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The Clash for the Second Division Empty The Clash for the Second Division

Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:43 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 674

(( 48 hour posting time limit – Failure to post in that time frame will result in anything/everything in the previous post successfully taking place. Failure to respond to this post will indicate that you decline to fight and will thus forfeit your position. As agreed OOC. Let the games begin… ))

Today was the day. Today was the day that Izanagi would step forth into the light once again. Today was the day that he jumped back into the fray! Today was the day where he would re-assume his position within the newly reformed Gotei United. Today was the day that a new Captain of the Kido Corps was crowned. Izanagi felt the obligation to serve the Gotei United, because of his history with both the Soul King and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

Over the past few weeks since returning to the realm, he couldn’t help but notice the Gotei reform. The organization became smaller which meant that Captains had to be strong as there were fewer of them to protect the Seireitei and the will of the Soul King. News quickly spread of the new and ferocious Captain Commander; however one individual that not a lot of people spoke of was the Captain of the now Second Division of the Gotei United. The Captain of the Kido Corps and the Medicine/Healing division.

The Captain of the Third division was renowned for his fire and for the fact that he was the son to the Vizard King, Zin Yuudeshi. The young mans fire, manifested in his personality which made him a rather iconic figure in the Gotei. Izanagi recalled the man once serving as the Captain of the Research and Development division, before abruptly transferring to a division that was to some extent the opposite. But it seemed that the young mans roots brought him back to Research and Development!

Izanagis body shifted through the air, today, he didn’t wear his excessively heavy Armor. His attire consisted of a loose full body outfit that was navy in colour. The outfit reached from his neck to his angles, coming to an end at either wrist and either ankle. The loose attire provided great levels of flexibility, allowing Izanagi to move at his maximum potential. His Zanpakuto was sheathed on the left size of his hip, the handle was a rather prominent shade of blue while the sheath was white as day.

The sun was at high noon, as Izanagi touched down by the White Road Gate. As he approached, the gate opened and he passed through the newly created barrier that prevented foes from penetrating the Seireitei. Izanagi was aware of how the grid operated; diffusing any energy that met it, making it a feat to be able to break through the new barrier.

Izanagi navigated through the groups of Shinigami that were leaving the Seireitei at the time that he was entering. His sight briefly shifted from one individual to another as with the next step his body vanished in the blink of an eye. In an instant, he had covered a great deal of ground, re-appearing by the gates that were marked by the Symbol of the Kido Corps.

His sight shifted from the barracks to the entrance as he slowly approached. Passing through the door frame, he entered the garden of the second division barracks. His sight darted from person to person as the chatter in the area died down. Many members that were taking a break, turned their attention to Izanagi; a man with a great stature and thick long dark blue hair. His body moved effortlessly as slowly approached the center of the large group.

Everyone had come to notice that he wasn’t wearing the traditional Shinigami attire, however since the introduction of the Grid, the tendency for intrusion had decreased considerably and so the Shinigami sat, contemplating whether to attack. Whether this individual was a friend or a foe… but in due time, all would become clear.

“Captain of the Second Division, known by the name Zen. I, Izanagi Shinsui, hereby challenge you to the Captaincy of the Second Division, in accordance to the laws of the Gotei. How do you respond? ”

Izanagi could sense the mans presence within the barracks and so he spoke loud enough for the individuals in the immediate proximity and those who were inside the barracks could hear him.

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The Clash for the Second Division Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:29 pm
Even with such a crowded room Zen could feel someone different come into his barracks. It didnt take too long for most of the people in the room to fall silent. Then the loud mouth that had come into the barracks decided to blab his plan right in the middle of the crowded room. The room seemed to clear though some of the higher ranking members stood infront of the Captain, their hands on the undrawn Zanpakuto.

Zen stood behind them as whispers started to fill the room. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt and black dress pants, very different from what a captain traditionally wore, but still fit the color scheme. He waved his hand, telling those at the ready to stand down and walk away, they were hesitant, but the captain had ordered it.

"Izanagi Shinsui. Thats a name that I havent heard in a very long time, and a name I am sure no one in this room has heard of before." He walked forward, towards Izanagi, not threateningly, taking his time. "I can only assume you want to take back the position you held long ago. Why challenge me here, now? This is hardly the place to undergo such a battle. While I will agree to your challenge I would like to know more as to why you came to this decision."

