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Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest] Empty Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest]

Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:48 am

Kimitsuki Yamamoto

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover) - Word Count: 1019

Celestial's Crest... Quite an interesting place. Not only that, but, it was cold. Like, really cold. Probably much colder than any human could handle without having gear to protect them from the cold. That cold would have been problematic for most others, since not many have a body that's thermal temperature is way above average. It would have been a problem, but, Kimitsuki's body heat was excessive enough that, while snow didn't melt; she was kept warm well enough. However, this mountain wasn't exactly the easiest thing to just scale like it was part of her daily routine. Speaking of daily routines and something "normal", today was not that. Kimitsuki had to see Cirno, she had to.

She has heard much of the Angel of Ice. She had also hoped that she may know a way to help her. What may she need help with? Kimitsuki needs help with finding balance. She wants to find a way to make this world balanced instead of in a constant fight over chaos or order. She even knew that fire had balance. It had its chaos, and it had its order. Maybe this was why she wanted to find some sort of 'balance' in this world. However, until she thought more, she wouldn't be too sure.

Crunch... Crunch... The sound of snow giving way under her feet was prominent to her ears; to her slightly heightened senses. She sighed softly and saw the moisture that had come from her breath; being shown by the cold. It was quite an interesting thing, seeing your own breath. However, she did not dwell on it; she didn't feel she had the time to. It wasn't that she was worried she was going to get frozen or anything by the storm, but, she wanted to get to Cirno as soon as possible.

The Danava's red gaze stared upwards, staring towards the peak of the mountain. Was this where Cirno was? Was she really going to be here? She had nearly no way of knowing really. She had never met the Angel. She only has statements from others. However, Cirno would probably sense her presence after all. The presence of a Demon was not an easy one to hide or miss. Kimitsuki wasn't hiding anyways, oh no. There would be no point in doing so. Better to seem like she is coming in flying the white flag and asking not to be run through with weapons. Rather than sneaking in and then getting run through. Getting attacked would not be the best thing...

Kimitsuki took a rather heavy step as she felt her body slightly react to the thought of getting attacked. Slight battle instinct response, this caused her to slam her foot into the snow; into a snow bank. She felt her entire right leg fall into the snow before she made a rather loud squeak out of surprise. She face planted right into the snow. A slight groan emitted from her; her face in the snow. Her right hand clutched at the snow slightly, the tips and band of her glove melting the snow very quickly. After a little bit of struggling, and some tiny squeaks, Kimitsuki finally picked herself up out of the snow. She sighed softly and shook her head. Her raid hair flailed left and right as water and snow flew from her hair. She sighed softly and caused a quick burst of fire to spin around her to dry herself off. She straightened her hair and then continued trudging through the snow.

Snow... Definitely not a terrain she was used to. The falling over from earlier was definitely a big clue to that. She continued to trudge through the snow still, she could tell this was supposed to be cold. She could feel cold winds bite at her skin and tear at her hair. However, the cold had no effect on her. Sure, she could tell it was cold but, it did not feel cold to her. She sighed softly. Despite how it could be difficult to touch others at time due to her abnormal body heat, it definitely helped when it came to moving through icy wastelands... However, her thoughts were soon thrown from that as she felt what she believed to be the faint trace of Cirno. Her crimson eyes suddenly snapped to the top of the mountain. Well, at least where she believed she felt the trace coming from. She inhaled sharply, taking in the frigid air, and she did her best to get up the mountain at a faster pace.

She felt her feet sink into deep snow banks multiple times, feeling herself nearly lose balance. She had to do some jumps to keep her balance. However, she soon had to slow down. She wasn't tired, exactly, but, the top of the mountain was much farther away than she believed it to be. She groaned a little and then spoke quietly to herself.

"I do hope I'm doing things right here... I'd rather not get impaled by ice... or frozen... Frankly I really hope Cirno doesn't hate me or anything due to my abilities... I know fire and Ice are polar opposites, but, still..."

She sighed after that slight conversation with herself; which Kagutsuchi heard completely and did not comment on. He was always so quiet until Kimitsuki really needed him to randomly speak up; or when he feels the need to give some input on anything. Kimitsuki felt a shiver go up her spine. Not from the cold, not even close. It was because she felt that she was being watched. She was not sure by what, who, or if she was being crazy. But, she had learned to trust her instincts. She gritted her teeth and then kept trudging up the mountain. It was time for her to meet the Angel of Ice. It was time for her to find some sort of balance. No time to hesitate, no time to worry. Only time to create a spark.

