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The Cookie
The Cookie
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Wild Food [Lillyana] Empty Wild Food [Lillyana]

Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:00 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: 760

Life has horrible settings. Most people, even students, either have a steady income, living with proper meals and even a decent roof over their heads to shelter from the sun and the rain. You name it, steady income, good looks, a good position or even an influential group that earned them the ability to provide a steady flow of money to their soldier's accounts. In this modern society, as long as you are apart of an organization or in a powerful family, there isn't any to worry about when it comes down to life. Responsibilities are big but better than living in the streets anyway. So, why? Just simply.. why? WHY AM I IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST, PICKING WILD MUSHROOMS AND PLANTS THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE!?

A young high school student shouted in agony, sitting right in front of a tall tree while picking off a possibly poisonous mushrooms that he have no knowledge of. He isn't smart nor is some scientist that understands who-knows-what chemicals are in these foods and whether if it is healthy to digest or not. This normal 'guy' who is simply picking things off of the forest is called Touma Yuudeshi, his real identity that is concealed under the name called 'Kamijou Touma', just to keep the trouble off of his family because of a certain mysterious power residing within the right hand attached to his body.

So, you ask why is he in this forest picking off unknown plants in the middle of nowhere? A financial crisis, in the term of an average high school student that decides to not use the income of his family. Because of that decision, his bank barely had any balance left and stacked with the fact that he lost his 5000 yen note in the process of taking out 100 yen in order to buy a cold drink. He didn't know what sorcery caused that note to gently slip out of his wallet, but it happened. It was nothing but a misfortune to lose an amount of money that he could've used a few more days ahead. That lack of money drove him to the point of getting an all-organic but free food by picking it off the forests and see if he can strike a lucky win this time for some super rare exclusive food.


Picking one by one, little by little, there was tears falling from his eyes as he laughed sarcastically, feeling as if he lost a piece of himself every second of the day. At this point, he may as well call himself Touma Grylls for the fun of it. Sure, he can sell a few valuables here and there or even use his credit card to sustain himself but not only such things called 'valuables' doesn't exist in his room but credit card? Ha. That was accidentally crushed on last week. Not a day without a break from that misfortune, never once and never again will there be a thing called 'good luck' in his life. His right hand isn't one nice guy at all, even if it could negate the supernatural, it came to luck of all supernatural things.

Fukou da.
A line muttered by Touma as he continued his search for wild plants and methods to survive tonight's dinner.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wild Food [Lillyana] Empty Re: Wild Food [Lillyana]

Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:12 pm

Iko, the Feral Wolf

The Forest! The wonderful thing about forests, was forest were a wonderful thing. Their tops were make out of tree-rubber, their bottoms made out of tree-spring. They were bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy fun-fun-fun-fun-fun, but the most wonderful thing about forest was this, was not the only one. Watching Mirja walk through the forest, bouncing to the tune of the words she was singing, was one of the most obvious shows that the gray-haired Shinigami had totally, and completely, lost the plot. So much that she was unaware that the plot even remained in existance.

However, she was not so far gone to not notice a guy scrabbling on the floor picking up mushrooms. Mirja was not a smart person, so she thought every mushroom was a bad guy, and when she saw the kid picking them up, she had to spring into action. Charging forward and moving to grab the Mushroom Man - who waskind of young, looking at it - she was a picture of fractic thought. Her hands tried to be gentle, but people were squishy and Mirja was incredibly hard and very dense, so even a light touch could cause some bruises with people, having long since lost her restraining hairband.

"No! Don't touch the mushrooms! They will invade your fingers by the little pour holes and then at night the spores will start to grow and then sneak off to your fridge and eat the pudding that you were saving. And then they will turn your hands into Mushrooms and then they will turn your arms into Mushrooms and then you will be a giant Mushroom for people to come along and pick! It's all a bad cycle of mushroominess that can be avoided by not picking the Mushroom!"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Cookie
The Cookie
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Wild Food [Lillyana] Empty Re: Wild Food [Lillyana]

Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:49 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: 760

Survival of the fittest, and that term applies to his dinner as well. While he was sarcastically laughing at the face of his own misfortune as he is picking off mushrooms one by one to keep his stomach occupied from death's door in hunger, he was eventually interrupted by a person, a young girl that he only caught a glimpse at before he got grabbed and that power wasn't a joke. In his lifespan, Touma dealt with things that are considered different, such as almost getting his arm chopped off, dealing with supernatural abilities and so on. However, this was the first time he felt like he was about to be sent to the afterlife due to unfortunate circumstances caused by his possible culprit called Imagine Breaker.


