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Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:31 pm
Vladimir was a person who usually preferred to get most things done in house; if Russia was able to handle what it was that he had needed, or wanted, he would prefer to use that option. It was only when he was confronted with something that he knew he could not find in Russia that he would look towards others; while what he sought at the moment was nothing material it was something that he had already made contact with; why attempt to find something, which may not exist elsewhere, when you could simply find something you knew existed. What Vlad sought at the moment was allies; a storm was brewing and it seemed that the more allies one had the better the chance of living to tell the tale. Vastime was a place that he recognized as being rather strong, and pretty unique. Not many countries had a woman who would simply strip in the middle of Russia and offer the men a drink; whether she was a temptress sent to gather information or someone who had gained word of the meeting and simply decided to attend was something he was unsure of; no matter the answer he had to know where the females loyalties lie. Was she to be trusted, after having listened to their entire conversation, or was this something that would create a problem in the near future? It was with this that he had decided to visit Vastime. This, however, was not his only cause for visiting Vastime. He also sought audience with Hayden, the man who rules these lands. It took time, will power and strength to unite the African nations; this task was not easily done and as such Vladimir deemed the man worthy of relations.

Having left Russia in order to find this woman, his travel taking no more then a few hours; while some would see this as a tiring exercise he though it as something which would ensure the future of Russia, and even the world. The world was something which was always changing, evolving, and as such needed to be monitored. Perhaps it was time Vladimir took a more direct role in guiding it down the correct path. It was with this though that he would walk through Vastime. From what he had gathered the female, who went by the name of Mirja, was someone who was rather unique; given his first hand experience with the girl he would accept this as the truth and deem the information worth looking into.

Having no real knowledge of the land he was in, Vladimir simply took his time in examining his whereabouts. He had been told of a location that she often frequented and as such would make sure that was his first stop; some cafe in town. From what Vladimir thought it seemed it could be possible, but who the fuck knew? This girl seemed to be rather random, so if it took her interest it could make sense. Walking through the entrance he simply looked around. "Is there someone that goes by the name Mirja here?" He spoke, loud enough to resonate in the building.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:13 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Ahh, the deep blush of a girl who had ordered Wolf Surprise. She would never get tired of that one. Some of them tried to flirt back to gain some control of the situation, but most just turned a deep red and buried their face in whatever came with the surprise. Mirja thought about decking Henrex if he ever ordered it. A surprise was not a surprise if you knew what was coming. But he was too boring to ever order something that was adventurous like that. Blowing a kiss and then turning to leave her newest wolf toy, someone came in asking for her by name.

It turned out to be the cool Russian guy, Vlad. Not quite as Russian as Ivan Ivanovich Ivansky but still pretty Russian. Standing out in the Tundra with naught to cover yourself was also pretty Russian, and so she skated up to him, apparently wearing roller skates.
"Hey Vladimir. You finally took me up on the offer to come down and let me thump your skull in under the subtle guise of training, huh? How wonderful" She teased, a beaming grin and wolfish eyes indicating that she was, as ever, a playful little thing.

"Got a few people to finish up here, then I can close down for the day and we can go to the training ground. Breakages of you I am not to worried about, but breakages of Vastime is pretty expensive, so I gotta do the training in the proper places"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Sun Apr 16, 2017 4:08 pm
Vladimir was a very confident person, some would go as far to call it arrogant; it was with this confidence that he simply smirked at the woman. To be fair it was not as though he went around showing off his powers, and when thinking back on it not many had really ever seen them. Well, that meant that this experience would be one for the ages; he could only hope that she was as skilled as she made it seem. "Just be careful darling, I like to get a little rough." Winking at her as she skated off, god only knows why she was wearing skates. Still not very sure of her usefulness. She is very random, that's for sure, but is that ok? Will she actually have much to offer? Rolling his head, letting a low sigh escape, he hoped that this would be worth his time. Having left Russia sooner than he had originally planned he was hoping to sweat a bit before meeting with Hayden; this meeting, however Vladimir may see it, was totally unplanned. It was not as though Vladimir had set up a date and time, he simply figured if he was his usual charming self he would be able to get the meeting. Charming was a bit of a stretch, sure, but he knew that the meeting would be worth Haydens time.