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Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest] Empty Re: Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest]

Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:50 pm

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Artist: Animal In Me - Song: Burn - Word Count: 856

Kimitsuki kept wandering through the snow, all of her senses open to the surrounding area. She hoped no one would attack her, it wasn't like she was turning the mountain into a heap of rubble anyways. Frankly, she actually tried to stray from violence from time to time, but, she couldn't help but enjoy it once she was engrossed in a fight. Maybe that was some demonic influence? Well, whatever the case she just knew she had to find Cirno. Kimitsuki had no idea that the Angel of Ice wouldn't be as hard to find as she thought, frankly, the Angel of Ice would be the one who ended up finding Kimitsuki instead of Kimitsuki finding her.

Kimitsuki exhaled softly and watched as her breath was torn away by the winds. She sighed softly and then suddenly tensed up as she felt something, or someone. She put her left hand on the band around her right wrist and held it tight, willing the thing to stay in control. Which was good, sure, she was good at dealing with ominous presence, but, ice and fire don't exactly go very well together. Kimitsuki trudged forwards for a couple more minutes, her hand on the band, until Cirno, the Angel of Ice, emerged from the mist around her.

Kimitsuki's gaze fell upon the Iramasha. She was... cute... and definitely powerful. Kimitsuki could basically feel the power within her just by standing ten feet away from her. Kimitsuki could feel the snow around her melting slightly, probably an indication of her powers. She sighed softly one more time and steeled her nerves, and pushed away her awkwardness. She didn't need it. What she needed was quick, stalwart, and true. She needed to be upfront with Cirno, and nowhere near threatening. She sighed softly and slowly thought on why she was here.

Kimitsuki's gaze never left the Angel as she thought on what exactly she was doing here. She knew she wanted to seek out Cirno but, she wasn't entirely sure why. Probably should have thought of that. She tightly clutched the band on her right arm as she thought, hearing some sizzling but not really paying attention to it. She sighed softly and then averted her gaze directly to Cirno's eyes and let her hands fall to her sides. She opened her mouth slowly after she sighed and, words started to pour from her.

"I am another person coming to your nation. And I swear it is in peace, I know how some people don't exactly like Demons... And, no, I am not part of the Guild of Heroes. I have come here to seek you out, for, I wish for your help. I also wish to try and preserve this world before it is destroyed and turned into nothing. I don't wish to see such a thing I find so beautiful reduced to nothing, so, please... help me. Help me find control, help me find a way to keep this world balanced... If you wish for me to join your Guild of Heroes, I can. Frankly, it doesn't sound like a bad idea... Though, due to my demonic Origin... I'm not sure how well I want to be known in the guild. I'd rather no attract unwanted attention."

After speaking Kimitsuki went into a slight bow, making sure to keep an eye on the Angel on her surroundings. She didn't think The angel of Ice would attack her without provocation, but, she still wanted to be careful. She straightened herself after a couple of seconds and then looked at Cirno with eyes that burned with determination and honesty. She obviously respected the Angel of Ice, after hearing some of what she's done in the past, but, she is not sure what to do. However, her composure is soon broken when she realized that she accidentally melted a little bit too much snow. She blushed a little and stumbled away from the melted patch and groaned slightly.

"I guess I got myself a little too worked up... that or I'm nervous someone may attack me... Also, thank you for not attacking me right out. I would rather converse than fight. Oh! Also, where are my manners, I am Kimitsuki Yamamoto. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier."

Kimitsuki did another small bow before straightening herself once more and then looking at Cirno once more. Kimitsuki looked at her closely and noticed how she was acting. Reserved, on edge, and cautious. She sighed softly. Kimitsuki really could not blame her for acting so. A random Demon coming to your home probably isn't the best thing to deal with. But, she didn't seem like she was going to attack, which was nice for Kimitsuki. She exhaled softly one last time and attempted to calm herself as she stood there, waiting for the Iramasha's response. Hopefully, things wouldn't take a sour turn. She really hoped Cirno would help her in the end. Only time would tell.

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Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest] Empty Re: Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest]

Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:41 am

Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest] 6EdIfMt


Artist: ElectricMudkip - Song: Dummy! - Remix - Words: N/A

There was an aura of intensity around the body of The Davana when The Angel of Ice held her frigid gaze at the woman. As she read the body language of the woman, it indicated to Cirno that she seemed reserved, nervous and on edge; akin to someone rather paranoid about the possibility of being assaulted or having harm brought upon them. So, while this bodily response seemed highly questionable, The Celestial still saw it more beneficial to give her the benefit of the doubt since Kimitsuki had no caused any trouble so far.


That simple word would be uttered out in a pristine and ginger way as The Angel of The Ice spread each of her hands out in a forward direction. When this action took place, Kimitsuki was going to quickly find herself surrounded by a mist of silver fog which was generated by the aether of Cirno's body. Which, in it of itself, was an important note to jot down. As The Celestial made sure NOT to utilize her holy aether in order to avoid causing the woman pain. For the primary reason she released this force into the world was so that she could relax the nerves of The Danava's mind, loosen her mind and harness her ability to soothe the spirits of this world to allow the anxieties of the demon's body to be alleviated to a degree.

