Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tue May 31, 2016 5:10 pm
She casually sat atop one of her minions. The outskirts of the city was quite bland and peaceful, something she had grown not to like in the past days. She was bored and had nothing to do to pass her time so she decided to have some fun of her own, though none would realize by simply looking at her emotionless face. As she touched the head of her current mode of transportation a pulse of energy would race outward towards all things in the area. Most people wouldn't even notice it. People with spiritual energy would sense it as a minor wave of energy that probably wasn't worth checking out, but hollows and the likes.....when met with this they would feel something close to an almost urge to follow the constant surge to it's source. One could only compare it to the call of a mother or a queen to her soliders.

Hollows howled in the air as they ran to their caller's side. She sat there atop the moose masked hollow as her blonde hair blew in the updraft of wind. The hollows appeared one after another and sat around her. She looked around with her discolored eyes her left eye a beautiful blue while her right one was surrounded with black except for the iris that appeared white blending with her white pupil making them look almost non-existent. She waved her hand and calmly spoke aloud in a soft voice as she ushered her order for chaos. "Destroy....everything." She spoke and like the cry of battle the hollows screamed an ungodly scream as they began breaking down the buildings around her and swallowing souls left and right.

She was sure that someone more than likely noticed her actions or at the least noticed that a large amount of hollows, at least 30, had gathered in her general area and were now attacking innocents that lingered in her area. People ran screaming from her and the creatures and briefly Shestiva gave a light laugh before her face fell expressionless once more.

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Tue May 31, 2016 7:47 pm
Gin had been recently attacked by the crazed psychopath Vanyel. He was ordered to recover at Karakura for a little as he got better, with the help of the technology and medical facilities provided at the booming metropolis. He recovered quickly and was now meant to simply wait around for a bit until he was recalled. Not exactly what he wanted or expected to happen although he had no control over how things played out.

He was walking down the street, nearby was the slums of Karakura. The place were this empire grew to be one of the biggest and most well defended places on the Earth. The place where beings such as Sosuke Aizen were defeated, he continued on since he wasn't interested in the historical value to this place, what mattered to him was progress.

He was walking down the street when a group of Hollows appeared, weak. Very weak he could tell with the exception of what must have been the Alpha Hollow. Quickly he reacted and moved to intercept his new targets, he would not be humiliated and defeated like before. Came upon the first Hollow and removed a Seele Schneider, unlike the conventional method of using them he instead opted to throw the active weapon in between the hollow's eyes. There it found its target and embedded itself there.

He moved a little faster and swooped up the weapon before the Soldat decidede to get a little more interesting with his combat. "Scatter" the words pierced the still air as he manifested his five daggers and they all converged on the nearby hollows. Each Dagger would fire arrows, eventually he would create a massive sixty arrows which was nothing compared to skills such as Licht Regen but nonetheless his attack was intended to killing cull his opponents' numbers and protect the innocent bystanders.

Last edited by Gamma on Tue May 31, 2016 10:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tue May 31, 2016 8:32 pm
As she sat there listening to the joyful chaos shestiva heard a scream rip through the melody she played for herself. The hollows screaming in pain before vanishing. Someone was taking them out....and quickly. "My lady please let us take care of the attacker." Came the twisted voice of the hollow she sat upon. She looked down at a set of ominous red eyes though to her she saw a caring warm look. She stood up and jumped into the air standing on the space below her like magic.

She waved her hand with a hardened face and watched as the hollows followed the large one she sat upon as they headed towards the sound of where their brethren died.
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Tue May 31, 2016 10:40 pm
He stood in a state of complete stillness, like a Paladin he began to move his weapons towards the oncoming horde. The soldier of light moved forward as well, nothing would stop his advance on these petty beings which people feared. Some roared to try and make him fear them but they were silenced by the Quincy's projectiles. After a quick ending to the main group of Hollows he turned to face the last little group, there was left from his brutal onslaught. "You Hollows are nothing but mere animals, cows which will be slaughtered and wannabe monsters" the boy said, his voice like ice from his recent defeat. He had no mercy to these beings.

The swarm of five daggers pierced the horde through the flanks, the swift and calculated movements tearing through the hollows behind the bigger one which had seated the floating arrancar previously. The teenager looked at the approaching hollow, he was so stupid he failed to see the daggers eviscerating his brethren behind him. With one quick movement through the use of Hirenkyaku the hollow would feel the soldat's Seele Schneider slash through his mask and head before the Quincy flipped perfectly and landed to face the woman who commanded the weak hollows which were worth less than dirt to him.

