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Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana] Empty Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana]

Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:32 pm


Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 500

The Royal palace of the Asthavon's.... Yuukinan hadn't been here since she was adopted into the Asthavon's. She doesn't remember the event entirely but, she does remember encountering the demon queen herself. It was only for a short time, of course, but she remembered how Mana's manic aura felt. In a way it was enticing, but, the madness seemed to be a little too much for Yuukinan. Yet, here she was. She sighed softly. She knew she wouldn't be opposed entrance. She was an Asthavon in all technicality, so, she could easily get through. Well, if it was guarded she could. Sometimes it is unclear what Mana guards and what she doesn't. Her palace up in Europe didn't seemed to be guarded, nor did this place. If Yuukinan knew that Mana was a security system in one Demon, she would know why there are basically no guards for her. Not to mention she is the most powerful demon; or one of the most.

She looked at the giant doors to the palace as she placed her hand on her Dagi Tvaca. She was so compelled to rip the thing off of her face. It wouldn't have a single affect on Mana, hell no, it was just something she felt she should remove when meeting the Queen of Demons since it covers her entire mouth. She was about to knock when Ikari poked her head out of Yuukinan's overcoat.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Yuukinan? She is the Queen of Demons. Do you really think She'd be able to help you without expecting something back?"

Yuukinan sighs softly and rubs Ikari's head, her eyes showing not a single emotion.

"It's okay, Ikari. I'll be fine... I'm not weak you know. I can handle Mana... maybe..."

Ikari sighed softly and retreated back into her overcoat and Yuukinan slowly opened the door inside. She walked in slowly, trying to figure out where Mana was. There was so much manic energy in the air that it was hard for her to pin point where she was. Probably for a good reason, hard to find someone if you can't exactly sense them. She sighed softly and then looked around more before finally speaking into the palace.

"M-Mana? Queen Mana? I have come for an audience with you... or something...Is there a term for that at all?"

Yuukinan stood in the middle of a foyer area, as she called out, her voice echoing around the area. She was sure Mana could hear her; there was no way she couldn't hear or see her. Mana had her ways to see people. All Yuukinan did was wait, Ikari hiding inside of her coat as always. She looked down, her left hand shaking. It was time to get stronger... to protect the one thing she cared for... Ikari.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana] Empty Re: Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 1:40 am

Artist: The Birthday Massacre - Song: Over [2016]
Something, something, something.

Always something.

Just like a mosquito looking for blood, everyone was always looking to drain something from Mana. Whether it be her best wishes, resources, wealth, power, body or whatever else have you; the whole world wanted a piece of her and apart of The Demon Queen was more than thralled to be the center of attention. She got off on that shit, loved being an idol and adored having the world at her thumb. It was a great high and made her get lost in the world's own sick depravity.

Yet, another greater part of her was beginning to become agitated at how frequent it was occurring. Really, she couldn't wake up without someone wanting to bum something from her, squabble with her or cause shit for her in general. It was like waking up every morning and stepping in a fresh pile of dog shit; so annoying. And she was getting tired of cleaning up the mess time after time again. However, that would be a mental gripe for a later date.

Instead, The Queen of Demons was more focused and interested on the scent of one of the adopted Asthavon kin. From the smell of plums and raspberry soda, Mana assumed this tangy and fruity scent was female in nature and her extrasensory visual awareness really backed that up. Even if she had eyes everywhere, it was better to train all of her senses in case she couldn't use them. Never know what kind of bullshit one might face in a world as fucked as this.

Fuck, people were just so damn expendable. It was all so fucking sickening.

Alas, those thoughts would be cast to the side for now. There wasn't much time to indulge in them as her guest of the evening had already arrived. So, when the tender little piece of Hell Demon ass entered her humble manor, The Queen's emerald eyes would radiate a most luscious green illumination through the veils of darkness. Then, afterward, the strangest thing happened: a pair of lemon colored eyes became lit on the right and left sides of The Demon Queen. If Yuukian were to pay closer attention, she'd realize the colors of the room would begin to become more apparent at this point.

The floor was checkered like one of those damn black and white chessboards, while the walls were a mixture of alabaster and oil colors. And, scattered throughout the room were multiple chairs, couches and beds filled with similar hues of pale and shade; some of them even decorated with human bones and skulls for cute little furniture accessories. She'd find pillows with bones scattered about them, sheets with the flesh of Mana's kills intermixed with them and a chandelier made entirely from bones, diamonds and black colored demonic energy.

(Those are the NPC's at Mana's side.)

