. To make things clearer, literal gods have existed, and they've technically made few ripples to the universe. The only thing that the gods matter to are the people that they've created, so it's kind of a sense of false impact. Especially because, if even the gods can't make that large of a universal impact, then what about her? The gods are so much more capable, so much more advanced in their powers, influence, network--just superior in every way. And Micaiah isn't one to lie down and admit that she can't do what they can. But, even past that self-confidence and motivation to exceed and even supersede, the present gap between her and them is overwhelming and impossible to ignore.

ALl in all, Micaiah has particularly strong self-acceptance issues, and she's very much aware of it. That in mind, the girl does her best to correct it and do something that may acquiese her self-perception and overall negativity; unfortunately, that's not something so easily done. To get rid of that mindset is to fundamentally change a way of thinking that she's adapted to, and beyond that, Micaiah has gotten to the point of justifying this way of thinking and finding it absolutely true. Earnestly, Micaiah asks herself and responds, "Who am I? No-one, nothing." This point of frustration for her to be aware of how toxic she thinks about herself, and yet finds it valid, but wanting to change it nonetheless, breeds a powerful feeling of helplessness.

The largest contributor to her feeling of helplessness is the amount of effort she puts into the things she pursues. While Micaiah isn't presently aware of it, the object (concept) of her desire is something she's chased after for hundreds of years since birth in her past life. Being reborn was assumed as the catalyst event to finally come across something that could give her purpose, and even then she is met with failure. That inherent feeling lingers in the depths of Micaiah's soul, and despite moving forward regardless, because all she has done and continues to do never seems to go anywhere, the girl feels incredibly helpless.

The North God does her best to know herself, become the master of herself, and act in accordance of her heart. Micaiah does her best to do what's right by her, to pursue what seems to be the best for herself and is the "right path" for her to follow, and when she comes across anything that proves to work in contrast, the girl goes forth and adjusts it, changes and corrects the anomaly. Micaiah isn't one to lie down and accept things as they come, but move forward and change it for herself, and the visible progress brought about when she successfully does these things is a point of pure joy for her--a feeling seldom felt.

And yet, in spite of all that, there's always some occasion or event that comes along the way, showing her that all that progress got her nowhere. That in the end, Micaiah hasn't even grown as a person--she hasn't changed, matured, or in anyway brought herself forward from the same girl she was last week, same girl she was last month, same girl she was last year, same girl she was last life.

All in all, Micaiah just feels absolutely lost. She does her best, and her best never seems to be enough, but that's not something she wants to believe. Micaiah is a firm believer that success comes down to three traits: Effort, Competence, Time. Everyone has the time for it, and anyone can put effort; the only outlier that proves difficult to come across is competence, and that's something the girl would like to believe she holds in spades. And yet, despite holding that self-perception with fortitude, she's consistently met with what seems like failure in her eyes.

That said, Micaiah's self-confidence and resiliency allows her to fall back on the assumption that she just didn't put in enough effort, so all she has to do is go forward and reapply herself to the situation--success is right around the corner, and she just needs to run faster to reach it. That said, it's difficult to correct that inner feeling that no amount of effort will ever be enough. It's a disposition she doesn't want to confront, that she wants no part of, but something she feels deep in her heart nonetheless.

In this case, you could label Micaiah a bit of an optimist. With that feeling in mind, the girl will jump to another uplifting assumption that something else is out there, some other element to contribute to her success; furthermore, that element is somewhere out there, somewhere in reach, and she just needs to find it. It's this far-out hope that things actually can change, that something's out there for her--an answer to all her questions and problems--and that it's a tangible, reachable milestone. Thus, we now come back full circle to her curiosity: something's out there, and she refuses to believe that it's not, so she'll go looking for it, no matter what it takes--even beyond life and death.

» SCARED: All things considered, the question in the back of Micaiah's mind has always happened to be one of persevering doubt. Self-doubt, doubt that she won't be able to find all the answers to her questions, and that everything she's worked on in all reality absolutely has no impact whatsoever. Everything she wants to embody will never be in her reach, and ultimately, Micaiah will only be able to view herself as a massive failure.

This self-perception always seems like a possibility, and not just something possible but the most probable. Thus, Micaiah is scared--absolutely frightened--by the prospect of failure, and because of that, she strongly avoids anything that might lead into failure. Even if she doesn't look into the subject with depth, any signs of leading into failure is quickly dismissed and labeled as something "pointless", "fruitless", and against her goals at the surface, regardless of the underlying details and values. Running away from her problems and anything that might make her face them has become a knee-jerk reaction, and a response Micaiah has grown overly comfortable with.

» DISSOCIATIVE: The thing about running away from your problems is that you never solve them, and because of that? Those problems are here to stay--leaving them means they don't go away. Even worse, your problems can be really aesy for other people to see, and people will point them out. A lot of the time they will even force you to confront them, whether for their machinations as an enemy or because as a friend they care about you. The thing is, Micaiah so fiercely fights the idea of confronting her fears and problems in her head, so you can imagine her response to other people forcing it on her.

The anticipation that other people will see the darkness in her and do just that has become an immediate assumption of people. That said, Micaiah shows a clear aversion to people at times, though more specifically when they start to get too close to her. As she's facetious, it's not difficult to put up a facade for those still kept at a distance and keep them under the assumption that Micaiah is not nearly as vulnerable as one would believe. But when they get a little too close, it intrudes on her comfort zone as a foreign entity that can't be controlled, and in the end it shows off easily as trust issues, not just because she doesn't trust other people, but because she doesn't trust herself.

As aforementioned, Micaiah is a strong believer of accomplishing anything with effort, time, and competence, and not wanting to be proven wrong, or even worse that she's not capable, Micaiah will try to cut off anything that forces confrontation of those fears, and even worse that all the hope she's built up to just barely keep her going, will be all for naught. That being said, her dissociative tendencies also manifest as a self-dependency.

As Micaiah doesn't trust other people. she prefers to only rely on herself, figure things out like an autodidact and progress her path by her own efforts and machinations; outside help can often be seen as an insult. Since, if she really were competent, then she could take care of her problems on her own, so there's no need to ask or receive help, and furthermore, doing so would show to others that she has inescapable vulnerabilities. In a way, this also shows off as a contribution to her facetious nature, and that she has some sort of image to portray and maintain. It's of her preference that other people see her as she sees herself, and chasing this idealised self has become a sort of sub-goal in her efforts to find purpose.

» UNRULY: Mainly because it's a point of pride to be who she says she is. Micaiah is SO concerned with pursuing this idealised self, in fact, that not being wrong and assuring herself that she's doing the right thing, births a sort of hostility when the concept is challenged. Volatile in nature, Micaiah reacts violently at times, if not just generally escalating the situation--typically for the worst--and in her stubbornness, keeps going until she has the last word. Of coures, this is primarily when she's respectively provoked, and not a normality for her.

This hostility and violence is largely in part due to her upbringing, and not as a human (though it hasn't been one to readjust this side of her), but beyond that, her command of an entire sub-dimension in a past life. Being the almighty entity in a given space, there's not really anyone to challenge your authority; conversely, there's also no-one to appropriately guide her. Since birth, Micaiah raised herself, and as a result had to discover things on her own. This made her largely independent, and on top of that birthed this tendency of self-reliance and belief in herself.

The unruly aspects comes in the fact that this also made Micaiah fairly undisciplined. Any actions she might commit were met with no successful or fruitful challenges. After all, as the host of the sub-dimension, there could be no-one to give her consequence of action. In fact, the only time she met someone who had the power and authority to do so, it turned out that they were a kindred spirit who also couldn't be assed to do anything about her attitude and unruliness.

Thus, in a way she was somewhat encouraged. Micaiah had no reason to feel any aversion to doing as she pleased, and with no boundaries or limitations, it's easy to see how her willfulness to escalate indefinitely really isn't an exaggeration. This is further exemplified when someone gets on her nerves, and while her human life has fortunately served to give her a level of self-control, innately Micaiah has an overall distaste for acquiescing to anybody, and contradicting them just for the sake of establishing her independence--or even dominance--and act as a devil's advocate, is a common response in the given circumstance. Pushing her beyond her tolerance levels quickly makes the girl very hostile, and in her head, there's nothing really wrong with that.


» INCEPTION: A little over 50 years after the first Rakshasa was born, in one of the layers far above his own, the second naturally born Rakshasa came to be. In many ways, she experienced similar circumstance, in that nothing was around her. Nobody, and nothing. Shurpa--as she soon came to name herself--found hegemony over an entirely barren layer, for which her title meant nothing. That realisation came to define her.

Shurpa scoured her realm, vying to understand every bit of it. If it was hers to own, command, and manage, then it would be wise to understand it to completion. Unfortunately, there was little to understand, because little occupied it. The rakshasa found that very much of the commanding power vested in her had nowhere to be bestowed, and thus it was worthless. This ideology transformed into the concept of her own self being of no worth.

With this in mind, Shurpa came to be born very much depressed. Her first philosophical thought was that there was nothing to her, and that with nothing around her, there was also absolutely nothing to defy this line of thinking. And yet, she came to dislike it. Not sure what to do with what she knew, Shurpa sought something to change that paradigm. If she had no worth, then she must simply create her own worth. It wouldn't be that difficult, would it? She had an entire realm to fuel her desires. It was a trivial objective.

Thus, Shurpa went on to explore her powers and look out of her realm to see the world outside of it. For a while she was filled with absolute wonder, and a desire to scourge the entirety of the universe around her, not just the bubble that was her layer. But, that's not where her end-goal lied. Being out there obviously wasn't what she needed; Shurpa was made for this layer that she commanded. To defy that purpose, despite the little attachment she felt for it, was counter-intuitive to her entire ideology.

Thus, Shurpa did the opposite and opened her layer, allowing outside influences to come into it. And it worked. As she opened her layer, souls came pouring in. To accentuate filling her realm with life, the rakshasa also took it upon herself to fill it with life. Molding the energies at her disposal, Shurpa made her own forms of life based on what she understood about life. Through this melding of creatures with some degree of free-will and individual thought, and especially their interaction with authentic vestiges of human life and otherwise, Shurpa's intent was to hopefully find something non-linear, a concept out of her control and reach to really give a sense of purpose beyond the soulless and bland "management of one of hell's layers".

» DETERMINATION: Several experiences came by as her realm began to flourish, and subsocieties started forming. In a way, Shurpa's realm became a world of its own, with her part to play being really just anything she arbitrarily decided. On occasion, Shurpa partook in these societies and their formed cultures. When wars occurred, she would either stay as an observer, other times participate on whichever side she fancied more--which obviously spelled absolute doom for the opposing nation. Most enjoyable were kingdoms made to oppose her own hegemony, wherein crushing their fanatical overreaching dreams was very pleasurable.

