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Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1]

Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:02 pm
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The Rakshasa of the Slaughter Approaches

I. Basic Information

» Name: Yuukinan Asthavon
» Titles: Rakshasa of the Slaughter
» Age: 1000
» Gender: Female
» Affiliation/Rank: Asthavon, Layer of Hell 101

» True Appearance Written: compared to many Rakshasa Yuukinan looks far more human than one would believe to be possible or believable. For instance, she only stands around 5’11”, without her heels on, and has the general appearance of a 20-year-old female human. Of course, a major give away is her red eyes, her hair that is colored black and silver, a large chunk of her hair being silver, and the type of clothes she wears. When first looking at Yuukinan, it isn’t clear exactly what she is unless one is keenly attuned to sensing reiatsu. Of course, if you look directly at her, one can see that her clothing is quite weird compared to humans, and some other beings. She also what looks like a surgical mask, which is bound to her skin completely. The mask is black and actually has pieces of leather coming from it to look as if it really is strapped with straps instead of being glued to her skin. She also wears an overcoat of sorts that has a collar that sticks up and cannot be put down. Said overcoat is black with red trimming on the edges of the fabric and around the pockets that are present on some areas of the coat. On the coat there are what appear to be squares or diamonds that are bound to parts of the coat. On the lower torso, around her stomach, there is about 5 of the diamonds, all linked together. There are red strips of fabric connecting the diamonds to the overcoat, keeping the coat in one place more effectively than just the arm holes that keep the coat on her body. There is also another one of these Diamonds directly above her breasts, right where her cleavage starts. This diamond is also bound by red strips of fabric that are hooked to the collar of her coat, which keeps the collar in place as well. The diamonds act not only as a way to bind the coat to her, but can also act as armor as they are refined metal that was made to hold up against attacks. The overcoat itself is completely sleeveless, leaving her arms bare. Well, except for the black gauntlets she wears on her arms. Each gauntlet has about four or five spiked areas that have been strengthened to block attacks if she wishes to or can’t use her weapons. The joints of the armor are only at her elbows, as the upper half of her upper arm is uncovered, leaving the shoulder bare. These joints aren’t terribly armored, and may be considered a “weak point” but, Yuukinan has a type of sleeve on each arm that are made from damage resistant material to keep people from taking advantage of those weak points easily. At the very edge of the gauntlet, where it meets the gloves, there is a rather large piece of flat metal that juts out at a 40-degree angle, in proportion to her arm, acting as if it is some sort of shield for each arm. The gloves spoken of earlier aren’t covered in metal compared to the gauntlets. The gloves are made from a type of leather that is flexible enough to allow Yuukinan complete movement range of her hands.

Under the overcoat is a very basic white shirt, which is nearly skin tight and, like the coat, is sleeveless. It extends past her waist and partially covers the area just below her hips. Below this are a garment that looks almost like tights, which, of course, are on her legs. In truth this garment is actually skinny jeans of a sort that have been textured to appear like tights. Due to the appearance of the jeans, many believe that there are no pockets in them, however, there are tiny pockets near the hem of the pants that holds anything big enough to fit inside. And, of course, she is wearing a pair of heels that match the overcoat in color, black with red trim. These heels aren’t exactly what one would call “basic” or “normal” the heels themselves are made from flexible leather once more, and have areas where they are made from metal. For example, each heal has a toe guard made from metal, as well as metal plates on her shins as the boots go knee high, yet are still concealed under her near skin tight pants. The heels themselves give Yukinan about an inch more in height, making her look 6’ tall instead of the normal 5’11”.

She also has a couple of straight Katanas at her right side, both the same length, with a couple of red circles around the edges of both Katanas. However, the Katanas differ in their appearance, one having a white blade and the other having a jet black blade. While both Katanas’ Tsubas are black, the Katana with a white blade has a rectangular tsuba with bars running along the entire inside of the guard, leaving only slots that are about a centimeter in between each bar. While the blade with the black blade has a circular tsuba, triangle patterns circling the entire inside of the Tsuba. The Tsuka of the black bladed Katana is covered in a red braid and instead of the braid being shown completely, a buttcap is over the last inch and a half of the tsuka covering the rest of the braid. The tsuka of the white bladed Katana has a purple braid on it instead of red like the other Katana. The buttcap is basic and isn’t like the buttcap of her other Katana.

» True Appearance Picture:
Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Yukina11

II. Personality

» Personality: Yukinan is very silent, and doesn’t say much in general, which makes sense why she has a face mask, covering her mouth entirely and part of her nose. Because of this, Yukinan is very reserved, which is not at all like her nature when in battle or angered.

» Reserved: Yuukinan is a very reserved Rakshasa, having grown alone after she was reborn as a Rakshasa. Even when she was a human before this life, the life of a Rakshasa, she was very reserved then. Because of how reserved Yuukinan is, if anyone talks to her, she will do many things. She will either, ignore them and pretend they don’t exist, look at them, completely annoyed, or she will only say a single thing which would be “Go away.” All of these reactions depend on the situation, Yuukinan’s mood, and how she feels towards the person she is talking to. Another thing to be kept in mind is that Yuukinan always looks emotionless, as if she completely lacks the ability to feel emotion. Also, since Yuukinan is so reserved, she can walk through an entire crowd of people, not saying a single thing, or feeling a single emotion. Of course, because of how reserved Yuukinan is, her emotions are extremely exaggerated at points and it takes her quite a long time to actually reveal such emotions. Being so reserved is also her own way to prevent herself from falling in to her emotions in the middle of a battle just in case.

» Extreme Emotions: Due to how reserved Yuukinan is her emotions are put to an extreme. This is because of how she has issues with revealing her emotions. This causes the emotions to boil over and be exaggerated compared to how one’s emotions would normally be.

» Anger: When Yuukinan becomes angry, she truly loses all control, at least for a little bit. While Yuukinan is enraged she could try to pull off her Dāgī Tvacā without any thought to where she is. However, this is not all she will do, she will try to kill any that are near her, except for those she does recognize as comrades or as friends. For Yuukinan, this is basically a berserk mode she goes into. It does happen rarely due to her reserved personality. Of course, she can be made so angry when someone tries to harm her pride in any way, no matter how someone harms her pride they can cause her to go the blind rage described earlier.

» Sorrow: When Yuukinan becomes sad, which really does take a lot, it is basically depression for most people. When she is like this she normally stays away from anything that lives, speaks, breathes, moves, or even has any sense of being “alive.” She won’t do anything severe like kill herself, but if anyone tries to talk to her, if she doesn’t know them well, she may attempt to kill them depending on how the person approaches her.

