How To Mass NPC [Character Guide]
Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:17 pm
A lot of people believe that NPC's are nothing more than mass fodder. And, while in many stories they can be, that really depends on who is NPC'ing them. So, this guide was made to help clear that up when it comes to mass NPC's.
Check For Approval
Before running off with a mass NPC, see if it's alright by staff or the person in charge of a faction to mass NPC something. For example: I'd probably ask staff or myself for permission if it came down to doing something mass NPC related with Shadow Fall. So make sure you are in the clear first.
Communication And Planning
The first part of mass NPC'ing is communication. If you are planning to use them in some kind of event/war thread, you should coordinate an effort with PC characters in the thread.
For example, say you have around one hundred Vanguard troopers that are around a four tier level and you are fighting against a one tier character. Well, you could try and figure out how many of those are Shinigami. And, from there, you can try and have those who are good with kido try a mass magic move to try and constrict the movement of the character so that the PC character fighting against the one tier character can have a chance at harming them or sealing their power.
Another instance of working together is that you can have a ton of NPC characters deliver some kind of weapon of mass destruction. While the PC character is fighting another enemy character who is of equal level, the NPC characters can use this opening to deliver something like a bomb in order to heavily damage an enemy base of some kind.
These are, of course, basic tactics, but they set an example of what can be done if you just collaborate with other people when doing mass NPC'ing as you can make all sorts of potential plans against enemies.
Be Generic
If you are mass NPC'ing something, be generic as possible when it comes to dealing with races. Always, always try to stick to their racial stats. This is to make things simple and clear cut for those RP'ing with you. If the mass NPC have powers, try to make them basic like elemental control or something to that effect. And, when it comes to skill sheets, I'd just avoid it unless it comes down to individual fighting as it's assumed most NPC's have beginner will stats in will and everything else will be in accordance with the skill sheet system per tier unless otherwise stated by the NPC Controller or person in charge of allowing them people to NPC.
Overviewing Resources
Another key part of Mass NPC'ing is knowing what kind of resources you are working with. How many characters will be a part of your mass NPC? If they are related to a faction, what are the resources that said faction has that NPC's can use? Understand what is at the disposal of your NPC's before jumping head first and letting them be cannon fodder. Read race specs, read equipment, read faction threads, read defense/resource threads etc.
Overall, what is the purpose of your NPC's in the thread they are in? That really determine how effective they are. Are they being directed by a leader such as a faction commander or captain to show how effective their battle plans are? Are they being used to change the tide in a war? Does the other person in the thread just want a challenge? What kind of theme or story are you and the people in the thread going for with these NPC's?
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