But all these experiences still left her grasping at intangible answers to her existential questions. The rakshasa did all that she could, replicating what the outside realms held in her own to get a better, closer look; the lives she made and the lives that entered her domain, she split apart, tearing people limb from limb to find exactly what makes other people tick, because clearly some of these people had answers to justify their own continuous existence, whereas she did not. The curiosity driving her only served to expand in a desperate series of attempts to give herself purpose, each time falling short.

Eventually, Shurpa becomes sure of the natural difficulty in finding the answer to these questions. Beyond that, she finds certainty that this natural difficulty is intrinsic to her status as a rakshasa. The binding, inherent and sole purpose innate to a rakshasa to be a guardian of hell is debilitating, and as she's met no other rakshasa, it can only be assumed that this is the defining trait and shared disposition of them all. Further fortifying this assumption was some latent, mutual feeling coming from an entity far deep below her. She could feel its gaze, scanning over all the layers above him, and eventually stopping at her layer--if only for a moment--exuding a cold, yet relateable aura. Like the feelings driving this glare were identical to her own. What further supported this theory was the fact that so many of the souls she had come across, all of which derived from the outside worlds, happened to have an idea or sense for their purpose. So, if the issue isn't her, then clearly it's the place she's in.

Thus, her new milestone to reach was freedom from her status as a rakshasa. But it wasn't enough to just take leave from her layer and explore the outside worlds. All that was only temporary; she would still be intrinsically tied to, dependent on, and subservient to the needs of her personal realm. So Shurpa kicked into high-drive and pursued true and proper freedom full-time, seeking total detachment from being a guardian of hell.

» MEET HER WATCHER: Shurpa's daily life didn't change drastically overall. Much of it was still consumed adhering to her personal whims and exploring anything she came across, feeding that insatiable curiosity always on full bloom within her. In fact, while looking at full-bloom flowers beginning to wilt and wondering what drives their death beyond natural progressions of flora biology, Shurpa started to earnestly wonder what happens in the other layers, and how things went by in other realms.

And so, the rakshasa opened her layer to peer into the other realms above and below her, and eventually her eyes met with something familiar. Shurpa formed direct eye-contact--beyond several spanning realms--with the being she once felt the gaze of many years ago. In that moment, she knew that he had been watching her, and through this feeling--almost akin to some form of camaraderie, if you could call it that--Shurpa gained some confidence in leaving her layer for the first time.

The girl descended rapidly through the realms, many of them still empty and thus easy to traverse through, especially considering the only factor that would really prevent this was that being all the way down in nearly the bottom-most layer of hell. Fortunately, he evidently had no intent in stopping her. When finally arriving to his domain, for once in a long time, maybe the first time ever, Shurpa felt some genuine, heartfelt and earnest excitement.

It wasn't a very spectacular first meeting. The conversation was very simple, in fact, with nothing really fruitful or progressive coming out of it. Towards the end, the dynamic instead seemed to be familial, or two very good friends, in both all the right and wrong ways. The being, Ravan, wasn't so receptive of Shurpa's vigour in their meeting, but knowing that he never stopped her from approaching him, she knew things would be alright.

In fact, Shurpa grew very fond of Ravan, who was a kindred spirit, especially in experiences and upbringing, and even more-so this childish, unruly aspect to him that she ridiculed, but felt all too similar to herself under the surface. This meeting even provoked her to be more sentimental, and pour deeper feelings out, knowing that it annoyed him for her to be so overly familiar, but still comforting all the same, like some weird contrasting dynamic that just felt like it fit together.

During their talks, by now being one of many through a span of many different meetings, Shurpa could see the depression in Ravan's eyes consuming him. She knew it so well because it was that exact feeling she felt from him when the girl first felt his gaze lie on her layer. Shurpa knew it all the better considering she felt the exact same way. Well, maybe not exactly the same. Knowing his disposition, especially on their continued, tortuous existence of eternity without reason or purpose beyond the unfavourable "guarding hell", Shurpa shared her thoughts on doing anything but "that".

"Hey, there's a way out of here. I know there is. And I'm going to find it--so why don't you help me out?"

Of course, Ravan was pissed--nothing out of the usual. But this kind of anger bubbling in him was a little different form the norm. It felt more solemn, like a sort of rage built from grief. Thereon, he let her know that he wouldn't take an active stance or position in helping her achieve her goal, especially since it was indicative of abandoning their duty assigned to them at birth and insubordination--not that Ravan would actually care all that much--but he would at least let her know if he found anything of pertinence and interest. In a way, it seemed like he already gave up, which offered her a deep sadness.

From there, Shurpa never mentioned this aspiration of hers, though she never stopped trying to find the "way out". The two still kept in touch, mainly from Shurpa's initiation and Ravan's reluctant reciprocation, but in their conversations one could tell a close bond forming, enough that Shurpa--who had no surname at the time--decided to take up Ravan's.

» SUCCESS: Ravan was anticipating Shurpa to arrived to his layer unannounced and uninvited around this time. At this point it was pretty standard and regular that she would arrive at consistent and predictable intervals, so he mentally prepared himself for her inevitable arrival, and also for several tables and various other furniture to be destroyed in their upcoming arguments. And for those arguments to escalate because most of the furniture in Ravan's sorrowfully dark layer were gifts from Shurpa, and she'd undoubtedly throw a fit over his lack of appreciation, the banter quickly coming to a close because neither of them ultimately cared all that much to begin with.

However, none of that happened. Shurpa hadn't showed up at his doorstep with more greeting gifts for them to most likely break and scatter. The girl knew Ravan was never the type to leave his layer, calling him a "lazy fuck" because of it, and so she was always the one to make the trip up to him; the fact that it didn't happen was bothering, like a hard-to-reach itch. Eventually, through his tainted skin he took to viewing Shurpa's layer to get a good idea on her tardiness.

Lo'n'behold, the reason for her not arriving lied in the fact that Shurpa was now dead. Her body lied on the floor, lifeless, and there was no sign of struggle, nothing to indicate that she had been slain or in any way murdered. In fact, there was doubt for there to be even a possibility that Shurpa was killed. The raskhasa out of boredom made her creations wage war on the souls inhabiting her realm, very often at the forefront, and through just her sheer capacity and skill to fight and control the circumstances of her realm so acutely and arbitrarily--this wasn't someone who could be knocked down, especially without making an absolute mess of her layer.

The only rational conclusion--the one that Ravan knew in his heart--was that she committed suicide. And from there, senseless rage filled him. Enough rage to prompt countless souls to be denied access to the soul cycle in permanence. Rage from feeling betrayed that she didn't come to him with these machinations in mind. Rage that she left him behind in this literal fucking hell hole. Rage that she didn't tell him how she was going to do it.

From that day onward, Shurpa's designated layer continuously grew more and more chaotic due to not having a manager, neither rakshasa or hell beast to maintain control of the layer. Despite this, the layer never gave birth to a new rakshasa, letting it stay absolutely distraught.

» DESCENT: The Solomon Islands were surprisingly peaceful despite the constant wars and majors powers throwing around nuclear-level blasts all around the surrounding nations. Though they kept up with the times, especially through media, their ways of life were kept fairly simple, often opting for simpler activities and social structures that weren't primordial and respectively modern, but attached to culture and tradition. Part of this cultural dynamic was old-school fishing. It wasn't the agricultural powerhouse of the small nation of islands, but it was definitely prevalent, especially in areas on the coasts of the islands.

The beaches of Solomon were unusually calm this day, prompting many fishermen to go out and spend the day on what was anticipated as a day for fortuitous harvest. Then, out of the blue, they saw a basket floating across the unusually calm and clear waters, its movements toward land causing clear but soft ripples. Wherever the ripples touched, dead fish would rise to the surface. It was a frightening oddity, some might label a deadly omen, but for some fairly carefree fishermen, they took the occasion as it was--an easy, fruitful harvest.

Thus, instead of viewing the baby as some sort of advent of death, but some deity of good luck, one of the fishermen close to the basket picked up the child and took her with him. Honestly, it was a peculiar and surrealistic series of events happening to some eccentric people, as this circumstances would definitely not have panned out as it did otherwise. In fact, these group of fishermen were so eccentric, superstitious even, that they heralded this baby as an actual god of sea and sky. Though these perceptions were kept fairly low-key, their actions of praise and favour exemplified what they actually felt, and oddly enough they felt rewarded with following events.

» A NEW LIFE: Micaiah--the name of the baby girl--grew up like a golden child. Her adoptive parents--who were very open about her adoption--gave her much love, her father especially passionately teaching her how to fish in a variety of manners, and often bringing her out to sea. Somewhere in his eyes there seemed to be a tinge of ulterior motive, but the love in his expressions were genuine. It was likewise for the other fishermen and their wives, almost as if this whole village took great pleasure in raising her. They were especially doting towards her whimsical wants and needs.

For example, her mood towards what sort of food she wanted. If Micaiah had a preference of fish for that day, many households decided on making it the harvest for the day, and as if her will was the will of the seas, the fish of her preference happened to be bountiful. Though other species were within range of the fishing, it was without a doubt majorly her preference that came about, only further reinforcing the idea of her divinity.

The girl herself wasn't so receptive to this treatment, however; she definitely reciprocated all the love the people gave her. While the reason for their love of her may be to some degree shallow, it was genuine, and perceived as such. But as Micaiah grew older and more aware of what her worth was to the villagers, she also became more self-conscious of herself and the position she held. Fear sprouted, in that all her worth was dependent on the fortune surrounding her.

What if she no longer brought good harvest? Would her self-worth also disappear? Was the love she received no longer to be reserved for her? Micaiah was an intelligent child, at least compared to others her age in this village, but that was it. The needs of the village didn't depend on smart children, so outside of this peculiar gift, there wasn't much she could offer.

This gradually turned into self-deprecation, though well hidden from the adults. Particularly because they were most receptive to her blatant conveyance, not paying attention to the emotions welling in her heart. It was likewise for the children around her. Similarly, they offered care for her, but mostly care about what she made obvious. Whether it was a matter of their intellect or her ability to offer a facade, it didn't matter. In the end, it made Micaiah feel isolated, and in a way, persecuted.

All in all, she just felt different, and that sense of difference also seemed histrionic, further resulting in self-persecution, introversion, and in the end self-hatred. If Micaiah was to ever leave this village--what purpose did she hold? What value did she hold outside of this bubbled culture? Did she as a person have any worth, or just her peculiar gifts?

» CHANGE OF PACE: Into her teenage years, Micaiah's introversion became more obvious. She didn't stay long at the petite school that held a student body fit for such a small village, so it was very obvious that she went straight home. The excursions out with her father into the sea to fish alongside him also grew less frequent, and in turn the worries of those around her increased.

Was something wrong with their golden child? Was something wrong with them, perhaps? Did they do something to anger their pseudo-goddess? The more they pressed these worries forward and confronted her, trying to understand her, the more lonely she felt. As, the more they tried to know her heart, the further she pushed them away.