Considering that his right hand didn't react to it, it can be assured that it wasn't supernatural at all, but more to either natural or cybernetic to have that kind of effect. Whether he was grabbed by the arm or any other places, Touma has no idea if it was with a hostile intent or out of an act of kindness to be seen taking wild mushrooms for no reason. Whatever the reason may be, Touma's instincts would set off unconsciously and without a lag, he would quickly slip out of Mirja's sight, swiftly take off his school's shirt and throw it onto the girl that grabbed him. He wasn't a fighter type, and given that he was always in a rather hostile situations because of his bad luck, making an escape is always his forte when it comes to worse. It was even more explainable for it to become an unconscious effort to make haste of the situation and react accordingly when his body felt as if it was threatened, physically.

If she was caught by his shirt, Touma would be able to hear her mumbling about mushrooms, spores and giant mushrooms. With those words alone, he shuddered and felt like he had met someone with a close resemblance of that personality. He didn't remember who was it but the thought of it wasn't fun. From there, Touma knew that she isn't a threat to the fact that all the mentions of mushrooms was enough to confirm that she tried to stop him from picking more mushrooms. He didn't know why; maybe they were poisonous or is it because she likes them? Well, without wasting any time, he would quickly take the shirt off of her, only to stop animalistic traits of..


Cats? Dogs? Wolves? He wasn't sure. Mixed breed, maybe? He has seen many animals but he wasn't an expert in it. Considering another fact that he barely met anyone with animal-like traits other than a certain shark person that happened sometime ago. Cosplay? He couldn't get his mind out of this. Sitting there in silence, Touma quickly snaps himself out of it and reached his hand out to the girl while smiling in the most awkward way possible to mend the situation.

"Sorry about that. It just.. happened, i guess? Do you like mushrooms by any chance since I didn't think about others while I picking them off the forest."

"My name's Touma, Kamijou Touma. What's yours?"

And for some reason, on the inside, he felt like he made a mistake along the way.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wild Food [Lillyana] Empty Re: Wild Food [Lillyana]

Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:32 pm

Iko, the Feral Wolf

The kid was very fast, it seemed. Noticing Mirja's appearance, taking off his shirt, and throwing it at her all before her frantic dash had covered the short distance between the two. While in shirty white hell, she wondered if the distance had been a lot more than she thought, or the kid could just do things like that with really swift movements. Mirja had never seen someone strip down so quickly, but asking him about that was for later. She just sort of stood there, her tail swishing softly, until the shirt was taken off, and he started to speak.

"Like!? Mushrooms?! ARE YOU A MAN WITHOUT A SKULL?!" She demanded, in a loud and boysterious tone. "That would explain why you think I like mushrooms. The skull is where all your thinking is done, after all" she told him, nodding as if it was some sort of conspiritorial thing that she had just said, and it needed reinforced with a nod. She then walked over to a nearby tree, and uprooted it. She then walked over to the patch of Mushrooms, and slammed the tree back down, crushing the mushrooms, and effectively replanting the tree in the ground.

Then, she turned to the mushroom picking mushroom picker.
"Maybe you didn't hear me. Mushrooms, are, EVIL! EVIL I SAY! Like the evil evilness of a certain woman who loves doing buzz buzz things as their first reaction to trying to help her, the cow-like harpy" She told him, before going into eleberoate, if incomprehensable, charades, each movement echoed by a word, realing the sentence 'mushrooms are evil' over and over until finally stopping when she was asked her name.
"Ohh, name. I can do this. I think. I am IKO! Or Iko, if you prefer. Some people don't like shouting like I do"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
The Cookie
The Cookie
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Wild Food [Lillyana] Empty Re: Wild Food [Lillyana]

Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:14 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: 800

Did I do something wrong..?
He didn't expect this kind of reaction but at the same time, Touma wasn't prepared for her response too. A certain word that she spoke about a man without a skull seems to slingshot across the air and jab right into his feelings. He didn't know if he should retaliate that statement or not, due to the fact his intellectual abilities aren't different from any normal high school students who were barely clinging on to their grades. He wasn't frustrated with what she said but more so that his pride as a man was hurt horrendously for being called the literal term of an 'idiot' to think stuff using his skull, not the brain.

