Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2017-10-27
Posts : 54

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Left_bar_bleue500/0Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty_bar_bleue  (500/0)

Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]]

Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:52 am
Coding In Template By:


Ziamichi Profile

I. The Host's Basic Information

» Name: Jessica Whateley
» Titles:
» Race: Human
» Age: 31
» Gender: Female
» Affiliation/Rank:

» Appearance Written:
Jessica Whateley looks just about as tainted as her bloodline gets. Her family’s notorious green eyes could shine in the bleakest of light and give off an aura of both foreboding and alluring. This is because of the long history of the Whateley’s in general. While blessed with an odd form of beauty, it ends up looking more like something out of a horror novel than actual beauty. Jessica is massive. Her inbred taint lead to her being a hulkish girl. She has extremely large muscles and thick skin.

Jessica’s hair is long and she spends quite a lot of time and effort keeping it as well kept as it is. Due to her overzealous attempt to continue being more or less pretty, Jessica is also privy to all manner of pleasant smells. Her shampoo and conditioner are both tropical as is her perfume. Walking by her with her natural appeal full blown is much like walking past an island resort bar. It smells both delicious and dangerous.

Finally, the one piece of clothing that Jessica refuses to remove are her gloves. People do not pay attention to things that are covered, it’s why she wears such prerogative clothing. Jessica and her twin brother share another taint known as Polydactyly of the fingers. She has an extra finger on each hand that works just as well as a normal finger. By keeping them covered and the rest of her body not, it is relatively easy to keep it unnoticed.

» Appearance Picture:

I. The Host's Personality

» Personality:
Jessica is at her very core, just as messed up as any other Whateley. She suffers from sociopathy and generic anti-social disorder. Not to say she can’t get along fine in social situations, in fact she excels at it for two reasons. First and foremost, beings desire what they cannot have. Jessica can’t have emotions correctly, so she creates superficial and often out of place emotions. She carries little to no shame and realises that she can catch more flies with honey, than vinegar. Secondly, confidence is a very well defined trait for animals and beings that keeps them at the top of the evolutionary chain. Jessica has a ton of it, simply because she does not care what anyone else thinks about her or what she’s doing.

Jessica’s other two most defining characteristics are her masochistic tendencies, and her curiosity. Many people have the small voice in their head that says to not push the big red button, Jessica is the kind of person who would push it just to see what would actually happen. This goes hand in hand with her masochism which was acquired due to the horrendous treatment she had by her family. Jessica realized if she liked it, they stopped doing it. She tends to avoid getting angry as it simply causes distress and unnecessary responses from the people she’s interacting with.

Jessica’s lack of shame, bleeds as much as her tainted family. She doesn’t care what she wears as long as it keeps the eyes away from what they need to be focused on. If it gets her ahead or scores her points, Jessica will probably go out of her way to do it. That way she’s always in control and she does not have to listen to anyone or anything. When, she doesn’t care about their emotions or thoughts, anyway.

» Likes:
Masochism, Food, Hunting, Relaxation, Set Rules, Jazz Music, Guitar Solos

» Dislikes:
Jacob Whateley, Boredom, Body Altering Substances, People that Talk too Much, Social Morays

I. The Host's History

» History:
Five hundred years ago, HP Lovecraft was a cultist to the dark gods. Regardless of the title that you use, some from Soul Society may call them hollows, demons, angels, any number of words for the horrific beings that can do things like manipulate your very soul and concepts of right and wrong. The monsters that in the night, tear you limb from limb just to watch you bleed.

He wrote about a family, far more sinister than even himself, daring to do things that no normal person would ever find sane. From incest to cannibalism, blood sacrifices, murder and just flat out flayed corpses, the Whateley’s were a blight and scourge upon the world. They believed in worshipping the horrors that went bump in the night. History states that before they splintered and began worshipping monsters and demons they may have been heroes before they fell to darkness and let their taint spread.

