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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Sun Oct 30, 2016 1:55 pm


10/31/2416, 6:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 6:00 PM CST time on Oct 31st, 2416. At the moment the city is in unrest. There are various fights taking place across the city, fires are rising up in the air and there seems to be hordes of infected fighting against the living. Your job is to figure out a way to resolve the incident. You can kill the infected, isolate them, cure them or whatever other way you can ease this outbreak.

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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Re: Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:19 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Violence, fires blooming on the streets, people screaming as they just simply seemed to be overrun by the hordes of the infected and undead. It was madness, anarchy in the purest sense of the word. Yet, as the center of the city was in an uproar for a moment everything would just. . . cease as a long tendril of threads broke from the sky itself. First just one would burst forth from the middle of the sky, then two. Then three, then hundreds broke forth pulling the tear in the dimensions wider and wider until it was large enough for a single person to come through. The queen’s expression would be extremely hard to read because even if all this destruction was occurring, it was occurring in one of her dear sisters cities. Which made the situation different than if it was occurring somewhere randomly in the world, or even just simply in her own kingdom in general. Henceforth the queen’s left hand had rose into the air as energy continued to expand outwards, growing and growing until it formed a singular orb that was bright enough to light up the entirety of the city, and even the suburbs surrounding the central city proper. It cast an ugly light upon the ground but more importantly it cast an unnatural shadow on the seething hordes, the monsters, the creatures that didn’t belong in her sister’s city.

Once the shadows had been cast, well the orb seemed to grow, larger and larger simply because the compact material within had become less dense than it had been, expanding more and more until it exploded into a red rain. That fell across the central part of the city, buildings seemed to wilt under it, the mundane zombies seemed to quite literally combust as on contact with these undead/infected the rain acted as both a combustion agent and an explosive, either burning the monsters to ash or causing them to explode into many particles. The effects? Well the very streets would run red and black with both fresh and putrefying blood, the walls would become spattered and buildings would topple under the onslaught of thousands of tiny drops of corrosive/flammable/explosive energy that had come from this all. Now the question was why was the queen not tired from this onslaught, from conjuring an attack that for all intents and purposes was strong enough that it could wipe out a vast majority of the enemies in a very negligible amount of time? It was simple, the queen Had Enough Of it, and had decided to come in in her lower levels of Puppet God X. The insanity she usually felt with this skill was muted thanks to dysnomia but she still felt herself cackling as she watched the bloodbath begin.

Next, she had exhaled, her breath full of fumes while she seemed to deliberate, just what did she wish to do right now? Was she wishing to save her sister's city, or did she want to simply wipe everything off the face of the earth, to destroy it so thoroughly that whatever the menace here was, it wouldn’t be able to come back and cause harm ever again? The options Inami had could be considered absolutely endless, and that was what caused her to pause her right index finger tapping her lower lip in thought, one arm resting lightly on her elbow for the time being. The remaining hundreds of thousands of infected had become coming out of the woodworks, the living moving in sync while for now the Queen sighed and then from her lips the crackling sound of demonic tongue would roll across the city, utilizing demon magic, she would erect barriers around the civilians who had been trying to flee, which was the first step, because quite honestly she did not wish for the ignorant to be caught up in this, even if in all honesty the very thought of their terror and the hope being crushed was something that caused for her lips to curl in delight

Yet with a snap, the centralized barriers would shift and demonic portals would open up beneath them transporting the citizens she had managed to save to a safe location before the demoness seemed to allow her tail to swish out behind her quite liberally her emerald eyes scrutinizing the situation at hand, the remaining humans and monsters where at acceptable levels, something was bothering her. This seemed to be too easy. Something was amiss but she really couldn’t seem to figure out what was amiss. Which was why for now she would be on guard, her demon barrier hardening around her while she waited and pondered, just what was going on here?

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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] LzZCuy7
Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] BtXe12b
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Re: Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Mon Nov 07, 2016 9:42 pm
"Ahh!" A voice echoed in the midst of the man moaning and groaning bodies that slowly limped their way through the city. Innocent lives shoving and pushing passed the man that wished to spare their lives, or perhaps he just wished to get his sword wet. Yes, that seemed more like the person that Seiko had come to be. Someone that lusted for battle and yearned for strength. He had missed swinging his sword, so. Though, he wouldn't dare just make use of the metal he tightly grasped within his clutches. That just wasn't the type of fighter he was. He was one that utilized everything in order to ensure his victory. As such, he'd use random idle objects that came into arms reach and toss them at his foes as they slowly staggered and surrounded him from each and every angle.