The entire room went quiet once more as everyone waited for a response from the challenger.
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The Clash for the Second Division Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:06 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 283

“You assume wrong. For millennia, the Kido Corps has served as one of the most respected Divisions within the Gotei. However, as of late the standards have changed, so I would like to witness first hand your worthiness to Captain the Second Division of the Gotei United. After all, with the restructuring of the Gotei, it’s quintessential that those who serve as Captains are stronger; because of the absence of the formerly prominent advantage in numbers. The old laws dictate that the Captain is to be challenged before at least five hundred members of one division. ”

Izanagi would raise his right palm, as layers of navy spiritual energy ascended around the barracks of the Second division. The navy energy would form a rectangular shape, allowing Shinigami to exit and enter at will until the barrier solidifies.

“Feel free to order your men to stand outside of the barrier. They will be well protected. ”

Izanagi would fix his gaze on the six foot Captain as he slowly approached. Naturally, battles such as this one held their restrictions, but Izanagi was more concerned about the mans ability to utilise Kido to its full extent. He was more concerned about whether this individual was worthy of serving as the Head of the Kido Corps and if so, would he demonstrate his worthiness in this clash of wills…

The spiritual energy that powered the barrier that was forming around the compound would oose out of Izanagis body, travelling across the ground to form the solid structure. The barrier wouldn’t require additional power and it would be able to withstand a Bankai being released, should the Captain decide to go all out…

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The Clash for the Second Division Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:45 am
Nodded as he sighed. "very well then we shall have the battle here and the members of this division will witness our battle." He motioned towards the division members to head outside the forming barrier. "Also someone get the paperwork for collateral damage started. Whoever is captain after this fight will have to do that anyway so better get it started now rather than later." he said with a small chuckle.

"Alright, we shall start the fight at the training area, as that is the largest open space we have in the barracks, and the battle will continue from there as it goes on. Also should the barrier break the battle will end. If that were the case then the one with the highest energy left will be the winner. The battle will end when someone forfeits, is knocked unconscious, can no longer fight, or dies. Though lets keep that last one to a minimum." he said with a small chuckle at the last comment he made.

"I will await your answer at the training grounds. Feel free to word your answer as an attack or actual words, I shall be ready for both."

Zen used his flash step to go to the training grounds. Where he simply stood on one side of the paved area, waiting for his potential opponent to form his answer in some way.

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The Clash for the Second Division Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:41 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 674

Izanagis glanced the man up and down as he spoke and motioned the members of his division out of the barrier. He nodded with acknowledgement as the large group began pacing towards the exit. Naturally, he couldn’t help but notice the glances that he got from some of the members as they passed; it was unconventional for a Captain of the Kido Corps to have been challenged, it was more of a thing for the 11th Division of the Old. But times had changed.

Izanagi paid close attention to the rules that were dictated by the Captain of the Second Division, they were all within reason thus Izanagi had no reason to disagree with them. He shifted his attention over to the area that was surrounded by the spiritual barrier that he had created, “Right, everyone’s out” he thought to himself as the barrier solidified, releasing a mild splash of blue energy into the area.

As Izanagis attention returned to the Captain, the individual had flash stepped out to the training grounds and Izanagi rather promptly followed him. As Izanagi re-appeared, he stood on the other side to his opponent, giving him a brief nod of acknowledgement. “Best of luck.”

The single utterance that shifted the tension in the air. As Izanagis lips came together after the conclusion of his brief sentence, his spiritual energy began dancing across the immediate proximity while his right palm took hold of the hilt to his Zanpakuto. The sound of the zanpakuto screeching out of its sheath radiated across the training grounds.

Izanagis sight focused on the young individual as he dug the blade into the ground between his legs. As the blade secured its position within the ground, a single finger flicked from the grip on the hilt of the blade, releasing a burst of yellow energy.


In an instant, six thin and wide beams would begin to form and travel promptly toward the Captains midsection. If they were to strike the midsection of the body, they would come to completely immobilise the young individual.