Looks like he was wrong too about the mushrooms. Touma thought that he was stopped from getting mushrooms because she liked them and didn't prefer outsiders to pick them up but.. it was the opposite, and saying that if she liked mushrooms provoked the girl even further which wasn't the reaction he intended to cause. He didn't know why she thinks mushrooms are evil, since Touma wasn't that smart to know whether if they are good or bad, just edible enough to keep him alive from the lack of financial aid. For any reason that may have provoked her hatred of mushrooms, he doesn't know but what he clearly knows that it caused enough commotion to have her lift a tree and crush any mushrooms on sight; the physical demonstration of her dislike for it. Touma suddenly felt chills behind his back, stepping away from the girl as he muttered.

"I know you hate mushrooms but didn't you think that crushing it with a tree is a little bit.. too much for the poor little guys?"

His eyes twitched as he started to sweat, afraid that if he continued to talk about mushrooms that she hated with no passion, his 'mushroom' might get crushed by some tree incident that unfortunately happened on him.

After she responded to him about her name, it sounded short and unique. This is probably because most people that Touma met either had names that sounded like some honored Japanese warrior, a war veteran or ones that are too celebrity-like for his tastes.

"So, your name is Iko? That's a nice name."

His thumb and index finger would be placed under his chin and move his eyes towards Iko for an eye-to-eye contact, wondering what was there to talk about without talking about mushrooms. Considering that she's loud, like a certain animal and seeing that she has animalistic traits, Touma simply couldn't hold his curiosity any longer.

From the collapsed tree, Touma would stretch his hand out to any available sticks, pick it up and waved it in front of Iko from a distance, wondering if she would react if he tried something like this. He couldn't help but be curious of any possible reaction he might get. He has seen from magazines and mangas about it and wanted to try it out. However, he didn't thought about the possibility of getting himself killed if he managed to piss her off with this simple action.


He wasn't sure if it works or not but if it did, he might have a bit of fun of his life, from mushroom picking in the life of a broke student to playing with a stick. What a saddening life of Kamijou Touma this is.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wild Food [Lillyana] Empty Re: Wild Food [Lillyana]

Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:46 am

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

Mirja, or Iko as she was currently, made sure the tree was rooted properly in the ground, patting the ground down all nicely and stuff, and then looked to the guy. The Touma guy. She felt like she should bite him, but Iko wasn't sure why. Instead, she just looked in his direction, and shook her head rapidly.
"No no no! Mushrooms need burning and crushing and punching and stabbing and clawing and then burning again!" she shrieked. Clearly, for whatever reason, she had a heated vengence for mushrooms. "Ohh, mother. Ohh, father. I shall avenge thee on every mushroom I see"

Then he said it was a nice name. Wierd. It was a name. Names were not nice or not nice, they just were. So she just stared at him, her intense silver eyes suggesting a power and radiant intelligence far beyond what she had shown. And clearly she had muscles for days, considering she just uprooted a large tree like it was a small strand of grass. Her wolfy tail swished as she watched him pick up the sticks from the ground, and then, of all things, tried to make her go fetch. Like she was some house hold pet that did tricks for amusement. Iko just grinned, in a way that put her sharp fangs on show, and then brandished her claws and moved towards Touma menecingly.

