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Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3] Empty Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3]

Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:04 am




» Name: Nemu Kurotsuchi.

» Alias: Nemuri 7. Former Vice-Captain of the Twelfth Division.

» Age: Unknown.

» Gender: Female.

» Association: Unseated Member of the Third Division of the Gotei United.

» Appearance Written: Nemu has a slender and attractive figure, despite her age and all of the abuse she has endured through her life she has youthful and flawless pale skin with deep green eyes. She has well-groomed long black hair which she keeps pulled back into aa long braid to keep it out of her way when she is working and doing things and she has her bangs slightly parted.

Her uniform consists of a short black kimono, which extends to mid-thigh, with a white nagajuban underneath. The sleeves of her kimono are not as wide as those worn by most Shinigami, and the upper parts of the sleeves are puffed. She wears a traditional wide white obi, fastened with a red cord. She no longer wears her armband on her shoulder since she no longer holds the title of Vice-Captain. She wears white gloves, which only cover the back of her hands and wrists, and a dark red choker.

» Appearance Picture:
Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3] 230536-nemu_kurotsuchi


» Serious: Nemu has a hard time with emotions, making her appear almost always melancholic and depressed, not even over the period of four hundred years really incited any form of playfulness or positive emotion. Her sentences are well worded, respecting everyone she comes into contact with but not expecting any in return is how she has grown up from the abuse from her creator and father; Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Nemu's speaks very well, the only problem is that she is quite blunt. She will never interrupt unless she has to and she will not lie unless instructed to by her father.

» Dutiful: Nemu is a loyal and dutiful woman, she lives for her work and what her master requires of her. She is forever faithful to serving, having come to a stage where she is scared to ever leave or try to obtain independence in fear of the punishment but her dutiful attitude has given her a need for perfection in everything she strives to do.

» Intelligent: Having been raised by the Captain of the Twelfth Division gave Nemu a very strong and knowledgable mind. The fact she was also created in a way that was not natural meant that she was born with pre-learned information which made her much smarter than most from that day and with her father it only got more and more developed making Nemu quite the little analyst and scientist herself although in her eyes she still has far to be at the same level as her father.

» Small Pleasures: There are a few small things that give her happiness and joy in life, things such as being around someone who isn't scared of her just because she is the progeny of the batshit crazy captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Other things are primarily things that would break her introverted and meek demeanour, things such as breaking rules and laws get her all excited and make her feel happy. It is something she is very protective of and she doesn't like people finding out about them without her intention.

» Desire: Nemu might not have been born like everyone else but she is still sentient and as such she has desires. She has wants and things that she would love to try and achieve if the opportunity presented itself. This often makes her sad that she is not able to go do anything she might want to do so long as her master desires her presence.


» History: Little else is known about Nemu outside of the fact she is the artificially created "daughter" of Mayuri Kurotsuchi. He seems to have used a combination of Gigai and Artificial soul technologies to bring her to existence.While she is partly resistant to poisons she is still affected by Mayuri's Zanpakutō, though it is non-fatal to her.

Nemu is first seen alongside Mayuri during an interrogation of Ikkaku Madarame after losing to Ichigo Kurosaki. Though saying nothing, her father tells her to keep quiet prior to the two of them being intruded by Kenpachi Zaraki, also in search of Ichigo.

Later, when Mayuri is tracking Uryū Ishida and Orihime Inoue, he sends some of his other subordinates to escort them, only to later detonate bombs planted on them (unknown to the subordinates themselves) once they have located them (along with 11th Division member, Makizō Aramaki). After Makizō and Orihime flee, Uryū battles Mayuri. In the initial stages of the battle, Nemu grabs hold of Uryū's spirit arrow and tackles him as a distraction while Mayuri tries to strike him down. She is only partially successful, as Mayuri strikes Uryū's arm while at the same time cutting a large gash in Nemu's back. Due to the injury Nemu lets go of Uryū, prompting Mayuri to scold and beat her for letting go of Uryū. Nemu apologizes to him but Mayuri dismisses it stating he didn't expect much of anything from her anyway.