He'd pause for a moment, his body rising and falling with each breath, growing heavier with each fatal swing at the seemingly immortal beings. His grip on his blade tightened enough for the wraps to screech as they rubbed from their natural seat on the hilt's smooth interior. The tip of the blade dropped and slide to the ground as he loosened his poise and gazed around himself. "Fucking everywhere, the hell are these things?" He queried, his nose scrunching as his teeth clenched and whipped his sword through the ground unleashing a roaring wind from the shear swing of his blade that ripped the zombies from the ground. This would provide him with some amount of working room, as he began to feel slightly claustrophobic in the middle of this pit.

The sheer number of his foes was great, it forced him into his released state almost immediately when he first arrived. Though, when he had come here, he had no idea that he was getting into this kind of a mess. He just sensed a mass energy that interested him, and with that and his yearn to fight he followed, just like a dog. Being blind-sided by the stampeding citizens didn't make matters much easier for him, and the relentlessness of his foes was not something to laugh at. While they were mindless and acted out in no means of intelligence but pure instinct they still acted well as a single unit. They seemingly were drawn to anything that was placed in front of them. Thus, when he arrived he would round them all up and force them to chase him. They wouldn't all follow right away, and he wouldn't be able to round up all of the undead in the area in one, single trip. However, he'd collect a good amount of them. In doing so, he'd keep many from dying at their meager attacks. Well, at least for now.

Raising his blade and turning he continued to strike down his foes. He found it easiest to simply decapitate the beings after seeing them get back up after receiving fatal wounds. Though, with the decapitation, they would continue fighting for a moment then fall motionless. As each zombie fell to the brutal swipes of his blade his eyes grew more and more crazed with the fight, he was able to act without thinking and could easily find himself lost in his motions. This would prove to be a downside to such a monotonous fight such as this. They proved no challenge, but they pushed the limits of his stamina as he required an above average amount of force to bring them down. "Fodder, fodder, fodder! Haha, you fight like you have no reason to live!" He'd shout as he brought his blade further into the crowd he had created, his sword accidentally striking an innocent member that panicked passed him. He'd not see them be any different from those that he meant to slaughter. After all, it was clear that he was the one that was winning this war.

As his mind drew away from thinking on his strikes, it started to flow to the person he wished to surpass. "Ibikiiii! I'll kill you!" He shouted as he groaned, his eyes wide with a craze. Yes, that was his wish, his goal. He wanted to take the role of the strongest Shinigami within the Gotei, and she was the only thing that stood in his way. She claimed this title just by holding the position that she did and the only way he could claim that very same position was by growing strong enough to defeat her with his own hands. It was a tradition that the Combat Unit had upheld for many centuries, now. It drove him every day to put himself in trying situations that tested his limits in order for him to gain a fraction of an inch closer to his leader's strength.

It was unlike most of your typical Shinigami, to wish to kill your leader, but he was no typical Shinigami. He was a man that had learned his trade and obtained his weapon outside of the academy. Him getting into the Gotei was just a testament to his own strength and ability without the proper and formal training of the academy. When the Soul Society had come under attack they were forced to accept any all that were able to help. Sure, he had to take up a few classes and pass some tests, but it was nothing. The hardest part of it all was just staying awake through all of the bullshit. His swings would carry on bodying the corpses that got in his attack's reach, though he began to grow unamused with this test of endurance.

It was as though fate had heard his indirect call and answered it, as his attention was drawn away from the crowd before him and to the sky that seemed to grow entangled with a plethora of Tendrils until a single being came from the darkness in which they cast. This darkness would soon be engulfed by a blaring light that seemed to rip the attention from those members of this horde. "The hell?" He questioned, his hand shielding his brow, casting a shadow down upon his eyes. He winced his eyes as he began to smirk, he could only assume that this person above had some sort of affiliation with the ones he fought against. This smirk slowly grew into a cackle. "Yassuuu! She seems like a fine warrior! I'm gonna bring her ass down to this Earth and put her in the dirt." He threatened to himself, she would surely be unable to hear the words that he spoke as their distance was far too great for them to reach. Just as his words would finish he'd watch as the orb grew larger and larger until it burst to let out an acidic rain. It seemed to work as though it were a cloud pushing toward his direction, the rain steadily moving toward him as he watched buildings and his enemies erode to the very touch of the red substance.