All the while, the dim emerald green light of demon world would shine in from the jumbo sized windows and show the horned Queen wearing nothing more than a short, sleeveless black dress which exposed all of her wonder ghostly white skin. And, at her sides, two horned demons were seen feeding Mana grapes. The one to her left was nice little busty creature that was barely clothed, while the chocolate skinned one to her right was nestled in The Queen's lap and he was quite content as could be to be in Mama Mana's care. In fact, with a snap of her fingers, the feminine looking male demon started kissing and sucking blood from the neck of The Demon Queen as he cackled and got drunk on her mania.

So, from this visual, it was hella' apparent The Queen was more than trying to just relax here. Therefore, as all three of them set their gaze upon the blood eyed Yuukian, one could only think just what she had to offer and add to this. Thus, ol' Manic Mana would give a slight witches laugh and address her lovely vistior:

"Well, evenin' sistah'. What brings ya' 'round to these parts to see ya' big sis's home? Come sit on my lap and tell me all about it~! Ya' can call it "sister sister" time if ya' want. I mean, it's ALL about makin' ya feel betta', right? Right. Now bring ya' pretty ass here, toots."

With that, The Demoness would give a wink of the eye and the male demon would give a similar wink at the hell creature before him; making sure to create space for Yuukian to sit with the two of them. The only question was: could lil' Miss Yuuki make that jump? Well, that was up to her!

Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana] WVMWLOu
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Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana] Empty Re: Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:42 am


Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 841

Yuukinan continued to walk through the palace, and walk she did, following the slight trace of Mana Asthavon. As she walked through the area she noticed the furniture was very interesting; which she liked. How interesting? Oh, ya know, covered in the bones and flesh of humans. Seeing such furniture was very amusing for Yuukinan. Frankly, the furniture was definitely very interesting to Yuukinan but, it was a lot like her layer of hell. Things from dead stuff everywhere, so, she felt a little bit relaxed at the site of pieces of corpses. Oh yes, she was definitely a very weird person but, a normal demon. The sight of dead bodies comforted her because she knew that they could no longer fight; that she had won. While this was not the case it still relaxed her a little. Before long she had arrived to a room that had been flooded with emerald light soon after she arrived.

So much emerald green light had filled the room. It illuminated Yuukinan and the Queen. Queen Mana was sitting right before her. Frankly, Yuukinan could nearly see under her clothes due to the shade of the dress. Yuukinan swallowed softly as she felt Ikari shiver under her coat. Yuukinan kept herself from reaching for Ikari to comfort her with her touch. But, she instinctively reached for one of her swords with her right hand, leaving her right hand resting on her Katana; both of which are on her right hip. She exhaled softly and calmed herself, seeing the tiny male demon latch onto Mana's neck and drink her blood. Must be one of Mana's slaves... That blood may make him powerful but, it would cause him to be completely hers... She ignored the two demons beside Mana, not wanting to focus on the scantily clad one. Who definitely had bigger boobs than she did currently. Soon enough Mana spoke to her, acting as if the two other demons really did not exist.

Yuukinan listened attentively. Wait, wait.... waaiiiiit she wants Yuukinan to sit on her lap? And how does she want Yuukinan to address her? Probably as Queen Mana... even If Yuukinan tried she couldn't address her as sister. It would just seem weird to her since Mana is the Queen of all demons. With a slight exhale Yuukinan attempted to calm herself again and she walked forwards slowly; keeping an eye on the male demon. Yuukinan walked up to Mana and sat on Mana's lap slowly. Sitting on another's lap was definitely strange but, it was also strangely comforting to be in the lap of someone who was basically her sister. But, she had a feeling that Mana wasn't exactly going to just let Yuukinan sit her without doing something. Yuukinan has heard some stories, most demons had. But, she had also heard tales of what Mana can do to those she likes. Yuukinan shook her head and leaned into Mana slightly as she was sitting on her lap; to show her that Yuukinan had relaxed some. She then began to speak to her Queen.

"Sister Sister time... huh? Well... I guess if you possibly giving me more power counts as sister sister time, then, sure..."

Yuukinan sighed softly and thought of her reasons for coming to Mana. She knew that battle was one of her fortes but, she had no idea what she was missing. She sighed softly and felt Ikari try to burrow into Yuukinan around her stomach area. It didn't hurt at all, but, Ikari was trying to hide. Yuukinan sighed softly and thought of what she thought when she first came here; speaking to Mana again.

"Queen Mana... S-Sister... Please, make me stronger... I've been missing something every time I enter battle. No matter what happens I feel like I am missing something important in battle... Please... S-Sister..."

