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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread] Empty Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread]

Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:44 am

Mirja, the Masterless Pet

Mirja absently wandered through Karakura, looking at all the people milling around, keeping the peace, and generally ensuring that nothing fun ever happened around here. Not that she was complaining, the gray-haired wolf girl was actually happy for a place where she could have some respite and just swish her tail without having to worry about what was going to come along and try eat her face at any given moment. Still, she was in the mood for something good. Not quite a fight, but maybe a meeting of martial minds. A spar, with someone that was actually worth a dam.

To that end, she sort out a girl who had been missing for a while, but had recently come back into town from wherever she had been. Mirja didn't really look into it, people needed their alone time and she was not going to impose on that. From what she had heard, this girl was pretty decent when it came to the whole fighting malarky. Nothing as strong as Mirja, probably, her unique nature took care of that little point, but probably on the same sort of level, or at least enough to have a decent arm wrestle with.

Instead of poking her nose into the girl's private affairs, she found out where the girl would usually be, and then sent her a letter, telling her that Mirja was waiting in her house, giving directions, and hoping that Beetle would not think this was weird or a set up for something bad. Mirja would probably flirt if Beetle was cute enough, but she wasn't hoping it was going anywhere, and honestly just wanted another person's insight on the art of combat. From her basic boxing, to the more elaborate Kempo, and her recent foree into Kai Men Baji Quan. The last style suiting her nature, with it's short, explosive elbows and shoulder strikes so perfectly accented to her monsterous strength and incredible durability.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:45 am



Artist: Rin/Len (Vocaloid) - Song: Electric Angel - Word Count: 539

It was most certainly strange for Beetle to receive something like a letter. How did she receive it? Well, she had recently moved into an apartment in Karakura Central, and was staying there for a short time. She had never told anyone that she was there, and really wasn't expecting anyone to contact her. However, it seemed that someone had found out where she lived, and had sent a letter. Beetle had awoken and went outside to stretch her legs and get some energy going, when she found it.

The parchment that was from someone who called themselves "Mirja Eeola". While the name was unknown of to 06, she most certainly wasn't going to just throw it away. If someone had found out where she lived, they must have wanted something. Bringing the letter back into her home, she leaped backwards, landing on her bed with a thud, before quickly opening the item, and her eyes scanned down the letter, reading every single word and letter with great speed, and quick processing. So, this girl wanted to spar or something? Sure, why not!

After all, she had just woken up, and needed to get some blood and energy pumping through that Shinigami body of hers! So, accepting the invitation, Beetle quickly prepared herself. It took her about thirty minutes to quickly get herself showered, dressed, teeth brushed, and everything done to get herself ready for Mirja, as well as the rest of the day. Wearing her casual, simple clothing, Beetle quickly grabbed a a drink from the fridge, downing it quickly, and then heading off. But not before quickly checking herself for anything off, and checking to make sure that she would make a good first impression. Those were important, after all!

And so out the door she went, with her eyes on the letter most of the way, reading over the directions that Mirja had written within the letter to help further guide her to the girl's home. Beetle was excited! She had heard that this Mirja was pretty strong, and so, who was she to deny something so interesting and exciting to test herself with? Perhaps she could break her limits and get stronger! However, first, she had to worry about making sure that she would not do something to upset her. If she just rushed into combat right away, it wouldn't be a very good introduction, now would it?

Calm down a little, Beetle. I know you're excited, but you don't have to be bouncing off the walls like a little kid on a sugar rush.

The thought of mildly insulting herself was funny, and the girl let out a little giggle from that. Insulting herself a little bit like that...not every day that someone did that, now was it? After twenty to thirty minutes of wandering, retracing misplaced steps, and walking into a few trees by mistake, Beetle had finally made it. The house was nice, but she was more interested in the owner within it. Putting an even bigger smile on her face, Beetle jogged up to the door, and gently rapped upon the wooden item that concealed the rest of the house. Bouncing up and down slightly, Beetle could hardly contain her excitement.