» Happiness/Joy: This is Yuukinan’s most uncommon emotion, as she never has truly felt happiness, nor has she really cared to feel happiness. However, when Yuukinan does feel happiness, she has no true idea what to do and she may just pass the emotion as nothing more than a moment of confusion on her part. If someone does attempt to teach her what “Happiness” or “Joy” is, she may learn to actually feel it instead of brushing it aside as if it is nothing.

» Pride: Yuukinan is a very prideful person, so prideful to the point where she takes pride in every single thing she does, no matter what it is. She likes to treat everything with pride because if she doesn’t feel like she should be proud about it she won’t do it. One thing she is most proud of is battle and her fighting. However, this pride doesn’t influence her as much as wrath.

» Partial Racist: While Yuukinan isn’t the most racist person in the wolrd, she does have some racial opinions of other races; both negative and positive. The negative side is mainly towards humans, the Quincy, and Shinigami. When it comes to humans, Yuukinan has mixed feelings. She doesn’t know how to act towards them since many are so annoying, asking to be killed. However, she can deal with them, as long as she has cut off most of their limbs and is able to ignore them completely. When it comes to Quincy, she just sees another race that looks too much like humans, except with weird ass powers and bows. Once more, she just wants to cut off their limbs and then ignore anything they say. However, with Shinigami she recognizes that they aren’t human. However, they are still annoying, loud, and provoke her to points where she just kills them without a thought, at least when they can’t stand up to her. Basically, with Shinigami she’ll actually pay attention to them, until they die or leave.

On the positive side is Demons and the Iramasha, why wouldn’t the demons be on the positive side!? Of course she doesn’t have any sort of prejudice against demons! While some can be stupid, she likes her fellow demons enough to at least acknowledge them. When it comes to Iramasha, Yuukinan finds them very interesting. She finds them so interesting because of how much she doesn’t know about them. However, she does slightly dislike Iramasha since they repair destruction that has been caused. However, in the long run she doesn’t mind Iramasha as long as they stay out of her way.

» Wrathful(When Angered): Aye, Wrath. This is what completely personifies the sin of Yuukinan. Therefore, whenever she is enraged, she becomes very destructive in general, very relentless. However, not only is she relentless but she seems to only be driven by her anger at this point. Driven by such anger that isn’t truly berserk, but it is definitely abnormal anger. This anger, or wrathfulness, is only a stage of her anger, which is when her actions are defined by the anger instead of intense hate, rage, and mindlessness. Also, when she is like this Yuukinan may suddenly cuss out a comrade out of nowhere. However, she can only be calmed down if someone gives her something she likes, whether it be fire, or food.

» Honor: Although Yuukinan doesn’t exactly have any morals she does have a sense of honor. However, she doesn’t believe in letting her enemy have the chance to fight. If the enemy can’t fight she will destroy them without a second thought. However, she has honor when it comes to helping comrades and serving whoever commands her. Her honor drives her to carry out any assignment she is given until it is completed or she fails. If she ever fails a job, assignment, task, whatever it may be, she will likely attempt to still complete said mission or go on a murdering spree until she calms down.

» Mercy: The concept of Mercy is very strange to Yuukinan, she has no idea what it means or how to feel “mercy.” This isn’t only because she is the Rakshasa of wrath, it is because of her overall ruthlessness towards nearly everything and everyone. Also, Yuukinan doesn’t truly have a concept of mercy which is why she doesn’t understand it. This can cause her to be disrespectful at times and also to cut down enemies without thinking about whether they have a family or not. In general, if you ask Yuukinan if she has mercy, she may try to cut your arm off, or other appendages.

» Likes

» Fire: While fire is quite common in certain parts of hell, she likes to look at it, and in truth it amazes her since it is a substance that can burn without much need for a cause or as to why it is burning. To Yuukinan, fire is almost like an inspiration of how to be in battle, to be relentless and keep battling even if there is no reason to keep battling.

» Battle: Yuukinan absolutely adores battle, if given the opportunity she will completely launch herself into battle. If someone attempts to physically tear her away from a battle she will try to throw the person who is distracting her from the battle away. If she doesn’t succeed in throwing them away, she will try to injure them to get them away so she can keep battling; even if it is a comrade. However, the person who is trying to tear her away from battle with have to use some sort of sweet words or offers to get her away from battle. It is easier for comrades to get her away from battle than an enemy.

» Dislikes

» Humans: Due to Yuukinan’s personality and experiences with humans, she has a vast dislike for humans in general. However, this dislike was derived from events in her past. In all basics, Yuukinan does not like humans because all of the humans she has known have been haughty ignorant jerks that never did anything good for her. There were some that also slighted her in her past, causing her vast dislike for humans.

» Shinigami: Considering her past experience with Shinigami, and even as a Shinigami herself, she slowly grew to dislike, and even hate Shinigami. Of course, this hate is derived from how they all treated her even as a Shinigami. She wasn’t treated well and this caused resentment to be born towards all Shinigami, regardless of their affiliation with her. This causes her to give all Shinigami looks that show her detest, treat them horribly, and possibly attempt to kill them. In general, she will treat Shinigami with the utmost contempt. However, there is an exception. This exception comes along when she meets a Shinigami that actually seems nice instead of being a complete ass to her.

» Alcohol: Alcohol. Something that Yuukinan definitely hates. She has experienced far too many drunk idiots to even want to deal with she herself being drunk. Of course, since the only being she can deal with is her hell beast Ikari, who, coincidentally, gets drunk quite a lot. Anyways, Yuukinan cannot stand alcohol just because of how it makes people. Another reason she can’t stand alcohol is because of the smell and overall taste.

III. Background

» History

» Part 1. Prologue: Yuukinan used to be a human at one point, she was even on her way to become a Shinigami after she died, but, fate had other plans for her as her life was torn asunder before she could even complete a field trip into the living world while she was at the academy still. Of course, that is for later, for now it shall be known how Yuukinan was as a human, what her actual name was, and what caused her to turn into a Rakshasa.

» Part 2. Human Life: A good long time ago, Yuukinan was actually a human, although it may seem unbelievable with her apparent dislike for humans. However, she was human once, and she had a rather regular life. A family, friends, chances at relationships, all of them were present in her life. Her name, at this point in her life, was different, it was actually Hikari at the time where she was still herself.

In Yuukinan’s time alive and as a human was a very great time for her, she was born around 1000 years ago, give or take, and she had a rather average life for the time she lived in. In general, Yuukinan grew up well, her parents taught her well and she nearly had a couple of shots at a good life with some of her boyfriends that she had before they broke up with her, that’s how it goes really.
However, Yuukinan wasn’t exactly considered normal when she was still alive. Just like she is now, as a Rakshasa, Yukinan was extremely reserved. In truth, this was something she did on her own to prevent injuring people since she had major anger issues. Yuukinan was very wrathful whenever her emotions were let loose, allowed to dominate her instead of using logic. This is what caused many to leave her, all except her family. But, that soon would change. Not too long after Yuukinan turned 20, someone held a grudge on her for some strange reason that not even Yuukinan can remember now and had murdered her out of cold blood. Of course, the person who had murdered her killed themselves, leaving only two dead bodies and the dreams of Yuukinan crushed; or so she thought.

