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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:57 am
It was a great day in the area known as the Wastelands, the Yuudeshi Prodigy; Zeda Yuudeshi in all his glory had challenged his dear sister Jetta to a little spar, really it was more of a wager to find out who was the best of Zin's children or at least these two of them anyway. It was bound to be an interesting fight in the red head's eyes and what was even better was that he'd been able to use the the resources available to set it in the area they were right now that meant no holding back and he had even got his strange piece of technology to try out which apparently created a small barrier to keep Hollows and other beings from getting into the area in which they were fighting so no interruptions either (that's if it worked after all).

He had arrived early to the destination he had sent her, the area was covered in a thin layer of snow. He had chosen a colder landscape, personally he decided on it because he knew the battle was sure to heat up as the two dove deeper into their battle although the wind was barely able to be felt and the air was only a little chilly.

"Everything seems ready and set up, guess the only thing that could make this better is to have Dad here or a crowd to watch me beat Jetta. Oh well, I can do that later. After all I know she's just a little stronger than me but I have the brains heh"

The Yuudeshi looked around, he was determined to beat her fair and square so he was kind enough to not set any traps for her which he'd use in the fight. No, it wouldn't be fair and even then it was just a little bit of fun right? Depends which way you look at it really. Zeda's Zanpakutō was already summoned so he didn't have to call it in the midst of battle, it was sheathed at his side and ready to be removed to combat anything that Jetta could throw at him.

He waited patiently, his eyes carelessly looking around at the landscape. He wondered if anyone would even see this battle, but he also questioned if he wanted anyone to see it as well. That little show off inside him wanted the world to watch him show Jetta who the strongest of them was but he wasn't stupid and he knew that his older sister was very powerful, with their age gap he was an infant compared to her but in terms of power he was almost as strong as her. That spoke volumes about him and that alone gave him the confidence to have this little spar.

So without further ado the Yuudeshi Prodigy stood calmly and waited for his sister to show up, if she showed up that is, although Zeda doubted that his sister would run from this challenge. It was bound to be an interesting match, but in the time it took for his opponent to arrive he started to let his mind wander and his hand subconsciously touched the good luck charm on his left wrist which brought back a lovely little memory.

"Oh yeah, right after this I will definitely be trying my luck with some of those girls at Megumi Square"

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Gamma_Signature
Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] CHARACTER_LISTWho says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] GRAPHICS_THREADWho says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Re: Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:11 pm
Now, here's a good question to ask right now. Why might Zeda think it's a good idea to challenge his sister, Jetta Yuudeshi, to a match? Well, one might assume it's because Zeda wanted to kick his younger sister's ass. Douche... Well, Jetta cared for him, but, come on man. Beating your own sister just because? Even Jetta knows that's a little messed. But, whatever, she'd kick his ass and then go home with her brother; burns covering his body. She loves him, but, if he was gonna challenge his own sister, he deserved to get a beat down. After all, his plasma really couldn't do that much against her. The electricity would be an issue of course, she had no real way to control that or really deflect it. Sure, she could manipulate the gas in the area to conduct the electricity, but, it would still lead to injury; there wasn't really a fool proof way to get rid of the lightening.

Soon enough Jetta herself was where they were supposed to meet. She noticed that there was a slight aura around the area. She realized it was something to keep hollows out. Damn stuff never works right... with how much spiritual energy both Zeda and Jetta put out, it would be hard for any hollows around to not be attracted to them. She sighed softly and noticed that her brother was already here, and he was talking to himself. She sighed softly. He was definitely far too cocky for his own good really. She jumped down and landed a good 10 feet away from him, her petite body causing much of the snow around to be disturbed by her landing. She stood slowly and looked at her brother, her surprisingly cold eyes staring into his soul.

"Fantasizing about beating me again brother? You do know over imagining things could cause some issues right?"

She grinned a little, though it did soon return to it's normal seriousness. It's not like she was devoid of emotion, she just did not like to show it much; if at all. She stretched slightly and dusted any snow off of her clothes that may have gotten on them. If there is any snow in the area at least. She yawned softly and put a hand on her Zanpakutō, turning it slightly. She sighed softly as she looked at her brother. She really did not have a clue why he wanted to do this. Probably some stupid 'I'm more powerful' male thing. Dumbass. She looked at her brother some more, watching him as he seemed to be thinking some rather cocky things. Whatever, if they were to fight, then, they were to fight.