Who was this Mirja like?

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread] Empty Re: Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread]

Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:04 am

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

The Banana phone was rinning, but Mirja could not anwser it. Regardless of who might be on the other side, it was not something that she could really o right now. She was waiting for the person to come and knock on the door with great intent, staring down the door as if it was something she was trying to really intimidate. Not that she could intimidate a door, mine, but Mirja would give it a good go none the less, she was like that. Scare a door, conquer the world, was the philosophy that she had just now thought up.

Eventually, the door did indeed knock. So ready was Mirja for the knocking that she sprang forward as soon as she heard it, and pulled the door open, the cracking of wood ringing out as she tore the door from it's hinges, and then, after a few moments of awkward staring at Beetle, and the door, discarded it like she was trying to hide the fact she had just ripped the door of.
"Hello. You must be the beautiful Beetle. Pleas,e come on in" she said, trying to keep her grin even though everything was so terribly wrong. She'd just gone and made flirty with her without a reason, and she'd ripped the door of. Two great ways to introduce herself. The wolfy tail swished in a metronome manner, as if giving physical embodiment to her awkwardness.

"Is there anything you would want to eat, or drink, or just stare at mildly while you are admired from afar by fans, without the courage to actually come up to you and speak, leading to fans becoming stalkers over the years and then they become deranged and try to kill you because they don't want anyone else to have you?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread] Empty Re: Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread]

Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:41 am



Artist: NightcoreReality - Song: This is War (Nightcore) - Word Count: 660

Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. Boring. That was a good word to describe it. Waiting was always boring. It meant you had to sit there and do nothing. Beetle hated it. However, the wait was not long. Only mere moments had passed before the door was opened! And....gone. Either the nervousness, or the excitement of seeing Beetle had caused the person behind it to fling the door open. The result? A door had been torn from the hinges, and was soon tossed away, as if the girl behind it had been pretending it never happened.

Mirja Eeola interesting sight.

She was immensely tall, for one. Beetle's immense intelligence and knowledge of measurement was able to quickly scan that he was six foot one. There was no fault in that. The girl was most certainly tall as all get out. Not only that, but she also seemed to have...ears on...the top of her head? The eyes of 06 were soon drifting towards the small, but yet fluffy and wiggling items that rested on her head. Her eyes remained unblinking for what seemed like forever. Scanning her up and down, Beetle was continuously surprised.

Not only was she six foot one, had wolf EARS, but also had a little tail that was swishing around her body. Beetle was stricken with not only confusion, but happiness at how really...well, how adorable she was with all these features upon her body. A large smile spread across her face, before it soon faded, and her eyes widened. She...called her "Beautiful Beetle". What was that supposed to mean? Did she somehow gain that title or nickname? Tilting her head to the side, Beetle gave the wolf girl a questioning look. However, the questioning glance would last for only a moment, as the girl's fiery smile soon returned!

"Did someone give me that name? I don't understand how, or why, but that's kinda cool!"

Shrugging off the flirty comment, Beetle nodded in response to Mirja inviting her in, zipping inside and gaping in awe at the house. It was much more than it seemed. Her head darted from left to right, as did her entire body. Bolting around, eager to examine the entire house, Beetle's grin and eyes grew wider with each and every sight that the house had to offer. However, she quickly turned back to her immensely tall host, before dashing back over to her, standing straight, with a smile on her face. Beetle's gaze soon drifted to the strange tail that the girl had, which was swishing around in almost a hypnotic metronome. How did she get it? Was she born with it? Could people be born with a tail and ears?

Beetle's mind was soon brought back to attention when Mirja spoke yet again, asking if she wanted anything to eat or drink...or...what? Beetle's smile soon dropped, staring at Mirja, confused once again. The rest of what she had said was...odd. She really didn't know how to respond to something like that. Her eyes darted from back to forth, from the ground to Mirja's eyes, and her hand slowly pressed itself against her own head, her hand becoming wrapped within her hair.