The family had three stories they told by the fireplace, when Grandma Whateley was hacking up the most recent poor soul to come up to the family estate for whatever reason. One of them revolved around a book, and the pages made of flesh and written in blood. Another story if you believe such things, was the monsters they worshipped and their future passing to consume the world, allowing just the Whateley’s and a few select cultists to ascend to their level, and bask in the glory of their power. The last story, was about a cookbook, which began the story of Jessica Whateley.

The cookbook of the Whateley family, was not in fact a cookbook but a list of experiments done to hollow and other spirits over a few centuries and included things like hollowization and the idea of pulling out the chain from a human soul in order to force it to become a hollow. Jessica is the incarnation of this book.

Jessica was born to Damien and Varis Whateley thirty years ago. Her power, like so many of the sensitives in her family before her, was apparent at a young age. She could see most of the spiritual world though interacting was something a bit different. Her twin brother, Jacob was always the one who could reach out and touch or affect spirits and the like. The family all expected the two children to eventually grow up and have more horrifying little monstrosities like the rest of the family. Unfortunately, their family, Jacob wanted to run away, leaving his five year old sister at the mercy of her family.

Jessica’s childhood was ridden with the stench of rot and decay, death and dismemberment. There was no school, nothing but the daily routine of failing at her family’s “Blood Magic”. Jacob had been the one able to use the stuff, if it was real at all. She doubted as much about magic and spirits as she believed. The family on the other hand, had different thoughts on Jessica’s beliefs and what she should be doing with her life.

When Jessica was seven is when everything went from a plethora of things that no one aside from a serial killer would have found perfect to extremely insane. The Whateley’s elders began to think that Jessica had been useless with her brother gone, and switched their focus from her “training” to psychological mental manipulation and damage. They fed her conditioning and probably used all manner of torture, magic, or otherwise to cause her to grow a psychological dependance on the family and Jacob. They had hoped to use her as a linchpin to pull him back into the family.

It did not work quite as intended as Jessica did find herself with a growing set of feeling for her brother, mostly murderous and violent. Jessica began to blame Jacob for everything that had happened to her and would happen to her. Which was when she made the biggest overt mistake against the family. Unlike Jacob, who had just ran away, Jessica decided it would be funny to make the family pay by stealing the cookbook from Grandma Whateley. Jessica had thought that it would have somehow give her a better standing with her family if she took initiative.

Grandma, and the rest of the family, decided that Jessica’s mistake had been the last straw. The old crone took opened the book and decided to read it to Jessica, and began performing it’s arcane rituals on her. She tore Jessica’s soul from her body on more than one occasion, and simply shoved it back in. If Jessica’s mental state wasn’t already unbalanced, her teenage years being destroyed repeatedly by the cookbook, made it worse and worse.

The very last time Jessica was privy to the tortures of the book, she had been around twenty years old. Still powerless and even more at the mercy of her family, the ripped Jessica’s body from her soul again. Jessica focused, and to this day she could not explain how, but her body snapped back into place on her spirit. This ability would not be prevalent again without the assistance of her hollow.

Jessica’s hollow was granted as a boon during her final torture before running away from the family. Though, it could be two hollow depending on how you look at it. Jessica is a twin, her inner hollow are a pair of siamese twins. She met them after being torn from her soul again. Grandma had used the cookbook to pull Jessica out of her body again and then sealed the hollow inside her, probably without thinking of the connotations

Jessica doesn’t remember what happened in the hours following snapping back to her body, all she remembers was waking up a few hundred miles from the family estate with nothing but the feeling of annoyance and the needless hatred for Jacob and thousands of others. Jessica did not manage to adjust well to life for lack of a better term and freaked out for a few years, living as a drifter as she tried to find traces of her brother’s trail.

Jessica eventually learned a few simple things, how money or trading works, how to find a place to stay, and that using her abilities as a woman got her further than a broken smile. Which seemed to be enough to get her by. Though, she spent the time of her early twenties plagued by dreams of siamese hollows torturing her in her night terrors. Eventually, she woke up screaming on an old western style train. She was in a private cabin and had no concept of time.