This inherently cast a terrible mood in their village, and the harvests from the sea reflected that. Micaiah, taking notice to the events, felt even worse, as she felt responsible. She felt her worries were trivial, and that a person should be contributing to her community if they had her gifts. Furthering the self-hatred, she tried to be more proactive, once in a while going out with her father; but that didn't change her feelings, and the sea reflected that, as even with her going out with the fishermen, wearing a mask that showed she was doing just fine, the harvests were still poor.

» SOLOMON RUINS: The girl was at a vulnerable stage in her life, and very often acted on this vulnerability. To the extent that, the feeling of responsibility was fairly crushing. Though she convinced herself that it was an action made with the good of the people in mind, in truth Micaiah truly was just running away from her problems. Literally.

With a meager note that conveyed her apologies, Micaiah literally ran away. She ran further inland, away from the coastal village she called home. Running into the temperate forests where civilisation was not so strongly established, she ran with a sense of liberation welling through. The further she ran, the less heavy her heart, so the girl figured this was the right course of action. She ran so far in that Micaiah even lost track of where she was. And now, in the most literal sense, she really was lost. And in turn, very fearful.

It was easily said that Micaiah led a sheltered life in an environment that catered to her. Being alone, without a safety net to fall in, she had no clue what to do. It was too late to go back, unfortunately; even if she knew the way back, pride and fear or reprisal prevented that much. The only thing left to do was keep moving forward. And as she did, Micaiah curiously came upon a building reminiscent of some old European castle, or maybe a stone temple. Though, it was broken down from time and rain.

» TEMPORAL RELIC: She had no shelter, so Micaiah's options were fairly limited. For now, it seemed best to enter. It was pure darkness inside save for a light just ahead, presumably from moonlight that shined through the vacant roof broken down. Naturally, the only way to progress was to move towards the light. In a way, that kind of thought seemed foreboding to Micaiah, but there really was nothing else for her to do.

When she arrived at the end, the girl found that the roof overhead was still in place, and the light instead came from an object on the pedestal in the middle of the room. At this point, Micaiah was running on adrenaline to force herself to move forward, so by the time she came into the room, to some degree much of her fears and inhibitions were suppressed. What took their place was curiosity, and truth be told Micaiah had a hefty problem with curiosity; it usually drove her less than optimal actions. Likewise with this situation.

The girl approached the luminescent object; the light wasn't blinding, but enough to make its shape incredibly vague. And, upon touching it, the scenery changed.

» VICARA PLANES: Not by much, though. She was definitely inside a temple, though small differences such as the engravings on the wall and a different sort of atmosphere was present. The pedestal in the middle was different, too. Instead of the shining object, there was a different object in its place--a sword, curiously enough. It was large, and decorative. It didn't seem very practical for a sword, though the presence it emitted was almost tangible.

Of course what else was there to do except grab it? And, anticipating something to happen, Micaiah was met with disappointment. The glowing ceased, and once she unsheathed it from the pedestal, all that remained was a simple, large and embellished sword. Micaiah felt a bit foolish, but nothign could be done about that.

The girl moved onward the same way she came into the temple, eventually leaving to see just how different the surroundings were. Before her was a massive desert that seemed to stretch on for miles, and behind her an entirely different temple. Well, not too different. More than anything, it just looked like the same temple from Solomon Islands before years and weather eroded the building. Otherwise, it looked exactly the same.

During this time, Micaiah's mental state recalibrated to some degree. The adrenaline combined with curiosity towards her new surroundings, as well as a bit of time to reconsider her circumstances brought the girl to a much calmer state of mind. Overcoming her initial fear, only wonder remained.

Naturally, going out into the desert aimlessly was a no-go; therefore, Micaiah decided to hole back up into the temple. If you thought about it sensibly, this temple seemingly in the middle of nowhere, that glowed with a decorative sword in the centre, had to contain more than just this sword. If there wasn't more to it, there'd be no point.

Once she walked back to the pedestal room, Micaiah inserted the sword a couple more times while surveying the room. Maybe some stone pushed in to reveal a secret room, maybe there was some button on the pedestal. All in all, she was just making the standard rounds of investigating a suspicious room.

After a few iterations, Micaiah found that the pedestal twisted a bit as she pulled out the sword. So, with one more go she inserted the sword and--leaving the blade in--twisted it with all her might. Lo'n'behold, the topside of the pedestal rotated with the sword, and in the back of the room the opposite side of the hall she came through, the stone wall protruded and split into two sections, revealing a dark corridor.

Micaiah walked down the corridor only to find a much larger room. Curiously enough, the room held another pedestal in the centre, and while the room was larger, there wasn't any other details standing out in contrast to the previous room. With that in mind, the only course of actions left available was to once again insert the sword into this new pedestal.

» GLIMPSE: Energy pulsated throughout the ground, rippling inward before retracting into the pedestal. The pedestal absorbed the light, illuminating the room before the light was then sucked up by the sword, now glowing. After some time, when the sword reached critical luminescence, the pedestal violently broke apart, fortunately leaving Micaiah unharmed.

This time with a bit more reservation, Micaiah approached the sword and grasped it once more. The sword's glow waned until it was once more a simple sword, though this time a feeling of presence emanated from it. To pair with the presence was an audible voice--an old, male voice.

The voice conveyed to her some details about himself--though she reluctantly listened despite never having asked. It spoke of a bygone era, one so long ago that a soul merely 400 years old like Micaiah wouldn't remember him. That he was apparently the king of these lands, once upon a time.

Of course, that little detail caught her attention. At this time, Micaiah was about 14. She quickly stopped the voice, inquiring what he meant by her being a 400 year old soul. The voice replied in turn, saying that it may be quicker to simply show her than tell her.

Micaiah reeled back, as images flooded her mind. She was drawn into some trance-like state, looking through memories of her past life as Shurpa, enduring the reaches of hell to reach some ultimate goal. Not everything was grasped, but Micaiah saw more than enough to fully understand her circumstances.

The girl fell unconscious, and after some time awoke with a bit of a headache, but a much more reserved and calm expression. As the memories of her past came back to her to some degree, hints of her old persona came through, though as she saw it Micaiah was still Micaiah: regardless of past lives influencing her presently.

One thing she did notice was something intrinsically attached to her memories. Micaiah felt like her body was massively invigorated, like some energy was pulsating through her, violently even. As she felt more physically excited, a bit hotblooded even, the energy grew, as if replicating her mental state.

With some explanation from the old voice, they discerned that something may have been intrinsically attached to her memories, though to some degree it was a little vague. But, with Micaiah explaining the sensations and portions of her memories, and the old voice's seemingly infinite wisdom, at some level Micaiah had a better grasp of what this power was and what it represented.

» DEAD HELP: All things said, the return of these memories didn't offer her much solace. In fact, Micaiah now felt even more lost. After 400 years, she still had no purpose, lacking whatever there was to do. Whatever ended her life in the end wasn't enough either, as a new life offered no comfort of closure. At this point, now what was she to do?

The voice replied, saying, "Anything." That she could do whatever she wanted. Especially in contrast from her previous life, she really did find the truest freedom available to her. So, there was an opportunity to pursue anything; and if she needed help, the voice was here for her. Albeit in the sword, but there nonetheless.

The voice said vestiges of its conscience was sealed into the sword posthumous, though it had no intention to be released. In fact, being released would just remove this conscience from reality entirely, as its true form had already died off long ago, and he had no intentions of returning to the living. Micaiah, having forgot this entire time, introduced herself, and in turn learned that this voice's name used to be "Maujūda".

After exchanging pleasantries, Micaiah was instilled with a bit more confidence. With Maujuda's words, she felt that there really was more to her. What she boiled down to wasn't just some luck goddess for a mere fisherman village. Of course, usually Micaiah would be self-reproving in the past from arrogant thoughts like this, though some slipped by without her noticing, especially with a much broader and larger sense of reality given her memories as a rakshasa.

This confidence in play, Micaiah set out into the Vicara plains, this feeling of vitality flowing through her telling her that traversing the desert wouldn't be a difficult task. There was less fear in her, an aspiring mindset in play, that pushed her forward to really follow Majuda's words: to do as she pleased. If she had no purpose for the time being, look for it. In the meantime, she could hone herself, as a person, as someone wielding some degree of power--anything, frankly. Since she had that freedom, try everything! There was only time, effort, and her personal competence in effect, and so long as she had three, there was no need to stop at being a "jack of all trades, master of none". If possible, just become the master of all trades.

» THE NORTH GOD: From hereon, Micaiah roamed the realm a bit, accumulating knowledge, self-mastery, weapon mastery, and experience in all manners. Here and there, she learned where she was and to some extent a broader understanding of herself and her powers. To some effect, she put them to use as well, engaging in fights, maybe saving a town or a building from less than accommodating demons.

Roaming for over a year, doing as she pleased like a normal demon, made it so that no-one really suspected her of being a human. Though, even if she was, there'd be no issues as the Demon World was a large place. Despite their antagonistic culture, demons were pretty accepting of foreigners, as met a wide variety of people in her travels--even shinigami and iramasha at times, though they were exceptionally rare.

Over time, Micaiah inevitably made a name for herself. Though nothing to the extent of being known all over the place, at least in the Vicara Plane information spread of an unruly child, eccentric and peculiar in personality, but usually a good girl--often violent when sized up. With mixed feelings on her public appearance, Micaiah was sometimes asked more personal questions. "Where are you from? Where did you learn to fight? Do you work for the palace?"

To some degree, it was indicative of Micaiah's abilities and power, though she treated it particularly cautiously. While the girl didn't gain some strides in progressing herself, it still wasn't to the same level of power she had in the past, or even close to Ravan. But, being attached to the palace was still, in most forms, a complement of her strength.

Generally, the girl responded vaguely, though over time she more or less developed a bit of a backstory for herself to make answering these types of things much easier. For example, that she came from the northern lands, and that its common to find people utilising larger weapons up there. That the style is called "North God Sword Style" or something. While initially it was used as a mere justification of her present self to the more inquiring folk, it stuck on, and soon enough people began to call her "The North God".

After some time and traveling, for nearly a year in the demon lands, for the most part Micaiah felt that she learned all she could as far as the Demon Realm was concerned. Though Maujuda thought otherwise, the North God felt it was at least time to move on. At some point, a bit of nostalgia set in for her home, at least in this life. That in mind, Micaiah set out and made her journey home.

» BACK FOR MORE: Once returning, she felt a similar sensation, one she felt a year ago when she first saw her past life. An energy started to pulsate through her, and according to Maujuda, it would be her powers as a human becoming accessible. Once she landed in this realm, the exposure to the energy surrounding revitalised the dormant energy within.

Learning a bit more about herself and her abilities, Micaiah figured that traversing the realms was the next step in self-progression. And, maybe there she could find something that lead her to a truer purpose, a higher sense of self-discovery and longing. Something, anything--it was out there, hopefully.