Mayuri is interrupted when talking to Uryū as Nemu begins to cough finding it hard to breathe and she pleads with him to give her Hojiku-Zai, as she thinks her lung is wounded and if it stays that way her vital system may stop functioning. Mayuri walks over to her and begins stomping on her prone body causing Nemu to scream out in pain. Mayuri screams at her for trying to play him as he knows her body wont fail from that level of injury. Uryū pleads with him to stop, Mayuri then explains that he created Nemu and knows what she is capable of as he created her using a gigai and artificial soul technology and therefore she is his daughter. So no one gets to tell a father how he should treat his own daughter. He then slams Nemu's head against the wall, prompting another attempt from Uryū to yell at him to stop. He leaves Nemu alone, who lies motionlessly (since Mayuri's Zanpakutō paralyzes the individuals it cuts) during the duration of Mayuri and Uryū's battle, watching them fight.

At the conclusion of the battle, she witnesses Uryū in his Quincy: Letzt Stil nearly kill Mayuri, but the captain liquefies himself and escapes. Uryū begins to feel the affects of poison from Mayuri's bankai take over again until Nemu calls out to him telling him that the antidote can be found on her left arm under her lieutenant badge. Uryu asks her if she would feel more comfortable laying down but Nemu tells him that she is fine how she is. He tells her she should take the antidote first but she says she its ok as she has the same blood as Mayuri so she isn't affected by the poison. Uryū somewhat hesistaes taking the poison prompting Nemu to ask him if he thinks it is a trap and if so then he should give her some first to prove she is telling the truth. Uryū plainly states that is not the issue as it makes no sense to poison a dying man. Nemu then thanks him as if he had aimed for Mayuri's head then he would have surely been killed. Uryū explains that it was an accident and that he had intended to kill him. Nonetheless Nemu thanks him again for sparing Mayuri and that the antidote is just a small gift of gratitude. Uryū tells her that he doesn't get it, as wouldn't it be better that someone like him doesn't exist. Nemu remarks that she doesn't know but when she saw Mayuri still alive she was happy, she then cautions him to leave quickly as after sensing Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō members of her division will be on their way. Uryū thanks her for the antidote as he sets it down and tells her farewell.

By the time when Sōsuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, and Kaname Tōsen are revealed to be traitors, both she and Mayuri have recovered from their encounter with Uryū and she asks her captain if he would assist the other captains in capturing Aizen. Mayuri tells her that he has no interest in doing so.

She is brought along by Mayuri to Hueco Mundo, invading the world with her father, Kenpachi Zaraki, Yachiru Kusajishi, Hanatarō Yamada, Byakuya Kuchiki, Retsu Unohana and Isane Kotetsu.

Whilst there, she is one of the people who fights with Szayel Aporro Granz and has seemingly been injured at some point in the battle. Mayuri calls for her which angers Szayel that he cant understand why Mayuri lives, to which Mayuri explains how he is able to counter his ability. In retaliation after realizing that he can't harm Mayuri he takes Nemu hostage with one of his tentacle/wings. Nemu points out that Szayel has made a mistake and capturing her wont make her a hostage. In response to this Mayuri calls forth his bankai, Konjki Ashisogi Jizo to eat Szayel.

After having his bankai eat the Espada, Mayuri precedes to argue with Ishida before Nemu interrupts apologizing but asking if Mayyri can help release her. Mayuri ignores her until she begins to scream out in pain focusing everyones attention on her. Nemu's stomach begins to expand as they hear a voice ask that Mayuri didn't actually think he had actually killed him. Realizing it is Szayel who then explains his most important ability, Gabriel, which allows him to reborn through anyone he is touching. He then sucks the life from Nemu causing her face to wither as she is drained of her body fluidds and he is reborn anew from her mouth. Mayuri walks over to Nemu as her withered body lies upon the ground and inspects her current state. However, one of the several poisons inside Nemu serves to enhance Szayel's state of mental perception to untold levels, to the point where one second feels like an eternity to him, and she is critical in bringing about his defeat.

Mayuri calls to her to but remembering that she is incapacitated he then restores her- through questionable and quite possibly very explicit and erotic means given Nemu's utterances and Renji and Uryū's expressions, though Mayuri insists that Renji and Uryū are being quite perverted to jump to such conclusions - and orders her to open the door to Szayel's laboratory. The group discovers two bodies hanging from the ceiling of Szayel's laboratory.

