Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6025
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard]

Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:08 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja was taking her new duties as the Earth Affiliation Division pretty seriously. She had dug out a full length Shihakusho so as to not make herself look as sultry and sluttish as her old one did, and to mostly hide the Bodysuit. She didn't think an ambassador wore something like this and so for the first time it was rather awkward for her. She wished she had something else, some sort of armband or coat or, anything to show that she was more than just a random member of the Gotei come to be nosy. She'd really hope that nobody took her that way. Diplomatic missions were not off to a good start if somebody got punched.

Fluffing her tail through the robes, and remembering why she hated these full length stuff, Mirja headed to the Sukai Karakura that was many many inches above Karakura proper. She wasn't sure she could even get there in one jump, so she used the designated portal system, and arrived up top. The view from up there was pretty amazing, she wondered if threw a snowball off the side, how long it would take to read the ground. She would have considered spitting off the side, but that was just gross. Would be funny if someone got hit by it and thought a bird had done it, however.

Still, thoughts about doing things off the side were put to one side, and she headed to the large white building that she could see dominating the area. Nothing said ego quite like a building of that size, so Mirja prepared herself for some snobbish people, but reminded herself to be diplomatic. Which meant nice, friendly, and not hitting people with a tea tray because they called her a fox when she was actually a wolf.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty Re: A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard]

Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:32 am

A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] JCRrxmK


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He'd been looking forward to meeting her again at some point. Ghislain's body had changed a bit as a small mark was on his forehead. It was his Crescent Seal that had been developed. His other techniques were completed as well. The Baskerville Project was moving forward at the correct pace. He didn't know how they would go about things. He'd been thinking about his plan and goals from here on out. Ghislain had objectives to complete didn't hurt meeting Mirja again. His framed walked out from the spot he stood on the base. He was there filling out paperwork for destroying a portion of the Rukongai's forests. It wasn't as though the building or the structure required him to do much else. Ghislain was a Boros Guard which meant combat alone. He didn't intend to remain with the Organization forever either. The two people agreed on something. Mirja was the person he wanted to see for the next Hound position. The training to be one was different from what most expected. Ghislain's body and form were something that had changed as well.

As he looked her over she'd seemed to change and improve in various ways. Her nature and possibilities were endless in this regard. But Ghislain didn't intend to brag or mention his own training to prepare for future events. After all, that would simply bore the Wolf. Ghislain Baskerville, how long would it be before he revealed his name? "Well, well didn't expect to see you so soon Mirja." Something came off of Ghislain's form that Mirja picked up. Bloodlust and a hunger that didn't seem to go away as he'd embraced the hound it was part of the package. Ghislain had something dangerous about him now scent wise and knowing her she'd notice it. But his regular self-seemed tamed and calm compared to other things. He wasn't sure what brought her to this location really. "What brings you to this neck of the woods?" He asked her as though finishing his question now as his eyes stared at the woman intently.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6025
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty Re: A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard]

Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:54 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja was surprised to see Ghislain when she turned up at the Vanguard place. She thought he was a Quincy guy who would be with Nif or some other group of Quincies but here was here, now. Doing paperwork, apparently. It was good, in part, her slip ups would not be so evident now as they were if she was meeting someone she didn't know. But still, she wondered if she could keep her srs face on while talking to Ghislain. He was a friend, and she didn't do well when it came to serious business with friends. She just wanted to hug them.

Still, there was something new about Ghislain that made Mirja not want to hug him. She had very acute senses that could pick up emotions at times, especially when those emotions were flaring off a person as much as these were. It was like he wanted to murder something really much and everything else that he was doing in life was an unwanted distraction towards the murdering of this whatever. Could be that he was hungry, however. Mirja got like that when she was hungry, and developed a reputation in the Soul Society. Nobody stood between her and food when it was lunch time, regardless of how important their business was.

"Hey Ghislain. I didn't expect to see you here either. I've actually come here for a roster of Shinigami within the Vanguard, to make sure our database is up to scratch. Also, my duties in the Gotei United dictate me coming down to Earth to talk to organizations that could be allies and talking to them about that. The first one you could probably help me with, but I might need a Boss for the second one, I'm not sure how your Vanguard-y things go"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty Re: A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard]

Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:35 am

A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] JCRrxmK


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He could read her expression pretty well as he smiled a bit. Glancing at one of his underlings he nodded at him and the male rushed off to do it. Leaving the two quietly as he stood and sighed softly running a hand through his blonde hair. He'd not had it so easy containing the bloodlust of the Hound. His old training was showing it's ugly head again. Should have guessed using those moves would have side effects like this. Even his own people had been avoiding him pretty heavily. "Sorry about it I'm guessing you can sense it a bit. Woke an old beast in me and it's not been fed in a while.." He said even remembering his nickname as the Beast of Baskerville. That was a title given to him by Yhwach and his mother even agreed. That he had that hunger the Hounds did after training. Conflict and battle boiled in his blood a bit more now. He'd sworn off fighting and got a taste for it again. Elizabeth was the only thing keeping him grounded that and a goal. He moved his hair aside showing what seemed to be a mark on his forehead.