Yuukinan had to bite her lip at the end to keep her anger in check. Begging like that really did piss her off, but, she felt it was probably the best thing to do with Mana Asthavon. Demanding things would not get her anywhere. Begging or asking was a much better route than pissing off the one who would definitely benefit her. While she had heard rumors that Mana could power up demons and other beings that are compatible but, she had no idea what would be coming. But, she didn't entirely care, whatever would come would come. Yuukinan would deal with it and, for now, she was completely wrapped around her Sister's fingers. For now, Yuukinan would disobey her nature so she could get what she wished to get from Mana. She really wanted to be stronger, to be able to protect Ikari, to defend her layer of hell appropriately, to be able to conquer all who fight her. It was time for Yuukinan to learn all she could from her sister and gain whatever power she may be able to offer.

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Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana] Empty Re: Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana]

Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:42 pm

Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 1163

Yuukinan sat silently as she waited for Mana to respond. She could feel something strange coming from Mana... something she slightly expected but, did not believe it would happen. Yuukinan watched as the attendants left Mana's sides. Yuukinan's instincts were going mad, telling her to get off Mana's lap and attack her viciously. So many red lights were flashing in her mind, telling her to get the hell out. But, she wouldn't; she couldn't. Yuukinan waited for one second, then two... three. A total of four seconds passed while Yuukinan's mind was shooting out warnings; to get away. There was no time, none at all. Yuukinan saw out of the corner of her eye that Mana's arm turned green and her eyes widened for a moment before returning to their more normal appearance. Her eyes slowly changed to slits and in a split second decision she opened up her coat, grabbed Ikari and threw her across the room. She didn't think that the Queen would miss a tiny fox fly across the room, especially since Ikari made a rather loud noise that sounded like squeaking. Yuukinan had barely any time. She ripped off her Dagi Tvaca in time for her gut to be ripped open and her internal organs peeled out of her.

Yuukinan's eyes did not change. Gore was nothing new to her, even her own blood and organs did not get her. What got her was the sheer amount of pain that started to course through her body. Luckily, Yuukinan was not a stupid demon; far from it. As soon as the Demon Queen's arm was done with ripping open her stomach and pouring out her entrails; Yuukinan used some DE to reverse the time on the wound to 'heal' the wound. All of the skin and organs were 'repaired' and left intact once more. But, the pain... The sheer amounts of pain nearly made Yuukinan cry out. But, it was a little hard to cry out as she was still puking up blood; a slight side affect from having organs ripped from you.

Yuukinan's gaze wavered and her right hand shot to one of her swords, drew it as quickly as possibly, and aimed to stab the demon Queen through her leg; the sword impaling itself into the stone. Yuukinan slowly turned her gaze to her Manic Queen and she listened to what she had to say. She grinned and kept a firm grip on her straight Katana; Keguri Megumu. She yanked the Sword out of Mana's leg and then threw it across the room. Whether or not she actually could pierce Mana's leg she would throw the sword across the room and then grin at her Queen.

"Queen Mana, Sister... I understand the pain, but, I won't break under pain so easily... besides... I'm not the only who will suffer from pain. If you plan on injuring me, expect a little fight back. I am a Guardian of Hell, a Rakshasa of WRATH. I do not wish to hurt you my Queen, though, I doubt that was even a pin prick. But, put me into pain, or hurt Ikari, and you will feel my Wrath. I can look you straight in the eye and tell you this, and I will accept whatever punishment you see fit to- AH!"

Yuukinan felt even more pain as her wrists were impaled by Mana's tentacles and this time, she did scream in pain. She saw Ikari lurch forward from her position but she shot her a look to stay there. Yuukinan was starting to feel herself being overwhelmed by the vast amount of pain that was assaulting her nervous system. She couldn't help but let screams of pain escape her throat and mouth. She could feel her hands attempting to claw at the tentacles; to try and remove them. It was useless, they impaled her wrists in such a way that it was very hard to move her arms. She was completely at her Queen's whim. Mana could very well just kill her for what she said earlier, frankly, that was hard for her to even get out the pain was so intense.

Yuukinan felt herself being slammed into a wall and then pain... Soo... so much pain... it was unbearable to Yuukinan. Even with how much pain she can take, this was just far too much. She felt herself slowly starting to pass out. She couldn't. She gritted her teeth and attempted to use that pain to keep herself going. It was hard, very, very hard but, she was able to keep it up after a little while. She growled feebly at Mana as she felt her neck being devoured by the demon Queen. She was Mana's puppet, toy, pet... Whatever you want to call it. She was completely at the Queen's whim and she HATED it. But, there was nothing she could do. What she said about the Queen possibly feeling her wrath earlier? Nothing but something to say to try and act 'strong'. In the presence of Queen Mana, she was nothing more than a newborn baby. With all the strength that remained in her body she attempted to move her right arm and grab the mouth that was chomping away at her neck.