Nemu is seen with Mayuri pushing a loaded wagon behind him as they arrive at the battle between Ichigo Kurosaki, Kenpachi Zaraki and Byakuya Kuchiki against the Espada Yammy. After a short conversation where Mayuri explains that he he has found out the technology required to open a Garganta. He then tells Nemu to ready the Garganta device so they can send Ichigo back to the world of the living. Nemu immediately begins setting up large pillars single handily. She is then seen alongside Mayuri atop the pillars acting as the focus points to open the Garganta.


» Kikanshinki: Sometimes known as Account-Replacing SPirit Device, this tool was originally used by Shinigami on humans who have seen Shinigami or Hollows many years ago. However, with supernatural sighting become increasingly common on Earth, they soon switched their priorities around with this device. As of the 25th Century, the Kikanshinki is now a small device which can generate large plumes of smoke. It can be attached to any sort of equipment or clothing which a Shinigami has on them. After taking the appropriate measures to prevent themselves from being affected by this smoke, a user in question can enhance this smoke with their spiritual energy in order to cover a large area of land. If this smoke is inhaled by the target, then they may lose conscious and wake up later with a new memory. This can be useful against unruly opponents or if they need to keep their presence and information top secret during a mission.

» Gigai: These are temporary bodies that Shinigami use in The World of The Living, for the most part at least. They were crafted by the likes of those within the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. As of the past four hundred years, however, this technology has advanced. There are many types of different variants of Giga in the 25th century. Of course there is are the standard is generally one meant to easily transport Shinigami into the realm of the living within powerless bodies which resemble that of a human. However, thanks to groundbreaking research, there is currently a development meant to expand and encompass this to the incredible amounts of new races which had sprang up over the past four hundred years. So, in other words, Gigai which take the shape of other races are slowly becoming a reality. On top of that, some have even chosen to infuse their Gigai into their body so they can easily shift from their artificial body to that like of their Shinigami; much like in the case of Senna and Shadin Yuudeshi.

» Gokon Tekkō V2: This is a device which forcibly removes the Soul from the body. In the early stages of this gadget, it was originally taken in the form of a gauntlet. Though, with the advancements in the past four hundred years, it can now be infused into a willing Shinigami participant's hand and can be mentally summoned in the form of a red glow across their hand. Once this brilliant light is flourished across a Shinigami's hand, they are then able to attempt to remove a soul from a target's body. Rather it be an Arrancar, a Ziamichi or even a Vizard in some instances. This isn't absolute in nature, as depending on the subject in question, it may or may not be effective. Such as if they were able to formulate some sort of internal barrier before they had a chance to enact this ability, or if they simply moved out of the way before they could get injured by it. And, varying by how strong the target is, they may be even able to halve or null the damage with their spiritual energy alone as well.

» Jigokuchō: Otherwise known as Hell Butterflies, The Jigokucho serve a large multitude of purposes. When once is summoned by a Shinigami, they'll appear completely black, expect for a small outline of maroon along their lower wings. They are utilized in order to guide the Shinigami through various portal's which are made possible in the 25th century if they have not a good idea of the general area they are travelling to. Though, more commonly, they are used to guide the Shinigami inside the paths of a Senkaimon when travelling between the Soul Society and other realms; saving them the inconvenience of generally having to resort other methods of interdimensional travel or being forced to pass through the Dangai. Hell Butterflies are also used in order to swiftly and almost instantly warp important messages to loved ones, allies and sometimes even foes as a warning. And, for the most part, these creatures are often taken care of by new and inexperienced member in the Seireitei. Lastly, much like Shinigami themselves, Jigokuchō are only visible to spiritually aware beings.


» Konso: Nemu is a shinigami, and like all shinigami she is capable of preforming a Konso to a soul, in order to send lost souls to where ever they need to go; people that lived a good and neutral life will be sent to the Soul Society and the one's who lived bad lives will be sent to Hell. Since she rarely carries her zanpakuto on her Nemu has developed her own way of doing this. It works by her isolating the spiritual make-up of her target and then using her reiatsu to replicate the same affect one would get from tapping a soul on the head with the hilt of their zanpakuto.