"Um...could I have some water? That sound good!"

Answering the first part of her question, Beetle soon zipped over to a small chair nearby, before sitting down, with her legs swinging back and forth, almost child-like. Her mind was no longer focused on the reason behind the letter that Mirja had sent, and her request. What did the next part of her question mean? She didn't really think of anyone as her "fan". She just thought of them as friends or acquaintances. And what was all that about stalkers? As far as she knew, there was no one who had been following her to the point where it could be called "stalking". This is why it was confusing for her. None of it really made sense, because it never had happened.

What was going on within that head of hers?

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread] Empty Re: Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread]

Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:29 pm

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

Mirja let Beetle in, and the turned to the conundrum that was the broken door. Eventually, with guidence from Iko, Mirja just sort of propped it against the frame, and hoped nobody noticed it was not actually attached to anything. But then, if someone tried to rob her, then they would probably lamient their choice of mark for the last for moments of their life before being unceremoniously pummeled to death. With pain. And then Beetle asked if someone had given her the name of beautiful, and how that worked.
"Well, yes. Someone, me, has given you the name Beautiful Beetle. Because you are beautiful, and your name is Beetle" she explained, giving the door some final touch ups while the girl rather eccentrically looked around the house and then came back.

Following the girls gaze, Mirja smiled as she swished her tail back and forth, again, and again, it was a natural movement, like breathing was. Eventually snapping from her daze, Beetle asked for some water, which made Mirja nod.

"Sounds boring! Or is it the kind of thing you ask someone when you are awkward around them and don't know what you should or even can ask for so you just go for water?" She put in, going to get Beetle her glass of water while bringing up more important matters. "So, I heard that you are pretty strong, around such places and stuff. You, wanna have an arm-wrestle to see how strong you are? I'd like to gauge it before going anymore in-depth about what my preposed idea is" she told Beetle, not wanting to risk getting the girl hurt.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:28 am



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 452

Beetle seemed to be overflowing with excitement. Everything seemed to be falling together like this Mirja girl wanted. She was eager to fight and have a nice time, getting stronger and, hopefully, help this girl get stronger too. Based on what she had already seen from her, she had high hopes. Being able to tear a door off it's metal hinges would be quite a feat for someone. Beetle could probably do that, and most likely so much more.

It seemed that Mirja seemed to like Beetle as well! seemed that Mirja liked her in a different light. Beetle wasn't exactly too friendly with her yet, so, she was a little shocked, and just the tiniest embarrassed at the revelation behind the little nickname "Beautiful Beetle". It had turned out that Mirja had given her that nickname, and for the reason is that she believed her to be beautiful. The girl wasn't really sure how to respond to that, or even react to it. Her eyes flicked from left to right, looking for something to pay attention to and give life to with her boundless energy.

"U-Um...T-Thanks, I guess! No one's called me that in a long time or....ever, maybe!"

Beetle smiled, hoping to hide the small trace of red that was appearing on her face. However, Mirja soon nodded when she had asked for some water. How was asking for water boring? It was just something that she had asked for to hopefully cause some activity between the two girls. She hadn't been feeling awkward around Mirja in the sense that she would say something like that to just keep the awkwardness away. She had said that to give her an answer. Either way, she did get a glass of water, to which she sipped at gently, listening to what Mirja had asked her.

So, she heard about her strength. And she wanted to arm wrestle? To test her? Well, it seemed reasonable. Nodding her head twice to confirm this, Beetle quickly zipped over to the table, sitting down in a chair nearby, and pulling it up. Placing both of her elbows upon the table, Beetle's foot shook up and down at rapid speed. She was excited to not only find out if she still had what she did before she had gone missing, but also to see if this girl could handle it. Removing one of her hands from the table, only one remained.

She placed her arm up in the arm wrestling fashion, before allowing herself a confident and playful grin. She was ready for this. Would Mirja be surprised by her immense strength? Or would she be happy that they both found a match to each other in the terms of power?