She drew her Zanpakutō, not releasing it yet, waiting for Zeda to start talking to her. Luckily for him, she didn't catch what he said about going to pick up some girls in Megumi Square. She would've slapped him for trying to be a fricking play boy again. She shook her head and looked at Zeda.

"So, are we gonna start this fight or are ya just gonna sit there thinking about girls?"

She sighed softly and put her Zanpakutō on her shoulder, prepared to release Alastor if she really needs to. She's sure she will though. As cocky as her brother was, he was a good fighter, thinker, and rather caring. However, Jetta was sure that cockiness would get the better of him one day. But, hopefully that would not happen. She swung her Zanpakutō downwards, fire following the blade. She waited for Zeda to speak. He would either speak or attack. Whichever happened, she was prepared to retaliate, block, or attack. Jetta Yuudeshi was not going to mess around. After all, just because Jetta and Zeda were siblings didn't mean that Jetta wasn't going to go easy on him and beat him into the dirt.
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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Re: Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:00 pm
Zeda waited for his little sister to show up. The intention of this fight was not exactly as Jetta would think, he figured that she'd go ahead and find it a waste of time and just some cocky challenge but as he looked more and more into the situation he began to wonder if it actually had something to do with testing her, he did love his sister and his family and despite her super serious personality he knew what she was like very intimately as she did him.

He was a pleased that she'd shown up and landed what he gauged to be around ten feet away, that distance was important for his plan and he smiled at her little remark, she was quite funny wasn't she? Oh well if she wanted to taunt him then he'd more than happily play her little game.

"Not really fantasising about anything at the moment, just thinking about this little battle of our's and what it will be like, I think it will be quite a lot like your love life I'd imagine. Boring and short no?"

Despite the taunt and if it left her not running at him in a blind rage then he'd sigh for a moment before nodding at her question. So she really just wanted to get straight to the ass whooping? Alright then. His hand removed Kio from his sheath although the movements were quite slow and he appeared vulnerable for a split second if Jetta wanted to try and sneak an attack in, although such a motion was actually a planned counter to her.

However that wasn't likely in the eyes of the Yuudeshi Prodigy, she had already acted all honourable up until this point and it wasn't his cup of tea to be dishonourable when she was acting as such. Once more the smiling face of Zeda came to look at his little sister and nodded, no words were needed to tell her the fight was on. The fact he didn't add a smartass comment showed her he was getting serious to.

In one swift movement he quickly pointed his Zanpakutō towards her, the point looking directly at her although it would strangely appear to be getting closer but due to the perspective someone might've fobbed it off as the light. In reality it was literally shooting towards her and if she didn't move Jetta would feel the blade of Kio embedded in her left shoulder.

Ability Used:

It didn't end there however, the boy wasn't just going to give her a little scratch. He was going to shock her awake too and so if it struck her she'd find herself filled with a large amount of electricity which could possibly seize up her body if she wasn't used to such an experience but even then he aimed to give her a little handicap on her speed.

Ability Used:

"Sorry Sis, you know I still love you and I promise to put you back together after I am done"

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Gamma_Signature
Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] CHARACTER_LISTWho says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] GRAPHICS_THREADWho says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Re: Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:03 pm
Jetta stared at her brother. Obviously, he was either underestimating her or, it was just an initial test. She saw the blade expanding towards her she was able to move out of the way just in time to avoid both the blade and the electric shock that followed it. As Jetta dove to the site she slammed the blade of her Zanpakutō into her hand, saying it's release phrase. she did a roll to catch herself and stood. Immediately after flames erupted from around her. Sure, her brother was resistant to fire, but, it's not like he was immune or anything. She raised her hands and arms slightly, the flame following them. Currently the fire wasn't that hot. Actually, the fire didn't feel hot at all, it felt cold... freezing actually.

As a matter of fact, these flames were Jetta's sub zero flames. Sure, he was resistant to heat, but, not chilling fire. Jetta stood tall, well, as tall as she could at least. In what seemed to be a second Jetta had raised her hand, clenched it into a fist and then shoved it outwards towards Zeda, sending a giant blast of sub-zero fire directly at him. Afterwards, whether he dodged it or not, she would follow it up with charging directly towards him, acting as if she was about to go with a full frontal assault with fire, but, that was not the case. She disappeared with flash step, reappearing behind Zeda; something in her left hand. This 'something' was the oxygen blade that she can summon at any time she wishes to. She slashed at Zeda's back with it's surprisingly razor sharp blade. It was also with a surprising amount of strength. Whether or not the attack was successful, she would back off and return her flames back to normal.