Last edited by Sage on Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:05 am; edited 7 times in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C] Empty Re: Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C]

Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:13 pm



» Akshaya Patra: This item's origins began innumerable years ago, back when the Vicara Planes still had a master. It was at this time that the demon world was still waging wars globally, all sorts of people vying for supremacy, to prove themselves, to find no equal or live the perfect life. Regardless of reason, these times were violent, and impactful in many ways beyond the battlefield.

During this time, the master of the Vicara Planes came across agricultural issues throughout his realm. As wars pillaged lands and made the soil useless, even methods to improve the environment fell short at the frontiers. To combat this issue, if at least temporarily, the king created an item of incredible potential, with fairly philanthropic reasons.

The Akshaya Patra was formed, an item that had near inexhaustible room within a tiny gourd, demon magic in play to condense materials going inside it, and expand the space within the gourd. Unfortunately, it required such strength to create, making multiple gourds was not only extremely taxing, but dangerous. Since, although the initial purpose was to transport food to the frontier and keep his people fed throughout the land, the fires of war had the Akshaya eventually re-purposed.

During the height of war with their western adversaries, the King of the Vicara Planes decided to begin using the Akshaya Patra gourd to start transporting weapons and military might across the lands and fortify his army at the borders. Unfortunately, the King was eventually slain, and the Akshaya Patra had a powerful magic placed on it which made it entirely unusable after his death. The gourd was carried by the King in his last moments, using it to switch his armaments to fight the opposing king before being killed. As such, much of the king's personal equipment was preserved in the gourd.

Akshaya Patra, having been unlocked by Micaiah with help from the previous King's lingering conscience within the Beni-ashi-hashi sword, has made the gourd once more functional. Akshaya Patra allows items to be pulled out on command, mentally linked to the user, so items from within the gourd can be summoned by a mere thought.

Fortunately, no living beings can be stored in the gourd. The king feared it might be used improperly to imprison beings within it, to forever be lost, and as such, anything containing a complete and organic soul cannot be placed within the gourd. By this nature, it exempts most cases, but some exceptions can pass through.

These exceptions include shinigami zanpakutos, as while they do house a soul within it (the zanpakuto spirit), it is only a part of the shinigami's soul, and therefore not a whole. This doesn't mean the gourd can just suck an opponent's zanpakuto into the gourd indiscriminately, as the connection must be severed before the weapon can be placed into the gourd. This means either by forcibly removing the zanpakuto from the opponent's grasp, or even severing the connection between the two.

Other armaments intrinsically attached to a person outside of spiritual or magical attachment (as the shinigami zanpakuto is) can't be stored in Akshaya Patra. Specifically, items composed partially of a person's body, such as the arrancar zanpakuto, or the Demonio Visera's Shometsu Ken. These weapons are a part of a physical body, and are therefore considered a physically organic entity. As such, severed body parts cannot be stored in the Akshaya Patra either.

Another restriction is that anything put into the divine item must have substance. This means that nothing comprised entirely of energy, whether it be an energy attack or ability launched at Micaiah, can be circumvented by swallowing it with the gourd. Though, if the enemy throws a projectile with substance that happens to be enhanced by energy, this is possible to absorb.

Additionally, nothing in contact with an organic being (saved the user, aka Micaiah) can be taken into the gourd either. The old King was a demon, but to some extent a fairly righteous man, and detested the cowardice of blatant theft in combat. He was to slay his enemies from the front, and demonstrate his power without cheap tricks to truly enforce the idea of his amazing strength.

The only exception to this clause is if the item in another's hand is a "card". More specifically, another function of Akshaya Patra is to take an object and condense it into the form of a card. This is to allow larger objects to be put into the gourd and reasonably stored. That said, this means that if the user puts an item into the gourd whilst another person is handling it, it means that to some extent that item has been in their control prior, as it takes time and energy to turn an item into a card, and that's impossible through blatant theft. The cards must be formed when the item is already in Micaiah's hands. Hold as in she must be supporting the entire weight of the item before turning it into a card.

By this method, it's also possible to store items in their condensed card form on the body instead of the gourd, and while the difference is minimal, it does make it possible to summon items more quickly, and additionally share the items with allies. Otherwise, the user summons items from the gourd in their natural state, and some larger objects are harder to hand off to allies in its original state, in comparison to passing them a card.

» Heaven's Gates: One of the Armaments of the Demon King, likely the most shrouded in mystery, and a key factor to his near unending rule. Legend has it the king of the Vicara Plane drew strength from his origin to conjure this item, utilising the thoughts and wonder of the innumerable living beings that deified the celestial bodies to form it. Just as the stars all over the sky were ever present regardless of realm and region, Heaven's Gates functioned as a sort of ethereal network that connected all the worlds.

As the king which reigned over thought this wasn't an impossible feat; however, channeling the celestial bodies as a conduit to form an enigmatic tool not only took a far greater toll on him than ever anticipated, but revealed the darker side of the power of thought and collective conscience. By reaching into the heavens above and combining it with the omnipresent power of thought, in a certain sense the king was imposing on the realm of gods. Thus, Heaven's Gates opened to offer its user untold power, but it demanded that the power given was consequentially returned in some form or another.

The strength of power granted by the item is reciprocated by the amount the person must give up. Essentially, there must be some equivalent transfer, so simply pouring energy into Heaven's Gate won't serve to do much more than just directly empower oneself. This won't actually produce anything of worth. The important thing to note is that the value of what's given up to Heaven's Gate is judged by the user's thoughts and the collective conscience's view of value, or their perception of what the user's values are. Essentially, what's given to Heaven's Gate to judge what can be attained from it relies on a system of determination.

The collective conscience is represented by the interdimensional conventional views and can be perceived with an ambiguous humanoid shape. This humanoid being can speak with an indiscernible voice that nonetheless clearly communicates. In this sense, the user can actually directly communicate with the collective conscience, and in turn the conscience can more clearly communicate with the user's most inner thoughts and desires so as to formulate what it will take and what it will grant. Furthermore, opening the gate lets one see beyond and into it, staring into the abyss whilst it stares back.

To better illustrate, a person who tries to summon omnipotent power to surpass their tribulations, maybe someone who is trying to save a loved one, if their greatest wish is to hear their loved one once more, that power granted can be enough to overcome their challenges, but the cost is their hearing, and they will never hear anything ever again, including the voice of their loved one.

Another example may be someone wanting to summon the power of Heaven's Gates in the midst of a heated battle, with the user on the losing end. In their desperation, they utilise Heaven's Gates to find the power to vanquish their foe as they perceive the enemy to be pure evil, and their goals in life is to cleanse the world of evil. It should be noted that Heaven's Gates is not absolute and ultimate power, and while it can grant the user the power to enhance damage against those the user deems evil, essentially giving them the power of judgement, that doesn't assure victory. The user's powers are not unlimited, but regardless of victory, Heaven's Gates will still take its price for granting the user their power.

In this instance, since the wish is to defeat the enemy, if they succeed they might retain this power of judgement, and if they fail and are defeated, they will never be able to summon the power of judgement again. On top of this, the user will still be effected by the equivalency law of Heaven's Gates. As a result, the user can lose their ability to make judgements on people, such that for the person who wants to cleanse the world of evil, every single person they meet will be seen as evil. The user will grow paranoid, distraught with anxiety as they are surrounded by their altered perceptions, eventually driven to utter insanity.

Utilising Heaven's Gates also has some lasting, passive effects. They say gazing at god is to gain wisdom in itself, and to some degree it's true. Looking into Heaven's Gate is like viewing all of creation's machinations, the thoughts and views all coagulated into one enormous abyss of infinite knowledge. Although it's always an expanse of knowledge far beyond what anybody could ever perceive in totality, the longer you gaze into it, the more one can learn. Conversely, the longer you gaze, the more the mind is corroded with uninterpreted visions, as these visions are representative of the thoughts, views, and collective interdimensional conscience. As such, to some extent the raw information is akin to the truths of the worlds as perceived by innumerable minds, and excessive exposure will progressively destroy the mind. Memories will be lost forever, the senses will be diluted, hallucinations foreign to the body will plague the victim until they become nothing more than a gibbering, dysfunctional mess in permanence.

» Beni-asi-hashi: The King of the Vicara Planes was heralded as wise beyond his already innumerable years, and fairly unambitious. He was content with what he had, and even in his passing it was said that there were no regrets. Historians speculated that one of the largest reasons for a content expression on his face even when slain in battle was due to having a contingency.

While his physical body was without a doubt destroyed and the man killed in totality, there was evidence of the king anticipating his death and creating a tool capable of housing his conscience. This was Beni-asi-hashi's purpose.

As the sword which holds Maujuda's soul, Beni-asi-hashi is the most powerful sword in Micaiah's arsenal. This isn't due to its unbridled, domineering power which constitutes the majority of the girl's weapons. Instead it's due to the sheer versatility and number of applications the weapon can provide, and above all else the wisdom of the previous demon king. These abilities can work independently and separate from Micaiah, though the majority of what it provides is support and utility based.

The crux of Beni-asi-hashi's applications is reliant on Maujuda's thought related abilities as the previous Danava of Thought. For a more illustrative, story-based range of abilities, this allows for telepathy and mental communications, native and foreign astral projections, historical vision on items and people, clairvoyance, and karmic perception (perceiving the fate/connection between characters). A couple of these abilities do have superlative applications, however.

For the most part, Beni-asi-hashi hinges on Micaiah's will skills as the conduit, with most of the applications capable of being inhibited by a much more powerful and practiced person. This restriction moreso applies to Maujuda's ability to tamper with dreams or manipulate a person's perception by creating ethereal, intangible constructs, imagery, sounds, and feelings. This can also apply to the historical vision on people, though items is not so easily inhibited.

Another powerful application from the weapon is a limited for of imagination construction. Though Beni-asi-hashi can provide tangible psychic constructs, even to the extent of mindless automated entities, this is all sustained by the user's energy, as the sword also merely acts as a conduit. Depending on the creation, this sort of ability can usurp a great deal of Micaiah's energy, and more importantly, utilising this ability is extremely mentally taxing. Reason being, imagination construction relies on Micaiah's own imaginative power, thus it requires intricate, cognitive thought to manifest these things. Of course for more plot related applications, Beni-asi-hashi is also capable of summoning about the imaginations of others--still at the cost of Micaiah's energy.

The largest weakness of the weapon is the fact that Beni-asi-hashi interacts as if it were an demon. That is to say, abilities, spells, and effects in general which are especially effective against demons are just as harmful to the weapon as if it were an actual demon. Furthermore, as it's essentially powered by a weak version of Maujuda's conscience, it is wholly ineffective against holy constructs and effects.