» Part 3. The Soul Society and Academy life: Soon after Yuukinan had died, she was lucky to have a Shinigami find her quickly and perform the konso ritual on her, delivering her to the Soul Society. Once she had arrived, she was disoriented, lost, and missed those she had left behind in the world of the living. She had no idea what to do, who to trust, what to care for. Soon enough she had nearly lost all hope until she learned of the Shinigami. Those who fought against Hollows. She jumped at this opportunity and was soon enrolled into the Academy for Shinigami.

While Yuukinan didn’t have exquisite levels of Reiatsu, at first, she was hard working, and was at the top of her class with Zanjutsu, average with Kido, and she wasn’t the best when it came to using Hakuda. As she progressed in the Academy she did improve her skills, and she began to learn Hoho. However, she still wasn’t the most exceptional Shinigami, her low reiatsu being the enemy of her. She heard of an upcoming fieldtrip and she absolutely had to go, it would be a chance to show how she’s developed. However, no one, not even Yuukinan, could’ve guessed what would happen at this fieldtrip.

» Part 4. The Rakshasa of Wrath Awakens: This fieldtrip, more like a test really, was what Yuukinan had been waiting for; a chance. Something to prove that she isn’t some emotionless weakling who won’t aspire to anything. Yuukinan had no true idea that she would prove herself in such a way that bodies would fly. For now, she just had to prove that she could handle a mission and become a Shinigami.

They set up a scenario with some mock hollows that had been created by the research team in the Soul Society. Yuukinan was deployed with a squad of two other Shinigami, who immediately started shaking in their sandals at the sight of the fake hollows. Yuukinan, however, simply killed the mock hollows and thought nothing of it. They needed to die, what did she care? However, people were still making fun of Yuukinan, despite how she took down three of the mock hollows.

As the day went on people kept on insulting her, belittling her, you name it. She could barely take the insults they had been throwing at her, her anger was slowly bubbling up. Throughout the day she kept a hold on her anger until one unfortunate idiot set her off, and all hell broke loose. Her mind lost any sort of logic, her eyes unfocused, uncaring, and her blade, like her, relentless. She killed every single Academy student around her, even the supervisors to keep them from harm. Every single one of them, dead. Killed by Yuukinan’s blade.
When Shinigami arrived at the area, not hearing anything from those who were on the fieldtrip, they were surprised to find only Yuukinan. Yuukinan, was covered in blood and curled up laying on the ground. She wasn’t crying, not uttering a single sound as the Shinigami walked up to her, wary. They helped her up and Yuukinan said nothing as she walked away with them. As she walked away she heard a voice inside her head, a whispering voice… one she didn’t recognize…

“Gooood… you killed those who wronged you, why, they deserved it… your anger was strong… they deserved your wrath…”

Yuukinan sighed softly, ignoring the voice, not knowing what to do. She only kept walking, not knowing that this wasn’t the end and something even more destructive is coming.

» Part 5. Shinigami Life: After Yuukinan had been brought back to the Academy she was taken in front of the head captain, who only said one thing “Congratulations on becoming a Shinigami…” Yuukinan had no idea to react, considering what she did back at the field trip. All she did was bow in respect and started her life as a Shinigami in the Gotei.

As Yuukinan lived as a Shinigami she had many doubts about actually being a Shinigami, always hearing a voice in the back of her head, driving her to something… always something. The voice always spoke to her: “Wrath. Wrath. They all deserve your wrath…” Yuukinan only grit her teeth and kept trying to ignore it. If only she really could ignore such a thing, because it was slowly getting its way, making Yuukinan more and more ruthless. Every time Yuukinan went into battle, her anger always bubbled to the surface causing her to destroy every single hollow in her sight, frankly she would nearly kill her own comrades until someone talked her down. She was labeled a danger to nearly all beings, but she wasn’t detained in any way since she was a great asset to the Gotei, being their secret weapon in a sense.

However, things went downhill as soon as the voice got stronger, and Yuukinan started to agree with it, that Shinigami, humans, some hollows even, deserved her wrath. Soon the voice slowly transformed her, in more ways than one. Many didn’t notice the transformation Yuukinan was going through, as not many were close enough to her to actually know what was happening. Hell was about to break loose upon Yuukinan’s life.

» Part 6. Wrath Descends: Things haven’t been going well for Yuukinan, her life took a surprisingly deadly turn when the Rakshasa in her mind began to become one with her, transforming her into a Rakshasa. It started slowly becoming one with her, their thoughts becoming one, their emotions, everything. After that, he appearance changed slowly, her skin became paler and her hair became white at the back. She was changing, and if it was for the worst, she didn’t know.

As time went on, the Shinigami noticed, her reiatsu had been slowly shifting, her appearance was also slightly disturbing. After long enough, she went on a mission with some other Shinigami and after they completed it she looked at her comrades, her eyes now red and she growled “Die…” after slaughtering the Shinigami she fully became Rakshasa, undergoing her change, becoming who and what she is now, the Daga Tvaca grew on her face, hiding her mouth and nose and she began her long journey to where she was supposed to be, Hell, Europe, wherever her fate may take her, she didn’t care. She’s a different person now, still reserved, no longer a Shinigami, but something else, she came to know it as Rakshasa. To be more specific she was the Rakshasa of Wrath, and wrath is what drove her actions. She now lived for battle, and cared for little besides herself and the two straight Katanas that were born with her, new Katanas with strange abilities to help her in battle and with murder. Now’s the time for Yuukinan to embrace what she is, who she is, and she loves it. It’s time to spread her name, Yuukinan: The Rakshasa of the Slaughter.

IV. The Dāgī Tvacā

» Dāgī Tvacā Name: Yuukinan’s tainted skin isn’t exactly unnamed. Many do not know the name because it isn’t something she throws out there as if it was candy. However, the name is very like her own. Yakunan, which means evil in Japanese. The tainted skin is meant to embody the evil that Yuukinan uses to impart her wrath upon all.

» Dāgī Tvacā Appearance: The tainted skin is actually the face mask that is covering her mouth and nose. A black surgical looking mask made from what seems to be leather. The mask is actually made out of a type of alloy that is incredibly flexible. The inside of the mask that is touching, and bound to, her skin looks seemingly like it could hold a void, or as if it is a void. Whenever Yuukinan rips off the skin, the void is shown clearly and seems to stare into the souls of her enemies.

