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Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:40 pm
At Cirnos kind words and encouragement Hayato felt a warmth envelop his body, focusing in the middle of his chest. As cirno grabbed his right hand and pointed it at the stones floating in the space around them Hayato closed his eyes, embracing the feelings, committing them to memory.

As his hand went over a green, clover shaped gem he felt the energy of nature flow from it. Memories of the natural state of every being flooded his mind. It was calm and tranquilizing, he felt at one with his own body. He could smell the scent of wild flowers waft around him as he uttered the word "Ethnic." As he uttered the word all the green gems in the space that had the green color started to shine.

As his hand moved over a red, rose shaped gem he felt confidence wash over his body. He felt passion flow from the gem. He felt brave, like he could stand up to anything in his way. The scent of heady rose perfume wafted around his body as he uttered the word "Sexy." As the word left his lips all of the red gems in the space began to shine.

As his hand moved over the next gem, a light blue music note shaped gem, he felt a wave of joy wash over his body. He felt bright, like a war, sunny day at an amusement park. The scent of sweets filled the air, like a bakery was around them. He uttered the word "Pop." Like before all gems of this color started to shine.

At this point Cirno would begin to feel the aura that these gems were radiating. The smells were also becoming more apparent as more gems seemed to be activated. Hayato didn't seem to be creating things in the gems, but he seemed to be activating something. Something inside of himself was being awakened.

Whether Cirno was still holding onto his hand at this point was her choice. Hayto would continue with the excercise that was going on. He was allowing himself to feel what was around him. He wasnt sure what he was doing, but he felt his heart telling him to continue what he was doing.

His hand moved over to the next gem, a pink, heart shaped gem. He could feel love emanate from this gem. Something unconditional, a love for anything and everything. He could smell a sweet scent in the area. It was welcoming. "Lovely" he said as the pink gems started to shine.

Next was a purple, diamond shaped was touched. He could feel a cool breeze flow through the area. Frigid, bracing, but not unwelcome. It was cutting edge, rebellious, wasn't going to be held down by anything. The smell of freshness filled the area as he said "Cool." All of the purple gems started to shine.

There was one last gem that his hand stopped over. This gem was a flower-like, yellow gem. A warm comfort spread over his body. Fresh, simple, comforting. The scent of freshly brewed tea filled the area. "Feminine" he said as the remaining yellow gems began to shine.

All of gems in the space were now shining. Contrasted with the black backdrop they looked like thousands of stars around them. If Hayato's hand was still being held Cirno would feel it softly slip away from her grasp. Hayato stepped back as he took in everything he was feeling. With eyes closed he placed his hands over the middle of his chest. He could feel warmth, something he had not felt in so long. All around them voices began to yell out to Hayato to not give up. They were all yelling out to him how they appreciated him, how he taught them not to give up! And music started to play.

Above Hayato formed a shimmering Aurora. On it was displayed the moment that led to his resurrection. Cirno would notice someone familiar standing in the middle of an ice rink, surrounded by hundreds of people, not Hayato, but Pierre one of the nature iramasha. This took place in Karakura park, but the park was covered in twisted black brambles. Pierre looked at a camera drone that was flying overhead as he yelled out to all those watching to focus on Hayato and what he meant to them. Pierre then held out a large, crudely made, silver, star-shaped Aether crystal. He held it up as he began a chant. This was an ability almost unique to Pierre, the ability to bring back someone to life. He couldnt do it alone though. He needed the help of thers energy to complete it. Not all of their energy, just a little. And that is what he received. Thousands of shimmering lights congregated around the crystal filling it with energy. It began to float in the air as a human shape formed around it, eventually turning into Hayato.

Hayato felt the warmth in his chest bubble as he extended his arms outward. The same crystal as in the memory came out of Hayato's chest. Each of the gems that he had touched started to slowly spiral a distance away from his body. As they they slowly did the area around them shimmered. The area started fill in with the color associated with the gem. The color materialized into what seemed like closets inlaid with gold accents and gems. They started to circle Hayato as he said "Star."