» Agneyastra's Edge: The Agneyastra was originally the weapon of a great demon general in the Vicara King's army. He was most notably known as a man with great intellectual strength, a fearsome strategist that won wars with his mind rather than his herculean strength. Due to his unique talents, the general was also a particularly focused target for assassination, even amongst other generals.

This general was fond of baths, frequenting them whenever he could, even out in the frontiers and battlefields. He took a bath or created one wherever his army camped out, never missing a day. It was during one of these baths that the great general met his downfall.

Distracted by enjoying the comfort of the waters, an assassin successfully infiltrated his camp and killed the general, using his own Agneyastra to do the deed, leaving the weapon submerged in the waters. THe assassin was never caught, as he delayed a chase by sprinkling red flower petals across the surface of the bath water to hide Agneyasta within the bath, as well as the blood flowing out from the general.

Unbeknownst to the assassin, the demon general, renown for his brilliant mind, was from a race of demons known for there characteristic unbridled rage and empowerment from this rage. As a result, the blood from the general coated Agneyastra, and the weapon in turn absorbed the demon's essence. Agneyastra became Agneyastra's Edge, the blade now being a weapon that sought to enact its infinite wrath, the rage of its master, a maddened demon.

When word of the general perished, those which touched Agneyastra were rapidly consumed with uncontrollable rage and attacked those around them indiscriminately. Once whoever touched it was successfully detained, controlled, or unfortunately killed, the Akshaya Patra gourd was used to transport the weapon back to the King, the general's body following afterwards.

The Vicara Plane's king was a wise and experienced man, and after discerning the nature of Agneyastra's inception as a transformed weapon, stowed the item away in his gourd, never to be seen again. The general was held a lavish funeral, the ceremony of his honours used to cover the inadvertent legacy he left behind.

Agneyastra, a large crimson red sword around five feet long, is attuned to the anger of the user. If the user isn't enraged, then there isn't much to offer passively. However, if the user is angry, scaling with their emotional state, Agneyastra grows heavier, at no additional burden to the user. Depending on how angry the wielder, Agneyastra can potentially reach several hundred tonnes in weight.

Additionally, Agneyastra's emission of energy is increased, also at no expense to the user, as the energy emitted is entirely from the weapon itself as opposed to siphoning or using the user's energy to enhance itself. At its peak, the energy released by Agneyastra is enough to decimate an entire small island if the energy is concentrated in a single, highly condensed blow. Of course, the more damage done, the higher the energy expenditure, which in turn makes it more difficult to continuously sustain the weapon's enraged state. After completely expending its energy, the weapon is still usable but no longer has any special effects connected to the wielder's emotional state. It still retains other passive effects, however.

By nature, in its enraged state Agneyasta's blows propelled by its weight and energy emission also offers an explosive effect with every blow, the level of the explosion dependent on how much energy is expended per blow. So, while a full energy-expenditure in one full blow could decimate a small island (the size of the hydrogen bomb's island), even smaller and less concentrated strikes still offer explosive damage, just at a smaller scale. Therefore, each attack from Agneyastra is an attack which also damages the surrounding area.

A passive application of the Agneyastra, and one more related to its original effects to use blood as a conduit to empower itself, is that the general's weapon could absorb blood and replicate the effects of the owner of that blood. This works by imprinting the latent energy and DNA, or some other identifier of the owner of the blood, and replicating the nature of its source material. This then enhances the sword with a passive buff depending on the blood's owner.

For example, if the sword came into contact with Micaiah's blood? Her Asura blood will offer Agneyastra an aura of strength, in turn physically empowering the wielder several times over as it uses its own energy as a conduit to offer the exponential increase. Alternatively, if the sword had a taste of Shadin Yuudeshi? Given the man's strength and relative theme, Agneyasta would be coated with an electrical aura, even capable of bending the electromagnetic field in the surroundings with each swing.

The effects are dependent on how much blood is absorbed, as the effects are temporary. However, (with permission from the RPer OOCly), if the sword is bathed in enough blood--generally a bath's worth, or if it has successfully slain an individual, the effects can be further lasting, carrying on over several threads and potentially even permanently. An example of this is Micaiah, who wields the weapon, spending considerable time using her own blood when conducting maintenance with the weapon. The result is that the sword automatically has a synergistic effect with her. Thus, anytime Micaiah wields Agneyasta, the weapon is largely enhanced, in turn empowering Micaiah physically by several times. The effects gained from blood absorbed in duration won't be able to maintain more than two people's blood (Micaiah and another).

In efforts to consume as much blood as possible, Agneyastra has another effect pertinent to blood. Any wounds caused by Agneyastra holds an anticoagulant effect. This means, the wounds it creates prevents them from healing or clotting, and blood flows freely. While this can potentially be lethal damage to some characters with lesser means to combating severe blood loss, it can be less daunting to superpowered characters; however, even for them, Agneyasta's strikes can still be frightening.

Reason being, the anticoagulant effect extends to even inhibiting regeneration abilities. So, while a character's wounds can be healed or at least stunted by blood clotting, some characters can go beyond that and simply regenerate their wounds. Unfortunately, Agneyastra chips away at a character's regeneration as well.

Though the effects aren't permanent (lasting only until the end of the thread), each successful blow from Agneyastra reduces regeneration effectiveness by 5%. This will naturally go up depending on the severity of the blow, so if Agneyastra successfully amputates a portion of the opponent's body? In that strike alone, their regeneration speed can be reduced by a whole 15%. If Agneyastra successfully pierces into an organ in the opponent's torso, or generally any other vital organ? Regeneration in that single attack can be reduced by a whole 30%. In comparison, traditionally fatal blows is infinitely more inhibiting. If a strike successfully cuts off the victim's head, smashes their brain, pierces their heart, or removes vital organs from their body entirely, regeneration in that single attack is reduced up to 50%. As the strikes stack, it's possible to entirely inhibit a character's regeneration for the remainder of the thread. Naturally, all these effects can be applied to Micaiah as well if the weapon was wrested from her.

Alas, a weapon with so many powerful effects does come with limitations and drawbacks. Namely, several skill level restrictions. As Agneyastra is a weapon that feeds off rage and strengthens accordingly, it can be mentally taxing to use, and for the weak-minded, the weapon will consume you. Therefore, Agneyastra demands at least an advanced in focus just to be capable of wielding it, as one must focus through the blood boiling within themselves to get anything effective out of the weapon.

Additionally, Agneyastra requires at least an elite in willpower. Reason being, while it doesn't have a voice that shouts at the user, enticing them to fall into temptation to let their inhibitions loose and go wild with unbridled wrath, the sensations are still present. The feeling of annoyance is swiftly amplified into hatred, acts which piss a person off readily turns to seeing them as unforgivable sins which they must pay for with blood. To be capable of tolerating and suppressing the arbitrarily enhanced emotional manic states enforced by Agnestraya, a considerable degree of willpower is necessary.

Beyond all this, the sword corrodes the user's mind. The slain general was one who hailed from a race that embodied madness and anger, but the general made a name for himself as a strategist and tactician. His blood may be inherited from wrathful creatures, but in its nature is composed and intelligent. The left-over effects of his intelligence was captured by Agneyastra, using it to slowly corrode the mind of the user. In turn, to be capable of seeing past the corrosion and be uninhibited by its dumbing effects, the user must at least have an advanced in mental deduction.

Now, under normal circumstances, Agneyastra can be used for up to 8 posts in a row, requiring a cooldown of at least 3 posts before Micaiah can resummon the weapon. This is for using the sword without consequence and suffering the prolonging effects. When the sword is put away (namely in Akshaya Patra), the added effects it gains from taking someone else's blood is reset. The anticoagulant and regeneration inhibitor effects remain, however.

If the user is in an enraged state, while it empowers the sword further, it also makes it more difficult to sustain the weapon. As such, Agneyastra whilst enraged can only be used for up to 5 posts safely, before needing a 3 post cool-down. Again, this is for using Agneyastra without suffering severe drawbacks from prolonged overusage.

In the case that the user does use Agneyastra beyond the post limit, their mental focus suffers a single level deduction. This is only the first drawback suffered. Of course, if the user's focus drops below the minimum level necessary to utilise Agneyastra in the first place, they are rapidly consumed by the sword, degrading into a mindless beast which pursues nothing but blood. Alternatively, the user at this point can no longer continue using Agneyastra and must thereafter disarm themselves.

After 3 posts, the user then drops a level in mental deduction, as the temptation and mentally corroding effects of the blade begins to take its toll. Like the previous drawback, this isn't permanent, and only lasts until the wielder stops using Agneyastra. Otherwise, similar to the other drawback, if their mental deduction is lowered to a level below the minimum, they either turn into a mindless rage demon, or must disarm themselves.

After another 3 posts, the user is now undergoing immense pain, like their blood is actually literally boiling in every vein, artery, organ, and chamber. Like their entire body is on fire and being burned alive, the pain is so intense that it requires a minimum of advanced in pain endurance to use Agneyastra any further beyond this, or otherwise suffer the same consequences as the previous drawbacks.

2 more posts makes the sword become completely unusable, as regardless of their will skills, the sword has succeeded in entirely corroding the wielder's mind. No matter what, they become a mindless creature filled with nothing but rage and the desire to slay anything in the vicinity and devour the blood of its victims indiscriminately, either until there is no more blood left to be shed, or the user is put down. At this point, it's also too late to disarm themselves, and the mental consumption prevents the cognitive decision to let go of Agneyastra. There is no longer a path to salvation after this.

» Maujuda Kavacha: The main armour used by the old Demon King, and therefore intrinsically attached to Beni-asi-hashi. While the other armaments are held in Akshaya Patra, Maujuda Kavacha is directly summoned from Beni-asi-hashi, and therefore can't be utilised by someone not in possession of and/or recognised by the sword as its owner. As the main armour of the old king, any time he made a public appearance, as ceremonial garments he often wore this Kavacha, as well as in war times when he visited the battlefield.

The Majuda Kavacha can be segmented and summoned in disparate parts and used in different forms, ranging from a full armour equip to just partial protection. Each segment has its own independent defensive properties and buffs, and having more pieces of the armour equipped creates a synergy which enhances the effects between the parts. These segments can be separated into seven parts.

The centre piece of the armour is the chest piece and enhances the user's vitality. It serves to strengthen their mental endurance and physical stamina, such that they can perform physical activities with much higher intensity and at a much longer duration, or endure more mental abuse and taxation. The trousers offer the same properties, but equipping both at the same time won't stack the buffs, only operating at 150% output. The arm piece of the armour strengthens the user's strength as a static multiplier, allowing them to exert 2x the physical force they normally can. The boots of the armour enables the user increased speed of action not just in terms of running speed. Provided their mind can keep up, the user's physical actions all around can be done twice as fast--naturally, this won't affect the speed of energy conjuration and execution. Maujuda Kavacha's shoulder pauldrons boost the user's physical durability, for skin, muscles, bones, and even organ. This allows them to tank on more damage without losing too much health. The gloves enable a higher level of dexterity for the user, boosting the accuracy and preciseness of their motor skills. The helmet of the armour set boosts the perception of the user, enabling them enhanced reaction and processing speeds as well as more acute and sensitive senses. The helm of Maujuda Kavacha is the most cautiously equipped considering enhancing the user's mental faculties will also be more mentally exhausting, though it's typically counteracted when the chest and trousers are used. Additionally, more sensitive senses also risk higher vulnerability and susceptibility to pain and abuse, and nothing from the armour set helps with this.