"Shit." He groaned before he pivoted on his feet and began to flee in the direction in which it chased him. He utilized the buildings as he shunpo'd his way to an altitude that was higher than that of the source. One thing was apparent from all of this, the woman that had created the attack was surely strong with many abilities up her sleeve. Though, she seemed to be an enemy of his enemy... this didn't necessarily bring them to be allies, but it surely did not make them enemies. Not yet, at least. With reishi platforms beneath his wooden sandals he stood observing the devastation that reeked upon the land. His face stern as he tried to understand the power that she held, but it was something that he had never seen before. "The fuck is this lady?" His voice groaned with a curled brow, wrinkled nose, and pressed lips. Whoever she was, he was surely in for a treat if they were to cross paths. The very thought could do nothing but leave a smirk on his stern visage.

Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Sbb1I7e
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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Re: Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:10 pm

Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] 6EdIfMt

Artist: RumbleRaffler - Song: Atmospheric 324 - Words: N/A

[NOTE: This is the R3 Replica Shell of Neoveta's old body]

There was a primary target which was identified to be a major threat towards the hive of the infected. This person was identified as Inami Asthavon: one of the Queens of Demon world. This entity possessed a great power at her disposal and it would prove worthwhile for the horde to dispatch something which could quell this invader. Henceforth, a figure would emerge from the darkness in the heavens above The Chaya Queen.

As this creature stepped forth from the abyss, the feminine body it possessed should be familiar to the likes of Inami. Overflowing silver hair that fell to the infected's waist, crimson red eyes that pierced the burning skies above and pale skin which seemed to be as tender a newborn; these traits could describe the physical body of the R3 Neoveta Shell. Instead of facing off against a random undead, the foe which The Chaya Queen would face was going to be one of her own.

The R3 Shell had faced it's first corruption when it first arrived on The Moon. While the parasitic agent was inactive throughout the course of the war for the celestial object, the infection began to spread throughout her body overtime and it had an extremely difficult time attempting to take over it's host. In fact, it took many months for this transformation to occur. For it needed to be gradual, slow and undetected; otherwise the R3 Shell would have easily disposed of it. Instead, given the fact it was engaged heavily in war, the R3 Shell did not notice it's infection and thus it came to a full circle on the eve of Halloween.

Thus, this creature was responsible for the defenses of Chicago shutting down and appeared to be the primary controller of this operation. The Replica Shells of Neoveta shared the burden of maintaining the networks of Shadow Fall's territories, and it just so happened this one became tainted and decided to revolt against it's master. So, if it were to harbor such contempt for it's creator, what would be it's feelings against it's creator sibling? Simple: hate.

Without so much as a single word spoken, The R3 Replica Shell opened it's right palm and unleashed a wave of black Death Energy towards the Queen in order to otherwise vaporize her. This attack was intended to corrode her joints, remove two to five percent of her energy and begin the process of taking her out of this equation. However, it was also to announce the declaration of war as Inami as an enemy of The Juin and it was not to be tolerated.

"Become apart of the collective, turn back or die. Those are your options."

Groaned and agitated, the gruff voice of The R3 Shell managed to otherwise project it's voice throughout the environment in order to further solidify it's stance. This is because it also applied to the male attempting to assist The Queen. As, with a single glance, the woman directed another volley of energy towards Seiko's direction in order to heavily damage him with an acidic blast. This burst of energy formed from the right side of The Replica Shell, moved at supersonic speeds and was intended to clean ten to fifteen percent of the male's energy; while causing hard damage to his organs, bones and skin tissue.

Thus, with her moves made, The R3 Shell remained quiet, observed and would determine if more force was needed based on the reactions given to her assaults and words.

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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Re: Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:12 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

“ . . . Veta?”