The gem in his hands shone brightly as thousands of beams of light from all the gems in the area hit it. It felt like thousands of tiny pieces of different souls were converging into the gem. Slowly the imperfections of the gem were filled in. Each crude facet, each tiny crack were filled in. "Min'na no kimochi ga kiseki o keisei suru tame ni issho ni kimasu. (Everyone's feelings come together to form a miracle.)" Hayato said those words as the gem was fully repaired. It emitted a rainbow colored light that pierced through the darkness that they stood in. The light felt like that of a soul finally put back together. It felt like a warm, comforting light that could shine in any darkness. It wouldnt be a far stretch to believe that Hayato's soul now lived inside of an Aether Crystal. Esentially meaning that Hayato himself was a sentient Aether Crystal.

The darkness broke away like pieces of glass revealing the sunny brilliance of the summer area they were originally in.

The star shaped crystal went back into Hayato's chest as he began to say "Everyones hopes and dreams. Let my body be the catalyst the brings forth your creation." He then jumped high into the air as his body began to shiny brightly "Dream Creation! World Idol!" He yelled out as his body shone even brighter. The light forming on his back into 6 golden wings. Aether energy emanated from his body. Any Iramasha could tell that he had gone into his World Fusion state. A trail of golden feathers fell down from the sky as he flew higher and higher.

Hayato finally felt free for the first time in his life. As he flew higher rainbow colored lights spiraled around his body. His wings spread out wide as he yelled out "Aurora Rising..." He paused about 1 mile in the air. His arms close to his chest as he then let out "DREAM!" as he extended his arms open. From his body spread out an aurora borealis that filled the sky for miles around. It could be clearly seen even in this bright sunshine. Hayato's wings were coated in this ethereal blue glow. As he held this position he had a large smile on his face.

As the aurora was held in the sky prismatic feathers started to fall from the sky. Whereever they landed they would sink into the ground, and though it was not quite obvious in a pure land, they would create a very small area that was protected from corruption.
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Idol Entertainment [Hero Quest] - Page 2 Empty Re: Idol Entertainment [Hero Quest]

Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:29 am


Artist: N/A - Song: Expectations, Loneliness, Fear - Word Count: 685

There was a certain amount of satisfaction had when Cirno could outright see the warmth and happiness radiating from the male as he had someone invest in his talents. It was quite easy for The Angel Of The Ice to tell that the male was increasingly finding relief in this training by the way his Aether Energy seemed to be harmonizing. In this way, her work was satisfying because of the fact that it seemed to be doing tangible good to the spirits whom her efforts influenced.

It is the reason why Cirno seemed to just let herself go, held on to his hand and simply relaxed as the stones started to float in every direction in the space around them. With each name that Hayato called out to his Aether Stones, the more wondrous works seemed to fill the area around them in an array of gleaming colors. It was a grand display and The Celestial found this rainbow of different hued gems was quite the beautiful sight to behold behind her oceanic eyes.

As, the further the male tapped into his power, the greater his potential started to become. So long as he resonated deeply with the emotions, memories and thoughts which swirl around his mind and soul; the fellow Iramasha was capable of producing grand works of art and materializing these visions through his Aether. Thus, the payoff was becoming greater and greater because he was beginning to have a fundamental understanding of one of his racial abilities and learning to make fantastic creations with it.

"See, this is all you needed to do to find that magic spark within yourself. All you needed was a push and someone to guide you. Now your wings are starting to come full circle and I can feel the potential rushing out of your body."

With a voice as soft as can be, those ginger words were spoken with the utmost sentiment of truth. Cirno meant every bit of it and she wanted to continue to see him empowered by these memories. Whether they be painful, loving, irritating or blissful; these were what had been giving him strength and it was this display of his spirit's innermost self that made it clear to the Angel of The Ice that this is where his power lay.

Thus, when the world faded back to normal, there was nothing else left for Cirno to do in this aspect of himself. He seemed to be memorizing down to a T and she was impressed with how quickly the male seemed to master it. Sure, there were curious memories which laid about when she saw visions of Persues reviving the male, but they weren't of her concern at the moment. The only thing this Celestial cared about was bringing out the inner power of the male and guiding him down the path which make his soul shine.

Hence, when the male took flight, Cirno was soon to follow after him. And, while she was following, the sight of the many different colors which filled the atmosphere around them seemed to reflect this liberation of his soul. It is why a tender and gentle smile eased on to the face of The Celestial as she could really see that his was becoming stronger and understanding himself better. Therefore, she sought to clarify this state of being and patted him on the right should with her right hand:

"Do you not feel stronger now? I can feel it. You've certainly grown leaps and bounds with that feat."