» Dāgī Tvacā Release Appearance: When Yuukinan rips the tainted skin off of her face, leaving her face look as it normally would without the mask, the tainted skin attaches itself to whichever hand she used to rip it off. The tainted skin starts to give off a black mist, like the mist of death or destruction. Flecks of red, like blood, twirl around in this mist and the mist follows Yuukinan wherever she goes. However, the mist doesn’t conceal her in any way. It is more of a method of intimidation. Another thing that happens when the tainted skin has been pulled off is that the void that is normally hidden by being attached to her face is revealed. If someone looks into the void, they will see nothingness and could possibly lose their sanity. In truth, it’s just another optical illusion of the Tainted skin to scare enemies away. The true power of the tainted skin is much more frightful than that.

» Dāgī Tvacā Powers: Yuukinan’s Dagi Tvaca mainly conceals her true strength and speed, basically tripling what the originals used to be. As such, her Dagi Tvaca mainly makes it so that she can fully release her wrath unto all.

»Yama’s Strength: When Yuukinan rips off her tainted skin her strength increases immensely, causing her to perform feats of strength, depending on the situation. However, her strength would only increase temporarily if she uses her Dagi Tvaca, otherwise it will remain the same. Because of this increased Strength, Yuukinan’s strikes are augmented and can create even bigger craters and more damage than with her normal strength. This will last as long as she is using her Dagi Tvaca.

»Immense Speed: Upon Yuukinan’s Dagi Tvaca being removed, her true speed is revealed. However, this only increases her physical speed, like attack and general movement. It will not augment abilities like shadow movement. But, there is a limitation, she can only use one of these abilities at a time. If she's using Yama's strength, she won't be able to use her increased speed and vise versa

» Illusion: When Yuukinan pulls her Dagi Tvaca off, it releases a black mist that creates illusions that can fool enemies into thinking that the inside of her Dagi tvaca is made from the void and will suck them in, reducing them to nothing. It may also make the victim think that they are covered in the blood of their loved ones. In general, this illusion can accomplish much, but it will only do things that Yuukinan knows about. Not only that, but this mist is completely controlled by Yuukinan, allowing her to move it how she wishes. This illusion mist can be resisted if the victim has a higher mental deduction than Yuukinan does.

This skill will only affect those who have a mental deduciton that is two skill levels below Yuukinan's own skill level. However, someone can break out of the illusions if their willpower is a state higher or greater in general. Only those who are a beginner in mental deduction will suffer from passing out. Otherwise, the illusions will likely rattle them if they see the illusions.

V. General and Natrual Skills

» Natural Abilities: As normal for a Rakshasa, she has the abilities of a Demon, with body manipulation, shadow movement, akuma kyodo, in general she has general proficiency with all of them.

» Shadow Movement: Yuukinan mainly likes to rely on her natural speed, but, she definitely likes to use Shadow Movement when she really needs to actually kick the ass of her enemy. She will use shadow movement to sometimes pop out of the shadows of her enemy, to surprise them and injure them with a good slash from behind. She will also use it to get places quickly if needed.

» Akuma Kyodo: Yuukinan is a defender in the level of hell, so it would make sense for her to be a tank. In general, her seals are likely much stronger than most low level demons. However, they won’t be as strong as other demons since she has very little she actually needs to seal. This means that Yuukinan will likely rely on her DE field for defense if it calls for it. However, it is strong enough to resist most attacks, though it’s durability is quite bad.

» Demon Magic & Za Koa: Both demon magic and Za koa are things Yuukinan isn’t the most proficient in. However, she has the most proficiency in Demon Magic compared to Za Koa so she can appropriately use her DE Force when needed.

» Death Energy: Death energy, one of the most interesting skills that any being living can possess. Yuukinan herself, was very intrigued with Death energy, ever since she heard of it and ever since she became a Rakshasa. By far, this is one of the many abilities Yuukinan has worked on the most and the hardest on. She doesn’t exactly have the best source to get the death energy, but, enough things in hell die that she’s able to collect whatever energy is left behind by the corpses of those that have been killed.

She has mainly practiced her DE on unfortunate souls who have wandered to her level of hell. However, she has also developed them by sparring with other Rakshasa in whatever down time she may have as a guardian of hell. This is an ability she has practiced the most out of all, except her swordsmanship.

» Swordsmanship: Yuukinan has spent nearly all of her 1000 years being alive on swordsmanship. She worked at it when she was a Shinigami, and even when she was a human she had some practice with swords. However, she worked on her swordsmanship the most after she had become a Rakshasa.

When you become a guardian of hell you end up having a lot of spare time, and in that spare time she perfected using Thangkas and Kugiri Megumu, her Katanas, alone and together. She is able to use both independently, but, when she uses them together her style changes entirely. In all basics, she will only use both if an enemy actually pushes her or is worth both of her blades.

» Wrathful Strength: The name speaks for itself, Yuukinan’s strength is definitely the definition of absurd. She may not be the strongest being in the world, but, she can easily lift many heavy things; like buildings. Her strength is mainly limited to how long her body can take it. She can surpass her strength limits whenever she gets angry, however, even then she will be left tired if this does happen.

» What is Lack of Energy?: Yuukinan herself is a very energetic person. Not that she’s bouncing off the walls and talking a lot. Oh no, more like she has a very high endurance and a very high energy limit. Say she needed to last long in a vicious battle, or battle in general. Nine times out of ten she will last much longer than her opponent can. The same applies to energy use, she can use her various abilities for quite a long time without losing energy quickly. This was something Yuukinan developed over the years she’s been alive, just so she can survive the onslaught of opponents.

VI. DE Force

» DE Class: 3rd Class

» DE Powers:

Death Energy is Fun!: Yuukinan has perfected controlling Death Energy in certain ways, say binding it to her blade temporarily, to the point where she can nearly use it as she wants. However, that is limited to her overall use of DE in a certain moment. How she used the DE changes with the moment, and always will so she can better attack and kill an opponent.

» DE Merge Appearance: Many DE Merge states change immensely upon becoming prepared to more fully embrace death. Yuukinan herself becomes much different, in size, body, and appearance in general. Her normal attire doesn’t exactly become entirely different, but, it is changed to better accommodate her attunement to DE Force. While she does not lose her overcoat, the metal in the front disappears and the shirt becomes much shorter. The collar of the jacket stays up as the shirt gains a collar. The collar is slightly unbuttoned, but a tie is tied around it loosely. She also gains a miniskirt that is pitch black, her shirt turning the same color as the skirt. However, the pants she had on earlier shrink to create knee high boots.

She also gains what seems to be plates of a type of armor on her forearms. While they aren’t the thickest defense she has, she can use them in a pinch to block attacks. These plates of armor are red, nearly like the color of blood. Her breasts grow to be much bigger, about a D cup in size. Her hair also grows in length so it is now at the bottom of her thighs; her hair also becomes pitch black. She also has a final plate of armor on the skirt attached to a belt, though, it does look to be a pouch.