Her words echoed for a moment, confusion apparent in her facial expression. Brows arched while she only paused enough to taste for algos, for the being neoveta was. There was a certain flavor about her kindred spirits, about her family. All this one tasted off was rotten, infected, and oddly acrid smells that when mixed together left the queen’s lips curling back in disgust. This thing wasn’t neoveta, at least not the one’s that she held dear to her and loved with every fiber of her rather heinous being. Yet the very sight of seeing even one of her sister’s shells against her was enough to cut through the intoxicating fog of anarchy that completely dominated the entirety of chicago. For the moment the entirety of her attention, of her focus, and of her ire was directed solely at the shell. There was no trademark smile on the infanta’s lips. No cackle left her lips, no snicker echoed in the air- nothing but the woosh of the energy pounding against buildings, and a tension so thick it could probably be cut with a knife.

She had many questions, about just how this could have even came to transpire. But the situation didn’t allow her the luxury of asking any of the questions that she had. Instead as the shell raised her hand Inami had momentarily solidified the air around the copy of neoveta’s old body via demon magic, causing the death energy to run into a non-corrodible substance, which then would detonate surrounding the silver-haired witch in a city-block sized explosion, which caused the death energy at the very least to veer of course. Or more likely it would eradicate it within the explosion. . Now normally it was in Inami’s nature to play, to toy with her adversaries until they snapped. However right now she didn’t have the patience to play with a broken doll that held a laughable ambition. Instead she wished to put to rest the image of her sister before algos’s reputation was damaged any further. She would not allow for this, no in fact in her mind it would be hard to really explain what was going on for her. There was pain at having to kill anything that was once part of algos. But there was something else, something she couldn’t quite identify.

It was a sickening feeling that felt like she was stepping on hot coals. It was almost like her insides had been liquidated and set on fire. Yet there also was another feeling that seemed to be working it’s way up within the likes of Inami Asthavon, her fingers twitched, as if she had begun to get the jitters. Her flat expression seemed to twitch, the corner of her lips curling as the irony began to set in. Veta, princess of shadow fall, veta, the fierce warrior who did battle with azure iramasha. Veta, who had laid waste to the moon in retribution against the vanguards actions. Veta, the very girl who had nursed her back to health not even three years prior. All the memories flew through inami’s head. She had so much love for her, so much affection. So much admiration, and a yearning that was absolutely alien to her. A different yearning with this knockoff that caused her to let out a steamy breath as her mind went into overdrive trying to process an emotion that she couldn’t understand.

She wanted to Do things to this one, she wanted to hear her lovely screams echo. She wanted to break that lovely facade of indifference and . . . malice that lurked on her face. She wanted. . . she wanted! She wanted to annihilate, she wished to turn this girl into ashes, to blow her into the wind, to turn her into a sweet memory of destruction! YES! That was what she wanted! Which was why when neoveta’s lips opened the queen had jerked her palm forward a bullet of compressed energy strong enough to send a pillar of raw power expanding into the sky, to the point any remaining clouds would be completely blown away. Buildings would crumble, roads would boil and then tar would incinerate off the streets as the black inferno blast expanded outwards, however this wouldn’t be the end, no in the midst of this inami would extend her zao-ka’s influence across the battlefield., her eyes still void of gleam while her lips pulled back to show each and every one of her teeth, pointed canines and all.

Her words would sound thunderous, and broken up with static.

”..Y’know i don’t like that face on your body. I might just melt it off.”

Then just to spite the shell with a flick of her fingers several runic demon markings in her minds eye would link, forming a barrier that while not stopping the attack on seiko, would deflect it to the side, sending it veering off into a building hopefully. The only problem would be this wouldn’t stop multiple attacks, it had only been just strong enough to block the attack that had been sent his way. The barrier fragmenting and falling apart after the attack had taken place, while inami would merely say to the likes of the afro-haired man.

”..You might want to bring your a-game this time.”

Now she knew absolutely nothing about this man, who he was, how he got here, or where he came from. All she knew was if he didn’t push himself, didn’t take this as serious as possible he’d most likely perish when stuff really started to heat up. Since Inami had no illusions about this fight, it was going to get dicey. Dicey to the point that it was possible that not only chicago but a good part of illinois would be subjected to the fallout of this particular firefight. For now though? Inami hadn’t done any more major attacks simply because she didn’t want to waste the energy unless she had to, she was already ready waiting to see what would happen next.