» Reiryoku And Reiatsu: Most Shinigami naturally possess good quantities of Reiryoku, otherwise known as Spiritual Power. The level of their Reiryoku varies greatly from Shinigami to Shinigami. As the more of this inner energy they possess, the stronger a Shinigami's abilities will become, the more keen their senses will be and overall they will be a much more difficult being to kill as their supernatural affinity grows and strengthens as their volume of Spiritual Power expands. Additionally, it also grants them the capacity to detect other spiritual beings without needing to resort to their five basic senses. This is achievable because most types of supernatural creatures emit various levels of Reiryoku which can be detected by a Shinigami. Although, the level in which they can sense varies from Shinigami to Shinigami, for the most part almost every member of this pieces can detect it to an extent.

Furthermore, based on the fact that most creatures which possess Reiryoku have different patterns of Spiritual Energy radiating from them, more trained individuals can even tell the difference between allies, friends and even other races. They may even be able to gauge their comrades psychological state, for sudden changes in spiritual energy is a sure sign that they are either fighting or have received great injury. This detection system also allows for them discern the spiritual patterns of other races. As, for example, the Reiryoku pattern of Arrancar are quite simple to realize the difference of from that of a Plus, Shinigami or Human.

And, to boot, if a Shinigami is able to continually train their Reiryoku, more interesting developments can occur. One of these improvements is the fact that more advanced level Shinigami are able to control the quantities of spiritual energy which emits from their body. If they were to entirely block this phenomena out, then they could complete hide their presence away from other sorts of spiritual beings. The reverse effect of this, however, is known as Reiatsu, more commonly called as Spiritual Pressure. This is often considered a great show of power, and in the hands of a skilled individual, can become a form of an attack by itself. Those with high volumes of reiatsu can utilize it to paralyze opponents in some cases, cause direct damage to the surrounding vicinity; including living beings and objects alike and essentially produce other variable effects on the world around them.

Should weaker level souls be around a SHinigami of extreme power, and they decide not to control it, it's even possible for their reiatsu to easily kill lower level beings if they did not realize how much spiritual energy they leak from their body. If someone were in great control of their reiatsu, however, they could even begin to alter the area around them. Such as if one were of a elemental origin, they could infuse these properties into their spiritual pressure in order to produce a freezing effect if they were a ice-based user, or an immense heating effect if they happened to be a Shinigami whom possessed a great deal of supernatural ability in the art of fire bending. More than just that, more skilled users can even use their reiatsu to harden their skin in order to effectively protect themselves from a wide variety of attacks. Sometimes leading to varied Shinigami battles occasionally leading to one whom possess a greater level of spiritual pressure if they have nothing else left to fight with.

It's also worth mentioning, as a final note, most Shinigami have different reiatsu based colors based on their personality. If one were to have a feisty temper, then chances are they'd have a red, orange or even white spiritual aura around them. While if a Shinigami were more calm, composed and in control of themselves they may very well have a reiatsu shade of green or blue. What's more, some being can infrequently produce shape or solid forms of their spiritual pressure. Such as one with an animal based Zanpakutō having their spiritual energy take the shape of a bear or one with an affinity for death having that of a skull emerge behind them.

And so, with all the above said, these two tools are of great value and use to Shinigami. Use them with caution.


Bio-Augmentation: Nemu's biological structure has been artificially augmented; as the product of Gikon and Gigai technologies, she possess various modifications and enhancements. These advancements have made her a highly adaptable and durable combatant.

  • Enhanced Endurance: Nemu's body is incredibly durable, even more so than a normal shinigami, which is incredibly durable. A shinigami is able to fight for long periods of time and take multiple injuries before even being hindered. Even after having half of their body blown off a Shinigami still has a chance of survival and the only way to be sure they are dead is to cut off their head.

    When designing Nemu's body Mayuri wanted her to be better than good. Her body is capable of extreme amounts of damage and destruction before it finally gives up. She is capable of taking what would be fatal wounds and surviving the process, this can be demonstrated in both combat and from her constant abuse from her creator who is often seen beating her or stabbing her. In some cases Nemu can even survive decapitation, by her body beginning a sequence in which the blood will actually clot and prevent it from escaping before rationing the oxygen to her brain before entering a comatose state until the proper treatment can be given. Using this she can last up to twenty-four hours before finally dying.