Ginryu Ishida stood with the daggers arranged so that two were on either side of him, the final one being directly overhead of him. The Seele Schneider glowed a bright blue from the active reishi being cycled through the blade. The prodigy waited patiently and didn't move as he waited for the arrancar to react to the situation and the young man was kind enough to give her the first move should she desire.

Last edited by Gamma on Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:41 am
He talks a lot. She thought to herself as she watched the carnage unfold. Each hollow was cut down where they stood. She watched as he stood up tall in front of her. He truly thought that he was gonna win this battle and from the looks of it he thought he would do so with no trouble. She silently raised her hands about shoulder length and created four large spheres that gave off a violent hum as they spiraled around her.

Two of the spheres attached themselves to her hands and the other two floated on either side of her. With her hands raised she began to concentrate more energy into her fists. The two spheres that floated next to her flew towards their target in an attempt to take his focus off of Shestiva long enough for her to use her attack. "Gesturazel." She spoke with a silent calmness about her. With barely any delay a large cero appeared giving off a large hum that would shake the buildings around them as sound spilled from this attack like water from an open faucet.
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Melody for Disater(Open) Empty Re: Melody for Disater(Open)

Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:55 am
He watched the woman, not letting his focus drop. He let his daggers move around him before he quickly and without indication sent two of them to intercept the incoming attacks and didn't even bat an eyelid as he moved to the left through Hirenkyaku which essentially made him avoid the original attacks which his daggers handled. One more dagger left his defensive position and the other two made their way back to his person.

The lone dagger avoided the incoming cero-like attack and continued along its length as it made its way to her while shooting just next to the beam. As it aimed to pierce her shoulder the Quincy already took precautions against the incoming blast and first used his daggers to create a square barrier in front of him which took the majority of the damage from the attack before the Seele Scneider was implemented and he used it to tear apart whatever remained.

Due to the whole purpose of Seele Schneider is to tear apart reiatsu based attacks the attack would simply be converted to pure and loose spiritual particles. Due to the fact the Quincy used the particles for combat purposes he easily made use of her own attack to be useful to his own later, with a rather smug look on his face he simply waited for her response to the counter and waited, his posture mocking her as if to say "Is that all you've got" although it was not spoken the body language conveyed it well.

Melody for Disater(Open) Gamma_Signature
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Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:13 pm
He's good. She thought to herself as he dodged her attacks. Shestiva watched as her attack was taken apart as a dagger came soaring toward her from the side of her cero. She watched if for a few moments before she lunged forward toward her attacker. Her body glowed an odd tint of orange as she surged forward toward the assailant. Her palms began to vibrate loudly as she moved closer and closer to her opponent.

The hum of the energy around her signaled that of her body matching the frequency of the quincy's attacks. The sphere that laid upon her left hand shot forward as she aimed for the dagger headed toward her. She continued forward aiming to deliver a devastating punch filled with enough sound to shatter the eardrums of any regular human and cause massive damage to the inside of the victim.
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Melody for Disater(Open) Empty Re: Melody for Disater(Open)

Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:18 am
The counter had been executed well, the tactical genius watched as she made her attack. Of course the woman's powers tended to be almost akin to the effect of his Seele Schneider, the use of them was to create stress on the attacks, she seemed to do the same of course. Instead though it seemed she adjusted frequency, and perhaps used Vibrations. The Silver Monster stood and observed his dagger thrown away by her counter, however she seemed to try to attack the Quincy.... straight to the point.

Her hands made noise which served to make him decide to test his theory on frequency, sound and/or vibrations. The four remaining daggers created a square barrier in front of him and she would charge into it. As he suspected, her body changed to mimic the frequency of his reiatsu and as such she easily struck through it with ease. His reaction was to instantly move backwards with his Hirenkyaku. This would make him moving backwards while she moved forwards in pursuit.

There was one thing that made Hirenkyku more effective than Shunpo or Sonido, due to the fact that Gin was riding the flow of reishi instead of actually moving he is able to move in more than just one direction without stopping and as such the next movement the Quincy did would be to strafe left and move around the woman, this movement would be hard for her to follow and would be unable to be done without losing speed. Right now he wanted to understand her powers better, the woman wielded a difficult ability to counter as a Quincy.

Melody for Disater(Open) Gamma_Signature
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