The very same instant, walls of black would begin to engulf the young Shinigami Captain while the navy color of his spiritual energy tinted the black coffin. The sheer strength of the gravity generated by this technique would make it difficult for the young man to move. If the Rikujokoro was successful in restraining the Captain, then the attack that followed would abruptly end the mans career as a Captain. The black walls would promptly surround the man, trapping him in the technique commonly known as ‘Kurohitsugi’.


If the Shinigami Captain was caught in Kurohitsugi, he would find himself being struck by Spiritual Blades from every perceivable angle, distributing a torrent of cuts across the mans body. Naturally, Izanagi didn’t aim to kill the Shinigami and thus the large proportion of the technique was suppressed; he merely aimed to put the man into a condition where he could no longer fight and was under the impression that Kurohitsugi would make short work of the mans will to fight.

Kido was Izanagis primary focus in combat, he was aware of how energy worked and how to utilise the energy created by his body to full effect. Not only that but he developed a variation of kidou that is comparably stronger to the fundamental kido utilised by modern Shinigami. Comparing the Shinsui Style of Kidou to average practitioners, the Bakudo 81 Danku technique would only be able to stop Hadō up to the number 40 if Izanagi was to release a spell of that category at an individual. This of course, only meant one thing, that if the Rikujokoro succeeded in striking the Captains midsection, it would be a feat for the young man to break free before the attack that was sent in succession, connected.

As Izanagi stood there, he couldn’t help but wonder about the fate of the young Shinigami; was this all he had in him? Was this the start and the end?

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The Clash for the Second Division Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:06 pm
After the words decided the beginning of the fight things went quiet. Deathly quiet. Nothing could be heard. Well only one thing. Zen's voice. It was coming from everywhere, no discernible source. He simply moved out of the way of both incoming kido. The gravity did tug at him slowing him down a tad, but he simply reappeared behind Izanagi. With an open palm he would attempt to hit his challenger's back. A hit strong enough to send him flying into the air. Zen had no need to use his Zanpakuto in a very long time, he spent his time focusing on kido, but he was quite the expert in hand to hand fighting, and his lithe frame covered up the massive strength that laid hidden inside.

"Kido are much weaker when you can't make the incantations properly. You have knocked them down to one word, quite commendable." His voice coming from all directions.

"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, twist and destroy" he said as blue flames circled infront of him before releasing a massive twister of flames into the sky. This was a combination of Hadō #33 and #58. The combination created a massive whirlwind of flames that was headed directly towards Izanagi. To add insult to injury Zen wasn't on the ground anymore. He appeared behind Izanagi once more. He pointed his Zanpakuto at Izanagi blasting him with a silent, but bone crushing sound that would further push him into the flames.

Of course his bones wouldnt be crushed instantly, that would take time. But he would feel the pain down to his core. And thats what Zen wanted to do. Of course he was going to fight him, but deep inside Zen was quite the sadist. If Izanagi wanted a fight, he was going to give him one. But it was going to be slow and painful. As the thoughts came to Zen's mind his eyes narrowed and his eyes turned a crimson red. Eyes that could strike fear into anyone that looked at them.
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The Clash for the Second Division Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:36 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 526

“He has spirit, I’ll give him that.”

Izanagis eyes followed the Shinigami Captain as he avoided his inevitable demise with ease. He couldn’t help but smirk as he followed the man step by step as he approached Izanagis rear. His right hand, still firm on the Zanpakuto, he pushed his body up and off the ground, utilising the Zanpakuto as a means of maintaining balance. His left hand, motioned briefly as he chanted “Sai. - Ichi” .

In that very instant, the palm that was heading toward Izanagi would begin to alter trajectory as both of his arms would be forced behind his back by the kido. Suddenly, the Captain of the Second Division would find his body feeling a hundred times heavier than usual; spiritual energy would wrap around the wrists of his palms and begin to absorb the energy that the individual attempted to utilise to break free. This was the art of Izanagis Kidou, Sai Ichi.

Izanagi can perform Sai on individuals who are on his level in terms of power or weaker. His Sai restrains them while covering the wrists of the victim in a navy color; the navy color absorbs energy that is being used to break free. Those with understanding of Kido would be able to break free eventually as would those who are stronger, however he can use it on multiple people at once and usually uses it when he wants to seize the fighting. When the navy colored Reshi covers the wrists of the victim it begins to make them feel hundreds of times heavier thus making it harder to break free.