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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] LzZCuy7
Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] BtXe12b
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Re: Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:28 am
"What the hell?" A single brow would raise as his blade was brought up to his shoulder to rest, the words pelting from his lips. His face was riddled with a bit of confusion, unsure of what to make of the powers that were displayed before him, initially. These abilities were odd, and they seemed to be nearly demonic. He had no idea what it was all about, hell he hadn't been back to Earth since he died. "The hell are these things?" He murmured to himself, still not able to grasp what was going on as one attack eroded the other. A smirk erased the confused look on his face, "Screw it, guess I'll just find out for myself!" He shouted as he began to close in on the second target to appear.

"You look like the reason all this shit is happening! So let's see what y'got!" He'd exclaim to the shell, just before her words were spoken and an acidic blast almost caught him by surprise. It was by pure fortune that he felt the need to enter his released state earlier, and with that, he was able to react at a much higher rate than he normally would. Not to mention, the distance at which he placed himself in from the two was rather great. It was surprising that he was even noticed, but it seemed to be a testament to their senses and power. Something that only made him wish to carry on further with the fight. He wanted to be the one that was responsible for bringing this one down, and when he was done with her he'd take down the other. The very thought of it brought a smirk to his face as he side stepped and ripped his body around before pushing off the reishi platforms beneath him and flashing forward, closing the distance between them just a bit more. His rate of travel and overall skill when it came to things such as this wasn't too great. However, it gave the two some time to settle some previous disputes.

All the same, it would open him up to other attacks. As he was primarily skilled in close combat and never took a liking to any type of Kido, and his released state provided him no help from a distance either. He was simply a powerhouse, one that grew stronger the more confident and big headed he got in a fight. It was something that was always natural for him, but all the same, it pushed him to try harder than he once did before he came to know his Zanpakutō.

He was fortunate to have the first comer around as she seemed to rid the direct area of all the clutter. It might have taken a rather large toll on the property of the entire area, but she at least took the proper precautions in securing the innocent lives for the most part. Seiko didn't really like dealing with those weaklings anymore anyway, they weren't proving much of a challenge. This one, however, she looked fun. Almost as fun as the black-haired girl. As his gaze drew up from the corroded and decaying ground below he was met by a shocking sight and a dense aura. His forward momentum would come to a halt by the sheer energy that was displayed, the flavoring of it unfamiliar to his senses. Still unsure of where these two drew their energy from, though he wasn't all too curious about it. He just wanted to watch their heads fall from their shoulders.

As the attack exploded outward Inami, now just a few hundred feet away, would look his direction and project a barrier as the black energy seemed to decimate everything in its path. While the barrier took the brute force of the attack and kept him from receiving any harm the shock of the blast still rattled within the barrier and sent his garb and hair fluttering. The power of the initial shock from the blast caught within the barrier claimed a strength powerful enough to bring him strife in his ability to stand with the winds that were cradled by the barrier. When it died down he'd stand erect waiting rather impatiently to for his turn in the fight. Once the barrier would come to fail and the attack would pass him he'd turn and break his attention from the two, looking at the damage of the land. With a small chuckle, he'd look back to the woman that asked for his a-game, "Yeah you don't gotta worry about me, lady. I can handle myself." With a flick of his wrist, he'd bring the sword to rest on his shoulder once more. "I'm not stoppin' till I have this bitch's head." His chin would raise as he spoke to Neoveta's Shell, confidence encasing his words to a crisp point. Bringing his sword forward with both hands tight, he'd prep himself for what was to come next. The distance between the two, currently, was far too great for him to make a move before she would. Thus, he felt it wise to counter rather than be countered.

His eyes would reach to the corner of their sockets, "And when I'm done with her you're next." A smirk would back his words. Confident and clueless; what a nice mixture...

Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Sbb1I7e
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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Re: Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:04 pm

Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Demetori - Song: Unidentified - Words: N/A

[NOTE: This is the R3 Replica Shell of Neoveta's old body]
. . .

There really wasn't any response initially given by the likes of The Infected Replica Shell when Inami had decided to attack her. Even as an entire city block of space was obliterated within the heavens, The False Princess's Shell still remained standing tall and only had dust and scrapes scattered across her body. Instead, only a vacant stare could be seen from the crimson eyed doll as she observed Inami and began calculating the immeasurable ways to bring down this Queen.

"Would you rather I have a face akin to the infection of the Asthavon, then? I'm sure you'd love that."