Enter, Jessica’s inner world. A dimension inside of an coal steam engine with no destination, chugging through a never ending night. Inside the train, everyone wore a different version of the old style masks of “Tragedy” and her brother “Comedy”. Eventually, Jessica made her way through the train, and when she stepped into the high-class dining car, there were two people. A female sitting at the bar, and the bartender in full penguin tails.

Jessica never “submitted” her hollows. She came to an agreement though, specifically over rotgut and what she thought was hours or days or maybe even months of contractual negotiations. Each of them would grant her their mask for different varying reasons and she simply had to pay them back in kind. The contract is probably the most prominent reason that Jessica is a bloodthirsty masochist.

During her late twenties, Jessica spent more time on the trail of her brother and hunting down splinter members of her family for her hollows. She also trained rather profusely on the use of her masks and the abilities that went with them. Though, her search is going rather slowly, she is trying to pick up speed and find out where her brother got off to.

I. Jessica’s Abilities

» Power: Soul Rush
Jessica is the first to admit how pathetic the name of her self-named power is. Jessica can actually throw her soul by its chain, and then rush her body to her soul’s location. It works a lot like Shunpo, Sonido or Hierenkyaku. The difference is that her enemy can see where she is going to land. She can also choose if she goes through with the jump. Which can make it confusing to opponents. This is her basic power.
» Linked Skills:
Host General Speed
Human Power Control
Human Physical Augmentation

» Power: Aura of the Whateley’s
The stench of blood, loss, death, and decay follows the infernal family wherever they go, no matter how far they run. In a small area around Jessica, the world just seems more ominous. Shadows creep out a bit too far, dark corners instill the primal fear of the unknown and some angles permit cases of irregulars, causing multiple looks or odd sensations. Sweat runs cold, and blood pumps naturally faster. This ability is the feeling of Jessica’s Reiatsu.
» Linked Skills:
Host Willpower
Spirit Willpower

» Power: Wail of LeFey (Only Available with Tragedy)
The Whateley family married into the LeFey’s if you believe legends from so very long ago. Jessica can scream at the top of her lungs and infuse it with her own Reiatsu. The scream causes damage on resonating frequencies, and acts like Cero. One use in Tragedy prior to Climax, Two uses in Climax. After unusable until mask reset(5 rounds/posts)
» Linked Skills:
Host Willpower
Spirit Willpower

» Power: Laugh of the Cackler (Only Available with Comedy)
Jessica can expand her Aura by simply cackling like another one of her ancestors. This is her version of “Flaring” her Reiatsu and is usually done after she takes damage, which she loves.
» Linked Skills:
Host Pain Tolerance
Spirit Pain Tolerance
Ziamichi Sync Rate

» Pure Abilities:
Jessica has a movement skill akin to the other racial movement abilities, it just looks slightly different. She also boosts her natural strength and stamina with spiritual energy. It is minimal without her masks.
» Linked Skills: (Will Fill In Once Stats are Determined)

I. The Spirit's Basic Information

» The Spirit's Name: Comedy and Tragedy
» The Spirit's Race: Hollow
» The Spirit's Gender: One of Each
» The Spirit's Age: 494

» Comedy and Tragedy’s Appearance:
Comedy and Tragedy can only be seen in the old western steam engine that is Jessica’s soul. Tragedy wears his mask and is a tall gentleman in penguin tails who serves as a bartender in the bar cabin and is has chains for his left arm which is attached Comedy. The chains lead into Comedy’s right arm, and she serves as the hostess in the bar car. She wears an old western dancer’s dress and a feather in her hair. When either of them removes their mask, they have no actual faces.