In the same instant, his body would vanish only to reappear right before the Shinigami; the palm of his left hand surrounding the man’s head as he would come to push the man down head first into the ground. Considering the distance between the duo, Izanagi would make it very difficult for the Shinigami to react to the situation, but it was possible for the man to, nonetheless. The man’s head would descend and into the paved ground; creating the first crater of the fight.

“Don’t patronise me.”

Izanagis eyes would look into that of the Shinigami, if looks could kill then this fight would be over. But as the words escaped Izanagis mouth, he released the grip on the man’s head and vanished, creating a fifteen-meter gap between himself and his opponent. “You done already? ‘Cause if I catch you with that technique again, you will be…”

As the last word of his sentence escaped his mouth, the heavy pull that Zen would feel would instantly vanish, as would the spiritual shackles that were formed around his wrists. He was given the opportunity to attempt another attack, a stronger attack, one that would tilt the scales of battle. However, at this point Izanagi wasn’t too impressed by the current Captain of the Second Division; he simply didn’t have the level of skill and finesse required to protect and lead a division such as this one. Whether or not the man would prove him otherwise, would soon be determined.

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The Clash for the Second Division Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:10 pm
He heard Izanagi speak, that was a no no. As he was weighed down utter silence filled the area. Zen was controlling the sound withing a 500 feet radius of him, causing all sounds that would enter, or be produced in that area to stop. This would make casting kido much harder, as incantations were a way of giving them power.

He didnt fight it, he went along with the heaviness of his body. He saw the other shinigami come close to him, big mistake. In a slit second a horrid screeching filled the entire area. Zen had created a wave of horrible sound around him, in close proximity to him, 10 feet, it would be like thousands of needles digging into ones body.

This would also eat into the ground, creating a nicely hollowed out crater. One that Zen fell into.

"Mae, Sakura-yo" Zen said from the bottom of the crater. A blast of wind and cherry blossom petals erupted from the crater. This was one of Zen's custom kido. Not only did it create wind, but its true power was to simply blow away other kido effects. As such it blew away the improved version of Sai. Zen got up and said "Time to get serious then."

Suddenly his spiritual pressure came into the scene. He was suppressing it before, he knew that this man was stronger than he was, but he had something others at his, and sometimes more powerful, levels didnt have, a large reservoir of energy. This intense pressure should help buffer the power of Izanagi's kido.

As he came out of the crater thousands of small orbs of energy shot out with him, but they werent real. Zen used his illusion abilities to make it seem as if there were balls of energy there, he needed as slight distraction to help him, hopefully the seconds he could buy would help him figure out what to do. Since he was going with these balls of energy as in illusion he decided to throw in some actual energy bullets into the fray. Sure they did really negligible damage, but they packed quite some knock back.
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The Clash for the Second Division Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:38 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 957

As the screeching began around Izanagi, he utilised the flash step to create distance between himself and his opponent. Fixing his gaze on the man as the restraints that he had created were rather easily broken.

“Well isn’t that interesting. He can manipulate sound waves; preventing me from being able to talk is indeed a smart move. No doubt, he thinks that the inability to utter the name of the Kidou will prevent me from utilising that method of attack. Therefore, I would have to take the fight to close quarters, which appears to be his strength… Very well.”

In an instant, Izanagis spiritual pressure would plummet. Not a sound in the Soul Society would be able to sense his presence. Throughout his time operating as a member of the Zero Division, he developed the ability to full suppress his spiritual presence; it came with the job. It was more so required when Izanagi was tasked with ensuring the safety of his comrade’s daughter. Many spiritual beings can sense others, some better than others, so to fulfil his role successfully he had to become a nobody, a ghost.

As Izanagi suppressed his spiritual presence, his opponent began to make his presence known as his energy oozed into the surroundings, making the ground and the sand in the area shake and dance across the paved ground. Izanagis attire would flutter briefly, creating no sound what so ever because of the suppression of sound that the Captain had initiated. This was an advantage as it meant that Izanagi didn’t have to conceal his sound himself and so he sprung to action.

The light around his body began to bend and create the illusion of his active presence. All that the Captain would see would be Izanagi standing perfectly still, eying the Captain. Naturally, the light waves would alter, creating the pretence of Izanagis attire and hair blowing in the wind while light surrounded Izanagis actual body, making him invisible to his foe.