Chuckling to herself, The Angel Of The Ice eyes seemed to wander and enjoyed the sights as the region around them was filled with so many different hues of color that she couldn't help but admire it. All she needed now was clarification that her work did good and perhaps they could call this the end of their training session for the time being.

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Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:32 am
Hayato smiled at Cirno as he said "Yeah. I do feel much stronger now. I feel like I am finally who I was meant to be."He then looked down at his heart area as he said "I cant thank you enough for that." He paused for a moment before he said "But there is someone else that wants to thank you. Though be warned, he is a bit more touchy than me." He gave a small chuckle for a moment before he closed his eyes for a moment.

When his eyes opened his irises were a deep gray color. His aura seemed a bit different as well. While it remained almost the same, there was this tiny tinge of darkness to it. This bit of darkness was just like a Saca Dila would have, it felt like the exact opposite of Hayato, but it was so minimal. In truth this was Hayato's Saca Dila. During their fight Hayato purified him, but the method led them to fuse, sharing the same body. Due to the purification Red, the Saca Dila, was no longer evil, but he retained some qualities that made him a distinctly different entity from Hayato. He was confident in himself, forward, and a bit more rash than his iramasha counterpart.

He smiled as he held Cirno's hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. He then looked at her and said "Thanks for helping Hayato Ice Maiden." His voice had changed as well, it sounded much smoother, confident, and a little darker. He then winked at her as he said "The name's Red. And lets keep me a little secret, and enjoy the show."

With that he floated down towards the lake and stood on top of it. He folded his golden wins around his body as he yelled out "Closet Roulette!" The same closets from before manifested around his body and started circling his body. the got closer and closer as they converged around him and formed one. This one was purple. The doors opened as the closet disappeared, revealing him with no wings and in a new set of clothes. "Vampire Blood Diamond Coord!" The top portion of this coord was a deep red button down shirt. On top of that was a dark purple jacket with gold rolled-up cuffs. It also had a gold trim and buttons to match the cuffs. The jacket was open, and the buttons were joined with gold chains. The bottom was a straight pair of deep purple pants, with a golden, thorn themed belt.

Black feathers and purple, diamond shaped jewels, and blue roses filed his 500 foot aura. Then the performance began.

Red looked intently as Cirno as he sand. His voice deep and piercing. The song was aimed at wanting to help someone that was trapped. He didnt have any of his Saca Dila powers anymore, but what he had left could tell him when someone was having an internal struggle. He could feel that Cirno had something pent up inside, he didnt know what it was, but he wanted to let her know that he and Hayato would be there to help her if she ever wanted to talk about it. With the help of his improved Prism Voice that message was transmitted clearly to her.

At the climax of the music he raised his hand as 12 golden candles appeared around Red's body. Above him a peared a golden clock, it's hands spinning wildly. Along with that six 10 foot golden mirrors appeared at his sides, 3 on each side. The hands of the clock stopped when they hit midnight. As they did the clock vanished and turned into a swarm of golden bats. At the same time the mirrors flashed, filling the area with bright light. This was one of their Special Appeals "Clock Circus." Normally this would cause all of those in the area to become stunned for a short period of time, but since Cirno might have gotten close for one reason or another that effect was left out.

Eventually the performance would come to an end, and all they could do was wait for a reaction.
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Idol Entertainment [Hero Quest] - Page 2 Empty Re: Idol Entertainment [Hero Quest]

Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:48 am


Artist: Maritumix - Song: Last View - Word Count: n/a

It was such a nice sensation to see a spirit blossom and flourish. There was no better feeling than seeing someone mature, evolve and reach new heights that they thought weren't possible. In this way, Cirno could feel her angelic physiology being overwhelm with content and satisfaction. Therefore, to The Angel Of The Ice, there was no need for thanks or anything for this act. All she cared about was getting him to a point where he could be happy. If nothing else, that's all this Celestial desired: to make people happy with the power she was blessed with.

"You don't have to thank me, Hayato. It was my pleasure."