"Now you can speak."

And with that bit of tranquility embedded into the world, The Celestial then saw fit to fold her arms and take a more reserved approach to the conversation. She wanted to hear the ideals which spewed forth from the mouth of this danava and try to understand why a creature of herself would seek out The Guild of Heroes. Since as she started talking about the notions of wanting to help and preserve the world, it gave The Angel of The Ice a bit of hope that there were other demons in the world who weren't utterly obsessed and compelled by their nature to destroy, induce chaos and otherwise make this world a dreaded place to reside in.

Hence, out of response to this sentiment oozing forth from Kimitsuki, Cirno could do nothing more than nod her head and give a small smile to otherwise show her sign of approval at what she heard so far from the woman. If nothing else, she could at least provide a bit of spiritual training and keep the demon on her way towards the path of light, wholeness, and balance. As it was apart from her own words of omission that she needed balance, control and a place to find a happy medium in her life to grow stronger, wiser and more in-sync with her inner most self to become the most powerful version of herself that she can be.

"If that's how it is, I'll try and let go of my bias towards demon for you. You don't seem like a bad one and it isn't right to stereotype like that."

There was a hard sigh which exhaled out of the mouth of Cirno as she said that. After all, she couldn't be anything more than honest at this point, right? Angels aren't exactly known for their ill-intent and ability to deceive. So maybe The Celestial herself could gain a new experience from this person which allowed her to further mend those wounds done to her heart by the savagery of other demons. Regardless of that fact, though, she'd carry on with the conversation and hold a most placid tone while speaking.

"I'll only ask that you remain an under-the-table member of our guild. I ask this of all this who seek my help and yearn to be a champion of what is right for this world."

Then, once that condition had been met, The Angel Of The Ice would proceed to sit down in the lotus position. Feeling the cold beneath her frigid tush, The Celestial let out another serene sigh and closed her eyes. In doing so, she would feel the chills of meditation flow through her veins and a silver light could be seen emitting from her body. What she was doing at the moment had been the act of summoning more of her otherworldly aether to the field. This allowed for a circle of alabaster light to emerge around the two of them that extended in a ten-meter perimeter.

When this circular sphere of magic had finished rendering itself into existence after a few short seconds, they would extend ten meters in the air and create a visible wall to contain the two of them within. However, behind Kimitsuki would be a door large enough for her body to exit. This was going to be important as Cirno intended to explain the next process of their training.

"I also ask of all those who take this training to allow their hearts to be open to mine. Once I connect you to my own soul, I'm going to transform the depths of your spirit. Are you really ready for this, Kimitsuki?"

There would be a look of concern washed over the aqua eyes of The Angel of The Ice as she gazed back at the amber stare of The Danava Demon. It was a tall order for many to take, but it was needed in order for her miracles to work. A person had to be totally and utterly receptive to this training and open to faith in the unknown. So it is why two shackles comprised of a white light would emerge at the sides of the blood haired woman. If she were to connect them to her wrist, then the next phase of transformation and evolution could begin for her mind, body, and soul.

"If you feel you are ready, then link those chains to your wrist and we can get started."

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Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest] WVMWLOu
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Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest] Empty Re: Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest]

Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:08 pm

Kimitsuki Yamamoto

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Danava of Fire meet Angel of Ice [Hero Quest] 6EdIfMt

Worry... Worry was definitely something that was rampant in this Danava standing before the Angel of Ice. The frigid gaze coming from Cirno Iramasha did not help Kimitsuki too much either as she was worried Cirno would have been like many other and decide she was evil and attack her just for her lineage. However, when Cirno spoke the word 'relax' to her, Kimitsuki perked up a bit; wanting to know what caused her to ask Kimitsuki to relax. Of course, the obvious answer was because that Kimitsuki was certainly a nervous wreck at times and was certainly not the best person when it came to social situations; in other words, she was the shiest Danava she knew.

Kimitsuki had watched as Cirno spread her arms towards her, Kimitsuki noticed the mist and slightly flinched in hesitation of what may happen. However, when the mist connected with her skin, Kimitsuki felt a sense of, well, relief frankly. Kimituki exhaled softly as she let her stance relax some; showing that she was much more relaxed now and she was certainly not worried about being attacked by someone. At least she wasn't worried about being attacked right now. No, she was more worried about being compliant and making sure she did not anger her benefactor; which would be Cirno is this case.