» Comedy and Tragedy’s Appearance:

I. The Spirit's Personality

» Comedy’s Personality:
Comedy love laughing at misfortune and tragedy. When life gets you down, it is usually better to just laugh and get your spirits up. She completely believes this and is constantly trying to make jokes to Jessica while she’s inside her inner world. However, Comedy also has a very dark side where she enjoys laughing at the expense of Jessica and Tragedy. She tends to really like seeing Jessica get beat up because it’s just so sad that it is usually hilarious to her. Unlike her brother she is rarely serious, and does not like staying put for more than two or three seconds at a time. She’s usually chatty and bouncing off the walls. While she enjoys seeing Jessica hurt, she’s surprisingly not a fan of hurting other people.

» Tragedy’s Personality:
Tragedy, could be an attorney or a mob boss with the way he stands. Tragedy rarely shows emotion, and is always hell bent on following the rules of the story. He was the one who suggested to Jessica that him, his sister, and Jessica make a contract that stipulates Jessica acting in their interests instead of fighting. He likes causing and creating Tragedy, but he dislikes seeing himself or Jessica in Tragedy. Unlike his sister, he is very well-spoken and calm, and his attitude does not change as frequently.

I. The Spirit's History

» The Spirit's History:
Comedy and Tragedy were a conjoined set of identical twins who died at birth. They quickly degenerated into a hollow due to the feelings of misgivings and anguish caused by not even really being allowed to live. Due to the fact that they were so small they lived a good portion of time in Hueco Mundo and sustained off the dense energies of the desert world.

They eventually grew too large to be sustained by simply living in Hueco Mundo and hunted weaker and smaller souls for a number of years. Preferring to hunt quietly and for smaller prey than loudly for more powerful souls. They never made it to the level of menos or higher and were eventually captured by a rogue shinigami who was a dead Whateley. This lead to their imprisonment and subsequent sealing.

Comedy and Tragedy were chosen to be sealed into Jessica because they were the weakest of the hollow that had been attained by the family, just like she was the weakest with her reiatsu. They also found the hollow to be odd and overall an abomination and found it as more of a pawn off to Jessica and a punishment for her crimes. They never had any direct ability other than normal Hollow skills, and she never had anything but minor versions of her family’s taints. They decided on the idea of a contract to deal with the seal because Tragedy found it hilarious and Comedy didn’t understand the purpose of fighting someone as physically as Jessica in her own mind.

I. The Spirit's Powers

» Unique Traits: Conjoined Twins
Jessica has to appease the twins. This is done by swapping masks at opportune times. Comedy finds it funny when Jessica gets hurt, and Tragedy loves to see Jessica do horrifying things that cause Tragedy. As they are conjoined twins, their energy is spread amongst both. So Jessica must constantly swap between them to keep at the peak of her abilities. If she is not appeasing one of them, the other will not grant her as much power.

The Masks Have a 3 turn use on each mask (6 total) and another 3 in Overature and Climax. Afterwords they are on cool down for 10 posts.
» Linked Skills:
Ziamichi Control over Spirit
Sync Rate
Hollow Control

» Mask: Comedy : Lead
By simply materializing Comedy’s mask, Jessica’s power begins to pour out. Her voice changes, and her eyes begin to glow a soft huge of the creepy green that is her entire family shares. She gains reiatsu, significant stamina and strength.
» Linked Skills:
Spirit and Host Strength
Spirit and Host Stamina
Human Power Augmentation
Hollow Power Augmentation
Mask Protection
All Ziamichi Skills

» Mask: Comedy : Bridge
By dawning Comedy’s Mask, Jessica gains an additional increase in reiatsu and stamina. This is effectively her form for taking punishment and fueling her masochism. In Comedy’s form she is constantly giggling and cackling, as if she’s the only one hearing extremely funny jokes all the time. She cannot use Cero, but she can infuse her hollow reiatsu into her defenses.
» Linked Skills:
Spirit and Host Strength
Spirit and Host Stamina
Hollow Power Augmentation
Human Power Augmentation
Mask Protection
All Ziamichi Skills

