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The Dark Legion Empty The Dark Legion

Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:43 pm
The Dark Legion FrSC0tv

» Item Name: The Dark Legion
» Item Type: Only accessible by Ruvik and his close followers. Npc soldiers.

» Used For: To serve as a small, but effective military force for Ruvik as the new Hollow King and any future tasks they require of them,

» Item Description:

The Dark Legion is a small collective that has been gathered by Ruvik over his years in Shadowfall as his personal battalion. It consists mostly of Hollows his own kind taking up the vast majority of their numbers. However, there are a few Arrancar, Demons, and even Shinigami and Vaizards scattered through its ranks. These are essentially all the lesser soldiers that have given fragments of their souls to the Hollow to work alongside them for their own goals, as well as that of their master. These soldiers have a number of unique talents thanks to their affiliation with Ruvik.

Power- First and foremost is their power. It's wild and unpredictable. Any soldier can be at almost any level, from as weak as their mundane self to as strong as a thriving monster of battle. This all ties with the nature of the Soul contract they'll all bound to. Ruvik can alter their strengths at will, adjusting them to virtually any level close to his own or less. However, this is difficult, if not impossible to do for a large number of followers at once. Therefore it usually goes by a formula. The more soldiers are present? The less each of their individual strengths will be boosted above that of an ordinary foot soldier. But the less that are focused in one area? The stronger they will be overall, as Ruvik won't need to divide his influence as widely. Overall these are intended to work best in smaller groups of around four to ten warriors, focusing on quality rather than quantity to overcome any opposition that opposes the mad Hollow.

Abilities: Each soldier will have access to their natural strengths. Hollows can use cero, Shinigami can apply kido, so on and so forth. However, as part of their ties to Ruvik they are granted certain special characteristics that put them one step above their peers.

Merciless Mindset- As part of the parasite's influence, every soldier will be more in tune with their darker emotions. Wrath, greed, gluttony, or whatever pushed them forward the most. This purges most of the empathy and good will from the majority of his legion, turning them into vile, murderous killing machines that would even turn against their own allies if the whim suited them. They're as close to heartless as can be, living for only two purposes. Themselves and their dark lord's will. This leads them to be far more efficient in battle, shrugging off lesser and even moderate wounds to keep pushing forward and tear through any adversary in their way. They will fight tooth and nail, the bloodlust unwavering until they perish entirely.

Armor- The main ability granted through a contract, every soldier of this division is clad in reptilian scale-like armor. It replaces their clothing, acting as a new layer of skin that overshadows everything but a portion of their face. It is a weaker version of the Darkness armor. It offers numerous benefits, mainly in physical combat. The armor is thick, durable enough to absorb damage at the same level as an advanced hierro, making each soldier like a juggernaut against most ordinary foes. It also substantially bolsters their strengths and speed, turning each warrior into a physical powerhouse that can overcome twice as many foes as they normally could. It can vary depending on each individual, as its multiplicative, adding a small range to their strengths. But it will always be a good deal better than they ever would have been normally.

Loyalty- Due to the contract, every member of this legion is affected by its power..This includes a passive suggestion in their hearts. While not direct control, this does make each soldier fiercely loyal to Ruvik, even to the point of giving their life for him cause in most cases. They follow him above everyone else. If he were to go against their current commander or organization? They would follow him without question. His word is absolute, and they will do everything in their power to abide by it. Not out of control, but their own whims telling them to obey, to repay the master that gave them such strength to reach their own goals and abandon their weakness.

Fuel- As these soldiers fight, a lot of the energy they and their opponents expend will be absorbed and transferred right to Ruvik, wherever he may be. This means that as long as they fight, the Hollow will feed on the energy of their conflict, using it as an additional fuel source to empower himself over time. Though it has little influence in the short term, over time, this can help him exceed his limits and grow to even greater heights than before. Or alternatively, the same energy can be harness to help the evolution of the Advocates, the fearsome weapons Ruvik has created for his followers.

Skills: All soldiers of this legion are generally a tad weaker than most heavy-hitters, as they were intended to work as a collective to make up for their weakness. Because of this, every soldier will operate at an adept level in every skill they would possess for their race, with three exceptions. Every warrior will have advanced strength and speed due to the bonus granted by the dark armor that adorns them, as well as master level pain tolerance from the corrupt influence warping their minds. While not that impressive, having a large number of warriors with that much physical might and tenacity can easily overcome swarms of normal foot soldiers that may oppose them and even become a very real threat for high-level characters that stand against them. They might not be the most powerful creatures, but can easily be a major threat for standard warriors or even stronger ones if they choose to face multiple at once.

Contracted- As these soldiers are tied with the contract Ruvik uses to empower his forces, it also means they have the potential to become more deadly as Ruvik himself grows. Any power that he could grant to those bound to a soul contract can also be given to his legion. This means they could gain any number of new powers over time, depending on how many Ruvik develops personally. These contracts also give him a large level of physical influence over these soldiers. He can see what they see, communicate with them telepathically, summon them to his location at will, and every other trait typically associated with the contracts. They are however bound to the same rules. For further details on the contract more in depth, see the spoiler below.

Soul Contract:

Weaknesses- Much like Ruvik, these soldiers are very vulnerable to sunlight, as well as intense levels of photons and divine or holy energy. Though not quite as vulnerable as Ruvik himself, the sun will reduce the bonus they gain from Ruvik's influence by half of its normal amount. So a Hollow raised to 0-5 might be reduced as low as 2-1. Their armor would become adept tier and the increase to their physical brawn would be halved. it can be devastating and restricts them to fighting properly at night or in dark environments. Additionally, heavy concentrations of pure light or holy energy will be twice as effective against them, be it for damage or banishing the influence all-together.

» Obtained From: Ruvik's own powers through the course of his career in Shadowfall, acquiring more followers over time. With the recent rise to Hollow King, he has finally gathered enough followers to create a small legion under his personal banner.

» Yen Price: Ten million or something for the resources spent on recruitment and maintenance, but the powers are all his own and wouldn't cost much to apply.

» Notes: Now 20% edgier
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The Dark Legion Empty Re: The Dark Legion

Fri Aug 11, 2017 4:34 am
[adm]Approving since it was already approved, but now it's in NPC form.[/adm]

The Dark Legion WVMWLOu
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