All the pieces individually offer decent boosts that make them worthy assets even without having all of them on at once; however, equipping multiple pieces on will enable an additional bonus, with all buffs gained from each piece being individually gaining a 1.5x increase (except for the trousers and chest). This only applies when all pieces of the armour are equipped, and even missing one piece won't trigger the synergistic effect. Furthermore, just to equip any of the individual pieces requires at least an advanced in willpower due to the Maujuda Kavacha straining and taking a portion of the user's mental faculties to summon and sustain. To endure the amount taken to enable the synergistic effect, the user requires an elite in mental deduction to wear all seven pieces simultaneously.

From the description thus far, the Maujuda Kavacha offers exceptional physical defenses, proving good against piercing, blunt force, and generally physical exterior attacks. That's what the armour was designed to defend against, as the King, as the Danava of Thought, was a master of magic and mental manipulation, so armaments on these fields were redundant. That said, the Maujuda Kavacha is inexplicably inefficient to wear against attacks of their variant, and from this oversight, the armour is also terrible at defending from more indirect physical attacks. The armour is vulnerable to vibration-based attacks, or generally ones meant to circumvent physical defenses or translate through armour without having to break or penetrate through it. Otherwise, on a pure exterior defense aspect, this armour is outright overwhelming, to the extent that most physical force and trauma can be reduced to near 80% efficacy depending on the attack. The 20% which makes it through thereon depends on the user in whether or not they can actually take the damage. These damage reduction effects only apply to when the armour itself is hit, so if someone was able to find an opening in the armour, then naturally the damage reduction won't go through.

One of the concepts which inspired the development of this armour was, by harnessing the power of thoughts through the king's faculties, the mindset of invincibility. This concept was imbued into the armour, and while it isn't truly invincible, this factor also has the armour relying on the self-confidence of the user and their trust in the armour's durability, hence draining their mental faculties. Lacking faith and confidence serves to weaken the armour's effects, and losing all confidence makes the armour entirely unsustainable.

Furthermore, due to the concept utilised to develop this armour, projectiles are especially well defended against. As projectiles are seen as the tools of cowards in armies seen as a means to avoid harm to onself and avoid the brunt of battle while getting a cheap blow in, physical projectile abilities are uniquely reduced to around 90% of damage. Of course if these projectiles are largely comprised of a more magical or spiritual means, then the armour naturally offers very little resistance besides as a normal piece of metal between the outside world and the user wearing it. In terms of a combined physical and energy-based projectile, while the force and damage of the physical portion is largely negated (such as an enhanced arrow), the magical portion can carry through at full efficacy.

These qualities work both ways of course. Whilst wearing the armour, the user is severely debilitated from conjuring their energy to form projectile attacks; in fact, any conjuration of energy outside of the armour is severely debilitated, with a full equip being entirely impossible. Thus, forming an energy-based barrier outside of the armour is impossible, but enhancing the physical body through energy can still be done.

» Karna Kavacha: This armour was not developed with Maujuda in the process, and instead forged by a legendary seamstress under the banner of an opposing king from another land in Demon World. The opposing king waged war against the Vicara King, having his seamstress create the garment as a means to defeat the Danava of Thought, and in battle was felled. The Vicara Plane's leader collected the armour as a trophy and stored it in the Akshaya Patra.

As an armour specifically made to defeat a demon king, it proves especially resistant to demonic magicks. Admittedly it provides very little physical protection, neglected in lieu of furthering its magical resistance. Also, although it had demon magic in mind, the various defenses it offers does apply outside of demons and instead to mental, emtoinal, bounding, and so forth. In general, The Karna Kavacha protects the user from magic that in some way alter the user of the armour, physically or otherwise.

One of the drawbacks to wearing the Karna Kavacha is the weight of the garments, with magic resistance spells and attributes so condensed that the weight of the armour surpasses the fully metal armaments of the Maujuda Kavacha by a long shot. As such, the user's agility and speed of action is weighed down considerably by an entire level. Fortunately this armour won't inhibit the user's speed of reaction and mental faculties; however, it does serve to slow down the user's own usage of magic. In fact, the person wearing this armour has their own usage of magic inhibited in general.

The Demon King of the Vicara Plane was such a masterful magician, the king which ordered the making of the Karna Kavacha had no intents to battle with him through mystical means. Instead, at the cost of hindering their own magical abilities to protect themselves against his threatening mastery, they aimed to best him in physical combat. It was unfortunate that he possessed the Maujuda Kavacha, and in the end fell to the Vicara King.

Using the Karna Kavacha essentially has the armour protecting the user like a barrier to the outside world, inhibiting magic from making their way through to affect the user; however, this barrier works both ways, thus the usage of magic for the user ranges from difficult to essentially impossible, depending on the nature of magic involved. If the magic is insulated and used internally, without having to pass through the barrier of magical defense the armour provides, there is no interference. Attempts to conjure the magic outside of the body and through the barrier is impossible. The largest thing to take note is that magic for the Karna Kavacha is specifically recognised as an unnatural alteration, so simply using energy in general without any alterations on the world or the user has no issues. This also means more natural and worldly energies have no issue passing through the barrier.

Unfortunately, this also means external aid for the user through magical means is generally futile. While it's mainly a defense measure against attacks on the wearer, the catch-all defensiveness of the Karna Kavacha also applies to supportive interactions, such that all these magical alterations are reduced by 60%. Naturally, the remaining effects of the 40% will depend on the user to interact with and tolerate.

Only the helm, gloves, and boots of the Maujuda Kavacha can be worn while she is wearing Karna Kavacha, and only one armament at a time.

» Vel: The weapon of warriors, the most primal design of offense, and the embodiment of aggression on the battlefield. Under the hands of another general under the Vicara King, this longspear became synonymous with the first glint of light seen where the armies of Vicara set their sights. When the sun sets, the crackling light from Vel's head brightens the path and carves into the heart of the enemy and their land.

Forged during a sweeping storm where rain and lightning hammered the grounds of the Vicara Plane, the strength of the Demon World itself imbued this spear, such that the user is blessed by the world itself, empowered with the ferocity of lightning. Whomever wields Vel finds themselves physically empowered, energetic beyond belief, and able to move at speed reminiscent of the weapon of the heavens. The user finds their speed improved to a great deal, doubled even, allowing them to perform their actions with ungodly speed.

Furthermore, just as the spear itself is the king of offense, the user's own offensive magic and abilities are enhanced as well, piercing through and damaging its targets a considerable degree. The degree of damage increased isn't static, since it also depends on the type of opponent and what sort of defenses they have prepared. However, in general, the amount of potential damage without taking into account the target and defenses is doubled compared to the damage that would be done with a normal spear.

With some mastery and cultivated prowess, Vel can even evolve in the hands of the user. In its natural state, it merely crackles with electricity coursing through it, but none of that output translates into any tangible effects. In base, it's merely aesthetic; in the future, this aesthetic can gradually transform into actual effects, scaling with tier and weapon skill.

Of course, utilising Vel doesn't come without its drawbacks. The most recognisable disadvantage is when wielding Vel, the user is now more susceptible to damage. Vel was made with the concept of being the ultimate offensive, and this is reached at the cost of making the user more vulnerable since, for the general who originally held it, the best defense was always considered to be an overwhelming offensive. As a result, the user's durability drops a level when holding Vel.

The best advantage to using a spear over other offensive weapons is its piercing power, and this applies to the metaphysical realm as well. The targets Vel hits has their barriers reduced significantly, and even defensive type magics and structures attacked by the spear finds reductions in their protective capacities. Vel's attacks interact with defensive spells and magicks as if they were at 50% efficacy.

The general who utilised Vel was a master of weaponry, well versed in many forms in many weapons; it was just the fact that the spear was built most offensively, and of all styles of warfare he preferred the most aggressive. Synergising best with the spear, he made Vel his main weapon, but in acknowledgement that a life on the battlefield is not often the longest, he resigned to the fact that one day Vel would be used by another. In order to feel comfortable in who might wield it, he had the one who originally made it add a spell of restriction, such that only someone who was on the path to mastery over the martial arts in many forms could utilise it. Thus, the longspear also necessitates that its user possess at least an advanced in Weapon Skill to be capable of so much as holding it.

Micaiah cannot utilise Vel while wearing any armour save for the Karna Kavacha, as it is not actually an armour but fabric. Vel, as an all-in conceptual weapon, just won't sustain any of its special effects while the user is wearing any armours.

» Kharga: The owner of the Karna Kavacha wasn't going to stop at just preparing defensive measures in their quest to slay the King of the Vicara Plane. To go with their armour, the opposing king had a blacksmith forge something specifically designed to slay something on the calibre of a demon king. It was through this design that Kharga, the Demon Slayer, was created.

Kharga's powers are antithetical to demons. In fact, its truest power can't even be properly unlocked in the grasp of a demon, as its every being is incompatible with the mere touch of something with demonic blood. That said, it certainly fulfills the demands to forge something that can slay a demon king.

Kharga's utility spans out into two primary effects: a zone of influence that actively inhibits energy usage, and a poison which progressively destroys demonic energy and DNA. That said, if someone is a demon by lineage without exuding demonic energy or DNA? They won't be affected. It targets only these two aspects specifically. It also has a few superlative minor effects, such as the efficacy in meeting demonic magic, being capable of destroying the structure of demonic magics that it meets (provided the user can put enough strength into their blows to destroy the magic), and the weapon's body being highly resistant to demon-related effects and attacks.

To start with, the sword passively exudes an aura which establishes itself as a control zone. Within the zone, demon-based mobility spells and augmentations are significantly reduced. It can be overcome by overpowering the effects of the zone through energy exudation, but that in itself will also be a form of taxing the demon's energy as a means of resistance. The zone's size scales with the energy of its wielder.
  • 5-tier: 10 metres
  • 4-tier: 25 metres
  • 3-tier: 60 metres
  • 2-tier: 150 metres
  • 1-tier: 500 metres
  • 0-5: 1000 metres
  • 0-4: 1500 metres
  • 0-3: 2500 meters
  • 0-2: 5000 metres
  • 0-1: 10000 metres

Of course utilising Kharga passively usurps the user's energy, so much that the zone can only be maintained for a certain amount of time. There are no cooldowns for utilising Kharga's zone, and it will continuously drain the user's energy until Kharga is either put away and sheathed, or somehow taken out of the scenario (such as throwing it into the Akshaya Patra). Otherwise, the sword can even drain the user's energy into lethality.
  • 5-tier: 1 post
  • 4-tier: 2 posts
  • 3-tier: 3 posts
  • 2-tier: 5 posts
  • 1-tier: 7 posts
  • 0-5 to 0-3: 10 posts
  • 0-2 to 0-1: 15 posts

The zone's effectiveness does not scale with tier, only the duration and effective area. The effect in question is a naturally weakening aura against those with demonic DNA, physiology, or energy, such that demons will feel a taxing, draining pressure pressing down on them constantly in the range of the sword. This can also be overcome by protective measures, an actively counteracting force of energy, or otherwise, but naturally this inherently taxes a demon by draining their energy through their defensive measures.