» Mask: Tragedy : Exposition
By simply materializing Tragedy’s mask, Jessica’s power begins to pour out. Her voice changes, and her eyes begin to glow a soft huge of the creepy green that is her entire family shares. She gains reiatsu, significant strength and stamina, and a minor bonus to speed.
» Linked Skills:
Spirit and Host Strength
Spirit and Host Stamina
Human Power Augmentation
All Ziamichi Skills
All Hollow Skills

» Mask: Tragedy : Conflict
By dawning Tragedy’s mask, Jessica gains additional reiatsu and strength. This is effectively her attacking form. In this form she is constantly crying and wailing. As she weeps, hollow reiatsu pours over her body and soul allowing her to hit much harder, discharging the energy whenever she strikes.
» Linked Skills:
Spirit and Host Strength
Spirit and Host Stamina
Human Power Augmentation
All Ziamichi Skills
All Hollow Skills

» Mask: Comedy and Tragedy : Overture and Climax
If both of the twins are extremely happy with a fight, Jessica can finally infuse her own power correctly with the twins. This is done by moving both masks to the sides of her face and crossing them in front of her face. Her soul will literally leave her body wearing one of the masks, still connected by it’s soul chain. Her hollow twins then separate, one moving with her and the other moving her body, freely. As they are conjoined twins, they are still connected by the soul chain. This allows her and her body to fight independently, including swapping masks between the two of them on the fly. Her power is at its very best at this point but the value still is based on which twin is where. So either her soul or her body will have increased resilience or strength on higher levels than the other side.
» Linked Skills:
Spirit and Host Strength
Spirit and Host Stamina
Human Power Augmentation
All Ziamichi Skills
All Hollow Skills

» Drawback: Only Human
If Jessica’s soul chain is severed, (it does have enhanced resilience as it’s literally tethered and protected by her reiatsu) she dies. If Jessica uses Overture and Climax, her damage is compounded following returning her soul and body. If Jessica does not appease one of the twins, there’s a chance they will leave her alone to deal with her own problems.

» Control: 5
The control of Jessica’s hollow comes from a very specific set of guidelines and rules as to what she can do and how long she can do it for. The more hollow like and creepy she has been, the more willing tragedy is to give her powers. The more she laughs and enjoys herself. The more power Comedy is willing to give her. Once she has called on their power it gets even more odd because she has to be both masochistic and sadistic based on which mask she is wearing.
» Linked Skills: (Will Fill In Once Stats are Determined)

I. Equipment/Other Resources

» Equipment:

I. Skill Sheet

Click here for skill sheet
Ziamichi General

» Ziamichi Host Class: E-

» Ziamichi Spirit Class: E-

0 Tier is allowed 1 Master, 2 Advanced for each section
1 Tier is allowed 2 Advanced for each section
2 Tier is allowed 1 Advanced, 2 Adept for each section
3 Tier is allowed 1 Adept for each section
4 Tier and below only get beginner.

Upgrade Links:
Upgrade 1

General Skills For Host
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Ziamichi Skills For Host
  • Skill Of Ziamichi Powers: Beginner
  • Control Over Spirit: Beginner
  • Seal Strength: Beginner
  • Sync-Rate: Beginner

Human Reiatsu Sheet
  • Power Control: Beginner
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration: Beginner
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance: Beginner
  • Physical Augmentation: Beginner

Will Skills For Host
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner


General Skills For Spirit
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will Skills For Spirit
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: /Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Hollow Skills
  • Power Augmentation Beginner
  • Cero: Beginner
  • Mask Protection:: Beginner
  • Hollow Control: Beginner

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample: (Taken from another Site)
Fuck magic. That was probably the most hypocritical thing Liz has ever and will ever say in her life. Unfortunately it really doesn’t change how she thinks about the entire thing.

Liz woke up drooling, it took her a second. She took note of her surroundings, at least, she wanted to. Then she realized that she couldn’t see. Her hand waved in front of her face a few times before reached around and wrapped her fingers over the small bottle to her left. She quickly removed the cap, an attempt to stop the panic attack that was rearing itself on the tip of her mind. The pill was small, her fingers gripped one and slowly pressed it between her lips, it dissolved under her tongue a few seconds later. Liz’s mouth was dry, and her heart was racing. She tried to count to ten, closing her eyes in a vain attempt to relax.