"I love you too brother, and, I'm pretty sure you're the one who's gonna need to be put back together~"

Afterwards she completely dispelled the oxygen sword. Currently, she didn't feel a need for it since she wasn't close range currently. She looked around the area slowly and sighed softly, she did not want to turn the land into a molten wasteland; even though it was already a wasteland. Her fire spun around her and it slowly started to heat up. Well... Heat up was rater redundant. It was more of a intense amount of heat suddenly emerging from Jetta and her flames. If Zeda couldn't tell, she was heating up her flames so her brother woudln't be able to resist them as well. How hot may these flames be one might ask? About as hot as the sun. How hot may that be? 5503 degrees Celsius. So, the land was definitely becoming quite toasted now, considering these flames were a little bit ridiculous.

Clearly, Jetta wasn't exactly gonna go easy on her brother. Why would she? She cares about him but, in a fight she won't ease up on him because he's family. However, she decided to let her brother have a chance to attack. Sure, she could go and wreck his day but, for now, it would likely be best to wait for him to attack. Since she just released flames that were as hot as a sun... So, for now, she would wait for her brother's response in attack. Surely, this would wreck havoc on the land around them. Now was the time for the siblings of fire to remake the wastelands in ash.
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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Re: Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:31 pm
The Yuudeshi was not one to doubt when it came to his abilities and prowess, the red head grinned as his sister easily blocked his little strike to test her attention which she passed with ease. The prodigy however noticed she went to release her Zanpakutō and couldn't help but sigh.

So much for a little spar. She's already going to shikai

The young man stood and quickly made the katana that was Kio disappear and drew out from the air a necklace of Mia. A smile formed on the young man's features and he couldn't help but grin as he watched his little sister create the flames that she planned to burn him with. Her posture changed and become straighter, whether it was intimidation or confidence the smirk on Zeda's face wasn't going anywhere.

"Shikai already? And here I thought we were going to warm up first... no pun intended. Alright then, let's bring the heat. Burn Mia!"

The tall man stood taller than the smaller girl but what she'd notice was that his body had be coated in a burning aura, his own form was one that would intimidate the normal being although he had no intention of scaring her. As as she launched her fire at him he had already planned his counter and set it into motion when the fire hit him. As it touched him the fire would be opposed by a much darker and hotter fire which rivaled the heat of the sun, the fire of Amaterasu kept the fire at bay and as she charged towards him the fire-clad Zeda smiled underneath the cloak of Amaterasu.

Ability Used:

He opened the front of his defence, exposing himself to be ready to attack or counter whatever she could throw at him although as he ignited the the fire behind him to create an explosion which sent him directly at her as it would better his close quarters combat style it unintentionally made the black flames end up surging towards her as she appeared behind where he was and his fire would surround her.


His shout echoed out and he quickly extinguished the black fire, of course her fire immunity would be beneficial to her to avoid most of the damage, Zeda was not only concerned about her well being but it would be much more awkward for him if he had to fight his sister while she was naked, and an angry Jetta was quite difficult to deal with. He wanted to observe her movements a little more before exposing more of his own powers though, unlike Jetta who wanted it to end as quickly as possible Zeda was curious to see just how much his little sister had grown.

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Gamma_Signature
Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] CHARACTER_LISTWho says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] GRAPHICS_THREADWho says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Re: Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:45 am
Jetta looked as her clothes were singed, burned, and patchy from Zeda's black flames. Yeesh, at least Jetta's flames don't burn people forever. Sure, they turn people into scraps of lava but, hey, at least they won't be naked before death! Speaking of which she had to cover certain areas of her due to how the fire burned her clothes. Her eyebrow started to twitch as her fire swirled around her rather quickly. Obviously, she was pissed. Both her eyes and mouth were completely closed, her eyebrows arched and twitching. The fire suddenly stopped spinning around her and she let her arms slowly fall to her side, the fire slowly falling to the ground in response. She then flung her arms out to her left and right, creating a T with her body. She slowly looked up at her brother, her face strangely calm, as the fire raged. The surrounding ground around the fire was slowly being turned to molten rock, glass, or whatever before the fire consumed it completely. This was already happening earlier, but, she was slowly picking up the heat; which was a bad idea. Sure, the wastelands was just that; a land of waste. But, Jetta's flames would get hot enough to the point where they would torch the earth with ease. Which she realized after a couple of seconds. She sighed softly and left the flames at 6500 Kelvin; not daring to increase the heat further.