» DE Merge Appearance Picture:


» DE Merge Powers:

» Eliminate: In this state, Yuukinan’s blades can be merged with each other, for a short time and if she wishes, to form a completely different blade that truly mixes their abilities. Unlike Yama’s Blade, this creates a single sword that has both attributes of the blade. The Katana itself is has red on the handle and tsuba. There is also some strange writing on the square handle of the sword. Though it is unreadable, it slightly pertains to the abilities of the sword.

The Sword itself does indeed combine the abilities of the Thangkas and Kuguri Megumu into one, but, it also mixes them in a way that could be unrecognizable to most. Normally, each blade has a separate ability, Miasma and Corrosive Acid. When the two are combined like this, they become more along the lines of a Miasma that is directly injected into the blood stream the second the blade breaches one’s flesh. The Acid and the Miasma combine to cause immense havoc on someone’s body. Although, one can live from it. The Acidic Miasma takes hold as soon as the blade breaches someone’s flesh. However, it only affects someone for 3-5 posts depending on their durability. During that time, flesh and skin will be slowly eroded away. However, if any areas where organs are hit, the acidic miasma will not affect the organ unless they are meant to die.

» Death Comes: Whenever Yuukinan’s merge form is activated, she gains an aura that causes many to grow afraid of her slowly. Of course, the affect isn’t instantaneous, it takes about 2 posts for the fear to set in. If their Mental Deduction, and willpower, is two skills lower than Yuukinan’s the fear will have full effect on the enemy. This will create images of death in the enemy’s mind. Images of Yuukinan killing them in various ways. However, if they are one skill level below Yuukinan's own they will have a feeling of unease instead of fear. However, if the enemy's willpower is above Arianda's own, while their mental deduction is lower, the images of death can be overcome. The same goes for Mental Deduction and Willpower combined, if either are the same, the affect will not take place, and so on. Also, this ability allows Yuukinan to take advantage of situations to better eliminate enemies.

» Berserk State Appearance:


» Berserk Enhancements:

Senses of the Blind: Whenever Yuukinan goes berserk, she truly does lose all sight; in a very literal manner. When Yuukinan goes berserk, she loses her sight completely. Instead she obtains a type of “feelers” on her head, which look a lot more like horns. Because of this, her other senses are extremely heightened. She can basically hear one of the quietest, and she could definitely hear someone who was stomping around. Also, whenever she is like this, she sends out clouds of purple dust that if enemies run into those, she can pin point their relative location and attack. Without the dust she won’t be able to pin point an enemy quite as well.

» Dragon’s Might: Berserk Yuukinan basically looks like a dragon at this point and she definitely has the aspects of one. The scales on her body act like a second skin, since that is basically what they are. They provide immense defense, being notably stronger than her Akuma Kyodo; which she cannot use in conjunction with her Akuma Kyodo. She also has the strength of a dragon, allowing her to lift heavy objects with ease compared to when she is in DE Merge or in her normal form.

» Gore Drives Her: The sight of blood, gore, anything related to battle, will keep Yuukinan going in her berserk form. It won’t exactly extend her time in Berserk, but, it will allow her to keep dashing through enemies as increased speeds the more gore she sees. Of course, this won’t truthfully power her up, it will only keep her in the heat of battle.

» Berserk Details: Whenever Yuukinan enters her berserk state she grows to be 8’ tall. Her hair actually seemingly disappears since her body is basically completely covered in scales. Also, she grows a pair of wings that look both like a separate set of arms and wings. However, she can’t exactly fly with them. They can be used to glide, but, that’s about it flying-wise.

VII. Weapon(s)

» Each of Yukinan’s swords have their own separate abilities that Yukinan can use in battle. They are subtle and only really augment her in general while in battle. However, it doesn’t change everything about her in battle.

» Kugiri Megumu (Mercy’s End): The White Bladed Katana.

» Abilities: The blade of Kugiri Megumu is covered in a type of corrosive acid that the blade is resistant to. Whenever it cuts someone it will cause immense burning and corrosion of the flesh, or whatever, it touches. Of course, durability would be a factor to see how long it would take for the acid to burn through their skin. Defenses would depend on the strength of said abilities compared to the acid or Yuukinan’s tier.

» Edged Wrath: In all basics, Kuguri Megumu is extremely sharp, allowing it to better deal with defenses and generally cutting through things. On a deeper level, the blade has been modified to be able to cut through nearly any material. The blade feeds upon Yuukinan's wrath, increasing it's sharpness ever so slightly the more enraged she is. In all truth, it only increases at a 0.01 rate per post where Yuukinan is actually enraged, so, it isn't very significant unless Yuukinan has been in a very long battle.

» Forged from Wrath: This blade is seemingly made from Wrath itself. In order to break Kugiri Megumu, one would have to have a higher strength than Yuukinan to do so. The blade can also be broken by heavy handed abilities that Yuukinan may try to block. The blade is very durable, but, even a blade made from wrath and hell itself can be broken eventually.

» Thangkas (Wrathful Guardian): Black Bladed Katana.

» Abilities: Thangkas is covered in a different material than Kuguri Megumu. Thangkas is covered in more of a miasmic aura; much like Yuukinan’s illusions. However, whenever it cuts someone it produces miasma that can blind the person. The miasma, unlike most, isn't poisonous and she generally only will use Thangkas in hell since the smog it creates can be blinding.

» Heathen’s Shield: Thangkas is able to create a shield, made from the surrounding reishi, that can block most attacks if her Akuma Kyodo and DE Barrier don’t do the work for her. However, the shield is much more limited than Akuma Kyodo or her DE barrier, since she mainly uses it in a split second to block giant attacks. However, she will still feel a good amount of the impact and damage since the shield is made in a split second.

» Yama’s Rage: Whenever Yuukinan is using Thangkas, she is able to seemingly infuse it with the wrath of Yama, the god of wrath, rage, and the like. In all basics it is able to augment how the blade reacts to certain attacks or effects. For example, if someone threw fire at Yuukinan while she was using Thangkas, she would be able to change the blade slightly to better handle fire. The same goes with other elements as long as they are easy to manipulate.

Of course, the blade does have a way to deal with these elements. In a way it absorbs the elements that are thrown at Yuukinan. However, the blade doesn't always retain the abilities given to it unless they are strong. Say, if someone was far below her in level or abilities, the blade would absorb them but it wouldn't be able to retain the ability since it lacked enough energy from it to harness the skill. The same goes for a little below and only just below. At equal levels her blade can retain elemental attacks. However, it will only retain one element at a time. If two are flung at Yuukinan only one will be absorbed while the other must be avoided. Also, when it comes to spiritual attacks, the blade cannot absorb them. It is only able to harness elemental, and not spiritual, abilities.