  • Enhanced Strength: Nemu has a substantial amount of strength, even by Shinigami standards. She effortlessly excavates Szayelaporro's hidden laboratory using only her bare hands. She can throw large blocks of stone with ease. She can effortlessly lift a large column over her head.

  • Enhanced Speed: She has an unnaturally fast body, she can move incredibly quickly when she needs to which allows her to keep up with most people quite effortlessly. Her speed and reaction time are great enough that she can intercept a Heilig Pfeil mid-flight by catching it with one hand.

  • Poison Immunity: Nemu has the same blood as Mayuri, making her immune to the poison used by Mayuri's Bankai. Over the four-hundred years that she has been with Mayuri her blood has been more and more tested with poison and altered to the point where she has anti-bodies which prevent foreign pathogens from entering her bloodstream at all.

  • Chemical Repository: Mayuri always keep a variety of drugs stored away inside Nemu's body; as such, if an enemy consumes her or invades her body, they receive a dosage of one of these drugs, which changes depending on the part of the body they come into contact with.

      Anti-Demon Drug: Inside of Nemu's body in at places where her arteries could be accessed, these being places like the neck, inner thigh etc, is a chemical that is toxic to demonic energy, there is a small gland which produces this chemical and if it is bitten or struck and its liquid gets on a demon's body then it will quickly turn acidic before igniting and burning.

      Superhuman Drug: Nemu still has the "superhuman drug" created by Mayuri inside her that can slow down a person's perception of time. It is able to make one second seem like 100 years for the unfortunate victim to whom it is administered. An undiluted dose of the drug causes the senses to speed up trillions of times while the relatively "slow" body fails to keep up, resulting in paralysis; on the other hand, it is implied that a diluted dose of the drug can greatly enhance the user's reaction speed. He even stated that a single droplet would have to be diluted 250,000 times to be suitable for use, the paralysis this drug causes lasts three posts.

      Unnamed Quincy Drug: Located in her chest is a unnamed drug that Mayuri created with his study of the Quincy, although it was never used until now the drug works to counter an ancient ability known as Sklaverei, in which parts of the body are ripped apart by a quincy and absorbed to get stronger. The original intention was for if Nemu was ever exposed to this ability then the drug would enter the Quincy and cut off their ability to manipulate reishi. Although it can be applied to them in other ways, if a Quincy is exposed to this drug and it is able to enter their bloodstream then their ability to manipulate reishi is surprised and distorted. However a large amount of this drug is needed to make it effectively work which is the drawback of it.

  • Healing Factor: When Nemu is in a deathlike state, Mayuri can revive her using a variety of methods.

  • Power Enhancement: Nemu can forcibly draw out greater levels of power by pushing the activity of her body closer to the threshold at which it would begin to collapse, though she can only maintain this heightened level of power for a short period of time. She has pushed her system to within 0.8% of its threshold, which she can only maintain for three posts after activation.

    • Superhuman Strength: While within 0.8% of her body's limits, Nemu possesses tremendous physical strength; the strength she possess in her legs alone allows her to leap to great heights at incredible speeds with enough force to shatter the ground beneath her and blast apart organic matter in her way.

    • Soul Cutting: Nemu can use portions of her spiritual power and use them to attack her opponent as an spiritual energy blast.

    • Artificial Soul Heavy Circle Cannon: Sacrificing 80% of her reiryoku, Nemu fires it at her target in the form of a ball of spiritual energy, which blows a clean hole in the target by warping their body around itself.


» Zanpakutō Name: ---

» Zanpakutō Appearance: Not much is known about Nemu's Zanpakutō as she usually does not carry it around; however, an illustration in the art book "All Color but the Black" reveals that her Zanpakutō takes the form of what appears to be a thin katana with a green hilt and a seemingly warped guard.

Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3] Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRUyM-i_1ijbuC8ogIcssuqhgRI6gw6EGxs55r3vFdJcTgv3wnG&t=1

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: ---


» Shikai Release Phrase: ---

» Shikai Appearance: ---

» Shikai Abilities: ---


To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Kidō: Advanced
  • Zanjutsu: Beginner
  • Hakuda: Adept

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Gamma on Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:12 am; edited 4 times in total

Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3] Gamma_Signature
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Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3] Empty Re: Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3]

Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:11 pm
[Set Four Hundred Years ago]

It was a lovely day in the Seireitei. The quiet vice-captain of the Twelfth Division had been called to it by the president, the little pink haired Yachiru, the president of the group who often made Nemu do work for her, that was her place though, she should always do work for those above her and she feared that if her father found out that she was being insubordinate then he might take it as an insult to himself and hurt her more.