"Zeda... If you burn my clothes off, I will kick your ass... Also, let's try not to turn the earth into a lump of charcoal. I'd rather father not get pissed at us..."

In a sudden flash, not really allowing Zeda the time to answer, she appeared in front of him, making a punching motion. Well, it wasn't actually a punch. The fire was in front of her fist and flying directly for Zeda's gut. The fire wasn't going at high enough speeds to pierce his body or anything, no, it would just likely burn him and feel like someone just punched him, very, very hard in the gut. Jetta wasn't done though. She summoned the Oxygen sword again in her left hand and slashed at Zeda; aiming for his midsection again. Due to the nature of Jetta's fire, it followed her left arm and crashed down upon Zeda after Jetta made her slash. Afterwards, she would retreat to gain some distance between her and her brother. She also kept the Oxygen sword this time; prepared to use it more.

Jetta was now prepared to dodge, block, or reflect anything her brother threw at her. She made sure that the air around her was prepped to block part of large attacks so she could then only take partial damage. She also had her fire swirl around her once more. It created a ditch around where she was standing. However, she did it in such a way that the fire hid the ditch from sight. This was so Jetta could throw Zeda into it or her would fall into it since he hadn't seen it. Not only that, but, there was also molten rock at the bottom of the ditch. It would solidify if Jetta took her flames away from the area but, currently, the ditch was mainly a trap for Zeda. Whether it worked or not would be interesting to see. Besides, she had other ways of trapping her brother if she needs to. This fight had only just begun, and Jetta definitely did not want it to last too long considering how her fire impacts the area. To her, this would be over quickly.
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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Re: Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:18 pm
A sigh exited the Yuudeshi's mouth when he saw the result of his Amaterasu, he never intended that to happen, after all his sister charged him and he tried to meet her in the middle but her little tricks brought that fate to her, it was that thought which made the young man force all the blame on his sister and know that none of it was his fault. He wasn't going to apologise for Jetta's mistake but he could easily imagine her seething with rage inside, instead he simply got ready to use her rage against her.

As she disappeared the red head smiled, he was faster and was expecting as such and so he quickly put his plan into action. He wasn't going to let her get the slip on him, such a foolish thing was not the way Zeda rolled. The moment she got within a few metres the man began to mutter something under his breath, what could it be? A kido spell was what it was.

"Bakudō 81. Dankū"

Ability Used:

At his command a very large wall would appear in front of him and separate him and Jetta, her fire being forced to go around and miss him although due to the heat he noticed it began to crack in places, with a quick sigh he gathered a large portion of fire within his left hand and made use of it's ability to create fire spikes on it and he created an explosion at his feet to throw him right at his sister as she broke through Dankū at attacked him with the Oxygen Sword.

Zeda had planned for his, he felt his own body get burnt a from the fire but he didn't care, avoiding the Oxygen Sword was simple for him, his right hand grabbed her wrist and prevented the sword from touching him while his armoured left hand would hit her in the chest and he followed through with a combo of abilities to use his Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon Fist, with his left hand he repeatedly punched her in the chest but his right hand kept pulling her back into it.

Ability Used:

He couldn't keep it up for long and after hitting her a fifth time if she had not countered then he'd finish off his assault with a kick to her chest and once again launch her body away from him, but due to physics he too was launched backwards and had to flip to avoid landing on his ass. The Shinigami was getting tired, the use of this stage was tiring him and he thought he might need to tap into his Bankai to assist him in beating Jetta.