“You Shall Not Ignore Us!” A voice rang out. It was hoarse, a male voice that sounded something between a thirty year smoker and an old rock and roll singer. Her hand spread out over her face and nose, her fingers gripping her forehead as a feeble attempt to staunch the headache.

It took a few minutes, but her vision went from black to a misty dark color, followed by an adamant amount of different hues before finally settling with the dark room. The only light came from her computer, which was still on. Liz’s keyboard had been pushed away to make room for a nap that had turned into a full on snooze-fest.

The knock came again, Liz paused, almost panicked even harder as she hit the Windows key and checked the time. It was 0537. She thought about who in their less than sane mind would want to wake her up this early as she yawned. Liz stood up and went to look out the small eyehole of her apartment. The young man outside was tall, well taller than Liz, anyway. He was of Irish descent, with frayed red hair. He was well-built, which, while tasteful, didn’t really matter to her at the moment. Like most built Irish gentlemen, his facial structure was well defined and he had a small scar on his left ear from the fight he had been in years ago. This was before she met him, he didn’t talk about it much. Considering it was relatively obvious that someone had flat out ripped an earring from his ear and torn the lobe because of it. His other ear no longer bore an earring. If she had to take an educated guess, it was to avoid any misconceptions.

She wanted to laugh as she turned the handle of the door and looked outside, her eyes were still readjusting. Liz didn’t disable her apartment security system as she looked up at him. “What do you want Jimmy?” She asked in an attitude probably reserved for exs and bosses that she had previous quit in a huff. Liz’s voice, is sad. It’s slightly squeaky given how tall she is for a woman, and it half makes her sound like she should be modeling fourth grader jeans. It doesn’t match her at all and she’s not afraid to say she didn’t like it. Jimmy’s eyes roamed over her for a second. She looked down and realized she had no pants on. “Seriously, it’s not even six, what do you want?” She wanted to swear, but the accelerated heart rate and the anger luckily made her avoid it. Liz swears like a truck driver, she definitely got it from her mother.


Last edited by fantomdarc on Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:24 pm; edited 9 times in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4467
Age : 23

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty Re: Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]]

Fri Nov 03, 2017 10:27 pm
Wail of LeFey

Needs a post limit and cooldown.

Masks (All)

Need a post limit of how long she can wear them, and a cooldown.[/adm]
Starter Member
Joined : 2017-10-27
Posts : 54

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Left_bar_bleue500/0Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty_bar_bleue  (500/0)

Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty Re: Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]]

Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:51 am
Edited, note that she has very little to no power without the masks.

"The Whateley family married into the LeFey’s if you believe legends from so very long ago. Jessica can scream at the top of her lungs and infuse it with her own Reiatsu. The scream causes damage on resonating frequencies, and acts like Cero. One use in Tragedy prior to Climax, Two uses in Climax. After unusable until mask reset(5 rounds/posts)"

"Jessica has to appease the twins. This is done by swapping masks at opportune times. Comedy finds it funny when Jessica gets hurt, and Tragedy loves to see Jessica do horrifying things that cause Tragedy. As they are conjoined twins, their energy is spread amongst both. So Jessica must constantly swap between them to keep at the peak of her abilities. If she is not appeasing one of them, the other will not grant her as much power.

The Masks Have a 3 turn use on each mask (6 total) and another 3 in Overature and Climax. Afterwords they are on cool down for 10 posts."
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4467
Age : 23

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty Re: Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]]

Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:55 am


« Application Checklist »
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Member Info
Platinum Points:
Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]] Empty Re: Jessica Whateley [4-3 [Host] / 5-1 [Spirit]]

Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:20 pm
[mod]Due to member inactivity, this character is being moved to the archives. If the member becomes active again in the future, they may be reinstated.[/mod]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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