If she focused hard enough Mirja would notice a ton of energy stored in it. Almost as though it was being saved up for an emergency. His crescent shaped mark on his head that gave the clue to part of it. Ghislain had been training much harder than most people would have expected. Even embracing something he didn't care for in his past. She had made a very good case that he couldn't keep ignoring and avoiding everything that worried him. He needed to embrace and he did just that. Perhaps soon it would be time for him to unveil them. But at the moment they had no resources and he was the only clan member. Like in the past the Baskervilles would find their Clan members and select them. Those they desired to join and give a place to call home. A place where they weren't alone and had brothers and sisters. Family ties that went beyond blood or even the world's laws. Ghislain softened his expression as he saw the man return handing her a detail document of everything that was remotely close to Shinigami in the organization.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6025
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty Re: A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard]

Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:33 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja cocked her head softly at Ghislain as he was decidedly unprofessional, she thought. Here she was, dressed to the nines, being all diplomatic and business like, and he was making conversation about feeling a bit kill-happy. Mirja understood that sometimes bloodlust was more than you could handle and you let it out, laughing madly or smiling psychotically and making people shudder with your very being. She understood killing very well, having a trail of bodies from here to the middle of the Sahara Desert and so much blood under her claws it would never wash out. But she had dealt with those demons in front of a much greater one, and that demon had given her the chance to stand again.

So she waited a few more moments, staring at Ghislain as she did, and then someone arrived and gave her a document. It would need reading, one more sacrifice on behalf of diplomacy, but she still needed the leader.
"So, is your leader guy in? Or is there a specific branch of the Vanguard that deals with diplomacy, or is there a leaflet? 'Vanguard: How to'? Or like a cute tour guide girl who leads me around and tells me what is what?" Mirja asked, still a little lost as she looked through the documents. It would help to ensure that they knew where all their men were, in case recall was needed or something. Still, she didn't want to find out that Vanguard disliked Soul Society because they didn't have icing on the cake last time there was a meeting together or something. Then there would be awkwardness between the two. "And if your beast is so loud then feed it. This world is full of opportunity for conflict, you'll never be left stranded if you want a fight"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty Re: A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard]

Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:04 pm

A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] JCRrxmK


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Ghislain smiled a bit and understood her meaning completely. This place was a bit out of whack presently. They'd lost many people in the two battles that happened. Events with the Iramasha Azure still had a ripple effect. "Don't rightly know, I am just the leader of the Combat Force...Desmond Hayden is the leader of them now." A man came now coming straight to Ghislain wearing an emblem belonging to none of the known people. He leaned in whispering something into his ear. Even if she picked it up with her advanced hearing she may have. It was in coding as he smiled. The Emblem the man wore was in the shape of a wolf made of metal. He wore it on his shoulder piece and was dressed like a ninja. Ghislain rubbed at his chin and smirked a bit. It seemed his own venture was paying off slowly. He had something to do and that person was being helpful with it. He'd been doing it silently for now as he'd not desired unneeded attention. Vanguard members would see him meet with people wearing dog or wolf emblems occasionally.

He sighed content almost as he looked outwards and thought about a pamphlet on how to find people. He didn't even know if their leader was here that was how busy Hayden was. Ghislain had his own matters to attend with those people. They weren't strictly Quincy either as he was sure she noticed. That man happened to be a Vizard who wore it. His personal goal seemed to be going well. He smiled a happy smile as the bloodlust seemed to exit a bit. The news was good as the preparations were almost complete on all ends. "When I was younger and fought in the war against the Gotei 13 with the First Emperor. I was given an alias...Which changed twice once I was called the Hound of Baskerville. Later it became the Beast of Baskerville. " He said exhaling a bit as he recalled the unpleasantness that used to come with that name. But something had changed and it was no longer with discontent he saw that title or name. He saw the title he was given but now was the proper moment.

A revival of the Family his mother hailed from. He didn't know why he was boring her with his life story here it didn't really matter. "Sorry if I'm boring you, honestly I don't know where Hayden is at present. He could be in Vastime which seems to occupy his thoughts often. "

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6025
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard] Empty Re: A Wolf comes Knocking [Vanguard]

Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:37 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja flicked through the documents until Ghislain told Mirja that the leader of the Vanguard was Hayden, of all people. She had not been expecting that. Some random person that she never heard of and had to be super polite and respectful with, but not Hayden. He was a cuddly bear, she could go to Vastime and do two birds with one stone duty there. And it was glorious.
"Wow, small world. Didn't think that King Za-" she cut herself off, and reminded herself to be diplomatic, and pet names were not diplomatic. "Didn't think that King Hayden was anywhere but Vastime" she exclaimed, finishing the document and then listening while he spoke about being a Hound, and a Beast, in the war.

"I am not old enough to have fought in that war. But Caanan's people called me the Demon Wolf Project. Or generally just the Demon Wolf. Which, I sort of earned because I strangled some guy with his own intestine and then used him as a macabre flail to beat the rest of his friends to death. They were not people that saw the softer side of me. So I can understand the feeling you are dealing with. And I can understand how hard it is to repress sometimes" she told Ghislain, before handing the document back and nodding.

"Well, if that is all, I'll be going to check in and report the numbers, and then off to Africa to talk to King Hayden. I needed to head that was on Vastime business anyway, so it really works out. I get to go there and talk to him about Vanguard and Vastime at the same time. Then I can use the free time to cultivate rotten apples to throw at Henrex" she grinned, and took a thoughtful stance. "Although, he has been less insufferable lately. Maybe because his attention is diverted away from me? Hmmm, hold off on the rotten apples then. I'm sure there is always something I can throw at him if he gets to be too annoying again" Mirja was clearly talking to herself now, seemingly forgetting Ghislain was even in the room.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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