As Inami started cleansing heavens and brings hell to the streets below, The False Shell started to feel her insides boiling as this new power surged and swelled throughout her being. By her estimates, she was just as strong as the original Neoveta thanks to the boost that Juin had allotted her. Therefore, The Replica Shell would begin to shed its skin and its vanilla pigmentation would shatter and crack like class. In its place would a hard and coal like color remain. With the whites in her hairs now reduced to black, it's blood red shine loomed down on The Demon Queen as The False Princess's shell began to exude its power from a distance.

It did not change the environment, but there was a thick sensation permeating the air. Even as the shine of the moon illuminated the lands before, the shadows within the heart of this corrupted shell's power were much more abysmal. And Inami herself would soon find that much out. As, from a distance of two hundred meters, The R3 Shell used her Shadow Movement in order to achieve speeds upwards of Mach 5.8

Then, when it emerged before Inami, there were a dozen tendrils which emerged from the base of its spine. There were six to the right, and six to the left. All of them would have absorbed the kinetic energy gathered from their flight in order to pierce The Chaya Nation's Queen. There would be two jammed into each of her arms, two jammed into each of her kneecaps and two jammed into each of her ankles. If this action were to occur, then she would seek to transfer and multiply the force of her attack across her tendrils. Contained within each tendril would be eight tons of force; combined together it would make upwards of ninety six tons of force. This force was harnessed from the speed (5.8 Speed Of Sound) she traveled and the mass of her body (80 US pounds).

In short, this force would be enough to snap bones and induced heavy damage across Inami's body. It could force 2.5% of her energy to leave the royal demon's body per hit taken; totaling up to 30% if she took the full brunt of this assault. Her entire body may feel dizzy, mass headaches may be induced and organs could outright be crushed or destroyed. Eventually, the sum of this force would send her hurdling for many hundreds of meters until she was thrown across the battlefield with a heavy attack. In the process of doing so this could add another 2-3% of energy lost from being flung across the landscape.

All the while, an extra three tendrils would emerge from The Replica Shell's back and she'd seek to aim them at the male in order to do similar damage to him. They were released at mach one speeds, but it was assumed that since he was released that his speed could equal to at least mach one. So she was hoping to knock a good deal of energy out of him in the process of injuring his body. It was just a matter of shattering the barrier around him with the first tendril and then using the other two to seal the deal.

Furthermore, each of these tendrils was drenched within a black energy as they struck their opponents. This would be her Death Energy seeking to corrode and drain them of life, vitality, and durability further. As they may find it harder to summon their attacks, their defenses lowering and their speed becoming harder to perform. It would be as if their entire body felt heavy and it was more of a challenge to keep up the pace. In short: Neoveta was trying to break their bodies to take them out of the fight.

"Does it make you upset? Why should it? I've lived most of my life as a zombie to the whims of our family, what difference does it make if I switch to another medium?"

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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Re: Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:59 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The queen had been waiting, gathering information through zao ka’s knowledge of the environment, Inami’s gaze didn’t leave the corrupt shell for a second. Infact to some her concentration was at a point that it could be considered singular. Time to her was a sluggish stream that only moved on slowly, and for all intents and purposes that was what she needed to truly see what was coming next. The thoughts vanished from her mind and she sank into the bliss of her own chaos. This tranquility brought upon by her very own seal of eris was enough that when neoveta launched forward the queen had enough time to do something fun, See she was normally extremely to begin with, but within the area of her own zao-ka’s influence she had quadruple her normal stats, which meant right now a she could do something fun, as soon as neoveta appeared before her and her tendrils flew out, threads would launch from the likes of inami’s body, knocking the attacks that had been sent at her off target. Where they struck the barrier surrounding the queen would be coated with more condensed air, this air would act as a buffer with several layers of demon magic intertwined with her demon barrier to allow for a rapid-fire engagement.

The raw force of inami’s strikes would match blow for blow the inertia and momentum of neoveta’s tendrils, her threads lancing out between rapidly placed blows, knocking each strike away, blow for blow until the last strike came in which time the queen had using her ability with zao-ka’s influence to avoid the attack by moving to the side of it at around mach 10 speeds, the tendril glancing off of inami’s body causing a bruise to form on her side momentarily before it was whisked away by her unnaturally fast regeneration. Only then did Inami decide to give Neoveta an answer as around the shell several orbs had formed from inami’s ocular demon magic. They would all fire inwards while the queen merely said with a snort.