There was a sincere and genuine smile beginning to wash over the face of Cirno as she observed the male. Really, each time she succeeded in allowing a soul to find their wings, it gave Cirno more and more hope and optimism that perhaps she could do this. That, her overall goal of Hero Quest could somehow bring a brighter tomorrow to the world. That was a pleasant and warm thought. One that she needed now more than ever as the storm of the world started to wash and rain down upon her.

However, there wouldn't be much time for mulling over somber thoughts. Instead, the fellow Iramasha was already busy bringing new faces into this whole ordeal. Cirno assumed it must've been a spirit linked to his body, as he mentioned something about it being touchy-feely. The Angel Of The Ice could only imagine what kind of wildness this new person might bring to the table. So, she mentally prepared herself and simply awaited for The Iramasha to bring out his new companion.

Yet -- instead of a new face being shown, it appeared that the male had a persona switch of sorts. In fact, she could feel remnants of the Black World beginning to surge around her. The instant she felt that, memories of her battle against Sou Yuuki in that hellish place started to come flooding into her mind. If it weren't the fact that she had so many objectives to achieve in that battle, she might have defeated him; but that crushing loss still burned in her mind.

Hence, that reflection of days past brought forth a chill down her spine as it was a reminder she needed to be hardened and ready to deal with any kind of psychotic foe which may come down her path. This world was filled with them and she had hoped that the Saca Dila of Hayato wouldn't be anything like that freak.

Fortunately, though, that wasn't the case. Cirno had a knack for picking up on purification based abilities, so she was able to sense the purified constructs following throughout Hayato's being at the moment. So, while her face tensed up for a moment, it eased just as quickly when she found that there was nothing to really fear from this male.

Well, at least before he started getting all touchy-touchy with her.

Cirno's faced turned as red as a tomato as soon as the male kissed it. That action prompted her to quickly pull her hand away and look away from him as she nodded her hand sheepishly and spoke these words:

" I said, it's no problem."

Normally, her reaction would have been more wild, but she was a bit of out it for the moment and honestly feeling tired. So, her get-up and go attitude was getting sleepy, exhausted and ready for a nice rest. It wasn't based on anything they did, but Cirno herself was an extremely busy individual at this point in her life. There were so many demands that she began to find herself growing leery, lethargic and somewhat drained at random points of the day the deeper this Hero Quest got. However, she would stay around for the show and view what it is they were both so interested in showing her.

Hence, she would watch the male dance and contort through all sorts of many different outfits. It seemed fashion really was his thing and there was a sense of amusement from Cirno at seeing just how intense and passionate he was about it. As, to her, it was always nice to have something which makes you feel alive, fresh and happy. So, it would be something documented for their later training sessions.

For now, however, it was apparent that the Saca Dila was attempting to bridge some sort of connection to her through his song, dance and performance. It caused her to blink as she could sense the intent of his energy as clear as day. Was it that obvious? Cirno didn't believe so. She saw herself as a pillar of strength at the moment and one which was needed to give the Guild Of Heroes a strong leader. Her own personal issues didn't matter much in the long-run of things and they were matters which could be handled on her off time.

So, as nice as it would be to indulge in those thoughts -- this was not about her today. No. It was all about letting Hayato shine for the moment and find himself. Ergo, because of this line of sentiment, The Angel Of The Ice would shake her head and utter these words out to Red:

"It is a kind and gentle gesture. However, now isn't the time or place. Right now, I'm really tired and it would be better to continue this tomorrow if you honestly want to know. I'm not shutting you out, it's just I can't afford to let those thoughts come about today. I've still got so much to do."

And, indeed, she wasn't lying. She was being honest. The woman still had to manage the affairs within The Guild of Heroes, manage war-time situations for The Angel Society and check-up on her family-to-be. There wasn't anytime to be sad. Henceforth, she would float over to Red, hug him and pat his head.

"I promise. Just...come tomorrow."

Softer and quieter, the voice of Cirno grew tired and she was aware that it was going to be rather heavy once she was able to get her thoughts and spirits in order. Therefore, The Angel Of The Ice would bow before Red and speak her peace.

"For now, we can call it a day. You are welcome to join The Guild Of Heroes and stay here as long as you wish. I won't be going anywhere and you'll be able to find me tomorrow night upon my igloo at the peak of that moutain."

With a point of her right index finger, Cirno directed Hayato as to where her residence was. And, within a matter of moments, she felt a great pull to begin flying away and conclude this days training.

She needed -- rest.

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