If Kharga is utilised in Demon World, due to the natural effects of Demon World on demons, granting them a noticeable increase in several parametres, Kharga's zone mainly functions as a counteraction and disables all these buffs the demonkin might get from the surroundings. This interaction happens in lieu of the normal weakening effect the weapon has.

The second primary effect of Kharga is its poison. When Kharga pierces into or successfully damages a demon, a poison begins to infect them. The poison travels through blood and internal organs as a metaphysical substance, gradually corrupting them and progressively weakens a demon, sealing off their many racial traits as the poison courses through them. This can be counteracted with energy to purge the poison out, but natural physiological systems or body manipulation won't do much. Furthermore, the energy or whatever force of power targeting and expelling the poison must not be reliant or constructed from demonic energy due to the nature of the poison.

This effect requires eight strikes to reach full infection, and scales with impactful strikes. If there's more damage done per strike, for example a torso strike that hits organs directly, or a successful amputation, then the poison infects more quickly and reduces demon abilities all around: physically, mentally, and magically.

» Khanda: The third general of the forces of Vicara was, just like all the others, a paragon of aggression. While the other generals were immensely offense-oriented, the wielder of Khanda was obsessed with utter destructive power, such that she embodied it as her possessive element, and this obsession eventually led to her betrayal to the king which ultimately proved both their downfalls.

Khanda began as an ordinary greatsword, but the more she used it and bathed it in her aura, the more it transformed into something which consumed her and wrought havoc. Through the circumstances of its creation, Khanda's first actualised trait was to consume and dissipate energy around it. This proved highly effective against energy-focused combatants, and therefore a fearsome weapon renown throughout Demon World. This effect worked both as a passive aura as well as through touch.

A small five metre radius around the wielder dissipates all external energy within the range, including passive miasmas and latent atmospheric energy. Of course for concentrated bodies of energy, the dissipation functioned as a progressive reduction of energy that overtime dissipates. In this sense, energy attacks, projectiles, so on and so forth may potentially hit the wielder before its completely deterred, though usually it is weakened before managing to land a hit. Over time, the attack or foreign energy entering the area in general is diluted by 10% within the range until it is entirely removed, depending on the amount of energy.

At lower levels (3-5 and below), energies outside of a sentient body entering the area is entirely reduced by two to three posts depending on how charged the ability is. So if it's an instant hit type of ability, the duration of one post will be taken into account, thus reducing its efficacy by 50% when it lands. At mid levels (3-4 to 2-1), foreign energies are reduced entirely by five to seven posts, depending on how charged the ability is. Smaller attacks obviously have a chance to be diluted and dissipated entirely immediately. At the upper levels (1-5 to 1-1), energies are reduced by seven to ten posts, and peak levels (0-tier) is the most varied. It depends on the abilities in question, where the energy can take anywhere between ten and eighteen posts to entirely dissipate.

Of course this only takes into account the aura of the weapon. Additionally, it doesn't just degrade the energy, but also slows down the energy's speed. This doesn't simply include projectile speed, but the time of effects that the energy may induce. As such, both the travel speed, effects, or other utilised can be reduced when relevant to its "speed of effect interaction". Naturally this changes according to potency from the aforementioned scale. That said, in a way the slowing debuff also has a pseudo-damage mitigation effect since it takes longer for the effects of the energy abilities to play out, as the energy is slowed down temporally.

The drawback lies in the aura inherently reducing the energy output of the user as well, as Khanda is indiscriminate. Depending on tier, the user can't use the weapon for too long since it gradually eats away at their energy to the point of lethality.
  • 5 tier, one post
  • 4 tier, two posts
  • 3 tier, four posts
  • 2 tier, six posts
  • 1 tier, eight posts
  • 0-5: 10 posts
  • 0-4: 11 posts
  • 0-3: 13 posts
  • 0-2: 14 posts
  • 0-2++: 16 posts
  • 0-1: 18 posts

Using Khanda beyond the user's limit starts to eat at their maximum energy capacities for the duration of the thread, to the point of potentially dropping sub-tiers with overusage. Additionally, the effects apply to energy exertion, such that just as oncoming energies are weakened, and outgoing energies from the user suffer the same debuffs and slowing effects. Beyond the five metre radius, whatever remains of the abilities' energy content is uninhibited.

The blade portion of Khanda has an addendum effect concerning physical contact with energy based abilities. It will literally eat away at energy it comes into contact with, consuming and destroying it entirely in a manner surpassing physical laws. While not absolute, most energy abilities that come into contact with Khanda have an efficacy reduced by 50% with a successful strike, with lower energy-content abilities being potentially entirely negated on contact. Considering this is dependent on energy quantity, if Khanda came into something on the scale of the energy of the Demi-Reactor, or on energies gained through the Yuudeshi Network, the effect can diminish substantially.

Due to Khanda's interactions with energy, the greatsword is capable of interacting with energy-empowered entities on a much more complex scale. Subtler energy based transformations, such as casting a spell on someone or something, animation objects, creative a passive effect, or empowerment through energy, Khanda can sever the connection entirely and dispel the effects as the connection and continuous control over the circumstance is stopped. Even consciences which are maintained or supported by some latent and ethereal connection can be severed, with minor cases being lethal but most cases merely ending the connection.

In theory this could succeed in temporarily separating a shinigami from their zanpakuto, or breaking down a seal on someone. If something like a zanpakuto is severed, although the metaphorical "line" connecting the zanpakuto and character when perceived can be severed, this circumstance extends to the duration of the thread on weaker characters. Those of a more powerful variant, more importantly having a powerful connection and understanding of their zanpakuto--or similar entity--can repair the severed connection over time within the thread.


Last edited by Sage on Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:33 pm; edited 4 times in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C] Empty Re: Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C]

Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:50 am



Cycle of Existence: The Cycle of Existence is Micaiah's unique power, built around the concept of the Samsara Wheel, or Cycle of Rebirth. This innate power came about by taking matters into her own hands when Shurpa entered the soul cycle and controlled her path to become a human. Originally a power locked away behind the memories of her past life, once Maujuda helped Micaiah access these memories, she break through the barrier and became aware of her rebirth, thereon accessing the Samsara.

Just as the Samsara is divided into six realms, Micaiah draws power from six natural realms of the existing PH universe, and thereon embodies six different aspects of her power: the Human, the Animal, the Asura, the Deva, the Preta, and the Naraka. Each of these aspects invoke different abilities, and as different aspects of the one, Micaiah can only ever access one of them at a time. This means she is unable to use her abilities from the other aspects when assuming one of them. Furthermore, the different aspects are tied to the different realms of the cycle of rebirth, or more broadly speaking the natural realms of the universe. This includes ones conjured or which entered the universe artificially and are therefore not naturally recognised by the Samsara. This includes Black World, the Sugiuran Realm, the Kokuryuteshi World, and even Demon World as a creation of Deveta.

Micaiah can only switch to a different aspect once a post, and is unable to run through them in such rapid succession. Essentially, she can't utilise more than two aspects in one post--the initial aspect that she's in, and the aspect she assumes after the transition through the duration of the rest of the post. Otherwise, Micaiah must weight until the next post to change her aspect once more. This prevents her from using the abilities of multiple aspects back and forth to chain their effects and applications together. The cooldown period between transitions will be mostly enforced in combat threads, and are more leniently applied in social threads focused on plot where her abilities can accentuate the story progression rather than a subject of focus in fighting.

The Human Aspect: Her main aspect as an actual human, and the central force which ties together her power. The Human Aspect is attained by going to the Living Realm and is the balancing force of the rest of the abilities. This aspect therefore functions with little direct limitations or drawbacks and offers a great deal of versatility, but it also provides the smallest direct advantages, and offers no tangible, overtly conjurable abilities, and is almost entirely a collection of passive effects.

As humans can grow and reach enlightenment to ascend to other realms with no other beings capable of the same level of evolutionary malleability, Micaiah is in tandem able to grow her abilities exceptionally well. The human aspect offers Micaiah exceptional comprehension skills, enabling her to catch onto different things and learn information extremely quickly. The girl is likely a teacher's favourite student, as she learns and picks up onto things with considerable ease, and practicing a technique solidifies her mastery over it fairly quickly.

Humans are also some of the most adaptive beings, and Micaiah replicates this aspect of them in her skills and physiques. The teen is capable of adapting her skills to the scenario with accurate adjustments, and more noticeably, she finds herself able to adaptive physically to an assortment of different environments. For example, when Micaiah spent time in Demon World, although the miasma and natural density of demonic energies pervade the entire realm, Micaiah shortly adapted to these circumstances such that she didn't sustain any deficiencies or drawbacks for simply being out of her element. Over time, she even made the environment of Demon World her element. If she then went over to the North Pole? In time, she could also adjust to the extremely cold temperatures and find herself at home in the area.

This is the only form in which, to a degree, Micaiah can access abilities in her different aspects. As the adaptive and adjustable human, Micaiah can use minor applications of her other aspects up to 25% efficacy, but this must be a conscious usage of the abilities, so none of the passives of her other aspects naturally bleeds into her human form. For example, if she taps into her asura powers and buffs her physique, it would only be an increase up to 25% of the asura enhancements. Using these different forms also means she's an additional 25% vulnerable to the drawbacks that comes with those different forms; for Asura, which are susceptible to emotional manipulation, she also becomes less resistant to emotional attacks.

Fortunately, being in her human aspect doesn't mean she loses her technical skills, which would generally apply to the other forms. There is, however, a noticeable downgrade in how much experience she can absorb and grow from when in other aspects, as her comprehension skill goes into a tangible dip of efficiency and strength. Furthermore, being out of her human aspect has her lose the adaptive skill, and therefore makes Micaiah unable to adapt to different environments naturally.

Fire King's Godfist: The Fire King's Godfist is a hand-to-hand style martial art, and very well known in the Vicara Plane. Developed by an ancient danava of fire, the style surprisingly revolves around precision, rather than the explosiveness others often attribute to it. The danava was known for using his flames acutely, often burning holes through people with his concentrated fires rather than setting the environment ablaze. Similarly, this martial art utilises a boxing like posture with a focus on striking power to blow through an opponent. The Godfist is most useful in one-on-one situations.