"Fetch. Your organs will fetch a good price on market" She exclaimed, clearly offended beyond any shade of reprisal by the ordered request to go fetch a stick. She didn't do fetch, she was a wolf! She did punch, and claw, and occasionally did what she was told when she felt like it because hey, it was fun to see them try make her do what they wanted when three of their friends were bleeding to deah on the floor.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
The Cookie
The Cookie
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Wild Food [Lillyana] Empty Re: Wild Food [Lillyana]

Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:40 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: 833

As an ancient saying goes: Curiosity killed the cat, and oh boy, it came true to the likes of this guy called Kamijou Touma. He may be poor but he wasn't that prepared to fetch his organs a good price when Iko muttered about it when he tried to have her fetch. It was a harmless act and a curiosity that he wanted to satisfy to know if she would react with a simple stick. For any reason that may have triggered a traumatic experience that he shouldn't have picked up the stick. Now, all Touma knew is that he has triggered one intense reaction that he shouldn't have, firing off all of his natural instincts to back off and run; because he's just that bad at fighting, if not, its better off to pair him into fighting with an infant to actually win once. His bravery in exceptional situations are one thing but this death-inducing atmosphere was enough to make his bravado look like a little puppy's struggle to fight a lion.

Each step that Iko approaches Touma, so does he take each step back. Not only was he laughing nervously at his own demise and stupidity, he tried to say a few things that might calm her down while taking slow steps further and further away from her.

"Ahahaha.. Uh.. Iko, that is just a joke, you know? Hahahahaha.. You don't really need to fetch anything. I am definitely not offending you or anything, right..?"

Quickly enough, Touma would take a swift 180 degree turn and proceed to dash like a madman. He didn't know what he did to cause her to react to such a degree but his experiences has told him enough times that staying put when spell death on his doorstep.

He makes his escape terrifying fast, just.. too fast. Going through many ordeals of being 'the weakest', with no unique powers or fighting capabilities puts him down to no more than an average fighting style of a street thug. An escapist? Well, he doesn't know. It happened one too many times to the point that it became a subconscious reaction to escape when luck isn't on his side and it never was. He can run fast, not like a cheetah but like that of a bug that you try extremely hard to kill but couldn't no matter what you do. That is just how you describe him, weak and small but hell, he's fast at running away.

In this forest, running is difficult but escaping is another thing. Knowing that he is dealing with a humanoid animal named Iko, it is certainly hard to run from someone who can smell your scent a thousand miles. Because of that, he relies on using his surroundings instead. How?

While he is running and running away from Iko, Touma will slip between tree trunks that barely fit a person in if Iko is chasing from behind. Forests aren't exactly clean either, so each step he takes, he could make a strong stomp to the ground and kick any dead leaves or even small branches behind him to provide a 180 degree cover for a few short seconds. And that was it.

Limited resources and places to hide, those were the only plans he could think of while he is running like some ordinary guy escaping from the grasp of death. On the inside, he internally screamed in agony:
First, lack of money to eat. Now, this! Fighting for my life!

With a deep breath, Touma didn't hesitate to shout how he felt right now and that one very infamous line that he never once stopped saying when something bad happens.

"Such misfortuneeeeee!!!"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wild Food [Lillyana] Empty Re: Wild Food [Lillyana]

Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:35 am

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

Mirja seemed to have overdone it on the scary scary threatening side. She just wanted to make him cower and cry and apologise profusely for his insult and swear he would never do anything like that again. It did not quite work out like that, however. Instead, he took a few steps back from the advancing Iko-driving Mirja, tried to claim that what he was doing was a joke, that she didn't need to fetch anything - and dam right, she wasn't going to fetch anything, she was a Wolf, not some common household dog - and that he meant no offense.

But, he seemed to lack any sort of courage that he would sooth the savage beast with just words, since he turned on the spot, and went sprinting off with incredible speed. Such that Mirja hadn't really the motivation to run after him. It was kind of jarring to see the normal human being run that fast, and without tripping over the underbrush or running into any trees either. Must have been one of them special people that had been roaming around the woods lately. Mirja sighed, and picked up a mushroom, launching it down his direction with phenominal force, she could hear the crack of sharply displaced air.

Feeling satisfied that that was enough vengence if it managed to hit him - guy shouldn't have run, so she was annoyed, and made the World's Most Dangerous Mushroom as a result - she turned to go back to the city, and find something to eat. With her money, that she had. And excerise her intense lack of need to go scrabbling around in the woods. The mental jibbing of the kid would never be heard by him, because it was mental jibbing, but it still amused Mirja.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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