Yuukinan tried so hard... she had tried so hard to move her arm, but, the Queen was simply too strong. Yuukinan's anger would've reached new heights if she wasn't overwhelmed with pain. Yuukinan listened to Queen Mana's words and swallowed, likely swallowing some of her own blood. She opened her mouth and sighed softly, looking Mana straight in the eye. She spoke again, in a much more feeble tone this time.

"Y-You're damn right it hurts... and you're wondering if I can look you in the eye, kiss you, and tell you I still want that power...? I can without a doubt look you in the eye, kiss you and tell you this: I still fucking want those powers. If you think I will turn away because of some pain, you've got another thing coming my Queen... and I'm sure you know that my wrath is nothing to you..."

On that final note, Yuukinan coughed up some blood and could feel herself slowly fading into unconsciousness. While she won't fall unconscious, she will likely be unable to do much. It's not like she was already at her Queen's whim anyways. She only hoped that Mana didn't try to do anything to Ikari. That was the one thing she could not tolerate. But, in the end... she was helpless. And it killed Yuukinan. All she could do was wait until Mana decided what to do with her. Yuukinan had no way of knowing what was to come.
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Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana] Empty Re: Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana]

Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:28 pm

Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana] C1r6ha7

Artist: DR3 OST - Song: N/A [2016] - Words: 735

Useless information. Mana didn't care much for what happened to whatever piece of equipment her lovely "sister" threw across the room. All she cared about was craving her hysteria into the very entrails of The Hell Beast's essence. Was she getting the message? Was she understanding just what the hell she was signing herself for? Those were but a few questions which ran through the swirling abyss of The Demon Queen's mind as her face seemed to grow devoid of expression and fell into a neutral stare.

Trying to recover from a wound like that? Noble, but futile. You could patch it up, seal it up and pretend it isn't there; but the pain gnaws at a person's mind and never lets them have even a moments of rest until they wholly embrace this absurd existence. So it was quite the satisfying reaction to see her struggle and gnaw to life as she whimpered and cried. It fueled the sadism which flowed through her veins, but it still felt so -- void.

"Ahhhhhh....ya' say all of these sweet words, but really, they amount to a whole lot of boring nonsense. I feel myself ready to fall asleep...."

The eyes of The Demon Queen would then begin to close and the sounds of a man snoring could be heard from her body. Yet, this shell of hers was still active and very much alive. As a dozen more tendrils forged from the back of The Demon Queen and began to devour the years and blood which The Guardian of Hell expunged from her body. However, unlike the ones before, these tendrils had eyes, mouths and even faces attached to them. Some of the faces on them were frowning, grinning and sobbing; while other mouths seemed to chomp and bite away at the skin and flesh of Yuukinan.

In fact, many of the tendrils started to eat away at around fifty percent of her flesh until they were all but food for The Demon Queen. Sure, The Wrath-Filled girl could regenerate, but the pain would still mark and tire her. Build, and rebuild; that was the whim of the world and how the absurdity of it functioned. She would know this truth oh-so-well as she was broken, mended and shattered again by this abstract power.

Though, when the woman worked up the nerve to actually respond and stab Ol' Queeny in the thigh, that is when her eyes shot wide open like a heroin addict riding the sweet, sweet waves of an ungodly high. This burning sensation stinging her leg was enough to get Mana to begin laughing wildly as the color within her eyes started to return. What? Did the little pet actually want a taste of this absurd reality?

Why the hell not?

Without a second of warning, The Demon Queen smashed her foot into the stomach of Yuukinan and began to re-open the wounds which she had previously closed. However, this time, none of her guts or blood would fall out. Instead, The Seal of Eris would react and begin to siphon off the wrathful feeling brewing within the woman's essence. This would be the catalyst used to begin her path down the well of depravity known as absurdism and madness.

"Blah, blah, blah power. Blah, blah, blah hurt. Blah, blah, blah wrath. Just shut up and show me you can have a semblance of thought in that sweet lil' head of yours. Find meaning in a meaningless world, under the abstract of the cosmos and accept the absurdism of this lovely lil' place we call home. Do that nad I'm sure the seal will work wonders on you."

Then, with a yawn, The Demon Queen would press her foot against the face of Yuukinan and smash her into an emerald shade vortex. Where was this little thing heading? Well, to a pet of hers. To be more precise: company. A little human friend couldn't hurt her sister, eh? She was being sent straight to wherever the hell the energies of Inami Asthavon could be located. There, she would nurse this little child back to health and begin training her.