It was with these thoughts that the time passed rather quickly. Having observed the girl as she worked he was unsure as to whether she was a simply tease, or if she actually knew how to please these men. Realizing what, exactly, was filling his mind he coughed and cleared his throat. There was no need for these thoughts right now, it would only serve as a distraction from this interaction. Watching as she finished up her duties Vlad found himself smirking a bit more than normal. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, eh?" He chuckled, perhaps the reference was outdated. "Fuck I'm old." He muttered. "Well, as long as you don't explicitly pleasure the men in public, I assume you can do as you please. Shall we go? I only hope you can give me the same satisfaction you did those poor men; I do believe you will see my tolerance is a bit higher though." He chuckled, still leaning against the wall, waiting for her to finish locking up.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:09 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Subtle, nearly unnoticeable, but something clicked inside Mirja as he made his comments about pleasuring men. She dealt with the rest of the customers, saw to their needs and then ushered them out of the door, before getting changed into her Shihakusho and cocking her head. What exactly did he expect was going to happen, what did he expect Mirja was going to do? She would have to dissuade him of any notion to the contrary of what she was about to do. And she would have to dissuade it is such a fashion it never returned in any form.

So he was led down an alleyway and then Mirja turned on him, hand lashing out so fast it would appear to not so much move, but rather simply spawn into existence around his neck. Once around his neck she would lift him off his feet as if he was a small kitten and let him dangle.
"I don't know what you think I am but I am here to tell you right now that I am no whore. You will not so much as touch me without losing the offending limb in the most violent way you could possibly imagine. Do I make myself clear, little Russian?"

There was no shred of humanity with her glinting silver eyes, no spark of emotion in her snarling voice. Right now, he was not dealing with a woman, but rather a wolf, and she was not shy about using the claws that would soon be digging into Vlad's neck.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:27 pm
Perhaps he was imagining things, but it seemed that Mirja's overall demeanor had changed. Sure, she was still performing her job as one would expect, but something seemed different about it. Her motions were not quite as fluid, and as such, her over all vibe was a tad more tense than prior. Perhaps she was feeling annoyed by his comments? Well, if that was how she felt all she had to do was ask. It was not as though he was going to willingly bully this lady. Who would do that? Things seemed to be going well, as well as they could be for two strangers who had decided to train.

It was as she had led him through a rather dull alleyway that Mirja had decided to assault him; how cute, idle threats were always so fun. Listening to what she had said it seemed the two of them had given each other the wrong impression. It was time to clarify things, "Firstly, I was not insinuating that I would ever touch you. I am not the type of man who would need a whore to have his fun. Secondly, it was a joke. If you believe I was actually calling you a whore perhaps you need to evaluate yourself. I did not mean to offend you, but do not think I will sit idly by while you threaten my either. I am no pushover love." It was with this that grabbed the females wrist. "You'd be surprised just how big a man I am. So, please, do release you grip." It was with this that he sighed.

"I do hope you can understand the predicament we are in. I wish to help Russia expand, and I do wish to include Vastime. You seem to be under some beliefs that are making it hard for me to trust you right now. Calm down and we can discuss the matter. Lets be civil." He smiled, simply waiting on her reply.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:57 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja listened to him quip casually while she was choking the life out of him - a miracle by itself, she never knew anyone who would talk while their windpipe had a hand-shaped obstacle pushing on it - and generally just had no danger sense at all. This was the kind of man she hated the most, he thought so highly of himself and never saw that he was seconds from death. Mirja just had to twitch and he would have no more throat. So oblivious to the impending doom, and still being a man of all things. Her claws tasted blood and she wanted to carve him up like a pumpkin, but eventually managed to relax and just drop him.

"I care not what you came here for. If I see you outside of official duties ever again, I shall eviscerate you" she growled, far more feral than any human could achieve. Her wolfish appendages seemed to come into prominence as she spoke, and then she just, vanished. Mirja was no longer there after the blink of an eye.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

[exit thread]
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:51 pm

Looking for an Equal
Word Count: N/A

Vladimir let out a slight sigh, it seemed that things had not gone the way that he had planned, and he knew that it was at least partially his fault. While he did believe that she should have been a bit more forgiving, it was a joke and he did not mean to hit a sore spot, he realized the error of his ways. It was with a light sigh that the female had released her grip and simply disappeared. Vladimir, a man who would rather not leave things unfinished, rolled his head and let out a light moan. It seemed his stay in Vastime was going to be prolonged, and it seemed he had to apologize.