» Limited: However, many would likely think that these blades are augmented on their own. However, Yuukinan augments them herself, causing them to have only these certain elements in them at any given time. Of course, Yuukinan never changes them and she has yet to actually infuse them with their own power since it would take much too long.

VIII. Sin/Deveta/Unique Abilities

» Sin/Deveta/Unique Abilities:

» Wrathful Revenant: Whenever this ability is used, Yuukinan allows herself to be consumed by rage and she nearly goes berserk on enemies; giving them all their rage. She uses this to impart the most damage upon her enemies. However, the ability also augments her strength for a short time so she can perform feats of great strength at the cost of strain on her body. In this state her strength is nearly doubled for about 2 posts unless she cancels it herself in a previous post. At the end of the ability, she will be left a little drained and able to fight, but, not as well as before.

» Yama, God of Wrath: This ability, is almost like Yuukinan’s trump card. Whenever she uses it, she allows her anger, her rage, her wrath, to go over the edge. To bubble up and explode, so her wrath can be spread to all those around her. While it won’t actually spread the wrath, it allows Yuukinan’s wrathful nature to reach a new height. This would give her a temporary boost in her willpower for whatever she may need to use it for, say her illusions. However, she doesn't go using this ability willy nilly since it does drain her.

Generally, she can hold it for about 5 posts, without using DE to substitute for reiatsu. However, if she uses DE as a way to fuel the ability it will last for a maximum of 10 posts. Otherwise, after five posts, Yuukinan will be unable to reuse the ability and nor will she be able to fight very much afterwards. Yuukinan will be in a state of exhaustion until she absorbs more DE or she and Ikari become Yuukari.

» Yama’s Blade: Whenever Yuukinan uses these she substitutes her blades with a blade made from her own body. A blade that is seemingly made from rage and anger. The blade mimics her Dagi Tvaca's illusion traits but it has no affect on enemies. The blade is literally a piece of Yuukinan, made directly from her body, fueled on by her wrath. Since the blade is made majorly from Yuukinan's wrath it has an edge like Kugiri Megumu, but, the blade will only last for 2 posts after it is used.

IX. Naraka Janavara (Hell Beast)

» Naraka Jānavara name: Ikari, Anger of God. Of course, she may not relate to any gods in any way, her name mainly tells the true anger, true wrath, that the opponents of her and Yuukinan feel. That same name is one that Yuukinan had forgotten ever since she had become a Rakshasa...

» Naraka Jānavara Personality: To put it bluntly, Ikari is a trickster. She loves to drink sake, frankly any type of booze in general, and she is normally drunk 24/7.

» Drunkard: Oh yes, this is definitely Ikari. She is probably one of the nuttiest Hell beasts that act more human than beast/animal. Frankly, she likes booze so much due to how it really does distract her from a world that is imperfect in her mind. However, she does so because she really does not like the world. She thinks that the world NEEDS to be changed. She daily tries to convince Yukinan to take action, which never works.

» Perfection is Key: If Ikari was an all-powerful being, she really would make the world in her own image. Of course, she can’t exactly do that. However, she will try and do everything perfectly. Even when she drinks alcohol, with each cup she drinks she makes sure to put the exact same amount in every time. She has done this enough to the point where, basically, she does it correctly every time. She will also try to fix anything within her control. For example, if Yuukinan’s hair was askew, she’d correct it. A part of Yuukinan’s clothing moving how it shouldn’t, she’ll fix that too. In all basics, if it isn’t perfect, she’ll fix it immediately.

» Tricky Little Foxy: Seeing as she relates to a kitsune somewhat, one would think she’s a trickster. And you’d be right. Ikari loves to play games, trick, and basically toy with whoever she can. She used to do so with Yuukinan as well, until Yuukinan took her booze away from her, for an hour, you think that wouldn’t do it, but, Ikari really is a drunk fox. Anyways, if she is given the chance to play a trick on someone, or play a game of some sort, she will. The only way to stop her, is booze. And if it’s shit, she’ll probably end up throwing the booze at the character who she was attempting to trick.

» Naraka Jānavara Appearance: This Naraka Janavara, or hell beast, is much like that of a Kitsune. Like most Kitsune, Ikari resembles a fox, having the ears of a fox and the tails. However, she is mainly in her human form making her tails make up her hair, causing her to have rather lustrous and long hair; split into 9 tail-like segments. Her hair is a red-orange color, like most foxes. However, she can change the color of her hair at will. Her breasts are around A or B sized cup in human measurements. She is 5’11” the same size as Yukinan. Even with her outfit on she is still the same size as Yukinan. Also, whether she is hell or not, she has two Kitsunebi, fox fire, floating behind her shoulders. One orb red, the other blue, both very vibrant and flicker like a flame.

Of course, Ikari doesn’t just walk around naked, she does have clothes. The outfit itself is mostly black which compliments the color of her hair very well. The main part of the outfit, or the torso/top piece, is bound by a single strap which connects to a ring. This ring connects to another strip of leather. This leather connects to a choker which is around Ikari’s neck. The top has no other straps, is black and extends to the top of Ikari’s boobs, but doesn’t clamp over them. There are two white stripes running down the left and right sides of the front of the top, buckles near the top of the stripes. On her arms are a couple of cut off sleeves, bound by white straps near the top of the sleeves.

The sleeves themselves extend to Ikari’s knuckles and are completely black. Below the top mentioned earlier is a red miniskirt, extending to the top of Ikari’s thighs, which would normally be a problem if Ikari didn’t wear tights as well, concealing what may be under the skirt. On top of the skirt is what looks to be the white edges of a dress shirt, without the rest of the shirt. Both the dress and the top are partially covered by a couple of belts. Both belts are black, have metal holes every so often in pairs, and they cross each other. On her legs, besides the tights, are a couple of leather straps, bound by buckles. One is at the top of her thigh on her right leg, while the other is on her left leg at her ankle. Finally, she also wears a type of dress shoe. Of course, the shoes add an inch to her height, but they function rather well in and out of combat.

Ikari's Humanoid Appearance:

Outfit Appearance (Ignore the bow and appearance of the person wearing it):

» Merged with Rakshasa?: Yuukinan and Ikari can become part of one whole. Ikari is basically like Yuukinan’s suppressed emotions taking shape. Of course, this means that Ikari has part of Yuukinan’s powers, making Ikari rather strong, despite how she likes to be drunk most of the time.

» Naraka Jānavara Abilities: Ikari has many abilities, though they are rather mainstream compared to what Yukinan has.

