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Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4] Empty Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4]

Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:47 pm
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Spiritual Human Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Illiana Von Clemens
» Titles: Lana, Illy, Lilly, Ana, Clem
» Age: 18
» Gender: Female

» Affiliation/Rank: Unaligned

» Physical Appearance Description: Illiana is a small girl standing about 5'5" and weighing 113 lbs. She has a lean build with a small bit of muscle on her that suggests a life of regular exercise and a good, tall posture with her chest pushed forward and bottom not protruding too far back. Her face is round face with a slightly pointed chin and thin slightly pinkish lips, above this her nose is a soft curve with small nostrils that doesn't distract from her large, curious blue yes. Framing her face some short cropped straight hair that comes to just above her shoulders, its colour is similar to the brown/red colour of autumn leaves and comes down over both her ears as well as a fringe that covers most of her forehead without being too much that it blocks her vision.

For clothing she prefers lighter clothing like T-shirts and shorts as well as shorter dresses with loose outer layers such as zip up jackets with hoods in the event that it gets cold enough. She prefers more natural colours like greens, browns and blues, as well as some oranges and whites that compliment her hair. More often than not she goes for practical over stylish but like most young women if given a good chance to dress up she won't ignore it, though out of habit she'll still try and get the most practically stylish clothing available to her.

» Physical Appearance Image:

I. Personality Traits

» Personality: Illiana is a rather happy individual though she doesn't go out of her way to show it like some people do. A quick smile, a cheeky glance, she isn't the most expressive person despite not having any difficulty with her emotions. She takes pleasure in simple things like eating well, being around family and getting along with new people for the first time. Because most of her life has been spent on the road she finds it hard to get solid, lasting friendships with people, so when she does she goes out of her way to ensure she'd be at least remembered in the event she ends up in the same area somewhere down the track.

Despite all this she is a rather quiet individual, not so much as to preferring her own company to that of other, but in such a way that she doesn't draw much attention to herself and instead lets those who are interested in getting to know her to come to her. This isn't something she realises she does, more a default reaction she developed in part due to her mother's over protectiveness and desire to keep her safe. When people do notice her she is often surprised and skittish, unsure as to what she'd have done to draw attention and a little concerned that it might be for the wrong reason.

In general she likes peaceful moments, which she's learnt to attribute to safety, if not the quiet. She's learned to attribute quietness to something that happens before a dangerous situation were to erupt and often finds herself worrying if a situation would suddenly shift this way. She isn't very experienced with people of her own age bracket though she does watch them curiously, almost as though she's wondering if she could fit in with them despite the life she's lead so far. She gets along best with people her mother's age and older as they often have much more life experience and interesting knowledge to share. Long rambling stories and anecdotes are captivating and she can often lose the time chatting and learning about new things as much as she enjoys new experiences.

I. Character History

» History To fully understand Illiana's back-story you would need to go a little bit further back and look at her mother. Leiana was a young woman who had some spiritual ability, not enough to be noticed by anyone important, just enough to mean she was capable of fighting off some of the weaker spiritual beings that accosted humans who didn't always have the protection of a city. To her it was a job and it tended to pay well enough for someone without another to depend upon to live comfortably. Eventually it lead to love with another spiritually aware individual who realised exactly what it was she did and wanted to find a way to support her so she wasn't alone. This lead to courtship and eventually marriage and finally Illiana's conception.

The night in question was anything but good, despite being the nearest thing to a honeymoon Leiana would allow herself at some point the protection she organise failed and her husband was taken from her. What kind of entity she had pissed off for this to happen was never too clear but they seemed to think that replacing him with a demon was a good idea. The creature took his form and continued the night in his place. She didn't discover the ruse until morning, forcing her to chase off the demon that seemed to be playing with her more than actually trying to fight back. In the end it escaped leaving a very frustrated Leiana crushed and confused, unsure what it was all about. About a month later it became clear, she was permeate and there was no way to know who was the father.

When Illiana was finally brought into the world her mother could only be thankful that she appeared to be a fully human bouncing baby girl, yet Leiana's lack of knowledge of the creatures that attacked her made her worry that she was still being deceived. During the pregnancy she had considered putting the child up for adoption, any parent would be better than forcing it to grow up with her, always on the move and never protected by a good city, but she was worried that the father might still be alive. No matter how small the chance was that the demon would attempt to claim her daughter she could not risk allowing it.