”..Sure I’d love to see a mirror some day, a mirror as black as my soul is to me.”

And her answer was true, even as the queen seemed to launch back her momentum carrying her several hundred meter’s away from the likes of neoveta’s form in an instant, as below and above the likes of neoveta hastily conjured runes would begin to condense, another blast which utilized the reishi drain aspect of zao-ka to essentially sap the energy out of the very air in the surrounding mile to fuel what would essentially be a gravity well, all the gravity amplifying, and amplfying until it got to the point that the inward pull would drag buildings up into the air to collide with the designated point in which all this gravity would converge, which was the shells arm. Hence if she was trapped in this attack it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that the shells arm might even collapse in on itself until all that was left was a bloody stump. If it missed though the queen was more than ready, her knowledge of the environment used in conjunction with a momentary application of shadow-step to allow her to in a burst throw a second layer on top of the first in her barrier, Manipulating it to the point that essentially it would have an oxidized exterior and a small compressed air pocket between the exterior and interior barriers.

Finally something that neoveta said caused her to exhale. As in her right hand she had utilized hellfire and begun to form a pair of wicked blades one in each hand as she decided to manipulate her threads to form five tendrils on her back, each one roughly the size of her leg. And they would cackle with energy as she had said in a low tone, her eyes glimmering dangerously as she could sense just how much energy this girl had. How much energy she herself would need to use to really make this work.

” think you were a zombie? You were my friend, you are the one person who is closest to me, shell or not. You are not a Zombie, a Doll nor a pawn, however you aren’t even yourself now are you? You are but a conflicted being who craves the absolution of their own insecurities through outward violence. Now you don’t even look like yourself.”

Inami’s lips curled as she really only now that she had several hundred meters between them, got to see the monster neoveta’s shell had become. It was easier in a way fighting something that didn’t look like neoveta, and hence now the queen merely exhaled and said in a soft voice.

”..Don’t regret this now.”

Energy would begin to increase from the likes of inami, it would start out slow but eventually it got to the point that the queen was a dark star in the midst of a storm, buildings would crumble. The queen’s horns visibly adorned her head while her tail swayed out behind her, her eyes not the usual heterochromia but instead pure asthavon green while she licked the flames that danced in her hands in the shape of blades. However more then that the marking of eris glowed on her , so bright that it radiated through her clothing, it caused for all the anarchy in the city, all of it to be transmitted to her while the voices started and the queen seemed to change, her expression became lidded after she shuddered for a few moments, as if she was viewing the shell as mere prey.

” Please, fight more, struggle more, because you only now are serving to feed me.”

And it was true, the more damage neoveta caused, the more terror this shell incited in the humans. The more anarchy and discord raged within the town, and while it didn’t really affect her much it did make it so that mentally she was refreshed. She was in a constant state of high that could eventually lead to heightened reactions due to adrenaline and a faster time processing information. But for now the queen had said in a boisterous tone.

”..Male, are you still alive?”

Even as she said it she never took her eyes off of the shell, because she couldn’t afford to be caught by surprise.

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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] LzZCuy7
Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] BtXe12b
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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Re: Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:42 pm
As the tendrils rapidly closed in on Seiko's position, he was left with very little time to think. However, while the tendrils traveled at such high speeds it just so happened that he was built for such attacks and how to react to them properly. Exerting his Zanpakutō's abilities to the max he was able to seemingly slow time around him in order to properly react to this. While each second seemed to be broken down into milliseconds he'd bring up his blade in order to block one attack. When the tendril would meet the blade it would screech and run rampant upon the steel surface flaring sparks as it tried to continue to push forward at him. Tilting his blade one direction then the other to ensure that it didn't escape him and get pressed into his body. Though, while that was happening, just what he didn't want to happen would come about as his abdomen was pierced by another tendril. A groan would resonate in the area as she'd spew out a large amount of blood from his mouth and blood would splash back onto the tendril and drip down to the land far below them. With the groan, he could feel the durability of his blade falter before it began to crack slightly, with wide eyes he shoved the tendril out of the way before attempting to cut it before the last tendril sped passed his body.