» Shapeshifting: Like the Kitsune of Japanese legend, Ikari can change her form at will, allowing herself to look like whoever she wants. It’s almost like a demon’s body manipulation, but it doesn’t take as much energy or expertise for Ikari. Though it basically is the same, if she has seen it before, she can change into it. However, there is one way to tell if it’s her or not. The best indicator is that her eyes do stay rather foxlike even after she changes her shape. That’s the most common giveaway. However, if she didn’t put much time into the shapeshift, her tails will still be existent. So, if one can notice the tails, they will likely be able to reveal Ikari’s true form. She can also use this shapeshifting to turn into animals, like foxes and such. However, whenever she is a fox she has 9 tails instead of one.

» Some of Ikari’s Shapeshifts: Yuukinan can change her shape at will due to her shapeshifting ability. Some of which do have an appearance to them, otherwise, Ikari just saw them and went: Oh, cool~!

Alternate Appearance 1.:

Alternate Appearance 2:

Ikari's Fox Form:

» Kitsunebi (fox fire): This is an ability that appears passively on Ikari. It shows itself as colored balls of fire that are floating behind her shoulders. She can use them to light things on fire. Ikari can also throw them at enemies to try and burn them with instant damage. Of course, it can be dodged by anyone agile enough to do so.. She can also use them for light in areas due to how bright they are. Also, she has complete control over them. This allows her to move them how she wishes, put them where she wishes, and to control the fire they spread of need be. Of course, this does have a limit compared to how long Ikari can last in battle. If she becomes tired she won’t be able to keep controlling the fire and the orbs will return to their place behind her shoulders. Ikari alone can only be flinging around Kitsunebi constantly for about 3 posts. If she does it in increments, it can last around 3-5 posts. Ikari can also only throw Kitsunebi around willy nilly about once per thread. However, this doesn’t impair her and Yuukinan when they use their Tukara Saitana, causing them to merge.


Last edited by darkfunnel on Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:15 pm; edited 11 times in total
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Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty Re: Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1]

Sat Sep 03, 2016 2:51 am
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X. Tukara Saitana

» Tukaṛā Saitāna Name: Yuukari: The Avatar of Wrath

» Tukaṛā Saitāna Appearance: When Yuukinan and Ikari combine to become the Avatar of Wrath, their appearance takes on that of a Kitsune from old Japanese legend. Of course, Much like how some have thought Kitsune to appear when in a humanoid form; the two wear a type of Kimono. However, the colors vary vastly. In fact, the sleeves themselves look as if they are layered. The very top part of the Kimono is white and has patterns of tails and swirls on them. That part of the Kimono is open and reveals the other layers. The lower levels of the Kimono vary from purple to orange, not in order. Each part of the Kimono truly is different layers, stacking a large amount of fabric on Yuukari. The sash also wraps around the waist of Yuukari. The sash wraps around until it stops in front of Yuukinan, a single part of it extending down. This part of the sash has a moon at the very end. A purple string goes down the middle of the sash, and extends to the very end; ending in a couple different strands bound with iron beads.

However, that is not the only change that occurs. The tails that were made up from Ikari’s hair now move to where tails normally are, and due to that, they are normally hiding under Yuukari’s Kimono. Yuukinan’s hair has always had some white in it, however, when Ikari and Yuukinan become Yuukari, their hair changes colors drastically. It changes from a mix of black and white, or orange, and becomes stark white; more like silver. She gains a pair of ears that are actually functioning. The hair is extremely long, since it nearly extends to the lower part of her thighs. Yuukari’s face is also a little fox like as well. Her eyes become orange and gain a cat-like pupil, slits. Red marks also appear next to her eyes, seemingly augmenting the point already created by her eyelashes. In the middle of her forehead is an orange mark that appears to be fire. Once more, she has Kitsunebi floating around her, but, this Kitsunebi is white and there are 8 spinning in a circle behind her.

» Tukaṛā Saitāna Appearance Picture:

» Tukaṛā Saitāna Powers: Yuukari, the Avatar of Wrath. The trickster god. You name it, Yuukari is likely anything that has to do with wrath in this form. While she still has her swords, she rarely uses them and focuses more on using normal attacks and attacking with her Kitsunebi in various ways.

» Kistunebi, Thou Art at Mine Will: Whenever Yuukinan and Ikari become Yuukari, they gain incredible control over Kitsunebi. Enough to the point where she effectively quadruples what Ikari could summon Kitsunebi wise. She can also do the same hurling balls of fire at people with a chance for them to dodge with instant damage. She can hurl Kitsunebi everywhere for about 5 posts, with incremented use for about 5-6 posts. Since Yuukari has an increased energy reserve, this can be done twice a thread but, only after a 5 post cool down. With Yuukari in command, the Kitsunebi manipulation is like child’s play. Yuukari can turn the fire into weapons she can use for battle, into projectiles, into tornados of fire, although only about once per thread, all with extremely potent results. Of course, doing this does use her energy periodically, but not as fast as it would if Ikari was the one using the Kitsunebi.

In all, Yuukari can use the Kitsunebi however she pleases. Of course, she can only do as much as her mind would allow. Having two people with very different ideas help, but, she will be limited by imagination and by her energy reserves.

» Yama. Give Unto me Your Rage: In this form, Yuukari’s strength seems to surpass it’s normal limits even more than it normally would be. This means that her strength is nearly two times what it used to be in her normal form. But, she won’t go throwing around buildings or anything. No, that’s not what the strength is meant for. This strength is meant for Yuukari to be able to move into hand to hand combat and not be at any severe disadvantages. This also means that Yuukari will be able to hit harder and push back more.

» Knuckles of Hate: Even though Yuukari still has the Katanas Yuukinan normally uses, she has augmented knuckles that are able to withstand much. In a sense, it’s like someone shoved titanium plating onto Yuukari’s hands and called it good. Basically, her knuckles, and hands, have been strengthened to the point where she can punch through a concrete wall and pull out her knuckles with only minor scratches and wounds. Of course, this does vary depending on how much strength she throws into a punch. However, it has been heard that if Yuukari punched at full force, she may be able to break the sound barrier. Of course, while that isn’t impossible, Yuukari would rather not create a concussive blast of air that would create enough noise to blow out her ear drums.

» Armor? What’s That? No Seriously, what is it?: In the Tukara Saitana that is formed by Yuukinan and Ikari, they gain the ability to breakdown defenses easily. However, those defenses are only physical. When it comes to spiritual defenses, she will have a harder time to get through said defenses. For example, if she was faced with a man hiding behind a metal shield, she could punch through it with ease. However, if it was a racial guard, like hierro, she may have a little more trouble breaking it. How long it takes for her to break through a defense is dependent on the strength of the racial armor. For example, a beginner-rank Akuma Kyodo would take her a single post to break through if she was able to make contact. Adept, 2, Advanced 4, Master 6, and Grand Master 10. In all, if Yuukari is faced with an opponent who has a weak racial defense, or none, they better have a way to deal with her ferocious attacks. Of course, if the enemy has a way to double their defenses, it would take twice the amount of posts or until the doubling ability ran out. Also, since she cannot deal with spiritual barriers, she will have to use DE breakdown in order to get anywhere with such barriers.