Ability Used:

"Well well, you're are a bit strong aren't you brat. Careful though or I might need to heat this up a bit and I said I'd put you back together, I can't bring you back from a pile of ash"

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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Re: Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:01 pm
Jetta was definitely surprised, but, her brother underestimated her. As soon as he grabbed her wrist she twisted her body so the first punch would miss her, the fire not even affecting her. Zeda did something very, very stupid. He moved her hand so it was close to him, so, she temporarily raised her fire to 9000 Kelvin. It was risky, very, very risky, but, with her hand so close to Zeda as it was, she couldn't pass up the opportunity to torch him a little bit. She gestured her hand in a way so that the fire would assail Zeda with it's immense heat, basically melting the ground around her and Zeda. However, she had to act and keep her hand in that same position.

Since what she did was nearly accomplished in a second, she had only avoided the first punch and now came the second. She barely had any time to avoid it, so, she put up a barrier of air to block some of the damage the punch would cause. Luckily, she was very durable so the punch slammed into her, but, she didn't feel much pain. However, it was from someone who was as strong as her, so, it definitely stung though. She felt some of her breath leave from the punch as well. She did NOT want to get hit by the punches again. So, she sharpened her senses and grinned slightly.


Before the third punch came she threw up a danku in a way so it wouldn't separate them. No, she placed the Danku just right so a corner would block the punches that Zeda was throwing at her. Of course, it posed an issue since he was constantly pulling her into the punches so, she had placed it so it was directly in front of him and not her. Now then, time to escape his grasp before he can finish his attacks. She targeted a searing column of fire on Zeda's wrist long enough to get him to let go. Of course, the fire was 9000 degrees Kelvin, so, it wouldn't take him that long to let go; not to mention the danku was blocking most of his attacks, though, she did have to bounce off of the Danku some.

When Zeda did let go from the fire burning his wrist like it was placed onto a blue supergiant. She jumped backwards, launching off the Danku, and kept her fire focused on Zeda the best she could without torching everything. She withdrew her flames after she was far enough and cooled them back down to a toasty 6500 Kelvin.

"Brother... I suggest you be more careful next time. I CAN roast you with my fire if we're that close. It was a mistake to bring me close like that... And, You'd be the one who'd be a pile of ash~ Just, don't burn my clothes."

Instead of charging at Zeda, instead, she exhaled softly and caused her fire to cover her so she couldn't be seen. As she was hidden by her flames she started to mutter a casting phrase for Hadō. She muttered it so Zeda couldn't hear it unless he closed the distance between the two. She also said it fast enough to fit a battle situation.

"Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle! Hadō 63. Raikouhou!"

Luckily, she said it in a way so that Zeda wouldn't be able to hear her, but, the second she said Hadō 63, she let her flames fall and she directed the Kido in Zeda's direction; wherever he may have moved while she was reciting the kido. Afterwards, she would set up another defense again, using more air as defenses and preparing to use Danku again. She was also prepared to dodge whatever her brother may do. She didn't want to torch the land though, so, her flames stayed at their 6500 Kelvin state that they had returned to; for now. Hopefully, this would be over soon so she wouldn't have to power her flames up to any higher heat levels. She really did not want to turn the area into charcoal; or the earth.
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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Re: Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:53 pm
Well. His sister sure wasn't planning on making it easy for him. The Yuudeshi Prodigy sighed as he got away with his wrist which he didn't need to check to see he had third degree burns from the fact it might has well have been in the middle of a sun, his resistance to heat though was enough to stop it getting completely destroyed. The fight was about to reach new levels he imagined, Jetta had decided to hide within her flames and Zeda wasn't stupid and knew that she was up to something, that made him alert and ready for what came next and it appeared he got his answer when she threw a rather powerful kido spell at him.

It was one he recognised instantly and unfortunately he had planned to use a defensive attack for whatever his little sister had been preparing. He raised his hands which was the equivalent to his Zanpakutō and shot a small baseball sized fireball towards the oncoming spell. Shortly after being released he expanded it into a large wall which countered the oncoming blast in a massive explosion of lightning and fire, a plasma the two of them created.

Ability Used:

Of course he also kept up with his assault, except he planned it as a special surprise, using the explosion he carefully clouded the area in a thick layer of plasma which made it near impossible to see for Jetta, she'd experience a small sizzling as her body would be affected although it would mainly only affect her clothes due to her immunity to fire. Zeda however planned to make sure that he would give her a shock.

Ability Used:

Inside his cloud of plasma the young prodigy slowly transformed, silently entering the form which he hoped would put Jetta down for the count after the transformation had occurred the prodigy made the plasma slowly disappear and his form would be faintly clouded by the residue plasma which shown brightly however the sight that his sister would see was the ten foot form of what appeared to be a demon.