Because of this Illiana grew up on the roads in Australia. It wasn't her mother's home country, that was over in Europe somewhere, just the place Leiana was working when it was finally time. She had come to Australia for work and did her best to hide her movements just in case she was being tracked yet she had no way to know if such actions were needed, let alone working. Illiana was a remarkably healthy baby with quite the pair of lungs on her and she made life difficult for the first couple of years. As a single mother Leiana had to provide for them both, yet her job was dangerous and without anyone around to support her, the constant travel meant she had to drag the child around with her. Some employers were willing to look after the babe when needed while others expected her to carry Illiana herself, a dangerous decision yet one she wasn't able to avoid.

As the child grew the two were often seen as sisters more than mother and daughter, an idea that Leiana didn't discourage yet she made sure Illiana knew the truth. The idea was it would throw off anyone hunting for a pair with a maternal relationship and it helped that Leiana looked rather young. She was still rather paranoid even after all these years and it showed in how she taught her daughter about the world. It had become quite obvious from a young age that Illiana had similar abilities to her mother, she'd once seen a Hollow and reached towards it even as her mother attempted to repel it, so she was taught of the dangers of different spirits. Which ones were safe to go near, which ones to avoid, and how to pretend you didn't see them. Overall Illiana was advised to avoid spirits at all cost, good or bad, as no matter what they always seemed to bring trouble to mere humans that interacted with them.

Despite her mother's line of work Leiana was adamant about keeping Illiana away from spirits and protected from a similar lifestyle. At first she thought it would be a foolish impossibility, they were out in the open most the time and unable to stay under domes for long before they had to move again, but as Illiana got older it seemed she was developing a bit of a knack for hiding from things. At first it was just other humans occasionally missing her from time to time but eventually it got to a point where people just didn't see her at all, or seemed to assume she was meant to be around. It wasn't as good against Hollows or any other spirits that would waylay their movements but sometimes it even worked on them. Leiana would have loved to be able to help her daughter grow the skill to something more, something that might even allow her to live a somewhat normal life, but she just didn't know how.


Life eventually settled into a bit of a pattern for the pair. Leiana would get a job, they'd stock up, get ready for travelling, meet up with the group or groups that wanted a little but more protection, split up with Illiana joining the other travellers for the journey and not meet back up again until their destination where they'd rest, recuperate, and start it all again. The lifestyle didn't exactly give Illiana much of a chance when it came to traditional schooling though it didn't deter her mother from trying. When the opportunity presented itself she'd make sure that Illiana was able to travel with older individuals, people who might be willing to teach and pass on what knowledge they could about the world and how it worked, it did mean she ended up with a bit of an elderly, romanticised idea for some things, she was able to function in society where it mattered. When it came to interacting with others, money and other necessary evils of the world, Leiana took it upon herself to be a tough, but fair, role model.

The methods tended to be rather hands on, giving Illiana money, telling her to spend it how she wanted, but letting her know she would be in charge of her own food and needs with that money. When she ended up spending too much on something other than food Leiana nailed the message home by only allowing minimalistic food intake for them both for a week or so, just to show how dangerous it could be to be ill prepared. She had to learn about how to deal with the people outside of the protective cities and generally lived it rough, resulting in a strong and healthy body and a slight hesitance when dealing with people. To others it might not have seemed like an amazing upbringing but she felt it was a good life none the less. The only thing lacking was anyone else they could rely on in their lives but they still had each other.

Without anyone else to support them it put them in a vulnerable position if either of them got hurt. Thankfully most jobs had some degree of a medical expert on site in the event of an injury so Leiana was rarely taken out of work. Just in case she was injured too badly to keep working she kept a side fund going for the pair, just enough to keep them living, if not comfortably, for a couple of months if she wasn't able to keep a steady income. Thankfully the jobs never seemed to get that dangerous, either she was lucky or the country was just less of a hotspot these days, so when Illiana started to come down with something it was still there for use.

It was around her 16th birthday when she started to come down with something, at first it was the occasional headache but as time went on and it wasn't getting better they eventually sought out the advice of a doctor. It took a couple of tries before they were able to get a hold of someone who could help, the first few just suggested it was just something caused by growing up and didn't have enough interest in looking further, but eventually they did find someone versed enough in spiritual maladies that suggested it could be something caused by her unique heritage. Maybe she just needed practice controlling an ability? Eventually the question that Leiana dreaded was also considered, 'Did the father ever suffer something like this?'.


In the end the doctor prescribed a painkiller mixed with a spiritual suppressant that was supposed to impact both the symptom and the cause but he did stress that it was only a temporary fix. While on them she'd find herself unable to see spirits very clearly at all and any abilities she might have would be weakened considerably. It would be best for her to be taken to some sort of specialist who could diagnose the exact cause of the problem, maybe even work with them to resolve it. Sadly there really wasn't any sort of quick fix that would resolve this problem, that wasn't exactly what Leiana wanted to hear but she could work with it.