After having spent a few days in the city, allowing the woman to calm her head, he had decided it was probably about time for him to make his way back to the cafe and explain his actions; while he was unsure of whether or not he was going to be assaulted he had decided to be on guard this time. Allowing his chi to flow to his eyes he was at a heightened state of awareness. Approaching the building he simply cracked his neck and opened the door. "It's me again! Hope you're not too tired of my appearance just yet!" He chuckled, making idle banter with whatever the persons name was. "Ah, yes. Is Mirja around? It seems we have some unresolved issues I'd like to take care of. Would you mind fetching her?" He smiled and waited for the reply, it seemed that the people around here had no qualms with simply fetching one another, that was rather lucky for him. The real question, however, was whether or not the female would be willing to have an actual conversation with him or not. It would all be known in due time.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:58 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja let herself get absorbed in her work, and all was good again. No more worrying about nasty male bastards with no sense of danger and far to much sass in their balls that so needed to be torn off and used as a centre piece for some lovely artwork. So, not all was so good. She crushed several cups on the first day, and that reminded her of how she got this place to begin with. Talking to Hayden and she shattered a cup and then she was told to pay for it, so she did. By buying the shop.

Thinking of Hayden, was the main reason she managed to calm herself. People of his army probably had to be better than this. And so she reeled herself in, and by the third day was back to her jolly wolfish self. And then she heard him come in while she was in the back - wolf ears were not just for show, after all - and her hand instinctively curved into a claw to rake and split open guts. It took a few seconds, but she managed to calm herself down and then go to the door leading outwards, where she saw Vlad, stared at him, and then shook her head.

Then Mirja took off and was by Vlad's side before the door had even begun to close from her absence. augmented senses or no, it would seem as if Mirja had simply teleported the short distance between the backroom and the door. While it was not that, it might as well have been, as the wolf cleared the distance in 0.09 miliseconds, using her Slip-Stream to brilliant effect.
"So, you came to get eviscerated, huh? Never met a man who would come willingly, but it saves me the trouble"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:25 am

Word Count: N/A

Vladimir had decided to come back to this location simply because he felt that they had gotten off on the wrong foot; sure, it was partly his fault, but it was also partly her fault. What was a man to expect when the first encounter he has she simply strips? Well, either way, it seemed that things weren't going to be quite as easy as he had hoped. It seemed that she still held some anger towards the way in which he had acted; well, while this was a definite possibility, he was hoping it wasn't going to be like this. He had hoped that she would have calmed herself, at least somewhat considering her position within Vastime.

Perhaps he had expected a bit too much to have been blown over, but none the less it seemed that the female was rather receptive of his callings and had appeared before him rather quickly. "I came here to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I was merely making a joke, and I know it was wrong. Perhaps we can start anew? I do hope you wouldn't mind doing so! You seem to be someone I wouldn't enjoy having as an enemy. Vastime seems like a lovely place, would you mind showing me around?" He was unsure of how his apology would be received, but tried his best at making an attempt at repairing what damage he had caused. The question was whether she would be receptive and do the same.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Looking for an Equal [Mirja] Empty Re: Looking for an Equal [Mirja]

Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:45 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

The Man had come to apologise. Something that Mirja was not expecting, if she was honest. They were never sorry, they just took their relief and that was that, nobody cared and so she had to protect herself and her girls from these monsters that would use them and then discard them without a thought. She stared at the russian, giving him a withering glare, her silver iris and silver pupils making a rather disturbing image to stare down. And there was something else, different to the pressure of powerful spiritual beings. This was the weight of intent. Forgiveness was incredibly distant, and may yet never exist at all.

"To start anew is cowardist. Accept that you have flawed and move past it if able. As for your tour, you can do it yourself. Vastime is not hard to look around. I simply train people and look after my cafe. My cafe, is on break right now. So I'll be in the training ground. Really tall building you can't miss. If you want anything productive, come see me, if you fear pain and prefer to remain a maiden, then you may tour the city. I am sure someone will escort a delicate flower such as yourself" Mirja's tone was cold and formal, as she opened the door and left to go to the training grounds, clearly uncaring as to wither he was on her tail or not.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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