As this last tendril throttled passed him as he slightly curved his torso in order to do so, he'd wince with pain once more. Tossing the pain aside and the inflicted damage to his Zanpakutō along with it, he'd aim to stab the tendril that had whiffed by him. In doing so sparks would emit once more if he was successful and he'd try to latch himself onto the tendril in case it was retracted back to Neoveta. He wished to close the gap between the two and return some of the damage that was dealt with him. While he had taken a good bit of damage it wasn't enough for him to be put off the fight just yet. Even with the large hole in his abdomen, he felt that he would still be able to push forward and be of some assistance to the other demon that seemed to want to do all but chatter with her enemy.


Seiko would shout out to Inami as she attempted to deflect the attacks that were sent her way before widening the gap. He wished to work with her and not against her as the two shared the same enemy at the moment. Whether or not he'd be well enough to fight Inami shortly after Neoveta was not something that he would concern himself with just yet, as it seemed he'd have his work cut out for him for the remainder of the fight the damage that his Zanpakutō and himself had taken. Nonetheless, Seiko had no idea what he was up against. He was unaware of the tricks either of the two had up their sleeve, but he did know that having Inami's knowledge of the person before her would possibly be of some help to him. He was unsure of it all, honestly, but he didn't let doubt consume his mind and bring him to an even weaker state than what he was already at.

If he was successful in hitching a ride on the tendril to Neoveta by digging his Zanpakutō into the beefy attack and her retracting the tendrils back to her, he'd likely be pulled in rather rapidly. The tendril that was lodged inside of him would likely travel at a faster rate, as the one he stabbed would hold the majority of his weight. Thus, he'd be left with a gaping hole in his abdomen and his blood loss would be rather rapid. Not to mention, the added amount of stress he was placing on his already fractured Zanpakutō. He snarled as he was ripped from his position.

Depending on how the tendril traveled he would take one course or another. If the tendril just streamlined back to its source, he would just carry on until he was in her bubble and begin his assault. This would include an array of various swipes and slashes, though they would all be done with one hand and wouldn't be near his maximum threshold for power as a result of the damage inflicted upon him earlier. The stress placed on his blade would hinder the tether from spirit to user, and he knew he was abusing his Zanpakutō's limits by carrying on, however, he wasn't the type to just back out of a fight for something so simple.

Yet, the series of attacks would completely deplete the energy that he had within him. He'd attempt to be a gnat that buzzed around Neoveta and if she didn't strike him down immediately he would eventually just drain himself of his own energy as he grew pale and fell to the Earth as a limp corpse. That was if Inami had done nothing about the injuries that were inflicted on him. As he plummeted to Earth things would begin to grow faint as he realized he was slowly coming to lose his sense of the environment. No longer able to hold his Zanpakutō it would shift back to its sealed state before stabbing into the ground. His body crashing and creating a crater around him as his reiatsu released in attempts to keep him alive, grasping for reishi around. The members that were affected by the Juin slowly starting to make their way to his corpse.

If the tendril returned in a wavy manner, ripping him up and down, he'd wait until he began to ascend and slingshot himself at double the rate of speed that the tendrils retracted at. Ripping his sword from the tendril at the most opportune moment in order to accelerate himself at a speed of near Mach 3, with a little added oomph from his own muscular strength of his one arm, while his other tried to prevent the hole in his body from spilling more blood than it really needed. As he pressed in toward Neovetta he'd ready his blade up before attempting to behead the Demon with one mighty swipe. Though there was no way that this would be enough to decapitate the Demon, but he knew that it was a vital enough area that it would inflict a mass amount of damage. With all the power he had in his arm and body he'd turn with the hit and give the maximum amount of force he could apply with his hit. If he wasn't going to be able to defeat this demon, he knew that he would at least be able to put in a good bit of damage before being out for the count for a good while.

All that he had to do was not die to the Juin...

Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Sbb1I7e
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Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT] Empty Re: Operation Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: CENTRAL SECTOR] [EVENT]

Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:16 pm
[adm]It is assumed that CPK isn't active at the moment due to real life concerns, so I'll be proceeding with Neoveta's post as if Seiko was removed from the fight due to the clash between Inami and Neoveta. He can still step in if he is interested, but I wanted to make sure my next post wasn't odd.[/adm]

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