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:38 am

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

Mirja tried to keep her flirtious nature in check so it would not disturb the girl, she wanted to make friends, not chase her off with overly sexual advances. Those were for later if the relationship grew at all, which she had some doubts about. Some people just couldn't handle how Mirja was these days, and others liked to proclaim they could but didn't even know how she was, and were just in love with the idea of being in love with her, and it was those that were the most annoying for the ashen gray haired wolf.

But, for all her concerns, Beetle did seem to have a lot of energy about her, like a child who is constantly seeing new things and so is in a state of activity all the time to make sure they get the best out of everything they are doing. That amused Mirja, and she liked Beetle for such a reactionary persona. Mirja and her could get along pretty dam well, with the two bouncing off of each other like large space hoppers full of fun. And then, it turned out that Beetle had never been called beautiful. Letting out a cry of despair, Mirja bent backwards to an impressive degree, her head almost in line with her buttocks, and her hands cradling her head.

"No! You have been hanging around the wrong kind of people my dear Beetle, the kind of people that stick carrots in their eyes because it helps them see better but it doesn't help them see better, ohh no it's stupid like that because sticking carrots in your eyes is stupid! It makes you unsee things! Take those carrots from thou eyes and gaze upon thine beauty in front of you. Kjærlighet ditt eget kvinne!" The last words in an alien language, unless Beetle happened to know how to speak Norweigen. After this outburst, she went to the table, and did her own preperations, cupping Beetle's hand and noticing that it was surprisingly soft and squidgy, like most humans. Really hoping that Beetle had some sort of trick up her sleeve for keeping her arms intact while uterlizing the strength she was known for, Mirja nodded. Mirja's own hand would feel like a slab of marble. Smooth and hard to the touch.

"I am prepared for you when ever you wish to begin"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread] Empty Re: Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread]

Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:28 am



Artist: Rin/Len (Vocaloid) - Song: Electric Angel - Word Count: 462

Being missing for a while had a little bit of a perk. One of which is that one could gain a lot of time to oneself, delving more into their own mind, and contemplating many things. While Beetle wasn't much of one for meditation and calmness, as one could tell from her immense energy, bouncing around like a kid on a sugar rush, and that was a good thing to Beetle. For that, it meant that she was always ready to go.

Always making sure that she could turn and report for attention at a moment's notice. And today was most certainly one of those days that gave her the will and the energy to keep going, as most days did. It was almost as she had never felt negative emotions before. Well, she had, and most certainly COULD, but she always tried to keep things positive and energetic. After all, that's what defined Beetle. Plenty of energy, always active, and so on. A loud combination of a groan and a sigh woke Beetle from her slight daze, seeing that Mirja seemed to be disappointed.

She really didn't remember anyone calling her beautiful. If someone had, she didn't remember. As Mirja told her that she had been interacting with the wrong crowd, Beetle was confused. Was a girl's life about being attractive and being in the "right" crowd nowadays? From what Mirja had said, it seemed to be the case. However, the last words that she said was a mystery. Alien. Foreign. Beetle had cybernetic enhancements, but none that could have helped her decode what the wolf girl had said. Taken aback from this, Beetle's head reared back a few inches, eyes blinking twice from the sudden burst of alien language.

The sudden receiving of the girl's hand being covered was what brought her back once again. Cold, and smooth. Like a rock, in comparison to the warm, soft, almost gel-like flesh that was upon Beetle's hand, arm, and body. This did not scare her in the slightest. In fact, it only made her more excited to participate in this test of strength. Perhaps she had achieved a level of strength greater than her own? That would be interesting to branch off of and learn. One could never stop learning, now could they?

Grinning slightly, Beetle's eyes flashed with playfulness as she gently twisted her head to the side, hearing a small crack from her neck. Calling upon every single atom of strength that resided within her arm, she began to push at Mirja's arm, aiming to pin her arm on the other side of the table. However, she was expecting to receive an equal, or even greater amount of force from hers. Beetle was tingling with excitement. Who would win? What would happen afterwards?