She had never seen this form, she might've heard of Zeda's bankai but she'd never have seen it. He didn't speak. At least not immediately but hopefully using her shock to his advantage the Yuudeshi raised his hand and shot a barrage of arrows made of fire at Jetta which would explode when they got close to her. A mere distraction is what they were and with his enhanced speed, strength and power the giant demon would appear in front of the small girl that now appeared an insect to him and he bitch slapped her. With his added strength he aimed to send her flying and with a bruise.

Ability Used:

"Well well Sis. Guess I better give you a chance to surrender or face my bankai"

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Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel] Empty Re: Who says you can't fight fire with fire? [PRIVATE/darkfunnel]

Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:56 am
Great. Jetta's brother decided to mess up her vision with this cloud of plasma. She could feel her clothes sizzling and she sighed softly. She manipulated the air around her so she could create an area around her where the plasma wouldn't reach. She sighed softly. Zeda was probably using this as a way to cover something he was doing and that was confirmed when she manipulated the air again to create a clear tube of air directly towards Zeda who was starting to transform.... Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Jetta groaned softly and started to jump backwards as soon as she saw that he was transforming. She did not know entirely that it was his bankai, but, she had a hunch it might've been. Psh, cheater. Jetta doesn't even have her bankai yet. Sure, she has Jishin, but, he won't care enough to deal with this. She saw the giant arrows of fire coming for her and she groaned a little. Really? Come on!

As the arrows of fire flew at her Jetta started to form a star behind her. It would take a while but, with her gas manipulation she was taking a large amount of hydrogen from the area to make the star very quickly. She weaved her way through the fire arrows; a couple of them slamming into her shoulders and on slamming into her side. Ow. What hurt more was the concussive explosion they caused. Caused her ears to ring a bit, but, she was still able to move; though the explosion caused her to stumble. Through that stumble she had to do a roll in order to regain her footing. However, she was soon clipped by Zeda's stupidly large hand. The clipping send her spinning around; a sharp pain left in her side. However, she was barely able to keep her footing due to the blast of air caused by Zeda's hand. She flew backwards due to the blast of air and being hit by Zeda. She did a flip and then slid to a stop a good ways away.

"Yeesh. Talk about cheating."

She sighed softly. If her brother was going to such length to defeat her, she had no reason to hold back the heat of her fire. She exhaled softly and powered up her flames back to 9000 degrees Kelvin. Hell, she had to have her flames like this. She was now glaring at her brother's giant ass form; fire swirling around her. The fire was so hot that the very air was crackling like it was the ozone; it smelled like burning. Not only that but a star was quickly forming behind her back. She was definitely going to use it soon. However... she thought better against it and decided instead to use the star as a supply for another sword made from gas. What may this new sword be? In truth it was basically a sword that was made from radioactive energy. But, what she did is that she manipulated the molecules in the air to form plutonium, and uranium, gas. Before the two could destabilize she combined them together with Hydrogen; making a sword. This sword was shaped much like a Katana but, it was coursing with radioactive energy. She knew the second she hit Zeda with it, it would explode. And that, that would hurt. It was risky, but, it was something to do.

She kept her flames as far away from the sword as possible as she held the radioactive sword in her right hand. She sighed softly and stared at Zeda rather large form, unamused, annoyed.

"Brother... Just because you are in Bankai does not mean I will surrender. So, I guess I'll be facing your Bankai."

Luckily for Jetta, Zeda being bigger meant that he had more to burn. It also meant that he was a much, much easier target to hit. So, she covered Zeda in her 9000 degrees Kelvin flames. The fire was mainly a distraction as she created different traces of herself with both her fire and reiatsu as she then hid her reiatsu as much as possible and came from above Zeda, aiming to swing her Radioactive Sword directly on top of his head. If this failed and Zeda grabbed the sword, or Jetta, the sword would explode anyways and cause a lot of damage to the both of them. It probably wouldn't end the battle but, Jetta would keep her 9000 degrees Kelvin fire focused on Zeda the entire time. If all else failed Jetta may have to surrender, surrender control to Jishin. She would hate to do that, but, in this case it seems to be her best last resort if all else fails. It was make or break time.
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