Bone-Piercer: An attack which targets the opponent's bones. The user shoots off with a straight forward punch, enough speed and force put in to translate through the opponent's muscle and directly into their bones, often shattering them on the point of target. The strikes shot out are specifically designed to fracture bones in such a manner that the fragments spread out, stab, and en-lodge into their muscles and nerves. The pain can spread like a fire burning through their body, especially when the bone fragments sever nerves.

Judgement: A similar straight strike with a difference in results. The user twists their fist on impact with their knuckles swiping at a point of focus. The technique's aim is to hit central points of the opponent's body with concentration of nerves, such that it incites pain all across the body. The technique itself doesn't often provide any substantial damage, but successfully landing an attack does enable a great deal of pain to be endured, often a precursor to a follow up attack.

Blazing Fist: The first technique Micaiah learned that incorporated using her energy. On contact with the opponent, the punch explodes out with flames. The heat of the attack is condensed around the area where the fist landed, aiming to precisely burn through the opponent's body. The attack does have some backlash as the heat can be felt on the user's end too without any flame-oriented resistances.

Blasting Fist: A defensive counter-strike, when met with an attack of greater force than can normally be endured, Micaiah sends out a punch to meet their punch, or whatever attack she's being stricken with. The forward force of her attack is accentuated with an explosive flame that acts as a buffer to reduce oncoming momentum and damage, slowing down the opponents attack and its force. The fist attack can be head-on if the user can take on the rest of the force, or even used to redirect the force.

Hell's Judgement: The only attack of The Fire King's Godfist that Micaiah has learned which isn't focused around channeling a strike. Similar to Judgement, it's meant to target the user all around and induce great pain, but for Hell's Judgement it's meant as a lethal strike for an opponent the user wants to kill. If Micaiah can land the strike in similar fashion to judgement, rather than just spreading pain all across the body, the intent is to have actual flames trace along their nerves and genuinely burn the person to death from the inside. This can be defended against with protective energy, bodily control, or means to expel the heat and energy of the user, but generally if it lands the fires can induce unbearable pain that sends the victim into shock. Otherwise, this should at least thoroughly sear the muscles and organs surrounding their nerves.

The World Tree's Guard: A defensive martial art, Micaiah learned this form with Maujuda's help. under his instructions, she visited a sacred tree in the Vicara Plane and meditated under it. Maujuda absorbed the memories of the peoples who once protected the tree, as it had a lot of meaning to their religion. This martial art was all about subverting all intents to damage the tree unto their own bodies. These techniques served to strengthen the body from oncoming damage due to the expectation that all damage will be done to their bodies.

Warden of the Gods: A technique which diverges kinetic motion onto the user. When the user spreads their energy out, attacks in their close vicinity have their trajectories altered onto their body rather than wherever it was aimed. This can't completely change an attack's velocity, but at least within a nearby ten metres, the energy expelled to utilise this techinque can sway and compel any oncoming force to at least bend out of its original path and towards them.

Wooden Heart: A technique which channels energy through the user's body and simulates muscle density to increase durability. The muscles become dense enough such that they may meet even blades directly. Weapons with as much durability or structural integrity as a bamboo stick can be outright broken, but keep in mind it only simulates muscle density, so skin can still be broken through and pain can still be felt.

Karmic Return: An aura technique conjured around the user's body, attacks on the person have a kinetic rebound, such that it can bounce the oncoming force back. The more force put into an attack, the more force is rebounded. The
technique still has the person tank the damage, albeit at only 50% of the force, whereas the force rebounded is a full reflect.

Sword of the King of Thoughts: The sword style of one of Maujuda's generals, the owner of the Agneyastra. Maujuda directly taught Micaiah this technique, funneling his memories of the martial art into her. This is a sword style that places precedence on tactical combat, and is heavily reliant on overwhelming strength, less so finesse. This sword art is counter-attack and parry oriented, meant to be passive and react to attacks rather than initiate them. It is specifically used for a great sword with large surface area, and works poorly with any other tools.

The Imprisonment Tomes: A grappling form Micaiah learned during her travels through the Vicara Plane. She befriended a demon when returning some of their goods. Micaiah visited a bazaar and bumped into a fleeing thief, noticing they tried to pickpocket her. When she caught on, she incapacitated them and found the goods of her demon friend on them. This style focuses on shutting down a person's movements by locking their joints and incapacitating them. Because it's reliant on extreme close combat, it's effective in stopping a person only when you can catch up to them and maintain a very close distance.

The Animal Aspect:Hueco Mundo is the home to hollows--souls with regrets that transform to become very animistic, attuned to their barest, rawest instincts, just like animals. As such, Micaiah is able to access her Animal Aspect by visiting the realm. This aspect opens Micaiah's mind to her senses, heighttening all of them to an unnatural degree. Her perception is similarly absurdly enhanced as well, such that she gains hyper acute energy sensing abilities, and can even "sniff out" the different elements to an object or person, literally and spiritually. This perception also applies to the environment around her, in which like an animal she can be more attuned to her surroundings and notice shifts in it, anticipating a lot of environmental interactions.

The Animal Aspect enables her to be aware of unnatural or supernatural alterations to herself or the world around her. Even abilities that aren't expressly energy based, or ones that aren't directly in her perception can be sensed. Naturally this doesn't work on abilities that have some hidden function or attribute to them, but otherwise this would allow her to notice even the most subtle of motions.

Speaking of, the most useful application is a perception of motion. Unless protected by some hidden effect, in a range of 300 metres around her--which goes for the rest of her Animal Aspect abilities, Micaiah can take notice to generally any movement in the vicinity. However, because of how much information that is, it requires an advanced focus for Micaiah to manage this ability without being overwhelmed, and at least an elite focus to be able to hone in and concentrate on certain movements while blocking out or dampening her awareness on lower-priority movements.

The animal aspect also incites similar animistic tendencies in others around her naturally, bringing out their instincts, for better or worse. This can reduce some of her allies and enemies inhibitions, and for the weaker willed, break their focus or drive them wild, following their truest desires without cognitive regard. This power can also be used more intentionally, targeting specific people and breaking some levels of balance in them. This includes control of their abilities, or if they have more unruly abilities, another spirit in them (ziamichi/inner hollow/zanpakuto spirit/etc.), or even split personalities. Additionally, Animal Aspect allows Micaiah to be exceptionally good with animals, enabling her to communicate with them.

The Asura Aspect: Technically, the Asura Aspect is only accessible through Nidhana, the Boundless World, but since it's connected to any place of thought, there is no physical realm that can be entered. Fortunately, Micaiah can access her Asura Aspect by visiting the Vicara Plane, the previous domain of the Danava of Thought. As Nidhana exists in any place with thought, its presence is concentrated in the Vicara Plane, just enough to enable her usage of this aspect. As the Asura Aspect is the first one Micaiah unlocked, it's the aspect she's most experienced and familiar with, and naturally the one she's developed and mastered the most.

Asuras are the very embodiment of powerful physiques and emotional empowerment. Utilising her asura powers enables great increases in her physical body. She gains a higher sense of endurance, stamina, durability, speed, and most notably strength. When it comes to endurance and stamina, provided she isn't directly incapacitated, Micaiah can pretty much keep going endlessly. So long as she's able to sustain her body with proper nutrients like oxygen, water, and food, in theory Micaiah can run without rest endlessly, or do any other number of physically demanding tasks. Unfortunately, a lot of the rebound of physical exertion can be felt when she falls out of her human aspect, such that immediately switching from her Asura Aspect to any other risks immense pain that can even put her directly into shock.

When it comes to her speed, this is entirely on a physical level. Her reaction timing, speed of thinking, so on and so forth sees no benefit. Her speed of action is phenomenal, however. In Asura Aspect, her punches and kicks can actually be sent out with sonic booms and her running pace can outrun the speed of sub-sonic bullets. Again, her speed of perception, reaction timing, and cognitive thought does not speed up, so it's important for her to be aware of how fast she's going, and often times her rapid punches are done with instinct or anticipation as she can't perceive the speed of her strikes.

Micaiah's durability in this state is the second most impressive trait. Normal bullets can be tanked without even breaking her skin. Actually, this level of durability extends to the entirety of her body--eyes, hair, organs, everything. It's enough that unless you're coming at her with supernatural means, it's pointless to face her. There are limits, of course. For example, Micaiah doesn't actually have any enhanced instant regeneration in this aspect. Though she heals quickly, it's nothing to the extent that she can heal her wounds in the very combat she sustained them. Even then, it heals like normal organisms would, and nothing can be outright replaced. Hence, damaging her body is permanent, scars will be left, her teeth, organs, or limbs won't grow back--nothing.

Asuras are the paragons of strength, and this is well reflected in Micaiah's Asura Aspect as the most impressive physical gain. Her full-strength stomps leaves craters, and combined with her unending stamina, Micaiah can easily be a more reliable drill into the ground than anything hydraulic. If the structural integrity of the ground holds, the girl can even dig her fingers under the ground and lift the weight of an entire mansion. Considering her strength does exceed the durability of her body, over-exerting herself does put Micaiah at risk of breaking the tendons of her own muscles, and a full-strength punch with absolutely nothing held back can easily break her fist.

Finally, the emotional empowerment of the asura. In this aspect, Micaiah's strengths will sway according to her emotions. If she's angry? Her strength may reach further heights, so much as tripling, but anger won't improve her other characteristics. If Micaiah is fearful? Her speed may increase, enabling her to run much faster than the usual; if Micaiah becomes defensive and rejecting? Like closing her shell, the girl's endurance can go up. Conversely, Micaiah's physical attributes can dip as well. If she starts feeling hopeless and depressed? Her strength and durability can go down. If she becomes lethargic and unresponsive, she can lose a great deal of her speed. If she starts becoming suicidal, or feels self-hatred to a great degree? All her gains can go below even her natural human state.

Furthermore, Micaiah is exceptionally emotionally vulnerable in her Asura Aspect, easily swinging in mood and reaction. This also applies to any sort of mental or emotional manipulation, becoming more susceptible to its effects, both harmful and helpful. The Asura Aspect is the most simple aspect in terms of what she gains, therefore giving her a great deal of new power, but it is also the most vulnerable of them all.

The Deva Aspect:

- attained by going to the Iramasha Realm

The Preta Aspect:

- attained by going to the Dangai

The Naraka Aspect:

- attained by going to Hell


General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Elite

Human Reiatsu Skills
  • Power Control: Adept
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration: Beginner
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance: Adept
  • Physical Augmentation: Adept

Human Aspect Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Animal Aspect Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Elite

Asura Aspect Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Beginner


Last edited by Sage on Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C] 8Bvy1N8


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Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C] Empty Re: Micaiah Khsesh, Wanderer of Worlds [Approved, 3-1+; Supernatural Human] [Hazard Rating C]

Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:45 pm
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