XI. Skill Sheet

Rakshasa Skills
  • Dāgī Tvacā Skill: Advanced
  • Naraka Jānavara Control: Adept
  • Astitva Ki Barhata: Beginner
  • Reality Warping: Adept

Naraka Jānavara(Ikari) Skills
  • Demon Magic Skill: Adept
  • Rebirth Skill: Adept
  • Za Koa Skill: Beginner
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Adept

Demon Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Beginner
  • Demon Magic: Adept
  • Shadow Movement: Adept
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Advanced

DE Control
  • Semi-Immortal Capacity: Adept
  • Breakdown Skill: Adept
  • Necromancy Strength: Beginner
  • DE Barrier: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Master

Will Skills (Yuukinan)
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Beginner

Will Skills (Ikari)
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner


Last edited by darkfunnel on Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:19 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty Re: Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1]

Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:17 am
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Yama's Strength:
I would like a note here stating that this won't boost her skill level upward if her strength skill is Master (Master > Grandmaster) as at Master the strength boost will merely be implied instead of quantified in an actual skill change since Master is plenty strong as-is.

Immense Speed:
Same with this skill, and I would like it noted that Yuukinan must actively have to switch between the Strength or Speed boost, given how much it's boosting her, and that the switch has some sort of drain on her reserves. Also, the switch itself cannot happen so fast that the purpose of switching becomes negligible, if that makes sense. Just a little more balance as opposed to simply boosting her recklessly.
Illusion abilities are.. iffy.. especially with so little of a difference needed for them to be so powerful. For this to be approveable, the mist will need to only affect those with mental deduction two skill levels below Yuukinan's own, but they will be able to break through/out of it if their Willpower stat is higher. Additionally, only opponents at beginner mental deduction should have the passing out effect from this. Any higher opponents shouldn't feel such a harsh condition from an illusory ability from a Dagi Tvaca. Additionally, the part about opponents losing their sanity to any degree needs to also be removed.

Death Comes:
I actually really like this one but I need the condition changed to something like it needing to be the opponent's willpower and mental deduction below Yuukinan's own for this to work since, again, illusions.

Dragon's Might:
2x is kind of a REALLY big multiplier when you think about it. Should probably change it to something like "notably stronger than her Akuma Kyodo, although she cannot use the two in conjunction".

Kugiri Megumu:
How long does this acid burn for? For a weaker state like a weapon ability, it shouldn't be as long as the corrosion from Death's Energy.

Forged from Wrath:
There needs to be some limit to how much punishment the blade can take. Even if she's at her most wrathful and furious, or at her weakest and most dull. Both scenarios, and the middle ground, need some place/level of effort where the blade will still be able to be broken. Nothing can be unbreakable, even if powered by the flames of hell itself it seems.

Making a smog from the blade would be fine, but poisons/suffocation (especially with so little detail about resistances/effects) are super touchy and typically we prefer to just avoid them if at all possible.

Heathen's Shield:
If this is a split second defense against major attacks, I need a note that Yuukinan might still feel a good portion of the impact/damage coming in depending on the strength of the attack. No defense made that quickly can be that strong, in essence.

Yama's Rage:
This mostly just needs more detail as to what you mean by how it adjusts to deal with certain things. Would the blade be coated in ice to deal with fire? Would it simply be able to absorb the fire and be a flaming blade instead? Can it imbue more than one element at a time? What are the limits? Are there elements it can't be imbued with? Are spiritual energies affected if they contact with it? Like bala or cero as opposed to elemental abilities? These are just examples, and not all of the questions need answers, but those are just a few off the top of my head

Wrathful Revenant:
Need more detail as to how much of a strength boost she receives from this, seeing as how "giant parts of land" isn't extraordinarily specific, and implies a lot more strength than she would actually be able to have.

Yama, God of Wrath:
Sin abilities, Rakshasa's unique traits, cannot be combined typically with other things. Rakshasa aren't meant to fuse their energies with other things. So her infusing this ability with the effects of her swords isn't an effect this would be able to have. For one, since sin abilities are natural abilities, this is way too strong. Her rage and anger being able to boost massively could grant a bonus to willpower, but she already has a strength boost in this form in Wrathful Revenant, so so then to have an ability that temporarily doubles that already boosted strength, that's a little excessive. Especially for 5-10 posts.

Yama's Blade:
Again, what does this have to do with wrath? Her traits? Her identity? Why is it combined with equipment?

Kitsunebi (Fox Fire):
I know you know not to godmod, but this needs a note stating she can't just lolsetpeopleonfire. She will actually have to launch the fire with a chance for it to be dodged, and the damage should be at once, and not an ignition/setting ablaze sort of thing unless it's the environment that is affected. Also need a limit on how many times she can do this per post/thread.

Kitsunebi, Thou Art at Mine Will:
Same thing as far as how many times she can do this per post/thread. Also, I need more details as far as the limits to her usages as this, seeing as how a blazing tornado sounds terrifying and there are no details or limits on that implied ability at all.

Yama. Give Unto me Your Rage:
This is another strength boost that needs a serious tone down. A flat 4x boost is way too much. What if she reaches Grandmaster? Can you even fathom what 4x a Grandmaster Strength user's power would do? Absolutely noooo fucking way. This might be where she's reached a point of nearing closer to 2x her base physical strength.

I have no problem with this being used against shields and stuff, but the way you're describing it, there's no way this would be able to simply shred through spiritual defenses. They don't work the same way as armor, and typically spiritual defenses are made specifically to guard against things that armor can't. The breaking down of barriers and shields over the course of however many posts (I will need counts based on like, the strength of the barrier/shield or opponent in question) is fine, but the part about being able to simply break spiritual defenses, even after a period of time, needs to be removed.

Dual Moon Slash:
Apart from this ability not making any sense as to why its here, how much damage does it do? Why are the katanas involved again? How many times can she use this per post/thread? Etc.

Once these issues are fixed, I'll be ready to give this app a tier and the will skills.
Tier: N/A

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Metal as Fuck
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Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty Re: Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1]

Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:14 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills (Yuukinan)
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Beginner

Will Skills (Ikari)
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Comments/Notes: Thank you for working w/ me to get this approved!
Tier (Yuukinan): 2-4+
Tier (Ikari): 3-1
DE Class: 3rd

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty Re: Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1]

Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:12 pm
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Age : 24

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Platinum Points:
Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty Re: Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1]

Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:48 pm
[mod]Moving to archives as per the revamp that has recently been approved.[/mod]
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Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1] Empty Re: Yuukinan: Rakshasa of the Slaughter [Approved; 2-4+/3-1]

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