"Anyway, I'll see to it that my sister takes care of ya'. Ciao~"

Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana] WVMWLOu
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Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana] Empty Re: Time to see the Queen [Private. Mana]

Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:12 pm


Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 941

Yuukinan's breathing was quite labored now, every single faculty now focused using her DE to regenerate the parts of her body that were being devoured by the mouths that the Queen had formed with her tentacles. Some strange part of her wanted to beg the Queen to stop, to do anything but this; to fuck her instead. That part of her was some strange submissive part of her from her past; from a person she no longer knew. However, the fact it came out in such a situation really did disgust Yuukinan. So, she formed a slight grin on her face as she tried to resist the tentacles that were pinning her against the wall, to attack Mana and give her a little more than that stab to her thigh, but, she only moved an inch before she felt herself give out to the force. She only groaned a little and then could hear a slight whimper from Ikari. She shot a look in her direction, and looked at the fox-girl holding the sword; preparing to attack the Queen. Damn was she brave, but, just from the look Ikari lowered the sword and said nothing else, waiting for Yuukinan to be okay; hopefully.

Yuukinan continued to be eaten and then regenerate constantly; barely enduring the vast levels of pain. Her clothes were plastered in blood, despite how much she reversed them back to normal; they were just covered in blood. She would look into her Queen's eyes, if she could, as she felt herself go between consciousness and semi-consciousness. However, she knew she would soon be lost to unconsciousness if this went on for too much longer. Yuukinan gritted her teeth, blood oozing from the corners of her mouth, as she tried her damnedest to stay conscious. She nearly fell unconscious multiple times, it was unavoidable in a situation where she had lost so much blood, been overloaded with pain, and was quickly losing energy and DE to maintain her state. The moment of all this pain felt like it would last forever.

However, it was not to last forever; not at all. As Yuukinan was about to fall unconscious again she felt Mana's foot slam into her abdomen violently; causing what wounds she had on her stomach to burst open. She coughed up blood, the blood likely only giving Mana a single drop of blood on her face, the rest falling to her feet. Yuukinan hung her head as a way of apologizing for getting her blood on the Queen. However, her senses were thrown into overdrive as she felt the burning presence of mania being injected into her being; the seal of Eris was literally being burned onto her stomach. She coughed up a little more blood as she felt the burning sensation and sensations of wrath and Mania. However, she was quite out of it to even realize everything currently.

After a couple of seconds, Yuukinan then felt her face pressed against the wall by Mana's foot. Mana was speaking... she understood her and would remember, but, her brain was too overloaded to even comprehend right now. She only made a strange gurgling sound in response as a single hand reached out for her, however, she soon felt energy from behind her as well as see an emerald glow emitting from behind her. She heard Ikari's feet pitter patter against the floor as she was shoved into the portal; dislodging her from Mana's tentacles. She fell backwards with a wistful look at Mana, as if she was almost wishing for more or something else. She also finally managed to form words as she fell backwards into the portal.

"I-I'll b-be back... Mana... and when I get back... Well... I d-d-don't know..."

Yuukinan's face appeared a little puzzled as she fell back, but, it was soon let go as she heard the shrill cry of Ikari as she zipped past Mana and jumped into the portal, sheathing Yuukinan's other sword and latching onto her; turning back into a fox nearly immediately after latching onto her. Yuukinan's right hand rested lightly on Ikari, who seemed to be hanging on for dear life. As soon as both of them were through the portal, Yuukinan had finally lost consciousness. By the time she came out of the portal, Ikari would have to catch the torn mess that was Yuukinan. She wasn't torn to shit, but, there was definitely evidence that she was treated with Mana Asthavon's A+ savageness. However, once she arrived at the destination where Inami was, she would be completely unconscious. Her shirt, and overcoat, would be shredded open so her top half was exposed. While her breasts would be hidden, the Eris mark that is glowing a mix of blood red and purple in the middle of her stomach; being symmetrical with her body.

Yuukinan had obtained what she wished to get in the end. But, was it worth it in the end? She got nowhere closer to Mana. She may have impressed her or temporarily rid her of the boredom of that moment, but, would it really get her anywhere? It better. If it didn't, she would find the endeavor would have only achieved one of its two goals. But, whatever. It was a little hard to worry about that, but, she was a little too unconscious anyways, so, it was only for her to wait. To wait to arrive at wherever the Queen had dropped her.

Hopefully she wasn't gonna get shit on.
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