It wasn't like she didn't like Yachiru though, she often had her doing fun things like making secret underground hideouts for her under the Kuchiki compound for her to hide all her things. It was enjoyable and one of her little pleasures she enjoyed, and one of the few things she looked forward to, That and the smiling that came with it.

Making her way through the Seireitei towards where she had to go, it was fast paced, she was never a slow worker. She is a hard worker and so when someone summons her she tries to get there as soon as possible and so the environment around her passed by in a blur. When Nemu got there she was a little surprised to see that she was the first one there and no one else had arrived.

Using this time she sat down in the corner and began to run over the reports she had to write up later for Mayuri regarding the experiments on the three men she was required to test the new toxin on. She must admit she was impressed by the results and while she waited she thought about whether her father would implement it into Ashisogi Jizo's blade.

After the meeting she was a bit disappointed that Yachiru didn't have any tasks to give her and so she headed back home to continue with her work. It was very important to her that she get it all done before her master got back and asked for those reports and she definitely didn't want to disappoint him and so she got straight back to work.

Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3] Gamma_Signature
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Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3] Empty Re: Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3]

Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:47 pm
Alright! Most of this looks good. I don't have a problem with Nemu not having an active Zanpakuto, but the main problem I have is with the body modifications that she has. I'll go through these one by one.

Involuntary Cell Division Accelerator Failsafe: In order for Nemu to exceed the threshold of the normal lifespan of her regenerative Konpaku cells, an Involuntary Cell Division Accelerator was embedded within her pituitary gland. Failsafes were placed into the special organ to exceed its normal function. If the base core of the cerebrum is ejected, the organ can create a direct connection with the parietal lobe and seize control of the body. If one consumes the organ on its own without the cerebrum, they would experience accelerated regeneration and eventually self-destruct from regenerating too much.

I...don't understand what this is doing. Could you explain where this came from, and what the core concept of it is?

Tedoriru: She can twirl her hand and forearm like a drill and move her arms at excessive speeds. This technique is capable of breaking through solid rock. Using it's spinning nature she is able to apply this to barriers and spiritual constructs.

I'd like to see what kind of level she can break up to. Try and make it within the limits of the last application.

Power Enhancement: Nemu can forcibly draw out greater levels of power by pushing the activity of her body closer to the threshold at which it would begin to collapse, though she can only maintain this heightened level of power for a short period of time. She has pushed her system to within 0.8% of its threshold, which she could only maintain for roughly 6 minutes after activation.

All that's wrong here is the 6 minutes. I need a post count!

Soul Cutting: Nemu can cut off portions of her soul and use them to attack her opponent as an spiritual energy blast. she doing that? Cutting off portions of her soul. Shinigami are a sub-race of Souls. In a sense, they are still souls. So, she is technically cutting off her...race? Either way, this would be -extremely- painful. Seeing as she can use spiritual energy, I would say just remove this, since it doesn't really make much sense.

Artificial Soul Heavy Circle Cannon: Sacrificing 6% of her soul, Nemu fires it at her target in the form of a ball of spiritual energy, which blows a clean hole in the target by warping their body around itself.

As I said with the Soul Cutting thing, I'd like this changed to spiritual energy. Cutting off even small pieces of a soul is no easy task, and is extremely painful for the recipient.

High Spiritual Power: Being a former lieutenant of the Gotei 13, Nemu boasts a high spiritual energy.

I'd like more added to this, seeing as it's just "She's got a lot of spiritual energy". Could you go into more detail on what all this entails?

Once those problems have been fixed, Nemu should be ready to go.
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Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3] Empty Re: Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3]

Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:40 am


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• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced

  • Comments/Notes: Things have been changed, and she is ready for approval. Same tier and will skills as last time.
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Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:43 am
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Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3] Empty Re: Nemu Kurotsuchi [APPROVED, 2-3]

Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:00 pm
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