Searching for an actual specialist turned out to be a lot harder than it sounded, it took a lot of false starts and dead ends before the trail would eventually point them overseas. Illiana was excited at the prospect of seeing a new place but her mother knew how dangerous the world was at the moment, it didn't help that the country she was being pointed towards was America. It was true she was out of the loop when it came to the world, yet even she knew what a deplorable state that country was in these days. It would be like walking into the heart of a fire to avoid getting sunburnt.

It was turning out to be the only option they had however, though Leiana was getting more and more paranoid about the cause of her daughter's problem. Maybe she had been too hopeful about the whole thing in the first place, maybe this was another ruse of the creature that had attacked her to try and track them down? Either way she couldn't help but feel that legal travel was far from her best interests when travelling into land controlled by such powers. Getting there in such a way would cost a lot of money however and that would take a lot of hard work on her part to organise. Illiana would be left greatly worried for her mother's safety as she took more and more dangerous jobs just so they'd eventually be able to make it.


Eventually they would make it however, Illiana excited to see the new land, Leiana almost brought to her keens by the exhaustion after the heavy work she'd put herself through just to get this far. They still had a long way to go before they'd be anywhere near the specialist they were trying to find, and the only information they had to go off was a location he had last been found at several months prior. Until they could get there and search for more rumours they would be travelling blind, but that wasn't the worst of their problems. This land had different rules than what they were used to, the kind of jobs Leiana would take had to be carefully picked so as to avoid interference with the local demons. Crossing one of them would bring their whole trip to a crashing halt, not to mention potentially expose Illiana to the very creatures that her mother had worked so hard all these years to protect her from. It meant that travel across the country for two illegal aliens like themselves would be slow and trying no matter how careful they'd be.

Thankfully it didn't seem that they would run into any extreme problems on their trip, Illiana was hopeful that this meant the country was a lot safer than her mother lead her to believe, but Leiana was convinced that it was all coming across much easier than intended. It really wasn't clear what exactly was going on to make it so easy for them to get this far but she had her guard up considerably more than her daughter. Illiana was thoroughly enjoying herself, she wasn't able to see nearly how bad the country really because of the effect her medicine was having on her and she wasn't too clear on what exactly it did in the first place. To her, spirit numbers were down compared to back in Australia and that meant her mother was able to relax a bit more than usual. Not that it meant she was.

When they finally made it to their destination city Leiana immediately got to searching for more leads, leaving Illiana to set them up in a rundown motel. It wasn't much to look at and they both would have loved to have been able to afford a nicer place, but it was much more important to lay low while they were still in the country. Illiana understood that their being here was against the laws, though she didn't understand why, a bit of her naivety in regards to how the world worked rearing its ugly head again. The girl put their stuff away, made sure the beds and room were clean (it wasn't her first crappy motel after all), and hunkered down for the night to wait for her mother's return.

The following morning there was no sight of her, it wasn't something that happened often but Illiana had been left alone for days in the past, but when she didn't come home the next day, or the next, she started to worry. If they were still living their life as they had in the past she'd just assume she'd gone off on a job and left her behind for a bit, but as far as she was concerned they'd made it to their destination. Beyond gathering information there would be no reason to leave her here. Without much else to go off except for a few notes her mother had on the specialist she were seeking out, the lonely young girl would step foot into an unfamiliar city in search of two people she didn't even know the location of.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

I. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills:
Quiet natured: Illiana is a naturally quiet person both in her movements and way of speaking. She just doesn't tend to make herself known and because of this people often overlook her in most situations. Sometimes she's even able to use this to sneak into places she isn't meant to be.

I. Other Supernatural Abilities

» Powers:
Social Chameleon: An ability that seems to have developed due to a mixture of life constantly in dangerous areas and her natural quietness. Illiana slightly manipulates the minds of people that look at her in a 30 meter radius, reducing their awareness of her presence and making it seem more likely that she belongs to the time, place and situation at hand. Anyone who notices her when this power is active is likely to see what they expect to see - a local worker, a nurse, a servant, whatever would be appropriate to the place and situation. This mainly affects the non-spiritually aware as well as those with weaker than normal wills, though shrewder individuals can see through it if they recognise that something seems to be out of place. The whole thing can be quite detrimental as she doesn't have any understanding of how the ability works, resulting in her constantly being all but invisible to most people unless it is somehow suppressed.