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread] Empty Re: Tremble at the mighty Fist of Justice! [Bettle, training thread]

Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:27 am

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

Mirja grinned at Beetle, she seemed surprised to hear norweigan, but then a lot of people were. Speaking another language seemeed to be a forigen concept to them, as foreign as the words themselves, it seemed. So Mirja just enjoyed the girls confusion and didn't even tell her what it meant. She was evil like that. Giving the girl a few more moments to prepare, Mirja eventually spoke up as her hand clapsed the girl's.
"You sure you are ready for this, Beetle? It'll be a hell of an arm wrestle. The most glorious arm wrestle in the history of arm wrestles" She exclaimed.

Almost in response, a massive force pushed against Mirja's waiting arm. Steely muscles tightened, and with a grimice of exertion, Mirja halted Beetle's advance, with roughly an inch lost from the girl's surprisingly potent strength. However, grasping the girl's hand, Mirja could tell there was no otherwordly durability to go along with this strength. She seemed the kind of girl that would tear her muscles and break her bones if she ever used her full strength. Which left Mirja in a dilema. Should she put her full strength into this, she would surely snap the poor girl's arm like a twig.

So, after a few seconds of resisting her attempts, Mirja let her hand slowly hit the table, giving a mock fight as she went down, to make sure she did not hurt the girl. When her hand hit the table, she was relieved, and hoped she had not grasped Beetle's hand hard enough to break something.
"Well, you really are strong, aren't you? I like it. Maybe you can even learn my super secret ultra technique that I have been working on. A protogee would be amazing~"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:34 am

Artist: Mega Man: ZX Advent - Song: Sky High! The Grand Nuage! - Word Count: 489

Mirja was someone who seemed to be as energetic as Beetle was on the occasion. She seemed to be jubilant, and very, very strong. In a way, aside from the massive difference in height, they were very similar. Immense strength, near always cheerful attitude, but so far, during this meeting, that's where the similarities ended. That was because they didn't know enough about each other for either to maker a comparison to each other. As the two girl's arms pushed against each other, their strength threatening to break more than just their bones, Beetle was grinning the entire time. And for one reason in it of itself.

This was fun.

Joy and energy continued to rush and flow through her veins like sugar as she continued fighting against Mirja's own strength. Even with her current strength at Master, she could feel an equal, or even greater amount of it coming from Mirja. That was something that Beetle wasn't expecting. Was there a level of power that was beyond her own? If so, how had Mirja obtained it? Was it a natural thing to come to her? What had she done to obtain something like this? However, questions would have to come later, as the fight was still going on.

Beetle's eyes flashed with determination, and she continued to pour every single ounce of strength into her arm in hopes of either defeating Mirja in this little playful bout, or bring the two to a draw. It had seemed that Mirja had other intentions. Resistance came from her a few times, but eventually she suddenly stopped with it, her arm beginning to come to rest at the end of the table. Taking this chance, Beetle quickly acted, pushing the rest of her strength upon her arm, pinning it down on the table quite quickly, before her eyes stared into Mirja's. She seemed to have other things on her mind.

Soon two grins came from the girls as the conversation went on after the little match, with Beetle's interest peaked. A special technique with hand to hand combat? It seemed interesting! Even if she had her skill within Hakuda extremely high, one could never stop learning. Bringing her hand to her chin, tapping it a few times, Beetle considered this. If she did end up learning it, what would be the catch? Normally people didn't just offer this stuff up without a little thing at the end. Beetle knew this, and was cautious of accepting random things. Smiling again, Beetle crossed her arms over her chest, before she would look towards Mirja again.

"Well, if you do end up teaching me this special technique, what's the catch? People don't normally give this stuff up for free!

Beetle was suspicious, not of what Mirja would say, but what this technique was, and more so, what all it did. Things were getting interesting, but they could also turn deadly and dangerous, if Beetle didn't keep her guard up.

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