Well, she would be Kimitsuki's benefactor if she accepted Kimitsuki for what she was and completely accepted all that Kimitsuki wished to do; her wish to bring balance and to help. Kimitsuki bit her lip in anticipation as she waited for Cirno to speak after having heard what Kimitsuki had to say. It felt like nearly an eternity before Cirno answered the Danava, but, when she did Kimitsuki face brightened up with a smile that seemed to beam with the amount of relief that was now flowing through her being, not only because of the mist Cirno put around Kimitsuki, but because of the relief that Cirno was putting aside her prejudice of demons for her. Kimitsuki bowed for a moment before shooting back up straight and continued smiling as a single tear fell from her right eye; a tear of joy it seemed.

"Th-Thank you Cirno! A-And I really am not a bad person or demon... I just dislike it when people automatically assume I am just because I am a demon... Again, I thank you for not judging me immediately like all the others... and for dropping your prejudice for me."

Kimitsuki was truly happy about this; not many beings had just straight up accepted Kimitsuki for what she was. At least in her experience in the past; especially with those beings many years ago she now knew to be Shinigami. She shuddered, not from cold, but, from thinking of something that haunts her from her past; something that has generated her constant fear of losing control over her fire when it matters most. Or, just losing control of her fire in general.

Kimitsuki sighed softly and soon let the smile fade from her facial features so she may calm herself and returned to a more relaxed state as she listened to Cirno speak once more. Cirno wanted Kimitsuki, like others who have sought her aid, to be a more "under-the-table" member of the guild. Something Kimitsuki was okay with as most likely wouldn't be favorable of a demon joining the ranks of a guild of heroes; a place where heroes gather and fight to keep the balance in the world so it does not taint and turn to chaos.

Kimitsuki exhaled softly and fixed the glove, and giant gold wristband, just to make sure that the Atma Vatou, which was the glove, was not coming loose and wouldn't suddenly dispel itself and cause a little bit of an accident. Why accident? Well, this glove was what helped Kimitsuki get her fire control outside of her releases to be near perfect; with the exception that the wrong emotional breakout could break the glove's "seal" and cause her fire to rage out of control. Luckily, that was something that wasn't gonna just randomly happen; hopefully it wouldn't at least.

Kimitsuki soon brought her senses back to the world around her instead of the focus of her memories and remembering what happened in her past; it was then she noticed that Cirno was summoning an orb of sorts around them; seemingly sealing them off from the surroundings so nothing could get in it seemed. Kimitsuki turned around to survey the the part of the orb that was behind her and noticed the door; probably her way to leave if she didn't want to do this. Kimitsuki immediately turned around towards Cirno gestured to the door.

"You may as well remove the door... I came here for your help and to help others; so I won't be leaving."

Kimitsuki smiled sweetly and then looked at the glove on her right hand and swallowed a little roughly as she stared at the glove and then looked at the chains that Cirno just summoned. Kimitsuki bit her lip and then looked at Cirno and then looked at her glove before looking back to Cirno and speaking to her.

"I-I am ready, but, there is some risk... I am pretty sure that this chain won't fit on with my glove on... and this glove helps me control the fire I use. So... please be prepared to protect yourself, I do not wish to hurt you if the fire bursts out at random... which I don't think it should."

Kimitsuki then placed her left wrist into the shackle and locked it down good and tight before she looked at her glove and sighed softly. The Danava brought the glove up to her face and bit into, an action that looked like she simply placed her teeth against the metal, the gold band that was around her wrist as part of the band split apart and then fell off of her wrist. She dropped the band and the second it hit the snow, a sizzling sound was heard for only a moment before the band simply dispersed into sparks and then was gone. Kimitsuki looked at her wrist and watched as the seals that were bound tightly together came undone and then were simply incinerated as flung the rest of the glove aside; the material bursting into flames and dispersing much like the band did. Kimitsuki swallowed softly and clenched her right hand tightly, the hand looking a little sweaty despite how comfortable Kimitsuki was with the heat of her body, and then soon thrust it into the shackle and forced the shackle to close down upon her wrist as she stood there and breathed surprisingly heavy before she looked at Cirno; smiling softly.

"All you need to do to get my heart to be open to you is just ask... but, I think we'll just skip that for now as I don't want to hurt you..."

Kimitsuki smiled at Cirno and basically opened her entire being to Cirno; leaving her at the Ice Angel's will. Kimitsuki breathed a little heavily as she muttered to Cirno.

"Please... try to work quickly... Or at least find a way to keep my fire from affecting you..."

As she said that, a single, tiny, flame appeared on Kimitsuki's right hand before she quickly put it out and tried her best to find a way to tame the fire through relaxing herself with that same mist or even just trying to simply push it back. Hopefully, Kimitsuki could hold it back or Cirno would find a way to either defend herself from the fire or simply help Kimitsuki control it better. Only time would tell, and, even if Kimitsuki and Cirno had nearly all the time in the world; it was likely running out.

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