He took a few steps away from where the light twisted and turned to create his false body; before releasing energy across the photons that were utilised to create the fake body of sorts. The energy that was being released would begin to shake the very ground, much like the energy of the Captain; the combination of techniques utilised would make it difficult if not impossible for the Captain to identify that the man who was before him was not Izanagi.

In the meantime, thousands of small orbs of energy formed and shot out toward the fake creation of light; among the fake small orbs, lied actual energy orbs and as they approached the fake body if Izanagi, a blinding light would shoot out as energy would come away from the photons to collide with some of the orbs to create multiple explosions. But after the smoke that now surrounded the ‘fake’ Izanagi passed, the Captain would only see Izanagi, unscathed and calm.

To many individuals, this method demoralised them to an extent as it made them feel as if though the attacks were not doing any damage what so ever. Whether this would have the same effect of the captain would soon be seen.

While the events surrounding the light version of Izanagi transpired, the real Izanagi closed the distance between himself and the second Division Captain. In that very instant, six yellow rods would slam into the mans midsection; with the distance between the caster and the target being so small the influencing factor would ensure that the six rods struck with quick succession.

“Shinsui Style – Kidou Ichi - Rikujokoro”

The thoughts that passed through Izanagis mind. He was among the strongest practitioners of Kidou in the Gotei history; it was the sole reason that he ascended to the Zero Division. He had an eidetic memory and after decades of training managed to power kidou with mere thoughts. This was primarily down to the fact that the brain could think at a much more accelerated pace than one could speak, making it a more efficient means of incantation.

What the Shinsui Style in kidou represented was that all the Kido that he casted from here forth would attack the target while infused with Yin and Yang energies. Upon striking the man’s midsection, it would be rather difficult for the man to break free as the energy used to form the Rikujokoro would constantly alter to reach an equilibrium where it wouldn’t simply disperse. These techniques when compared to regular Kido were 3-4 times more powerful, hence why they didn’t require the full incantation as the mere one word was enough to do the damage.

The instant the beams slammed into the man’s midsection, Izanagi would re-appear, his eyes focused on the now immobilised man while his right palm aimed at the man’s midsection.

“Shinsui Style – Kidou Ichi – Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho”

With that though, a gigantic beam of electrical and spiritual energy would come forth from Izanagis palm. Once again, the factor that would screw the second Division Captain would be the distance between the duo. He would have to be incredibly fast or gain speed somehow to avoid the release of energy that would begin to rip through his internal organs, avoiding the heart of course.

With Izanagis palm being aimed at the mans midsection, the attack from the Hadō would obliterate everything in its path and explode upon contact with the mans body. Although the man could manipulate sound, he would need to do something to save himself from this fate. The instant the Hadō would come to detonate, Izanagi would vanish from before the Captains line of sight, re-appearing in a safe distance to view the outcome of his attack.

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The Clash for the Second Division Empty Re: The Clash for the Second Division

Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:06 am
Where was he! His spiritual pressure gone. With no sound to detect him with his keen hearing Zen had lost him. Wait! He could hear him! Zen let out an inaudible wave of infrasound, something he could pick up. It would bounce off of things within his Illuminacion area, and bingo! What he saw was a decoy of light, the sound didnt bounce off of it.

Zen turned towards Izanagi's position to see him casting Rikujokoro at a very close distance. Pinning him in place would be a bad time, he could still use some of his abilities, but it would suck! He did what he though was the right idea.


The word resounded through the area as his spirit pressure flared to life. Crimson red energy covered the captain as at such close proximity the kido would just fizzle. The energy settled and formed into the traditional captain's outfit. Things were serious now.

At such close proximity this was the perfect time. Zen threw out a fast moving, and very small orb of energy that with such a short distance to travel it would almost surely hit its intended target, Izanagi. This was his Bemol ability. If it hit it would force his spirit pressure upon Izanagi, no matter how far away he was, causing his kido to be less powerful.

After this Zen would get some distance between them as he called upon a swirling mass of energy swirling above him. It swirled creating a crimson red galaxy 50 feet wide 100 feet in the air. The galaxy would then start to produce a myriad of small stars that would rain upon the field, causing damage to everything in a 200 feet area.

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