» Pure Abilities:

I. Sacred Release

» Sacred Release Appearance:

» Sacred Release Powers:

I. Ascended Sacred State

» Ascended Sacred State Appearance:

» Ascended Sacred State Powers:

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Human Reiatsu Sheet
  • Power Control: Beginner
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration: Beginner
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance: Beginner
  • Physical Augmentation: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample: After the ruckus out in the middle of the desert recently June had been 'asked' to go outside and 'play' while the rest of the castle worked on cleaning the situation in the throne room up. She had very kindly asked that any surviving souls and other parts be left for her someplace safe for later, the Hollow wasn't too sure what she'd do with them but she'd try to find a way to 'help' them if they were broken or incomplete. It wasn't too clear what exactly they'd need fixed but smarter creatures than her would probably be able to tell her what to do once it was all ready. For now she would get out of the way as requested, roaming into the desert but keeping her current home in sight at all times.

As she had missed the invitation that was given to everyone at the battle June was not expecting to run into anyone out of the ordinary, though she was warned that there might be newcomers nearby around on her way out. This was probably for the best as not long after she would stumble across some tracks through the sand that were interesting enough to draw the Hollow's attention. With that curious stalker mode activated and the hulking creature hunched down as low as she could go and started following. It wasn't like whoever was leaving them was going out of their way to hide their movement, but occasionally they'd stop and there'd be a large area of nothing before starting up again. Whoever it was, was hopping through space the way only a Hollowkin could.

At this point in time June didn't really care if they were friend or foe, running through the sand in an attempt to discover 'something' was better than just playing in the sand, an activity that didn't hold anywhere near the same level of entertainment as it had for her in the past. June soon realised that her slow tracking of this something was not going to work and soon started loping through the desert as fast as she could, she would find this something and say hello and then figure out if it was time to eat them, or invite them home. Part of June really wanted it to turn out to be someone nice.

"Well now, what's this?" she mused curiously as she sniffed at the air. Whatever she was following was definitely a Hollow, there was no mistaking that smell, and if she could smell it, it meant she was close. Using her weight to keep up speed June soon crested the dune she was climbing and stared down at the catlike creature below her. There wasn't much else to say about the Hollow below her, it was basically a cat, and that was one of the creatures from the Human World she really liked. It also seemed to be making a beeline for the mountain which meant it wasn't here unintentionally, maybe it could be a new friend after all.

"Hello down there!" June roared out, trying her best to be heard over the distance and wind of the desert. The larger Hollow leaned onto one of her arms so the other was free from supporting her weight and hafted it into the air to wave down at the cat to try and show where it had come from. Once she had the other Hollow's attention June would attempt to dash down the other side of the dune. The sand was as course as ever and slid out under her hands, sending her down the side a lot faster than she intended, but before disaster could strike June balanced out and came to a halt, sending a spray of sand in the other Hollow's direction. Now that she was stopped and no longer on the case, June straightened out to her fool height and stared down at the catlike creature curiously.

"What are you doing out here?"


Last edited by Nyom on Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:24 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4] Empty Re: Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4]

Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:11 am
Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4] 4y1wdRJ

Social Chameleon: An ability that seems to have developed due to a mixture of life constantly in dangerous areas and her natural quietness. Illiana slightly affects the minds of people around her, reducing their awareness of her and making it seem more likely that she belongs. Anyone who notices her when this power is active is likely to see what they expect to see - a local worker, a nurse, a servant, whatever would be appropriate to the place and situation.

I feel there should be a bit more to this power.

You should add:

- The range of effect it has
- How does it effect the minds of those around her? Does she emit particles of energy from her body that influence people upon touch? Or is this ability triggered simply seeing her? Go into detail about that
- Is this an active or passive power? Does she need to focus and hone in on it against more perceptive people and powers?
- If it's influencing the mind, you should also consider the will sheet and base this around mental deduction or Focus. By that I mean you should take into account how people of different levels of Focus/Mental Deduction could attempt to decipher her.
- Does this require any energy from her to maintain or activate? How long does it last?

Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4] WVMWLOu
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4] Empty Re: Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4]

Sun Oct 09, 2016 7:10 pm

Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [O]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Comments/Notes: Everything looks fine, I contacted this user via discord and talked out a couple things with him. The power isn't op in the slightest as it doesn't affect majority of PCs on the site.
Tier: 5-4

Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4] Sbb1I7e
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Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4] Empty Re: Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4]

Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:44 am
Original template (mostly) in the spoiler below, changes are just updating to newer template.

The Spiritual Human Template
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Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4] Empty Re: Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4]

Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:25 pm
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Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4] Empty Re: Illiana Von Clemens[APPROVED 5-4]

Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:44 am
[adm]Moving to inactive. If you would like this moved back to approved, consult staff in this thread:[/adm]
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